Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid] Grid implies that items are always resolved against a definite size

> One clarification we could add (I couldn't find) is that baseline alignment of grid items can also affect the row and column dimensions. 
Well, I think that is already in the spec, although maybe expressed not enough clearly, in the following sentence:
> When a box participates in first (last) baseline content-alignment it effectively aligns its start (end) edge with the other boxes in its baseline-sharing group, then gains additional start (end) padding to align its alignment subject’s (i.e. content’s) baseline with those of its baseline-sharing group. See §8.3 Aligning Boxes by Baseline for exact details. This can increase the intrinsic size of the box.

and also here
> When a box participates in first (last) baseline self-alignment it effectively first aligns its start (end) edge with the other boxes in its baseline-sharing group, then gains additional start (end) margin to align its baseline with those of its baseline-sharing group. See §8.3 Aligning Boxes by Baseline for exact details. This can increase the intrinsic size of the box.

I also agree that these clarifications may be way more interesting for implementors, but they indeed help to understand how the tracks are sized and how they acquired their actual size. 

As a matter fact, my main doubt regarding this concept of "baseline affecting the intrinsic size" is that is somehow disconnected with the track sizing algorithm. There isn't any specification clarifying when it should be run. 

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Received on Tuesday, 9 May 2017 08:39:23 UTC