- From: ステファニー タン(SBIホールディングス) <tstefan@sbigroup.co.jp>
- Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 04:01:42 +0000
- To: Manu Sporny <msporny@digitalbazaar.com>
- CC: CCG Minutes Bot <minutes@w3c-ccg.org>, "public-credentials@w3.org" <public-credentials@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <TYCP286MB28969E289820BE9EC0B9D31494C32@TYCP286MB2896.JPNP286.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
Hi Manu, The new link works, thank you! Stefannie ________________________________ From: Manu Sporny <msporny@digitalbazaar.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 11:19 AM To: ステファニー タン(SBIホールディングス) <tstefan@sbigroup.co.jp> Cc: CCG Minutes Bot <minutes@w3c-ccg.org>; public-credentials@w3.org <public-credentials@w3.org> Subject: Re: [MINUTES] W3C CCG CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call - 2025-02-24 Try this one Stefannie: https://meet.w3c-ccg.org/archives/w3c-ccg-education-2025-02-24.mp4 On Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 9:12 PM ステファニー タン(SBIホールディングス) <tstefan@sbigroup.co.jp> wrote: > > Hello, > > I cannot access the video recording? > > Any help is much appreciated! > > best regards, > Stefannie Tan > ________________________________ > From: CCG Minutes Bot <minutes@w3c-ccg.org> > Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 2:13 AM > To: public-credentials@w3.org <public-credentials@w3.org> > Subject: [MINUTES] W3C CCG CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call - 2025-02-24 > > Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week! > > The transcript for the call is now available here: > > https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2025-02-24-vc-education/ > > Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes. > Audio of the meeting is available at the following location: > > https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2025-02-24-vc-education/audio.ogg > > A video recording is also available at: > > https://meet.w3c-ccg.org/archives/w3c-ccg-weekly-2025-02-24.mp4 > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > VC for Education Task Force Transcript for 2025-02-24 > > Agenda: > https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-edu/2025Feb/0003.html > Organizer: > Kerri Lemoie, Simone Ravaioli, Dmitri Zagidulin > Scribe: > Our Robot Overlords > Present: > Dmitri Zagidulin, Rob Coyle, Curtis Indyke, Nis Jespersen , Eric > Shepherd, Kate Giovacchini, TLN, Stuart Freeman, Jack Durkin, > Kerri Lemoie, Ildiko Mazar, Kulpreet Singh, James Chartrand, > TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Beth - > Gobekli, Marianna Milkis, ASU Pocket, Amruth Gouda, Kristen > Franklin, Colin Reynolds, Ed Design Lab, Colin, Jeff O / HumanOS, > Deb Everhart, Chandi Cumaranatunge, David Ward, Sharon Leu, Nate > Otto > > <kate_giovacchini,_tln> Good morning ya'll! > <kerri_lemoie> Hello all! > Our Robot Overlords are scribing. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Yeah there we go all right uh so does anybody > does anybody new here uh in the group and wants to uh. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Introduced themselves or those who haven't > done that in a while may want to hop on the Queue and reintroduce > we use the queue by just raising the hands or typing Q Plus in > jitsi chat. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh Beth go ahead. > Beth_-_Gobekli: Hey everybody um I'm Beth I'm from Gobekli uh I'm > joined today just part as um coyote had a conflict so uh excited > to see what and learn what's going on um here in the group and > and see what's being presented today. > <kerri_lemoie> Hi Beth! > Dmitri Zagidulin: Thank you welcome uh glad to have another > another person from the Gobekli team uh we love what they're > doing. > Beth_-_Gobekli: Well thank you yeah we're we're we love being > here and I've heard great things about this uh this group so. > Beth_-_Gobekli: Thanks for having me. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Anyone else want to hop on the queue. > Dmitri Zagidulin: All right in that case let's move on to > communion announcements does anybody have. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Ments of conferences uh webinars and so on uh > coming up. > <beth_-_gobekli> Hi Kerri! > Dmitri Zagidulin: We of course have iaw the internet identity > Workshop coming up in April I believe. > Brooke_Lipsitz_(ASU): Uh 1 at Tech is coming to Phoenix next week > um and the tln is hosting a salon event uh wrapping up that > conference so if anyone's planning on coming in for 1 at Tech > please let us know and we'd love to have you at our Salon event. > <kate_giovacchini,_tln> We are going to have fun > Dmitri Zagidulin: Excellent Carrie you're up next. > Kerri Lemoie: Awesome hi everybody I will definitely be stopping > by that Salon event. > Kerri Lemoie: I think TL and it's awesome um and I'll also be at > the 1 at Tech digital credentials Summit next week um on various > uh sessions 1 with Georgia Tech to talk about digital degrees um > and um all the the challenges of applying open badges to that uh > with the credential engine test water is for registry project > with digital promise to talk about open source badge issuing > software. > Kerri Lemoie: A couple others I'm sorry that I'm not forgetting > in front of me but um 1 I think that is really interesting though > be a general session on um trusted credentials and quality and > I'm really looking forward to that 1 specifically so we can talk > a lot about that. > Kerri Lemoie: So hope to see you all there too it'd be great. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Thanks Gary sounds sounds exciting I can't > wait to hear all about it afterwards. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Anyone else uh with announcements. > Dmitri Zagidulin: All right in that case let us move to our main > agenda uh we're pleased to have uh Kate do you have acini and > Cari Le muy and anyone else from from their teams uh talk about > the. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh progress on the various open source uh > wallets Kate over to you. > Kate_Giovacchini,_TLN: Thank you Demetri its way with great > pleasure that I actually turned the mic over to my colleague uh > Mariana Milas who's been the product manager over ASU pocket for > some time and has some terrific insights Mariana. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Hi everyone nice to be back here um > yeah we uh wanted to talk today about the fabulous collaboration > that we had with uh DCC and the learner sheality looking at you > and Carrie of course um I do have a presentation ready so uh if > you want me to go ahead and start sharing I can do that uh what > do you think. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Yeah please do uh looking forward to it. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: All right let me figure this out. > Dmitri Zagidulin: And Mariana I just want to say that it's been > such a pleasure uh working with you uh as as a product manager in > this space uh as as I think a lot of us uh doing implementation > know that it's all that aside from the data models and the > protocols it's really the day-to-day Decisions by designers and > product managers uh that are going to make all the difference to > the actual usability in the field. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Well thank you and I I do think that > what we um have achieved so far is really such a teamwork such a > collaboration and I apologize if there's a screaming baby in the > background because uh my baby is sick so he's not too far um okay > I'm gonna go ahead and share H uh hopefully I can figure it out > I'm not super. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Fluent with Team uh with uh me but > let's see okay is this looking good. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Yes we can see uh can see your screen go ahead > yeah. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Where you can see okay fantastic um > okay just give me 1 second all right so. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: So um we wanted to talk about um ASU > and MIT DCC collaboration. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: In creating um ASU pocket and my > skills pocket so the 2 wallets that we run out of ASU Enterprise > technology. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um and it's been quite a journey um > so I will be inviting also Carrie to contribute uh on uh in in > udemy to contribute on some of the DCC aspects of this > collaboration. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Of course we have been working > together for a while in sort of consultation capacity and just > staying very in very close touch through through tln. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um but uh here's a kind of a quick > introduction of what. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: each of us. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Are doing so as you pocket um it's > an edge only verify credential wallet that turns accomplishments > in work and learning into professional currency we built it > Fuller nurse to store manager chair where fiber credentials and > we built it we built this version and this uh kind of final > production version um on top of the a learning conial wallets > open source code base we also have a second app my skills pocket > uh that serves employment Mobility use case they both both run of > the same codebase and I'll talk a little bit more about that > later. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um and then. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Want to talk about I mean obviously > everyone here knows this is you but you want to say anything > here. > Kerri Lemoie: Oh is yeah um thank you um hey everybody too yes > I'm Carol Leo I'm the director of the DCC and the DCC was founded > in 2018 to explore aligning education you see cases with > verifiable credentials um uh 1 of us over the years I think Kim > Duffy and then me and then Dmitri we we've sort of served as > co-chairs in this group to sort of align the work with the group > at VC I do to align the work with DCC um so as it says here we > are are able to advance the understanding and use of privacy > enhanced portable verifiable digital academic credentials I think > you all know what that means we're talking about open Badges and > verifiable credentials um most importantly uh for this call today > we do this through open source technology development um and um > what we love to do is is put our our software out there and then > make it possible for anybody to to use it without attribution um > really just take it and build what you need out of it and um I > I'm going to like do the high level. > Kerri Lemoie: Overview but. > Kerri Lemoie: Actually spent quite a bit of time working with > ASU on this so um he can also provide us the details on sort of > like you know how this happened and the results of that. > Kerri Lemoie: Take it from there Rihanna call me whenever you > need. > <kerri_lemoie> Original wallet specification that DCC developed > in 2021 (we've evolved so much since this!): > https://digitalcredentials.mit.edu/docs/Learner-Credential-Wallet-Specification-May-2021.pdf > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Okay okay sounds good um yeah a > little bit a very quick little backstory um as you all well some > of you may know we have been sort of um working on the wallet for > quite some time and we played with various approaches and various > Technologies and then at some point we did realize that we do uh > need to be really agile and really lightweight we didn't want to > get to a point where um even simple um pivots and Bug fixes would > take us a long time um so we we wanted to get to the market as > fast as possible because we we do all know that it's really fun > and this this the space is very exciting it's a big sandbox play > playroom that we're all in and we love it but we deeply believe > that. > <kerri_lemoie> The original LCW was developed with support of the > US Dept of Ed. Here's the report the DCC provided on that: > https://digitalcredentials.mit.edu/docs/Open%20Source%20Student%20Wallet%20Final%20Report%20-%20Public%20Web%20Version.pdf > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Most impactful learning uh comes > from accelerating to Market we want real we want a real use cases > we wanted real feedback uh challenges right and and to really > understand um from people for whom we're building um are we > building the right thing how are they using it so this > collaboration allowed us to do that um I I will get to this right > away next um but it also allowed us to really focus on um kind of > while we were already we were giving the foundation the technical > Foundation from you know with experts like Dmitri really stinking > through all the technology and all the all the cases for the > technology and how to make that happen we were able to Overlay > um. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Laser focus on ux and usability and > issue specific workflows over that base. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: That allowed us to create something > um. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: I believe it's pretty special. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: So this is kind of the timeline um > the general tenants of the collaboration um. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: We worked very closely with Dimitri > and his uh in his team um on. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: The architecture and then um. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Code updates um and and and changes > uh. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: And we worked also very closely with > with DCC on um. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: sort of. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Standards issues of figuring out all > the edge cases and challenges that um we many of us are working > on in in implementation of verify verifiable credentials into the > real world. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: This is a quick timeline of our > collaboration as you see it's pretty tight so we started > basically from Ground Zero um absolutely nothing um in October 23 > where we got the team together both internally ASU team as well > as metrie and Kim Duffy was with us for a little while also > contributing majorly uh we designed architecture. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Figured out how to you know how to > leverage open source open source code um with compliance with ASU > um standards and requirements for software development. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: in January. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: We forked the code this is a soft > Upstream connected Fork um and um also designed the double app > support and then February March we um. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Did some codebase updates uh also in > collaboration with uh GCC uh build pockets ux and functional uh > and uh additional functionality and then in April we kicked off > uh we already had a live app in both Google Play and apps uh > Google Play and um Apple App Stores um and we kicked off a pilot > with Ace Hardware um and wrapped it up in late March. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: As you can. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: See the timeline was. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Really quick um and this is all due > to our very tight collaboration and the open source Foundation > that DCC provides. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: A few key wins um that. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: I want to start with so as I already > mentioned it took us 6 months to go from zero to live um with > production standards compliant wallet in just 6 months we only > have 1 full-time developer supporting this work with of course > major contributions from ASU internal devops DCC but I will check > here I think I saw your name on the call was the 1 who uh really > led the work so that's that's all it took um and then after our > testing with uh both ASU students and Ace Hardware Frontline > employees who range in age from 17 to 71 um we achieved a 97% > customer satisfaction score. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: So we think it's pretty nice. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um continuing here going in a little > bit more detail and I would like to uh well I'll run through this > and then if there are any questions I'll shoot those over to > abishek because he would be able to. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Talk in more depth about this um so > some of the ux enhancements that we implemented on top of uh > learner credential wallets uh workflows were. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um we made a conscious Choice after. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Quite extensive discussions to drop > choppy and switch over to VC API because that provided um massive > ux simplification and and and it just allowed us to streamline > onboarding massively for folks basically removing I think 3 or 4 > uh steps uh which from all our conversations uh with just normal > people who use our who have used our wallet over time um is > really what's what's needed um we love the tech but people also. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: I don't see value add of some of the > things. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: We sometimes may take for granted. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: So this was our choice to make it > accessible more accessible and easy to use for people we added on > boarding workflow that uh sort of well work through walk through > that sort of let people uh scroll through some screens and read a > little bit of what this is what it does uh what the app does what > a verifiable credentials um things like that and then we recently > have reworked the share flow um which I'll I'll demo in a little > bit. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Well not demo I have some > screenshots but you can also see it if you install the apps um > we. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: We work the share flow um based on > user feedback that it was a little bit. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Overly complex uh or just you know > had lots of lots of buttons lots of steps um. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: So now it's quite simplified. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: In terms of feature additions we uh. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Added verifiable presentation and we > uh our team. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Has worked has contributed back to > the open source code base uh to support verified presentation. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Added oh this didn't didn't quite uh > bullet correctly um we added filtering sorting we are about to > release smart resume pipeline Integrations um folks can get ASU > credentials directly from The Trusted learner Network. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um and then to run to apps of the > same code base we added uh Feature Feature Flags. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Uh we now have 2 apps like I said my > skills pocket and ASU pocket and uh they have the same design > system they have the same codebase and there's just a little > switch that helps us switch between the 2 and tag features that > we want in 1 or the other so that allows us to really run lean > and mean. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Uh I will I want to pause here > anyone uh I don't know Demetri abishek anything else you want to > contribute to kind of Express contribute to this part. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Yeah uh so just want to say a couple couple > more comments uh there and first of all I think that this project > very much demonstrates the. > Dmitri Zagidulin: The sort of Ideal case uh situation with with > obviously always with asterisks and caveats but the success story > of uh open source right like the the ability for a team to come > in from scratch and ship uh a mobile app let alone 2 mobile apps. > Dmitri Zagidulin: We we're going to return and talk about the 2 > apps off of the same codebase which I think is is an interesting > use case uh just in a handful of months like 5 months or whatever > is is incredible um. > Dmitri Zagidulin: I also wanted to touch on the uh just as a > comments with choppy so I think this this points to um. > Dmitri Zagidulin: We we should we should do another session. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Here on VC edu on chappie and getting requests > and credentials in and out of wallets. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Because the the situation is constantly > evolving and what we've what we've seen is that uh Jackie at the > moment is really good for interfacing between applications and > web wallets. > Dmitri Zagidulin: In interfacing between applications and mobile > wallets there's a lot more challenges just just because uh the > affordances that were given by the mobile operating system > vendors are are like very narrow so we have to squeeze this whole > world of credentials through like 1 or 2 narrow channels > essentially everything has to go through. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh Universal app links um URLs so uh there's > definitely is a good reminder for me to uh come back on another > session and talk about uh where we're at with the various wallet > apis uh but back over to you. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Yeah thank you yeah that was a that > and and we are um we're actually in the process of re-enabling > choppy and and and exploring how that might work in this case > where. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um a mobile only wallet interfaces > with the web app. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um we'll be happy to report on that > but yeah very interesting topic I think we we get to talk about > this in 1 of the future sessions. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: So yeah so this is an example of um > kind of the work chair flow you can also see the branding. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Yeah some of the things also here > that are sort of new um is the filtering and sorting > functionality. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: And then on the previous slide you > did you did see that um there's an option to go connect directly > to tln and get all ASU achievements um and then as other > institutions on board and to onto the trustee Learning Network > we'll have. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Some of the challenges and Lessons > Learned um. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Well happy to report that we did > resolve all of these so. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um balancing institutional needs so > kind of our pace and our needs with open source roadmap um. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Some Upstream dependencies that > existed the biggest 1 being the react the bay native update to > Expo so that was uh a topic of many conversations of quite a few > hours of development. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: um and. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: In interacting and and uh aligning > with Demetrius team. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um resource sharing of course um > ownership of various tasks uh working with multiple code bases > and uh all of the dependencies that existed and then reconciling > um issue or Registries um so we did also stood up a very > lightweight we see issue on the Verma framework to uh to support > my skills pocket so that outside of ASU employment Mobility use > case. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um so then uh we had to go back to > uh we went back to the to uh. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: To see his issue registry cross > register everything. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: That was fun. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: if you. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: New uh contributions that Pockets > team uh made to verify Plus. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: So as I already mentioned uh the > functionality to display verifiable presentations within the > within verify Plus. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um the issue client version upgrade > and enhanced for industry display logic. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um I can. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Do you want to talk more about like > about this briefly because this is your domain. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um yeah okay um and then what's next > for us um. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Starting to so now um both tail and > pocket are in production we're starting to roll it out to Au > students. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: to get a. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Variety of their credentials and > carry them through life. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: During their ASU Learning Journey > lifelong Learning Journey and post Learning Journey uh we also > are uh kicking off pilot with over a thousand reuse a lot of > Community College Learners who are obtaining uh National Retail > Federation industry recognized credentials through college and > then using them to um find jobs in pipeline as so that's a big > thing for us we were also working on some fun AI stuff with AI > job recommendations um. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: That I can talk about later and this > is do you want to do you guys want to talk a little bit about > what sort of on your in your immediate line. > Kerri Lemoie: Sure absolutely and um 1 of the things that I > think relates to this is that we've been working on this issue a > registry project with credential engine um which also we've been > talking to ASU about um so and the multiple display of uh issuers > in in various Registries has been like a key discussion as part > of that work too so there's a lot of overlap there as part of > that. > Kerri Lemoie: Working on at the decency 1 is uh we're pretty > heavily involved in a Sprint right now related to the issue of > registry project um this has to do with uh de developing a > prototype with a recommendations for how issue registry is and > for Learning and employment records uh could be standardized and > then we are adopting uh the learner credential wallet code and > the verifiable uh uh web verifier code so I verify a plus code to > use that um and which we will have like others who will be > participating in hosting prototype Registries and do verification > too so we we together we've all been talking about that a little > bit more. > Kerri Lemoie: Um and then also uh actually something where we're > working on right now that will happen I think within a week or so > we're pretty close to launching it is um the addition of opening > up baked badges in the learner credential wallet um if some of > you are familiar with how open badges used to work they were > these images right the reason the images were primarily is that > the data was embedded into these images and then they could be > emailed around and the data could be extracted and and used and > they didn't happen very much most open badges just get shared on > a web pages and uploading those those quote baked images uh > didn't work very well and and platforms because uh you know > platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook strip that data out for > obvious security reasons so um but we do see that um the credly > platform is doing that and so we are making sure that any badges > that are incredibly could be imported into while it's like > learning a credential wallet and and ASC pocket and others when > they're ready to adopt that. > Kerri Lemoie: Um so we we think this is pretty important to uh > sort of see not not to encourage the baking necessarily but to > encourage the fact that credentials can be moved out of closed > systems into a more more portable systems like wallets. > Kerri Lemoie: Um dbg anything else or anybody else in the DCC > team that's here that would like to add that I haven't mentioned. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Yeah um a lot of I'll add a couple more things > so as as the VC field sort of um evolves on the specs mature > there's always an ongoing like okay there's a new version of > verify the credential spec right we've uh the move to 2.0 so uh > we we added support for those uh as new signature methods and and > different key types mature uh we we're also adding them adding > support for those new signatures to the wallet so that sort of > thing and and 1 other exciting um. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Development in uh. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Area of edge wallets is this notion of. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Adding cloud storage to Edge wallets. > Dmitri Zagidulin: 1 Of the. > <deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> here's the RISE Up pathway in > CTDL > https://credentialfinder.org/pathway/8/National_Retail_Federation_Foundation_RISE_Up_Pathway > Dmitri Zagidulin: What what are the major advantages to Edge > only mobile wallets and what do we mean by that we mean that > credentials and keys and bids. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Are only stored on the mobile phone there's no > server component so 1 of the 1 of the reasons that ASU was able > to uh deploy this so fast and 1 of the reasons that DCC > originally um went with with the edge only design is. > Dmitri Zagidulin: It makes writing the privacy policy really > easy. > Dmitri Zagidulin: It makes writing the terms and service and > getting it by the legal teams really easy it's like what's your > privacy policy we literally don't have any of your data it's all > on your phone that's it right so very short so so that's a huge > advantage in terms of uh being able to get it out there and start > getting feedback from the users the downside of course is. > Dmitri Zagidulin: What about sharing how do you share > credentials right the convoluted analogy that I always love to > make is with um landline phones and answering machines. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh landline phones were great. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh infrastructure wise but of course what > happens when you're not at at your phone you want to be able to. > Dmitri Zagidulin: You want to have a machine still be able to > pick up the phone record the messages so you can come back to it > similarly with Edge only wallets. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Your phone your mobile wallet is not always > on. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh not always accessible and even when it is > connected to the internet there's no way to for anybody else who > you want to share credential with to reach into your wallet and > request something and so on so long story short. > Dmitri Zagidulin: 1 Of the things that uh we had to do at DC and > and at Su as well. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Was when it came to sharing credentials. > Dmitri Zagidulin: We needed a limited Cloud component only for > public only credentials again to keep that privacy policy short. > Dmitri Zagidulin: And and manageable. > Dmitri Zagidulin: We we have this this notion of when you share > a credential it gets uploaded to uh a public server. > Dmitri Zagidulin: So that you can just email a link to a > component. > <kate_giovacchini,_tln> Thanks all, I have to run, I'm sorry ! > PLanning an event next week is hard work > Dmitri Zagidulin: Um and and by the way 1 1 of the 1 of the > reasons I love being involved in these projects is each 1 of > these features. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Needs so much work. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Terms of uh. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Wordsmithing uiux design how do you write the > help page right how do you like you get these credentials in > front of students and in front of Administrators and there's just > worlds of how do we explain this stuff how you know how do we > handle errors how do we handle successes how do we show that the > verification succeeded. > Dmitri Zagidulin: How do we show the various uh various ways in > which verification can fail and still uh sort of get across the > the risk factor to the user all all those all those topics very > interesting but back to uh the original question of so what what > else is on our road map uh so 1 1 exciting projects uh dcc's uh > doing right now is exploring further this notion of wallet > attached storage of okay we did some some early prototypes of > this is how you share a credential. > <ildiko_mazar> The portability of digital credentials is vital in > the context of lifelong learning where people get their > credentials from multiple sources and might store in multiple > places in parallel and over time. But it's also very important > that these DCs are comparable. Do you have a minimum > (recommended) data content for the credentials that are stored in > the ASU Pocket wallets? > Dmitri Zagidulin: But then can we take it farther can we say > hey. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Since user since you already have a wallet > that manages cryptographic keys for you what does that mean for > storing things in a sharable way in the cloud. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Can we we. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Being able to share public only credential can > we add down the line Access Control to it. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Can we uh can we add sync between different > wallets or different devices right like it's it's a very rich and > interesting area to to explore. > Dmitri Zagidulin: And and we look. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Forward to um coming back and and. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Explaining our approach uh sharing our > findings in it and so on so uh definitely um going to be more to > hear from us about what our Dutch storage I think I'll pause > there um back to you Gary. > Kerri Lemoie: Oh no that's great thank you to me I'll actually > hand it back over to Mariana. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Okay yeah thank you um yeah lots of > these things are also on our minds um we do we are planning. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: A research Sprinter to in regards > to. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Selective disclosures and 1-to-1 > sharings and uh uh all all sorts of things like that so I'm sure > we'll talk a lot with you guys about this um and I just yeah I uh > I love that we have an opportunity to kind of build step by step > build this um this future what this actually looks like of what > all these uncertainties look like and then um have immediate > almost instant validation. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Markets with real users when we make > these decisions. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: That's it Q&A. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Yeah so let's uh let's get some questions from > uh from the audience I see 1 um uh 1 great question that I want > to make sure it doesn't uh get lost uh from from ildico in chat > though ildico if I don't know if you want to. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh hop on the Queue to uh to explain it more > but I think uh it'll go asking hey what. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Understand the question correctly. > Dmitri Zagidulin: What's the data model here do we have a speck > of how. > Dmitri Zagidulin: A credential needs to look in order to be > displayed on these wallets uh and the answer is it's obviously > evolving uh at the moment we started with open badges version 3. > Dmitri Zagidulin: We start with obvious credentials just because > it's uh. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Well known in our corner of the VC field > education field and so if it's a verifiable credential sorry if > it's a open badges version 3 it'll probably display in the wallet > uh of course we don't have support for all of the fields there > are many many many fields in. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Um open badges version 3. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Support uh for each 1 uh we will take some > time on the road map and and we are hoping that uh advances with > uh the render method will be able to take care some of. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Some of that heavy lifting. > Dmitri Zagidulin: So yeah so we're we're starting with uh really > basic credentials such as uh open badges. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Going from there but uh please feel free to > ask other questions. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Yeah also to just quickly add to > that um so we did yeah we did launch uh pocket with 2 oh sorry um > I have a contributor here um to uh. > <ildiko_mazar> <3 > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: 2 schemas so 1 is obviously uh for. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Of credentials and then the other 1 > is the employment record to support uh you know to support that > so that is interesting Dmitri helped us create the initial schema > um and then we based on again real real life feedback and and > sort of uh fields and and data that was necessary um. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Will be iterating on it and and > figuring out how to make that look more aligned to. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Um just what the folks perceive to > be of value to share and what the the verifiers perceive to be of > value to know about the employment so that is evolving and it's > really fun. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Oh yeah that's that's a that's a good point I > completely forgot uh to mention that aspect that uh there there's > some really really exciting developments on in the resume and > employment and and HR uh filled in these wallets uh so. > Dmitri Zagidulin: There's there's a support for the employment > credential that ASU uh has shipped uh there's a. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Couple of uh road map items that uh Phil Long > and the T3 Chamber of Commerce Foundation is working on. > Dmitri Zagidulin: And and it's relevant to us in the education > field because it's sort of the the complement the. > <ildiko_mazar> That would be very interesting to keep an eye on - > perceived value for the various stakeholders involved (educators, > employers) > Dmitri Zagidulin: Functionality uh between education and and > employment and how how the 2 interactive. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Yeah so really important uh illico please uh. > Dmitri Zagidulin: And you know you're spot on you you touch on 1 > of the most important and 1 of the most um. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Often asked questions perceived value to > stakeholders. > Dmitri Zagidulin: End of the day we've got we've got these. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Data models we've got these protocols we got > these apps user interface all this stuff. > Dmitri Zagidulin: What's the perceived value to the stakeholders > what's like. > Dmitri Zagidulin: What does this stuff actually do and. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh and that that's an ongoing challenge to us > a DCC okay we can talk about that and as well as um. > Dmitri Zagidulin: You uh just want to highlight some of the some > of the work uh both Mariana and Brooke who's on the call. > Dmitri Zagidulin: As well. > <ildiko_mazar> And how to foster the provision of those values in > future DCs to be issued by education providers > Dmitri Zagidulin: Interfacing with various stakeholders on the > uh greater Network Greater Community side the the employers the > admission desks uh all of those yeah uh eternally interesting > topic. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Do you wanna. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Yeah I would be more than happy to > talk to anyone about the findings that we had from our Ace > Hardware pilot there's actually um a few articles that were > published um based on that pilot that was very insightful um so > happy to talk more about this at some point. > <ildiko_mazar> Please share URLs, if you can > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: I can find the links yeah there are > 1 of them is on my LinkedIn but I I'll grab it yeah. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Not to put you on the spot but do you want to > uh share a couple of findings that that that struck you that are > the top of your mind. > Marianna_Milkis,_ASU_Pocket: Let me just give me a minute I'll > I'll pull up the deck. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Yeah of course of course yeah of course uh > meanwhile other questions uh the folks have. > Dmitri Zagidulin: And so on. > Dmitri Zagidulin: Well uh Mariana is is looking at the decks I > just want to comment real quick on 1 of the things that uh we > often get asked at DCC is this notion of whether to Rebrand re > label a wallet or use an existing. > Dmitri Zagidulin: An existing app just unchanged like learning > credential wallet and. > <kerri_lemoie> Think we got cut off by jistsi > <kerri_lemoie> LCW at Open Wallet Foundation (still led by DCC): > https://github.com/openwallet-foundation-labs/learner-credential-wallet > <sharon_leu> I might have misheard during the presentation, did > you mention that you were doing obv3 bc it was familiar - does > that mean you are experimenting with other vcs that aren't obv3? > <kerri_lemoie> We encourage PRs! > https://github.com/openwallet-foundation-labs/learner-credential-wallet > <kerri_lemoie> (and issues) > <kerri_lemoie> Thank you! > <sharon_leu> Thanks! > <kristen_franklin> :+1: > <brooke_lipsitz_(asu)> :clap: > <beth_-_gobekli> Thank you! > <ildiko_mazar> Thank you, Marianna, Kerri, Abhishek and Dmitri > -- Manu Sporny - https://www.linkedin.com/in/manusporny/ Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc. https://www.digitalbazaar.com/
Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 04:02:21 UTC