Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts-4] Fonts may have their own internal mapping of keyword names to values

The OpenType spec 
[lists]( width
 percentages of reach of the width keywords.

Value | Description | C Definition | % of normal
------------ | ------------- | ------------ | -------------
1 | Ultra-condensed | FWIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED | 50
2 | Extra-condensed | FWIDTH_EXTRA_CONDENSED | 62.5
3 | Condensed | FWIDTH_CONDENSED | 75
4 | Semi-condensed | FWIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED | 87.5
5 | Medium (normal) | FWIDTH_NORMAL | 100 
6 | Semi-expanded | FWIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED | 112.5
7 | Expanded | FWIDTH_EXPANDED | 125 
8 | Extra-expanded | FWIDTH_EXTRA_EXPANDED | 150 
9 | Ultra-expanded | FWIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED | 200 

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Received on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 23:23:19 UTC