Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ruby-1] Proportional or fullwidth parens?

If we provide a switch, CJK is a finite set of language, while the 
rest isn't, is its easier to say `if(CJK) {...} else { ..... }` than 
it is to say `if (en, fr, de, no, it, ru, th, sv, ..................) 
else { CJK stuff }`, if you forgive my lousy pseudo code.

I don't think it would be too bad if we just applied the styles CJK 
wants for all languages, and let authors override that if they're 
using it for something else, but I thought that as the `:lang()` 
selector let's us express the difference, we might as well do so.

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Received on Thursday, 1 December 2016 08:36:46 UTC