- From: <msporny@digitalbazaar.com>
- Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 15:13:32 -0700
- To: public-credentials@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAMBN2CR2s-wMR6BsC7967s_47Cefmafhz61gfh+3VsWhcJcLSg@mail.gmail.com>
VC API Weekly Call - 2025/03/18 Summary *Topics Covered:* - *AnonCreds V2 Presentation and Discussion:* Patrick St-Louis presented AnonCreds V2, a Rust library for issuing and verifying credentials with crypto agility. Key discussion points included: - Representing AnonCreds V2 within the W3C Verifiable Credential Data Model. - The generation and use of multiple public keys within the BBS signature scheme (clarified as not necessary). - The structure and representation of presentation requests and zero-knowledge proofs within the AnonCreds V2 framework, and how these could be mapped to existing query languages (DCQL or presentation exchange). The group explored different approaches to handling multiple proof types within a single presentation. - Strategies for efficiently handling the necessary data (credential definitions, etc.) for presentation requests in a decentralized environment. - How to handle the case of an empty credential subject in a presentation request. - *Community Updates:* Upcoming discussions on promoting CCG items (including VC API) to the W3C Verifiable Credentials Working Group were announced. - *Processing Pull Requests:* A pull request (PR #23309 by Kayode Ezike) updating response statuses and adding location headers was reviewed and approved for merging. *Key Points:* - The group explored ways to integrate AnonCreds V2 features, particularly zero-knowledge proofs and verifiable encryption, into the existing W3C Verifiable Credential framework. - Efficient caching and encoding of credential definition information for both holders and verifiers were identified as important considerations for implementation. - Mapping AnonCreds V2's presentation requests to existing query languages (e.g., DCQL) or developing a new, compatible query language was discussed. The preferred approach would involve minimal changes to existing query languages. - The challenge of handling empty credential subjects in presentations, and possible solutions, were addressed. - A PR focused on updating HTTP response codes and location headers was merged. Video: https://meet.w3c-ccg.org/archives//w3c-ccg-vc-api-2025-03-18.mp4 *VC API Weekly Call - 2025/03/18 14:59 EDT - Transcript* *Attendees* Benjamin Young, Dave Longley, Eddie Dennis, James Easter, Joe Andrieu, Kayode Ezike, Manu Sporny, Manu Sporny's Presentation, Patrick St-Louis, Patrick St-Louis's Presentation, Ted Thibodeau Jr *Transcript* Eddie Dennis: Afternoon everybody. Manu Sporny: All right, welcome everyone to the verifiable credential API call. this is Tuesday, March 18th, 2025. we have a pretty straightforward agenda today. Let me go ahead and share the agenda. it's our standard issue, discussion, processing, PRs, assigning issues to participants, thing. So, fairly straightforward. we are continuing to use the new Google Meet stuff to test it out for the main working group calls. and I think that's it. so our agenda, again, fairly straightforward PRs, assigning ready for R issues, that sort of thing. any updates or changes to the agenda? Anything else we could discuss today? go ahead, Patrick. Patrick St-Louis: So I would like to propose something a bit different today. so next week I'm giving a presentation with Mike Lauder and Stefan Karin about Anon Creds V2 and some of the features. I would like today to present some of the work I'll be demonstrating focusing on the sort of W3C aspect of it. I want to discuss how this could become a data integrity crypto suite. I do have an API available and I implemented a few of the VC API route and I have some question regarding presentation requests and… Patrick St-Louis: also zero knowledge proof in verifiable credentials. So if that's okay I would like to present this and get discussions started with This Sounds good. Manu Sporny: Yeah, that sounds good. Manu Sporny: Any objections to adding that to the agenda today? where do you want to discuss? I feel like we should give plenty of time for that. Patrick, I'm wondering where we are on kind of PRs. I want to make sure that we're able to process some PRs as well. There's just four of them here. So, how about this? Let's time box to the first 45 minutes for your item and then try to get these other PRs processed by the end of the call. does that work for you, Patrick? Okay. 00:05:00 Patrick St-Louis: Yeah. Yeah. Manu Sporny: Any other updates or changes to the agenda today? Manu Sporny: All right. next up is relevant community updates. just have one and is that we are going to be holding the first of a series of discussions around promoting CCG items to the verifiable credential working group at W3C. so moving VC API being one of the things on that's going to be proposed along with re confidence method things of that nature. so please join if you are interested or let folks know that we'll be having those first set of discussions starting tomorrow. Manu Sporny: and that is going to be at 11:00 a.m. Any other community updates that we should discuss today? All if not let's go ahead and jump into your item Patrick which is the anon v2 presentation. I'll stop presenting so you can share. Patrick St-Louis: Thank you very much. let me get this window. So anon creds v2 obviously it's the sort of evolution from ancreds v1. and some of the core features that are very important is the crypto agility of the library. So first and foremost It's a rust library that can conduct different issuance and sort of proof or statements over credential that are issued. The library is currently you can swap out the underlying cryptography for BBS and PS signatures. The work I'll be demonstrating is using the BBS implementation. Patrick St-Louis: so what I'm hoping to get from this presentation is primarily feedback and there's going to be some I think important discussion about presentation exchange and zero knowledge proof when it comes to verifiable credentials and how to represent this in a way that is so to get started so this library sort of covers issuance of claims and also so it's not a case that the revocation mechanism is separate from the sort of credential library. It encompasses everything. So this library has its own data classes and data models. Patrick St-Louis: One of the objectives I'm trying to pursue is how to represent this in a W3C verifiable credential data model using features from the data model specification. Ideally how it would work first so an issuer would create a schema for the credentials they want to issue. The way I've implemented this is you can pass in a normal JSON schema and that's going to define your claims. It's not going to define the schema of the verifiable credential, but it's going to verify can understand. There's at the moment five possible claim types that you can define. Patrick St-Louis: You can define a revocation claim, a scalar claim, and a enumeration claim. and the example I'm going to do, I'm going to keep it very simple. They're all going to be hashed claims. That's not the goal I want to discuss today. so I have a JSON schema here with a title description. The object type is automatically filled and I have five properties. Each property is a different claim. They're all of a type of a string. can execute this and this is the object that the library can understand. So I have The order of the claim is very important. these different values are accessed by their index. 00:10:00 Patrick St-Louis: and I'll explain a little bit what I can do and what this revocation claim can be used for. it is possible to have some able So the blindable claims are values that the know. the holder will put a signature over these values and request them from the issuer. so this is useful in a case. so Anra has this concept called which is a secret value that the holder can use to bind the credential to himself. So the link secret it's a unique string that only the holder knows and it can be used to bind some credentials to his wallet and it can also be used when presenting credentials. I'm not going to showcase this today. Patrick St-Louis: I want to keep it simple that is not the goal for today. So we can get a schema ID. So the next thing I want to do as my issuer is I need to generate some verification material for this. So I need to generate a signing key and a verification key. so I would take this input and I like to call it I'm defining a credential. So is these schemas could be shared amongst many issuers right and then issuer would sort of generate their own cryptographic material to take them. So again this API you're going to see private keys and stuff. This is just for development. Patrick St-Louis: obviously everything private would not be disclosed. The issuer would keep this. this is just so we can see what is being done. So the public component is what the issuer would likely host somewhere and make this available for holders and verifiers so we can see in the verifying key we have I'm not the most familiar with BBS signatures but from what I understand you generate a key and then you sort of derive a public key for each of the claims you want to issue. So with this verification key I can sign up to six messages and these corresponds to my claims that I have in my schema. Patrick St-Louis: So in my scheme I have six claims. This key can sign up to six messages. I'm not too sure how the BBS crypto suit does it. I believe this is done at issuance time. maybe someone can correct me. In the case of the unrest library, these are issued when the issuer kind of sets up his instance. We also have a Yes. Dave Longley: I just wanted to comment on that. I'm not aware the crypto suite does not need to generate multiple public keys to go with a BBS private key. So, I'm not really sure what's going on that with that piece. Patrick St-Louis: Okay. thank you. Patrick St-Louis: I'll try to clarify that outside of this meeting with we also generate a key pair for the revocation registry or the revocation accumulator. So this is the key that the issuer will use to update the status registry and we also have a verifiable encryption key that the issuer makes available for one of the statements that I'll cover. This is one of the topic I want to cover today which is to enable the holder to provide an encrypted value for a claim without re revealing it to the verifier and the verifier can then delegate this value to the issuer and the issuer does what it does. I'll explain how this can work in my example. Patrick St-Louis: the revocation registry is the initial state of the accumulator for the revocation registry. so this value would be hosted somewhere and then as revocation are made new version of this value would be published and then the private is sort of the private counterparts to this public section. So the sign in the verifiable decryption key. where we have the key to encrypt, this is the decryption and then revocation registry which is there. yeah. Yep. 00:15:00 Dave Longley: I just wanted to suggest that maybe those values are independent like individual generators that are used for each message. that is something that happens internally in the BBSETF spec. Dave Longley: Those are autogener generated. and… Patrick St-Louis: Yeah, possibly. Dave Longley: maybe these are just cached and that's what's going on Patrick St-Louis: So I know these are static, So they're not going to change. They just need to be available for the holder and the verifier. but you can see this information as you would cache this right. So the same way you would did document with verification material you would cach this I see this as being one verification method entry. at least that's how I perceive it. Does this make sense to what you just said? Dave Longley: I think would be odd to include it in a verification method. I mean, I would expect that there's a single public key associated with the private key and that's what goes into a verification method. These are things that are deterministically generated based on an API identifier that goes into BBS and based on some number of generators you need to create Dave Longley: Patrick St-Louis: Okay,… Dave Longley: if that's what this maps to. and so it just feels yeah I haven't thought through all the details of what it would mean to put them in a verification method and if that's useful or not. Patrick St-Louis: So, the next step, just going to go over to this, issuance tab. So, again, you get an ID for these. so I'll first present. Patrick St-Louis: So, I did a credentials issue to kind of picture what I envision this looking like in a W3C format and then I'll go over the issuance process with the data model as defined by the library. So, we have our credential subject which each of these claims are dependent on the schema. the only thing missing here is the revocation claim and we will use the credential ID to be able to track the revocation for this credential the cred ID. So this is the issuer public portion that I need to retrieve. So I need to identify this. I'm assuming this could be preconfigured with this instance. I'm just providing it here. Patrick St-Louis: so a few things happen. so I created a credential status. there should be a type in there. so this is the sort of credential status entry that happens for this type of issuance. So when the holder gets his credential, he's going to get a revocation handle value and it's going to get The revocation ID currently I just use the credential ID that you provided but there could be another separate ID. You just need a random string and that's the value of the revocation claim. Patrick St-Louis: the revocation registry ideally that would be a URL sort of like the redential for bitstring status list. It would be a URL to the registry and then from that registry you could get the different states timestamps when they were published credential subject and then the proof this is sort of a signature over this object. So this would correspond to a ba base proof right? So this is a credential that only the holder would see. You would never disclose this properly to a verifier or so and then the next step is what this holder can do what kind of presentation he can make So in this library they define those as statements. 00:20:00 Patrick St-Louis: So a verifier can request a series of statements. There's a few different statements type that are predefined. there's a signature statement. You would always include this. This is just a signature that you would include in your presentation and the verifier can request claims to be revealed in that signature statement. You can also have a revocation statement. So this would be the holder using his credential ID to prove that his credential is not revoked. You can include a verifiable encryption statement which is the main point that we want to demonstrate next week and I'll show what's the purpose of this when it comes to a credit card number. and a few other ones there's a range statement. Patrick St-Louis: So if you have a value that's an integer, you can ask if it's in a certain range. and you can also have a membership proof statement. So you provide a subset of values and you can ask if one of the claim is in that subset. So these are different type of zenero knowledge proof that can happen. Yes. No,… Dave Longley: So the signature statement you would generate a proof for that you would not send over the base signature value. Is that correct? Okay. Patrick St-Louis: And I'm going to demonstrate this. I'll show this not in W3C style, but this is one of the thing I want to discuss is how can all these statement proofs because there's going to be a different proof for each of the statements. And I'm wondering if these should be sort of an array of proofs on a derived credential that would be included in a presentation. Patrick St-Louis: At least that's I see how it could be currently. so that's fine. So I'm going to reissue this credential with the sort of library style data models. We can see just trying to be precise. so the credential request it would be used in the case that the holder had a link wanted to add blindable claims. So you could sign a request signature over the blind claims you want to get issued. So you would include this in the credential request. Not going to show this today. Patrick St-Louis: so again I need to give a credential definition ID which I'm just going to get the one I put here. So these are the different claims. So the order as I mentioned earlier is very important. these are often accessed by their revocation claim as a good practice I always put it at the first index so the index zero and then I would put in second followed by the blindable claims and then these are my hashed claims so you can see the claim type h for the moment these are all hash but I could have also a number claim for example you can disclose if they are print friendly or not this is Patrick St-Louis: just use as a hint if it's something you want to display. Probably this one you could put sensitive information you would flag things that are just random that are not very useful to be displayed. and then this is the signature that is produced. I'm not too sure I said I'm not too sure what happens in there but it's a signature that's produced by the issuer that can be used to derive proofs from this. in my example I just concatenated these as a sort of encrypted value. Patrick St-Louis: So I just put them basically did a GCS on this object and put it in base 58 multibbase. this is the revocation handle that I include in the credential status and the revocation index. So we can sort of compare to where these items have been placed in here right the revocation registry comes from the issuer part the revocation ID here is the actual revocation claim value. this one just generated a new one. okay so we got this. 00:25:00 Patrick St-Louis: So now I want to get into the topic of presentation requests and this is where I'd like to get some ideas about how this could fit in with the request specification. so we're going to request a presentation. So the way it works is you have different statements. for this one I have a verifiable encryption statement, a revocation statement. Signature statement is always included and you can choose which claims you want to have disclosed in the proof. So in this game I could disclose my CVV number. Is it Forget There you go. Patrick St-Louis: the card type, could probably be a good thing. I want to see sorry, I'm just trying to see for the encryption statement here. so I want an encryption statement of the number of the credit card. So this would be a verifi like a store for example. So is going to get the encrypted version of the number. They will not see the credit card number, but they will be able to know that the value that's encrypted comes from the right value and they could forward this request to the issuer of the credential or whoever has the private key associated with this encryption key. Patrick St-Louis: So a verifier could very well provide the holder with their own encryption key if they wanted them to decrypt this value or they can provide the encryption key provided of the issuer. If this is some information that the verifier shouldn't see for privacy reason you would give a domain. so for example I'm just going to use visa domain. and this domain is a domain that would be provided by the owner of this key pair. so the verifier could give their own domain or they could give a domain provided by an issuer. now I'm going to go and see here. I'm going to get that encryption key. Patrick St-Louis: For the revocation, the verifier would give the value of the current accumulator against which they want the revocation to be proved. in this API, I just did that. If you leave it empty, it's just going to get whatever the latest is. we can ignore this domain here for sure. just want to double check I have the right credential definition ID. Okay. So this is the presentation request. Yeah. Yeah. Dave Longley: I was just going to suggest that the credential definition ID you might want to make the in the base proof value be like some seabourcoded thing that includes that credential ID so it's always available to the holder so they can find it to make their presentation. Patrick St-Louis: Yeah, that's probably a good idea. yeah, this is fresh. I just made this Rust kind of. So, this is a sort of shim in between my Python framework and the Rust. So, I just put these things together. So I'll definitely any kind of suggestions like this one are more than welcome for encoding and so basically right now all these objects are in the library itself but we want to try to find what is going to live where and how different parties are going to get access to these information. Patrick St-Louis: Yeah. Dave Longley: Right. Yeah. Dave Longley: the current VCDI BBS crypto suite is something to take a look at because it has some seabboard encoding of a number of different parameters that'll fit it in there and you could follow that Patrick St-Louis: Yeah. I had a little bit of a look while working on test suite of the seabboard encoding and it's definitely something so you would include this in the proof value of the base credential. is there really something that's interesting? 00:30:00 Dave Longley: Right. Patrick St-Louis: Yeah. yeah. Manu Sporny: And to further underscore that, Patrick, it's basically shove absolutely everything that's useful to someone to either the holder or the verifier. Shove absolutely everything that you can into the pro proof value so that you don't have all of these bits and… Manu Sporny: pieces of data kind of floating out there kind of disconnected from the proof. Patrick St-Louis: Yeah. Yeah. Dave Longley: Yeah. Patrick St-Louis: Patrick St-Louis: So that's the thing, right? So in the VCDM model and the issuance and the credential schema this is this issuer public component. So in this schema here you're going to find the schema and the issuer public components. Patrick St-Louis: and this is kind of important especially for these claim indices because where is it this claim number here this is a helper function. So you just give the string but ideally in the actual statement you need to give the index of which claim this proof should be about. Yep. Dave Longley: There might be some ways to deterministically generate that. that's something to explore. But that being said the comment I wanted to make is if you're going to use that URL to fetch something if it's not available in the proof then you would implicitly be taking on a requirement by holder wallets that they're either online or… Dave Longley: have cached this credential definition blockchain thing that a noncred uses. those are trade-offs and considerations. … Patrick St-Louis: And there's no blockchain here. Patrick St-Louis: No blockchain whatsoever. Dave Longley: … Patrick St-Louis: This probably won't live on the blockchain, right? Yes. Dave Longley: there's a URL right there to fetch all that stuff. And so either you're online and… Patrick St-Louis: Yeah. the wallet would have cached this at issuance time definitely this is not signed to the credential right it's only a value that what's the word I'm looking for the holder would… Dave Longley: you got to fetch that or you have cached it or maybe you get that when you get the credential and you save it with your credential and that sort of thing. Okay. Patrick St-Louis: but it's a bit redundant because the verifier would also Patrick St-Louis: already have cached that. So, definitely I think this could be taken out and some of this information could be either in the proof value or just be cached. because it's expected that the verifier when they make their presentation request,… Dave Longley: Yeah. Patrick St-Louis: they add knowledge of this item and the holder has knowledge of it at issuance time. the only time that you need to find these is when they want to do their presentation request they need somewhere to find this right they need somewhere to initially get it to cach it. Patrick St-Louis: And… Patrick St-Louis: this is the challenge here. Yeah. Yeah,… Dave Longley: Right. my only other comment would be to just make sure to think through architecturally the different layers that a wallet implement would have to implement and… Dave Longley: where they would put these different pieces based on whether the credential is coming back with multiple different proof types. maybe it has a proof set on it that can do a non-creds and a different proof that can do something else. so just think through that so that wallet providers can put all the special handling code in one place if possible. Patrick St-Louis: I think that makes So, this is a presentation request. Patrick St-Louis: So the one thing I'm wondering is how could this be translated to a query language either DCQL or a presentation exchange right the presentation request. so each statements are about a specific claim. and then each of these statements the holder would generate a different proof to satisfy the statement. at the minimum you always need a signature statement which you can say which value you can disclose. So I could see how this would be made into a query language for these other ones. 00:35:00 Patrick St-Louis: since this is another layer this is where I would need to reflect a little bit. Yeah. Dave Longley: So there's a number of different considerations here. the first one is whether or not you So one way to approach this problem is to make an entirely new type of query. And in doing that, it makes it really easy to make your query because you can work from scratch, do whatever you want with it. The trade-offs there are if a wallet has multiple credentials in multiple different formats and the verifier is willing to accept a variety of those or… Dave Longley: if the wallet wants to index their credentials in different ways, you might make that really hard for both verifiers and wallets by having this really bespoke a non-cred specific query language. And so those are your pros and cons with that approach. The next approach would be to come up with a way to map this in potentially all Yeah. Patrick St-Louis: That's Yeah,… Patrick St-Louis: that's what I'm looking for. Yeah. Okay. Dave Longley: Yeah. If you could map it directly to an existing language, that I would think would be the best. But you could also have something in between that's sort of like if you look at example 10 on the VPR spec, you can have where multiple queries have to be true. And if you find that you can't map everything to a particular query language, you could map perhaps everything about all the claims, but then you need to say and it's this credential definition and maybe just all you would need to do is you would have a v a query by example that's able to be fully mapped and… Dave Longley: then you would have an additional query in a non-cred credential definition query and it would just say the credential definition. there might be a way to do things like that that would break it up and… Patrick St-Louis: Yeah, I think there's a desire here. Dave Longley: make it work well for implementers on the verifier and holder Patrick St-Louis: So the same way that a schema can be shared by issuer could sort of publish these statements that I like here's the kind of stuff my credential can be used for. and verifiers could then pick and choose some of these statements to include in their queries or a verifier could maintain their or own sort of presentation request schemas that they can use, right? Patrick St-Louis: Because if a issuer issues a driver's license, there are certain things that verifiers will use this for that are kind of universal. Maybe some verifiers going to be more specific in what they want, but there's definitely proof of age is very common. So the issuer can publish a presentation schema along with their issuance schema that verifiers can use. so I think that's more like the first option that you mentioned that they would just host these schemas and it's a very specific query language. But yes, what I would really like to do is to map this to some well-known query language if possible. Dave Longley: And then an additional option would be for a noncreds to sort of have every issuer have a table of this VC type goes to this credential definition and have that somehow be well known between issuers and holders. So that if you made a query that did not mention credential definition at all, but it set up these are the issuers I'm willing to accept from, then the holder could look at what credentials they have and find the credential definitions from those credentials that map to the acceptable issuers. Patrick St-Louis: Yeah. Dave Longley: And as long as the verifiers indicated that the proof type they will accept is in a non-cred proof type, you could have the verifier essentially just all of their queries would look the same as any other language in theory like any other expression. So you could have a query by example. it would look the same for whether you're using a noncreds some other data integrity crypto suite. They would say what their acceptable crypto suites were and which issuers they're willing to accept from and the holder could then do that translation on the other side and say based on I can find which credentials I have that match these issuers and… 00:40:00 Dave Longley: if it's a noncreds I know how to find the credential definition and how to map a query by example to whatever they're asking for if that makes sense. Patrick St-Louis: I think so. Patrick St-Louis: I think so. I'd love to Yeah. Patrick St-Louis: I think so. yeah. Dave Longley: So I think that might be the best outcome… Dave Longley: because it keeps everything separated and clean. and the only challenge is put on the place where is put on the holder which has to know how to make the presentation of ancreds credential anyway. And so it's able to map and… Dave Longley: find out whether or not this a nonredit credential will work based on a standard query that would work for any other type of crypto suite. Patrick St-Louis: Yeah, I think regardless Yeah,… Dave Longley: And then it knows what to do to make that presentation. Patrick St-Louis: I think regardless of the option at the end of the day the wallet will need some to do implementation work if they want to support any other crypto suite. But yeah, if this can all be mapped from this similar type object and then the wallet there's a way to handle the mapping internally, I think that's the best way. Dave Longley: Yeah, because… Patrick St-Louis: Yeah. Dave Longley: then it makes it you don't have any extra burden on the verifier. Patrick St-Louis: So quickly so to make a presentation so I give the presentation request ID currently. Patrick St-Louis: So the presentation I just created is going to be shown. I created a challenge and then I give the credential here. and let's generate this. this is where this is the So the presentation is just a list of proofs with a challenge and I asked to disclose the card type and the C the verifiable encryption is the interesting bit. this is a encrypted hash of the credit card number. The verifier would never know this value. however they can forward this request to the issuer. Right? Patrick St-Louis: But I just use a credit card in this example because I think it showcase it explains the purpose of this really well. And then the issuer will be able to decrypt this specific proof using their decryption key. So the encryption key is the verifier knows The issuer has their decryption key and then they will get the hash of the credit card number which they can then kind of find they would maintain a hash table of all their credit card number and they could find it this by association. Patrick St-Louis: So this is one of the features that I think Stephen Karn really wants to put forward this sort of idea that the holder can present identifier in a anonymous way. so that manager isn't one my Yeah. Dave Longley: So when you say in an anonymous way, you mean to the verifier since the issuer,… Patrick St-Louis: Yeah. Dave Longley: it seems, would have full linkability. Patrick St-Louis: So there's many the issuer would no in the case of the credit card example at the end of the day the payment needs to be made right so you need that number and only the credit card company would know this number but there's many things you can do with verifiable encryption another thing that is possible is if you have two verifiers and they both have their own encryption keys they can include Patrick St-Louis: their encryption key in the presentation and the proof that the holder would send to each of them is different, So the verifiers could not correlate this identifier because they would only get the encrypted value. That make sense. Dave Longley: Yeah, that's very similar to the HD how oblivious HTTP works underneath the scenes. Patrick St-Louis: Interesting. Yeah, I think this is the goal today is do pseudo identifiers. so yeah one of my questions I have two questions and this is what I really wanted to get answered today. This is a presentation, but if I was to present this as a verifiable credential, I would do a derived credential. 00:45:00 Patrick St-Louis: And would it make sense to have each of these proof as a totally separate proof in the proof attribute of the credential with a I could define not the type of the proof the type would be like an signature but there maybe something similar to proof purpose right the statement purpose would be like signature this one is revocation this one in verifiable encryption yep. Dave Longley: I would hide them all under one BBS noncreds proof and… Patrick St-Louis: Interesting. Yeah. Dave Longley: have each one of those be encoded in seabboard or something with their own type information there. Patrick St-Louis: I see more. Dave Longley: That way you have full power to express this however you want to and you don't have to involve it. Patrick St-Louis: So just encode this whole bit pretty much. Dave Longley: Yes. Yep. Patrick St-Louis: Okay. that's interesting. Now my other question. Patrick St-Louis: So in the case so here I asked to disclose some message but maybe I don't want to what do you do in this case and you have an empty credentials subject where would that fit in that's my last question But you wouldn't reveal the case you don't reveal anything about there's nothing in the credential subject that's being revealed like there is a credential subject in the base proof… Dave Longley: An empty credential subject would be an invalid VC. So, you might just need to change your modeling. if you're going to model a credit card, you would probably model it as a credential sub there is a credential subject and it has a credit card in it. it would be a per a person. You don't have to say anything about that person or a whole oral card holder and it holds that card. And so if you model it that way you would always have a credential subject. in that case you would be re … Patrick St-Louis: but in Patrick St-Louis: the derived proof there is absolutely nothing revealed. They're all sort of zero knowledge proof based. you only put a verifiable encryption for example or… Dave Longley: what can you give an example of what field would be revealed in such a presentation? So if you're revealing nothing in the subject, what is being revealed? Patrick St-Louis: you only give a proof that one of the field like the age is between 18 and 24 but you don't reveal the age right? Patrick St-Louis: So the credential subject would be empty from the derived proof… Patrick St-Louis: but you can know that the original credential had a age value that is between 18 and 24. Okay. Dave Longley: Yeah, it's a good question. Dave Longley: It might be of value to always have a field in It's a good question. Maybe there's a better solution than One possible solution is there's always a type field in the credential subject that always gets revealed and it doesn't really tell you very much but it would guarantee that you can express that. So I see Mon's got his hand up so I want to get off the queue. Patrick St-Louis: That's it. Sorry, I took a bit longer. Manu Sporny: Okay, no problem. Manu Sporny: I was just going to remind us that we're getting ready to blow past our time window. we have 10 minutes left. Manu Sporny: Patrick, anything else on this? I mean, we'll do what we can in 10 minutes, but any other questions? Patrick, for the group in general. go ahead, Patrick. Then Joe's on the queue. Patrick St-Louis: Yeah. No,… Patrick St-Louis: no, I just wanted to say sorry if some of this is a bit not clear, I didn't write the library. I'm just trying to use it and to connect some dots. and if there's questions, I can definitely relate them to either Mike Lauder or Stephen Curran. There's more specific questions. That's it. Manu Sporny: Thanks, Joe, you're up. Joe Andrieu: I just wanted to reflect back. Joe Andrieu: I think in the derived case where you've got this predicate, what you probably want to do is figure out how to represent the derived predicate. it's an age range predicate and put that as the property in the credential subject with the value because you are making a derived claim and it seems like that may be one way to go about it well to capture in the predicate right you're going to have the credential subject as a property and… Patrick St-Louis: just a true boolean or something like that. Joe Andrieu: then within that we have properties… Patrick St-Louis: So you would put the proof as the value of the age in the subject. Joe Andrieu: Joe Andrieu: which are predicates for then the statement. So you can have a predicate that says, "Hey, it's an age over 18 proof and here's the proof value or the proof statement and then that is wrapped in a proof type that lets people understand how they interpret that predicate. 00:50:00 Patrick St-Louis: Is that what I'm understanding? Joe Andrieu: No, that's probably not right. Patrick St-Louis: Okay. Sorry. Patrick St-Louis: Yeah. Joe Andrieu: the thought was simply that in the VC architecture the property within the subject claims is the predicate of the meaning of the value and… Patrick St-Louis: Yeah, interesting. Joe Andrieu: so that's where you want to instead of saying that we don't have the data birth property we have this derived claim property and I'm just sort of spitballing how you might map to that structure You're welcome. Patrick St-Louis: Yeah, I think more thoughts need to be put into this. thank you. Manu Sporny: All thank you, Parick. it was good to run through that. good to understand kind of where everything is. of course, if you see any rough edges where it's not a clean fit with the VC API or the query language or any of that stuff, certainly let us know so we can improve those things. real quick in the 3 minutes that we have, I wanted to make sure that I already looked through some of the PRs. It looks like, Coyote, maybe your PR is the only one that's ready to wanted to confirm with you that that's true before looking at merging. Kayode Ezike: Yeah, the main changes there basically changed the response status to 204, added a heck location headers and specified kind of what that would look like for creating responses and workflows. So there's no longer the returning the actual exchange or workflow when you create them. and then just removed if you scroll down there's a place… Kayode Ezike: where the exchange was being returned in the exchange key and we agreed to remove that as well. Yeah. 23 309. Manu Sporny: Great. … Kayode Ezike: So that's the main thing. I think I was wondering if we also maybe wanted to add text to clarify that it's being returned in that location header. Just didn't have time to get to that. an actual spec text. Manu Sporny: yeah, I think that would be helpful. You do say something here. I'm guessing does it show up somewhere? when we do that. I guess that's the question. I don't know if the renderer actually renders this part of it. Kayode Ezike: Yeah. Yeah. Manu Sporny: I think this is a new thing. and it might Okay. Kayode Ezike: So I tested it in at least the red view and it seems that it does render. there I maybe should check also for Manu Sporny: That's okay. I think that can be done in another PR. I'd like to kind of merge this in if nobody Any objections to merging this? Manu Sporny: I think Cody addressed all of the things we raised last week. Kayode Ezike: Manu Sporny: Looks like Longley agrees. we will merge this. if you could go into main and maybe try to squash the merge conflict commit out just because it kind of creates a messy history. other than that, I think we're good to go. So, I'm going to re rebase and merge this. … Kayode Ezike: Could you repeat? Sorry, I was. Manu Sporny: there you committed a resolve merge conflict thing and… Kayode Ezike: Okay. Manu Sporny: it's like we care more about the changes you're making to the spec than the,… Kayode Ezike: Yeah. Right. Okay. Manu Sporny: addressing merge conflicts. so we'll want to squash that out you can just go to main and maybe squash and force push if you have those permissions. Manu Sporny: If not, I can maybe do that if I can remember next time. I think that's it for PRs. Thank you very much, Coyote doing that PR. and I think that's it for a reminder again that we'll be talking about VC API along with a couple of other specs to promote tomorrow on a weekly basis, every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. Eastern. I'll try to remember to send out a reminder to the mailing list on that later today. and we will then of course meet again next week and continue processing issues and PRs. thank you everyone for the wonderful discussion today. Thank you Patrick for the Good luck in the presentation next week and we'll see everyone next week. Take care. Bye. Meeting ended after 00:54:58 👋 *This editable transcript was computer generated and might contain errors. People can also change the text after it was created.*
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