Re: VCs at GS1

i wonder if we can include the progressive trust concept that Jim Goodell
was putting forward to make it easier to add issuer registries (but not
necessarily trust them) ?

(will be published under T3 hub soon)

On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 7:02 AM Manu Sporny <>

> On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 7:40 AM Phil Archer <> wrote:
> > Following this work, GS1 is committed to taking small steps with VCs.
> Some of our GS1 Member Organisations (such as GS1 US, GS1 Netherlands and
> others) will be able to issue a VC proving that a GS1 identifier is
> licensed by a company we know. GS1 Global Office will act as a root of
> trust. This will be consistent with things like the UN Transparency
> Protocol.
> Phil, this is fantastic news! Even a crawl is forward movement and we
> are grateful to you, the team at GS1, and your industry for moving VCs
> and DIDs forward. Knowing the sheer size and scale of GS1, I know that
> this announcement was most likely years in the making.
> I can confirm that other parts of the trade and supply chain world are
> moving forward with DIDs and VCs and we can expect more announcements
> of this sort over the coming months to years.
> What concrete things can the communities CC'd on this email do to help
> GS1 in this endeavor? Public examples, interop tests, integration with
>, threat models, documentation, extensions to existing
> specifications? Once VCDM v2.0 is proposed as a global standard (next
> few months), we'll be in the position to consider new work for the
> next Verifiable Credentials WG Charter and DID Methods WG. How can we
> sculpt that work to help your efforts?
> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny -
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Monday, 17 March 2025 18:18:44 UTC