Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-flexbox][css-grid] Choose a single option for resolving padding and margin percent values of grid/flex items

Oooh `margin-bottom: 20%w` and `margin-bottom: 20%h` sounds like an awesome idea. It lets us have more fine tuned control over how we want the percentages calculated.

Making `%w` and `%h` actual generic unit types would also solve the aspect ratio issue. You could do something like `height: 50%w` to create a `2/1` ratio container :)

As for what `%` would equal in flex and grid, I'm not really sure :/

>From a logical sense, I like the idea of basing it off the same axis. From a practical sense though, if I say `padding: 10%;` I would expect equal padding around all sides of the container :/

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Received on Wednesday, 20 December 2017 14:34:24 UTC