Meeting Details - please read

1. No Wednesday teleconference this week

2. Schedule for face-to-face meeting is now settled.  I've put the 
sessions on the Google Calendar 
and associated ics feed 
which should let you see them in your local time. Some people will be 
joining for just one or two remote sessions, for various reasons.

3. We'll have several split-into-small-groups sessions, so please bring 
a laptop.  We'll use zoom "breakout rooms" for remote folks.

4. Our plan is to use Google Docs for any real-time collaborative work.  
I know that's not everyone's first choice; if you strongly object, 
please contact me asap with some suggested alternatives. Long term 
content will be migrated to github or our website.

5. There's an attendee list at  Group 
members should be able to edit that themselves, others can ask me.

You can stop reading here if you're attending by video.

6. When you enter Suite 488, you'll need to sign in.  If your name is on 
the attendee list, you can come straight in.  If not, they'll need to 
page someone from Meedan (eg An Xiao Mina or Ed Bice) to confirm you. We 
should give them that list *Tuesday Night*.

7. Lunch will be downstairs at "the Market" 
<> and you're welcome to come early 
and get yourself some breakfast there.

8. Dinner will be at Limón Rotisserie 
<> at 1001 
S Van Ness Ave at 7pm.  We have a reservation for 12 based on the 
'expected in person' list.  If you'll miss the dinner or want to join us 
but aren't on that list, let us know.

I think that's it!

       -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2018 04:44:21 UTC