Re: [csswg-drafts] [mediaqueries-5] high-contrast media feature

agree with @frivoal here. `prefers-high-contrast` indicates the user's wish. the discussion here is about detecting if the environment/OS is already set to deliver a different presentation to the user (and to then possibly take that into account when defining your own styles to take THAT already into account).

i could see potential for a `prefers-high-contrast`, separate from this discussion here. though then there's a (small?) risk that a browser would report that the user prefers high contrast, and a site changes its styles accordingly, but that the user also has their OS already doing some adaptation for them - leading to a doubling down on contrast potentially too far the other way? (e.g. if the author used the `prefers-high-contrast` as an indication to load in much more contrasty photos/images, which would then be made even more contrasty by the OS)

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Received on Monday, 26 March 2018 08:22:47 UTC