Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ui] controlling selection for list decorators?

This is related to the question of selectabilty of the ::before and 
::after pseudo elements.
One approach would be to say that `::marker { user-select: none; }` 
means they cannot be selected, while `::marker {user-select: text; }` 
means they can.

This still leaves (just as it does for ::before and ::after) some 
questions open:

- What should be the default? Historical precedent suggests it should 
be `none` or something (`auto`?) that computes to `none`. Do we solve 
that via auto computing to none, or via UA stylesheets having 
`::marker { user-select: none; }` But it isn't even clear that the 
historical default is actually the desired behavior.

- Is this synchronized with copy and paste? Selection related APIs? 
Accessibility views? Hopefully the answer would be yes, but it isn't 
clear that the APIs concerned are in sync with eachother, or capable 
of dealing with stuff that's not in the DOM. Here the answer may be 
different between ::marker on the one hand and ::before and ::after on
 the other. Or maybe not.

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Received on Friday, 8 July 2016 09:23:32 UTC