Moral Values

Daniel, in your 2-pager 
<>, this assertion 
resonates strongly with me:  "... the set of trusted statements are 
always grounded on moral values held by the individual."

However, I'd turn also turn it around and suggest that statements 
uttered and written by individuals (including reporters and politicians) 
are always grounded on their moral values as well.

 From my perspective, storytelling is what occurs when data are lacking 
that speak for themselves.  That's also a fairly apt description of the 
dynamics of politics and large government bureaucracies in general.

Such "narration" is facilitated, if not also required, by the lack of 
records having the attributes (metadata) outlined in ISO 15489 

In the case of U.S. federal agencies, it is reflected in artificial 
<> of the 
requirement set forth in section 10 
of the GPRA Modernization Act (GPRAMA)

That's my story and I'm sticking with it (until the need arises to 
"double down" on it).

I look forward to learning what this group may plan to try to do about 
the underlying issues.


On 9/4/2021 10:44 AM, Daniel Schwabe wrote:
>> On 3 Sep 2021, at 23:48, Owen Ambur < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Now I know why the CredWebCG listserv has been silent lately: My 
>> E-mail service continues to believe messages from it are spam.  I 
>> just discovered that again late last night.  Not sure how it got that 
>> idea. Certainly not from me. Pretty ironic that I must check my spam 
>> folder to find messages relating to credibility.
>> Now you know why I've been so quiet.  Here's another current story 
>> that seems quite newsworthy to me: 
>> One of the "signals" I'd like to see is open disclosure of reporters' 
>> political leanings or, at least, how they rate on Haidt's moral 
>> matrix 
>> <>, 
>> from which their political biases might reasonably be inferred.
> I’ve written here - 
> <> about a framework that attempts to 
> tie all of these together - information disorders, trust, and moral 
> values.
> Cheers
> D

Received on Saturday, 4 September 2021 17:08:39 UTC