Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values] Define value syntax that limits <integer>, <number>, <length>, etc. to ranges (#355)

> Should I only be adding the bracket range notation to the blue-box definition, or also to prose references to syntax parts? I'm currently adding it in where there is a definition list that breaks out the syntax pieces, but am not otherwise adding it to prose.

I'm copying it to the `dt`s defining individual grammar chunks; it's a relevant piece of information, and readers are well-served by surfacing it right at its actual point of definition.

I *am* removing prose restrictions that are entirely obviated by the grammar change, tho; we don't say in prose that a value "must be a length, or else it's invalid", etc., so when the grammar expresses that it's non-negative, no need to say that explicitly again in prose.

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Received on Thursday, 3 October 2019 19:56:43 UTC