- From: David Chadwick <d.w.chadwick@truetrust.co.uk>
- Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:30:23 +0000
- To: public-credentials@w3.org
- Message-ID: <c4a5f1e1-f894-4bf6-8052-3d7d5d27f103@truetrust.co.uk>
Hi Manu one further question please. Shouldn't the BBS Candidate Recommendation normatively reference the Controlled Identifiers Proposed Recommendation? Both the JOSE/COSE and Data Integrity PRs do Kind regards David On 24/03/2025 17:01, Manu Sporny wrote: > On Sun, Mar 23, 2025 at 1:33 PM David Chadwick > <d.w.chadwick@truetrust.co.uk> wrote: >> I have a question that I am hoping can be answered during the next data integrity meeting (or perhaps beforehand by email). > I'll take a shot at answering over email. :) > >> We already have data integrity proposed Recommendations for ECDSA and Ed25519, but what about BLS12-381 and SM2? Is the data integrity meeting proposing to produce these recommendations as well? > Data Integrity for BBS (BLS12-381) has been on the standards-track in > the W3C VCWG for 2+ years now, and is in the Candidate Recommendation > phase currently: > > https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-di-bbs/ > > We are waiting on cryptographic review to complete on the BBS specs at > IETF to move the specification to Proposed Recommendation. Due to the > nature of cryptographic review at IETF's CFRG, we don't have a > timeline (because none is given; it'll be done when it's done). I will > note, however, that cryptographic review has already been completed > (and passed) for the base BBS specification and we're just now waiting > for that review to complete for the Blind BBS and Pseudonym > specifications. If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say that 75% chance > that it will be done by the end of the year. > > I am not aware of any work to generate a Data Integrity cryptosuite > for SM2, but we tend to not get requests like that (to add SM2 key > description) unless there are already people working on it. > > The design, implementation, and deployment of Data Integrity > cryptosuite specifications is decentralized, so it's not possible for > us to know about every type of Data Integrity cryptosuite that people > might be developing. All we know is that someone wanted us to specify > the key format, and usually they don't do that unless they're also > working on a cryptosuite. :) > > Did that answer your question, David? > > -- manu >
Received on Monday, 24 March 2025 20:30:30 UTC