meeting time (was Re: October meetings)

By the way, of course the chosen time can't work for everyone. After 
this set of meetings, we might shift the time, so please let us know 
your schedule at:

If you already filled it out and your responses have changed, and you 
can't edit it (because you didn't use a doodle account), then just put 
in a new entry with the same name. I'll see that, and I'll manually 
delete the older entry.

      - Sandro

On 9/27/19 4:17 PM, Sandro Hawke wrote:
> *New plan*: let's have some general meetings, with speakers, about 
> projects involving sharing credibility data streams. After a few of 
> these, depending on group interest, we may shift focus to deliverables.
> Meetings will be *Tuesdays, 1pm ET*, starting 8 October. Formal 
> portion will run for an hour, and informal discussion may run longer 
> among people who stay after the hour. We'll use 
> as before, and optionally 
> channel #credweb.
> Current schedule: 8 October: NewsQA <> -- News 
> Quality Aggregator 15 October: JTI <> -- 
> Journalism Trust Initiative 22 October: AM!TT 
> <> 
> -- a misinfosec attack response framework 29 October: TBD This 
> information, with a few more details are on the group's *calendar 
> (**gcal 
> <>**, 
> **ical 
> <>**)*. 
> I'll update the website shortly. Feel free to *invite people* you 
> think might be interested to join to call, even if they haven't yet 
> joined the group. Hoping to see many of you there (on zoom), -- Sandro 

Received on Saturday, 28 September 2019 01:53:16 UTC