Re: CSS A11Y TF roll call and availability

My availability depends on the week, but I am around.

On 7/3/19 10:53 AM, Ian Pouncey wrote:
> Hello all,
> In an attempt to get more organised, could I ask anyone who is currently 
> a CSS Accessibility Task Force participant 
> <> and is 
> able to take an active role in the work of the task force to reply and 
> give an estimate of your availability?
> The main tasks we need to perform are:
>   * Perform reviews for the many open issues
>     <> we have
>   * Raise review results with the CSS WG
>   * Co-ordinate the creation of the proposed CSS AAM
>     <>
>   * Recruit more people to the task force
> Any help given would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ian.
> CSS A11Y TF Co-facilitator

Received on Wednesday, 3 July 2019 17:19:57 UTC