Re: Reminder: IPTC discussion

I doubt I'll want to take the time to watch/listen to any of the 
recordings of the Wiki Conference sessions but I'll look forward to 
seeing any summaries of the results that may be published.  Via a 
word-find search, I see two references to WikiCred at the bottom of the 
agenda for November 10 
but no indications of the results.

With reference to the November 8 
session on strategies and models for GLAM Wiki partnerships, OpenGLAM's 
about statement is now available in StratML format at

I look forward to learning how their work might relate to the 
preservation of the Gullah Geechee heritage 
<>, which is a topic of focus of our 
comprehensive plan here on HHI: 

The Reports' Lab's about statement is at

ITPC's statement has been in the StratML collection since May 2016, at I look forward to learning 
about their plans and progress ... and perhaps documenting them in open, 
standard, machine-readable StratML Part 2, Performance Plan/Report, 
format for the benefit of those not on the call tomorrow.


On 11/11/2019 8:11 PM, Sandro Hawke wrote:
> Meeting as usual tomorrow, with presentation from Brendan about what 
> they're doing at IPTC. Guests welcome.
>      -- Sandro
> Blog 
> <> 
> post:
> *Last week* we talked about ClaimReview, with a presentation from 
> Chris Guess (group member and lead technologist at Duke Reporters 
> Lab). See notes 
> <> 
> and a video is available on request. ClaimReview continues to see wide 
> adoption as a way for fact checkers to make their results available to 
> platforms and other applications, and various improvements are in the 
> works. There’s now a high-level website about it, at 
> <>
> *This past long weekend* a few of us attended WikiCredCon 
> <>, a credibility-focused 
> instance of the North American Wiki Conference.
> I was fascinated to see more behind the scenes of the Wikipedia world 
> and was surprised how much difficult work is necessary to keep 
> Wikipedia running. Perhaps most daunting from a credibility 
> perspective is how hard it is to combat the sock puppets / bots. Many 
> parallel tracks, so each of us could only see a small slice of the 
> conference. Most sessions had extensive note-taking and even video 
> recording, thanks to sponsors. Not all the video is online yet, and 
> currently session notes are at the “etherpad” links from the session 
> detail pages; I imagine those might move soon.
> *This week (tomorrow)*, group member Brendan Quinn (Managing Director 
> of IPTC <> – the global standards body of 
> the news media) will present and lead a discussion about their current 
> work with credibility data interoperability. See you there!

Received on Tuesday, 12 November 2019 02:39:07 UTC