Re: [csswg-drafts] [mediaqueries] Non-positive value should be invalid for 'resolution' feature

> and that there's a UA-specific minimum value.

Depending on what you mean by that, do we even need that part? `(resolution: 0.000001dpi)` will never match any actual device, any more than `(resolution: 0dpi)`. On the other hand, every visual device will match both `(resolution > 0dpi)` and `(resolution > 0.00001dpi)`.

We should:
* forbid negative numbers
* define that `(resolution:0)` does not matches on non visual devices (to avoid the discontinuity between actual 0, rounded to 0, and very-small-but-not-rounded-to-0 numbers on non visual devices)
* (optionally) note that css-values allows for limited precision, and that rounding small numbers to 0 is ok.

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Received on Wednesday, 24 May 2017 08:39:09 UTC