Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid] Resolving 'fr' flexible lengths during intrinsic sizing of grid items

In order to avoid blowing up the intrinsic content size when a single flexible track approaches 0 (even if the sum is > 1), the grid spec treats flex factors < 1 as 1 during (otherwise if you had 0.01fr and 1fr tracks with similar max-content values, the second track would blow up in size).  This is a slightly different approach than the one flexbox took when the space is indefinite, but when the space is definite I think they are equivalent.  Edge's current implementation is closer to the flexbox algorithm, but we can change if this is the behavior we want to stick with.

At first I thought Chrome's algorithm wasn't per-spec, but after reading through the algorithm carefully, I think Chrome's behavior does indeed match the spec.  See for an explanation.

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Received on Wednesday, 6 December 2017 23:44:58 UTC