Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text-decor] selective toggling in the text-decoration-skip property.

> So L4 UA must render decorations to leading/trailing spaces only on 
such pages, correct? This is probably unexpected, breaking behavior.

> IIUC with the current design, or even with selective design as long 
as we have shorthands, we can't add new values that are skipping by 
default without breaking existing pages.

You're right, any new "skip-by-default", whether introduced now or 
later, with or without shorthand, would be a breaking change, since it
 would be a change in behavior. I don't think there's any way around 
that, the only thing we can do is decide if the breakage is a 
problematic one or a negligible one, and whether the benefit brought 
by the new skip-by-default is outweights that breakage or not.

In the case of leading and trailing space, the difference is 
noticeable if there are  s or if white-space is pre or 
pre-wrap. In all the cases I can think of, skipping by default is an 
improvement, but that's subjective, and authors are infinitely 
creative. In terms of compat risk, I'll note that if there's no 
  but white-space is pre or pre-wrap, Safari already skips 
trailing spaces (but not the leading one). This (small) gap in 
compatibility probably helps us (a little) pick which ever behavior we

If we switched to an "auto|none" shorthand, and move everything else 
to longhands, and made leading-spaces and trailing-spaces skipping the
 (non controlable) default in L3, we would avoid breakage between L4 
and L3, but we'd still have to introduce the breaking change now.

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Received on Saturday, 7 January 2017 03:59:50 UTC