Re: CredWeb moving forward (was Re: Planning to close Credible Web Community Group due to inactivity unless we hear from you)

Hi folks,
I meant to attend the meeting today, but in the end could not make it. Sorry!

I’m glad there was a decision to carry on with the grou, so here is a brief progress report (as opposed to outro ;-) ).

While understanding that the issue of credibility is not just a technical issue, we have nevertheless continued to explore the issue of trust, especially in the context of knowledge graphs (KGs). 

We think that “credibility” is, ultimately, a trust decision that must be made regarding some information to be used for some specific action.

Many of the approaches to support credibility (and, more specifically, fact-checking) make use of databases/knowledge bases/knowledge graphs as a source of “true” or “factual” information.
From this perspective, we are interested in what kind of information should be included in KGs to better support a trust decision.

Our first step was to study a popular source, Wikidata, to see to what extent one can trust the data in it (spoiler alert - you can’t! Read the paper to see why.).

Full details can be found in a paper that is currently under review, and can be accessed at���
In continuation, we have defined the notion of a “Contextually Augmented KG”, whose architecture provides the intended support by enriching existing KGs with context information. A forthcoming PhD thesis should be available at the end of this year.

The goal is to have a more adequate KG support to decision support systems (generically speaking) which incorporate task- and user-specific context and policy information, hopefully leading to more informed and explainable decisions.

I believe this is relevant to this group’s interests; if anyone would like more details, feel free to contact me!



> On 1 Nov 2023, at 14:01, Sandro Hawke <> wrote:
> The group met today, as nine people, and unanimously confirmed the benefit of having this group. We made a consensus plan to meet at least quarterly going forward. That looks like: 7 Feb, 1 May, and at TPAC 2024 (23-27 Sep). Scott Yates and I agreed to continue as chairs.
> Meeting records and details at We also started #credweb on the W3C slack.
> It's clear from the discussion today that misinformation as a problem continues to increase, and that standardized technologies may well be able to help in the future. It's also clear there's not yet a technical solution that has the momentum needed for standardization at W3C. So, for now, we'll keep the community connected and be a bit more ready to move forward if a solution emerges.
> Thanks everyone for helpful discussion today, and folks who've been posting "outros".  It looks like we can switch those to just being "updates". If you haven't posted and didn't attend today, please do let us know what's going on for you in relation to combating misinformation.
> Thanks!
>       -- Sandro
> On 10/20/23 16:01, Team Community Process wrote:
>> Dear participants in the
>>   Credible Web Community Group
>> In March 2023 we contacted you because your Community Group appeared to have become inactive (per [1]). Based on feedback in response to our message, we did not close the group, with the expectation that the group would soon become more active. Six months later, your group appears to still be inactive, and we are more inclined to close it unless we hear compelling reasons not to.
>> If your group is in fact active, we recommend the following:
>>   * Let us know where the activity is going on so that we can update our data and improve our tools.
>>   * Update your group home page with news of your activities. Chairs can use the group Wordpress instance of the group to post news; let us know if you have any questions.
>> If you have good reason to believe the group will soon become active, please let us know.
>> If you are merely hopeful it will, or if you would like us to close the group, or if we do not hear from you in the next 30 days, we will plan to close the group.
>> Thank you,
>> CG/BG System
>> [1]


Received on Wednesday, 1 November 2023 22:15:49 UTC