[MINUTES] W3C CCG CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call - 2025-01-13

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


A video recording is also available at:


VC for Education Task Force Transcript for 2025-01-13

  Kerri Lemoie, Simone Ravaioli, Dmitri Zagidulin
  Our Robot Overlords
  Ildiko Mazar, Andy Griebel, Ian Davidson, Jeff O - HumanOS, Nis 
  Jespersen , Kate Giovacchini, TLN, Robert Long, Chandi 
  Cumaranatunge, David Ward, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) 
  (OpenLinkSw.com), Susan Stroud, Stuart Freeman, TimG, Dmitri 
  Zagidulin, Phil Barker, Kerri Lemoie, Kaliya Young, Geun-Hyung 
  Kim, James Chartrand, Naomi, Colin Reynolds, Ed Design Lab, Deb 
  Everhart, Eric Shepherd, Taylor - LEF, Sharon Leu, Kayode Ezike

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
<ildiko_mazar> Good morning, good afternoon everyone, welcome to 
  today's W3C Verifiable Credentials for Education task force call, 
  on Monday, January the 13th. Let's get started with the 
  housekeeping items. IP Note: Anyone can participate in these 
  calls. However, all substantive contributions to any Credentials 
  Community Group Work Items must originate from members of the CCG 
  with full IPR agreements signed. You can find the link to this in 
  the meeting invites. You'll need to have a W3C account, that is 
  also something easy to do online. Moving on to call notes. Please 
  note that these meetings are recorded. We have a robot 
  transcriber and we also make audio and video recordings, that are 
  archived and available online. If you want to speak, please raise 
  your hand, or add yourself to the queue by typing “q+” in the 
  chat. And please be brief if you have a question to ask, we want 
  to maximise the time for conversations. Thank you. Now to 
  Introductions & Reintroductions. If we have any new people in the 
  call, or somebody would like to reintroduce themselves, please 
  feel free to take the floor. If nobody wants to take the floor, 
  we can move on to announcements and reminders. Anyone has events 
  or things that happened that people should be aware of, again, 
  please queue yourself up and share the news with us.
<kate_giovacchini,_tln> Open Badges v2.0 is not, in my opinion, 
  an LER aligned standard. But I do think 'Credential Management' 
  is a decent bucket for the functional story that needs to be 
<sharon_leu> Were we going to have a Verifiable Credentials 101 
  as part of this conversation? I hear a lot of terms being 
  conflated in this presentation.
<dmitri_zagidulin> @sharon - we couuuuld. if we have time
<kerri_lemoie> I think it could be helpful to differentiate 
  Credential Management that issue VC-aligned credentials and those 
  that don't.
<kate_giovacchini,_tln> :+1:
<kerri_lemoie> It was me
<naomi> As I'm looking at these examples, the categories are not 
  mutually exclusive... might be better to present each 
  wallet/provider and then have a few columns where they can 
  identify under the different categories... some may be 
  self-soverign and white label. They might be platforms and offer 
  a wallet.
Kerri Lemoie: 
<ildiko_mazar> @Ian, if you could also share the link to your 
  slides in the chat, it would be greatly appreciated
<kerri_lemoie> Also in reference to privacy - VC/OBv3 provides a 
  method for credentials to be shared privately but 2.0 don't and 
  that is a very big distinction.
<ian_davidson> Here is the link to the slides: 
<ildiko_mazar> Thank you
<kerri_lemoie> Please don't link to that graphic. It will be in 
  the LER Accelerator report coming out this month. You can link to 
  that once it is published. The doc I provided was just to explain 
  the continuum in this call. It will be deleted.
<kate_giovacchini,_tln> Excuse me a moment.
<ian_davidson> Sounds good - won't link to it
<sharon_leu> Wait, don't we have a general definition of wallets 
  in this ecosystem?
<naomi> Love that idea!
<colin_reynolds,_ed_design_lab> I'd say it's pretty big industry 
  considering what Instructure has done and is aiming to do over 
  the next year or so...
<sharon_leu> I think the definitions in this paper are pretty 
<phillip_long> Isn't clarifying the risks and benefits associated 
  with differently architected wallets useful to all conerned?
<kerri_lemoie> I think we should advocate for VC alignment in 
  this community.
<kaliya_identity_woman> DID Unconf: Africa. 
<kerri_lemoie> Not LERs
<kaliya_identity_woman> DICE Ecosystems - March 4-5 
<phillip_long> LERs that conform to the VC specific are VCs which 
  adds a bit to the confusion.
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Sharon re:
Sharon Leu: 
<kaliya_identity_woman> IIW #40 
<sharon_leu> @dmitri I think we have a long set of functional 
  requirements, which is what you were suggesting didn't exist?
<kaliya_identity_woman> FediForum https://fediforum.org/
<kerri_lemoie> I don't think we need to reinvent definitions here 
  - just help educate how VCs work and their value.
<ian_davidson> I don't know the answer to this - but will the 
  Apple Wallet or Google Wallet match the definition of the wallet 
  this group would define?  If not, I would suggest that the VC 
  group might want to define a specific type of wallet.
<dmitri_zagidulin> @sharon it's more like - we may not have 
  _consensus_ on which requirements are valid or not
<sharon_leu> Agree 100% with Kerri.
<kaliya_identity_woman> We did this - 
Kaliya Young: 
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> :+1:
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Kaliya - and that slide deck would be an 
  excellent input document, should we ever want to define wallet, 
  as a Task Force or as a community
<dmitri_zagidulin> cause it's a great slide deck, and also gets 
  into the other item of confusion (of wallet vs agent)
<kerri_lemoie> Agreed - Susan. Technically there are nuances but 
  the value of VCs - like privacy preserving (ie not going back to 
  issuers for verificcation) is a huge differentiator.
<kaliya_identity_woman> What is a Wallet? is the titel of that 
<kerri_lemoie> It's confusing to the ecosystem because there are 
  apps named "wallet" in edu that aren't VC wallets but they are 
  transitioning. Issuing platforms where credentials are stored and 
  shared from aren't wallets.
<ildiko_mazar> NB, Simone already shared a draft on the mailing 
<colin_reynolds,_ed_design_lab> I'd be happy to work on a VC-101 
  doc + blog post with others
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Colin - thank you! very helpful.
Kerri Lemoie: +1 Sharon
<rob_coyle_(1edtech)> I'm in full support of trying to gain 
  consensus and educate, but I think we need to be mindful that it 
  will be hard to sway any provider to change the name of the 
  functionality they want to use for their customers. If wallet 
  makes sense to the learners that's what they will use, even if it 
  isn't a pure wallet by our definition.
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Rob - yes! also very good point.
<kerri_lemoie> If we think that's true @rob - how do we 
  differentiate the functionality?
<susan_stroud> I'm experiencing this confusion spilling out onto 
  potential investors.
<ildiko_mazar> Thanks, @Sharon
<rob_coyle_(1edtech)> @kerri - I wish I knew!
<phillip_long> focusing on the differentiators between the 
  self-sovereign wallet designed for decentralized architectures 
  might be very helpful
<phillip_long> that is these self-sovereign wallets and other 
  types of "wallets"
<ian_davidson> Thank you for the invitation to present!
<sharon_leu> Thanks!
<kerri_lemoie> Thanks
<naomi> Thanks!

Received on Monday, 13 January 2025 17:44:26 UTC