Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ui] Two different colours for a "double" style outline

@LeaVerou I don't think what you specified is what we resolved on. In your spec, if you have `border-width: 20px; border-color: blue, green;` you get a 10px blue border and a 10px green border. But my understanding of the resolution was that we'd get a 20px blue border and a 20px green border. The resolution is

> Borders are listified per proposal above, but only border-color takes a list for now

Which means that when you get more than 1 color, the border-width behave as it if was a list, and since the border-width list is shorter (1 item) than the border-color list (2 items) the item gets repeated.

Also, you made an example using 2 colors and `border-style: dotted`, and you have large dots with two colors in them, but by the same logic of listification, since border-style has 1 item rather than 2, the 1 is replicated, and we should get two series of dots, not one series of polychrome dots.

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Received on Thursday, 14 December 2017 13:28:04 UTC