- From: CCG Minutes Bot <minutes@w3c-ccg.org>
- Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 14:45:31 +0000
- To: public-credentials@w3.org
Thanks to Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week! The transcript for the call is now available here: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2025-01-21/ Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes. Audio of the meeting is available at the following location: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2025-01-21/audio.ogg A video recording is also available at: https://meet.w3c-ccg.org/archives/w3c-ccg-weekly-2025-01-21.mp4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2025-01-21 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/advanced_search?hdr-1-name=subject&hdr-1-query=%5BAGENDA&period_month=Jan&period_year=2025&index-grp=Public__FULL&index-type=t&type-index=public-credentials&resultsperpage=20&sortby=date Topics: 1. <Post-Quantum Cryptography in VC - PQ and PQ/T Approaches> Organizer: Harrison Tang, Kimberly Linson, Will Abramson Scribe: Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords Present: Harrison Tang, Chandi Cumaranatunge, Nis Jespersen , Will Abramson, Greg Bernstein, Greg Natran, Mahmoud Alkhraishi, Susan Stroud, Guest, Erica Connell, Brandi Delancey, James Chartrand, julien fraichot, Joe Andrieu, Davide Margaria, Przemek Praszczalek, Jennie M, Kayode Ezike, BC, Vanessa, Kaliya Young, Robert Long, Matthieu Bosquet, Matthieu Collé, Dmitri Zagidulin, W, Kerri Lemoie Our Robot Overlords are scribing. Harrison_Tang: We're good to go. Will Abramson: Just however welcome to today's ccg call Let It Be 3 c um. Will Abramson: Today we're. Will Abramson: By Andrea is going to be presenting on post-quantum cryptography for verifiable credentials. Will Abramson: Before I get into that I'll just run through. Will Abramson: The admin items so first off code code of ethics and professional conduct. Will Abramson: Uh just treat everyone with respect let's continue to make these calls and this community a welcoming friendly collaborative environment for us all. Will Abramson: We do. Will Abramson: Great job but it's always good to keep that top of mind. Will Abramson: Next IP note so anyone is welcome to participate in these calls however all substantive contributions to ccg work items must be members of the ccg with all IPR agreements. Will Abramson: Now if you have. Will Abramson: Any questions about that feel free to reach out to any of the chairs I'll be happy to help you in the right direction. Will Abramson: Uh brief comments so this these are recorded to and transcribed through jitsi and the minutes and archive is available online. Will Abramson: Let us know if you need help finding them. Will Abramson: Uh finally well not finally introductions are reintroductions is anyone like to say hello to the community today who hasn't said hello in a while or is it new. Will Abramson: You're welcome. Will Abramson: Welcome to jump off mutant say hi. Will Abramson: Good luck. Will Abramson: To hear from me. Will Abramson: Okay not hearing or seeing anyone so I will move on. Will Abramson: Um announcements and reminders so does anyone have any announcements or reminders for the community today. Will Abramson: Not seeing anyone which is unusual great we can move straight into the content finally I don't think there are any but does anyone have any progress or updates on ccg work items they'd like to share. Will Abramson: So there was 1 item that we wanted to discuss right my mood and Harrison. Will Abramson: And that was about the website I don't know if we're ready to share this is fully with the group yet but. Will Abramson: As the new chairs we've been looking into like you know like the tool Suite that we use in our site and everything all that that entails. Will Abramson: I think we we leak towards. Will Abramson: Moving away from my current website towards the CC to towards the w3c website. Will Abramson: https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/ Will Abramson: I I'll just uh we currently have 2 websites right there's this website which is maintained by the w3c. Will Abramson: Generated by the w3c maybe we have less control over it. Will Abramson: And then. Will Abramson: Has another website which. Will Abramson: I think it's here. Will Abramson: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ Will Abramson: Says this website and. Will Abramson: Problem when we were working over this website is a problem always with websites right it's like keeping these things up to date maintaining them making sure they're in sync and currently this website that the last website that I just linked the w3c ccg. Will Abramson: It's probably beneficial because it's more editable we have more control over it but also. Will Abramson: Really out of date I don't know if it's that useful to us so. Will Abramson: The chess tends to we think we should look towards some setting this website in favor of trying to maintain just 1 website under the w3c seeing if we can get that website more up to date with like active work items stuff like that. Will Abramson: So if anyone has any comments or. Will Abramson: Questions or. Will Abramson: Concerns maybe jump on the queue. Will Abramson: Our initial thoughts. Harrison_Tang: Yeah just just want to ask that we also have the GitHub so the The Proposal is to uh deprecate the github.io not the GitHub uh. Harrison_Tang: Website so uh after we do that then we'll consolidate all the content to the w3c Community website and and also the GitHub. <mahmoud> to make it clear we would like to keep this website: https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/ Will Abramson: Yeah thanks mhm yeah so we're still exploring this because obviously we we need to figure out exactly how easy it would be to for us to update this uh credentials website under the w3.org domain. Will Abramson: But we feel like that's better passports. Will Abramson: I just want. Will Abramson: Like people know where we're where we're thinking of going once we have a clearer idea or probably come back to the group. Will Abramson: Final calls for the announcements or updates before we hand over to Andrea. Kaliya Young: Hi um the usual updates for me just so folks haven't been around they hear them um we have the dead on conference Africa happening in Cape Town February 18 to 20th we have dice ecosystems which is just 2 days focused on and really for anybody in Europe building. Kaliya Young: He actively building ecosystems to kind of weave them together and share breath practices around that that's March. Kaliya Young: And 5th in Zurich iiw number 40 in Mountain View. Kaliya Young: Saying um April. Kaliya Young: And then if you're doing any Fetter verse. Kaliya Young: Distributed social network staff Johannes and I have um The fetty Forum April 1 and 2. Will Abramson: Great thanks Kia. Will Abramson: Okay not seeing anyone else oh Harrison did you. <joe_andrieu> GAN is now Ayra <phillip_long> Arya is the new name (from GAN) Harrison_Tang: Yeah I just want to quickly do a preview of uh what's coming so uh next week I will have a Hadrian uh to talk about solid uh he came from uh Europe uh in romp and then also work on the solid with team burnsley so we'll talk about solid you'll be more of a Q&A format supposed to do a presentation um so so that's what's coming to uh next week and then the week after that we'll have uh Drummond to talk about global acceptance Network I think uh they changed the name recently but I forgot what that new name is and then the the week after that we'll have the my Pro Rock uh to our former culture to talk about the trade verify the and then lastly uh just want to uh quickly note that we'll have another uh open forum and work item updates on March 11th so we'll. Harrison_Tang: To the different. Harrison_Tang: Basically uh work item uh leaders uh in about 2 3 weeks uh to kind of uh uh get all the updates in uh so that we can um have those conversations on March 11th. Will Abramson: Great thanks Harrison. Will Abramson: With that uh over to you Andrea. <nicola_tuveri_(tau)> :+1: <phillip_long> Joe's spelling is correct (LOL) Ayra Our Robot Overlords are scribing. Topic: <Post-Quantum Cryptography in VC - PQ and PQ/T Approaches> Will Abramson: Great thanks a lot thanks for that our detailed presentation Harrison see you on the queue. Harrison_Tang: Thank you thank you this is a great presentation so first of all if you don't mind me you share this uh uh your presentation with the public list or you can just uh email it to me and I can share on your behalf. Harrison_Tang: Great um now uh just a clarification question so uh when we are doing uh the the hybrid approach with post-quantum plus traditional um. Harrison_Tang: The the the is the uh performance basically linear in other words is the let's say the generation speed uh of the hybrid approach is it just the generation speed for the. Harrison_Tang: uh post. Our Robot Overlords are scribing. Harrison_Tang: Got it so just to clarify the does the hybrid approach performance basically is the sum of the post-quantum performance plus the traditional cryptography performance is that is that basically linear. Harrison_Tang: Okay got it thank you. Harrison_Tang: Got it thank you. Will Abramson: Great thanks uh Greg the next. Greg Bernstein: I was going to ask you're using JWT but it doesn't seem like there's anything that requires JWT here you could just directly use. Greg Bernstein: H the. Greg Bernstein: Data Integrity approach for uh doing these and add a crypto Suite like we've done with eddsa and ecdsa and. Greg Bernstein: Type stuff is there any particular reason to use JWT here. Will Abramson: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/di-quantum-safe/ Will Abramson: Great thanks Greg yeah I put myself on the Queue to just follow up on what Greg said I don't know if you're aware Andrea but there is a. Will Abramson: Signature Suite dacian te crypto Suite being developed so I believe what the status is it's kind of like. Will Abramson: Stay the same for a while but it looks that a day-to-day suite for the mlds a algorithm. Will Abramson: So you know maybe. Will Abramson: You could. Will Abramson: Your approach into here is a different type because it's all experimental right at least at the moment maybe at some point it would move out of this crypto Suite into his own space. Will Abramson: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/di-quantum-safe Will Abramson: Uh so I dropped the link I dropped the repo as well if you're interested. Will Abramson: Yeah because I agree it would be great to see it in Dayton Integrity as well. <greg_bernstein> I've been looking at this work: [1] S. Argo, T. Güneysu, C. Jeudy, G. Land, A. Roux-Langlois, and O. Sanders, “Practical Post-Quantum Signatures for Privacy,” 2024, 2024/131. Accessed: Oct. 10, 2024. [Online]. Available: heprintttps://eprint.iacr.org/2024/131 <andrea_vesco_(links)> CyberLINKS github <andrea_vesco_(links)> qubip.eu <andrea_vesco_(links)> andrea.vesco@linksfoundation.com <harrison_tang> thanks a lot, Andrea!
Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2025 14:45:38 UTC