Homework and meeting tomorrow

I made a tool for playing with credibility networks. It's not done, but 
it's already interesting: https://credweb.org/viewer/

I'd love to feed it some real data. It would help if people (that means 
you) would make some public credibility statements. I did some here: 
Sandro - Contributions to Public Information 
Feel free to use that as a starting point, copying and editing. When 
you've got even a couple statements, make it public and send me an email 
so I can link to it. I think perhaps the most interesting part of this 
is to dig into why people who are in general agreement might disagree 
about the credibility of sources, and how folks should respond when that 

Meeting tomorrow at the usual time 1 April 2020 2pm ET 
the usual place https://zoom.us/j/706868147 to talk more about this 
stuff. Agenda 


       -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 31 March 2020 17:55:24 UTC