- From: Sandro Hawke <sandro@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 19:28:00 -0400
- To: Credible Web CG <public-credibility@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <dfdcdffa-3ec3-4aba-5cae-3f267feba48c@w3.org>
See blog post <https://www.w3.org/community/credibility/2019/10/09/more-about-newsqa-and-jti/> and agenda + meeting record <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bj_l0fR7k4-3pyVK5iaKnAz0_LMUBBNDoS8Lh57Hf20/edit#heading=h.l7vzcs88otru>. Excerpts below. -- Sandro === [This] week we’ll be hearing from the Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI) <https://www.jti-rsf.org/>. My understand of JTI: * The project is led by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), which has a strong reputation in fighting news censorship and bias * Using an open standards process (under CEN <https://www.cen.eu/about/Pages/default.aspx>), they’ve gathered a community and together written down a general consensus of how news organizations ought to behave. The idea is that if you follow these practices, you’re far more likely to be trustworthy. If you can show the world you’re following them, especially via some kind of certification, you probably ought to be trusted more by individuals and by systems. * There’s a survey (start here <https://www.jti-rsf.org/questionnaire/index.php/398429>) with about 200 questions covering all these rules and practices. Some of the questions are about whether you do a thing journalists are supposed to do, and others are asking you to disclose information that journalists ought to make public. * There are still wide open questions about how the data from those 200 questions might be published, distributed, and certified. * The deadline for comments is 18 October <https://www.cen.eu/News/Workshops/Pages/WS-2019-013.aspx> so now is the time! Issues around data transfer can (and will have to be) settled later. === Agenda and Meeting Record Who W3C Credible Web CG <https://credweb.org> When 15 October 2019 1pm ET <https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=CredWeb&iso=20191015T13&p1=43&ah=1> Video https://zoom.us/j/706868147Please try to be on camera Telephone +1 669 900 6833 or any dialin <https://zoom.us/u/xglThTko>, code 706 868 147 Text Chat Optional (http not https)irc.w3.org <http://irc.w3.org/>channel #credweb archive <https://www.w3.org/2019/10/08-credweb-irc> Chair Sandro Hawke Scribe Present At Risk Regrets Ting Cai (Bing) 1. Welcome 2. Attendance Sandro: Please put your name (and affiliation if relevant) in the “Present” box above 3. Scribe 4. Calendar See https://credweb.org/for items Sandro: Next week is Misinfosec report about the AM!TT framework <https://medium.com/@credibilitycoalition/misinfosec-framework-99e3bff5935d>. 5. Announcements 6. Introductions 7. Presentation: JTI (about 30 min) 8. Discussion (Put questions here during Presentation, or “raise your hand” on Zoom) 9. Any Other Business 10. Adjourn 11. Notes from any informal discussion
Received on Monday, 14 October 2019 23:28:02 UTC