CCG Data Integrity Transcript for 2025-02-21

Credentials Community Group Data Integrity Transcript for 2025-02-21

  1. Background on Data Integrity
  2. Introductions
  3. Work Item Review
  4. Post Quantum Data Integrity Specs
  Manu Sporny
  Our Robot Overlords
  Manu Sporny, Hiroyuki Sano, Patrick St-Louis, Dave Longley,
  Andrea D'Intino, Ingo Wolf, Alex Higuera, Will Abramson,
  Gabriele Bellini, Markus Sabadello, Geun-Hyung Kim,

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.

Manu Sporny:  All right uh hello everyone uh welcome to the
  weekly data Integrity call um we have been having these for about
  a year now but it's been just among some of the editors of the
  data Integrity specifications in the verifiable credential
  working group um because there has been uh kind of so much
  activity around some of the data Integrity stuff uh we thought it
  would be good for all of us to meet um in a larger group and uh
  kind of discuss um uh the the path forward here um so the agenda
  for today is fairly open um Andrea you had a number of questions
  uh from from dying had a number of questions around some of the
  post-quantum uh Suites and the best way to move that work forward
  uh I see Will here um who just published um the K1 schnorr
  signature data Integrity stuff to the mailing list I think will
  if you don't mind it would be good to kind of chat about that.

Topic: Background on Data Integrity

Manu Sporny:  Should also probably give everyone a background on
  you know we usually use this meeting to talk about BBS um and the
  and the crypto Suite so on linkable stuff so it it it sounds like
  this call is turning into.
Manu Sporny:  What the Next Generation crypto Suites uh are going
  to be that we want to take on the standards track at at w3c.
Manu Sporny:  But you know this is our first meeting it's open to
  whatever people want to to talk about um.
Manu Sporny:  So we'll we'll go ahead and uh open it up to uh I
  think introductions would be really great if we could just get a
  quick round of introductions uh please don't take too long
  because we have uh so many people here but a couple of sentences
  uh about uh who you are and why you are interested in the work uh
  would be good um I'll just go down the list and call on people uh
  for introductions um uh so uh.

Topic: Introductions

Manu Sporny:  Hiroyuki-san please go ahead.
Hiroyuki_Sano: Hiroyuki Sano from Sony Japan, participate in
  VCWG, interested in this work as well.
Manu Sporny:  Great welcome to the call um Patrick uh you next
Patrick St-Louis:  Can you hear me yep.
Patrick St-Louis:  Uh yeah um my name is Patrick I'm from Canada
  on the east side of Canada from Quebec.
Patrick St-Louis:  Um I work with mainly work with bcgov uh and
  implementing this technical component called the UNTP
  specification which is a supply chain.
Patrick St-Louis:  System based on verifiable credential.
Patrick St-Louis:  And we also work on the did:webvh which make use
  of the data Integrity specification and also help build the test
  Suites and do some things in the VC platform.
Manu Sporny:  Okay thanks Patrick um Dave Longley.
Dave Longley:  Hi I'm Dave Longley I'm with digital Bazaar um I
  have uh done work with uh w3c on a number of different specs.
Dave Longley:  Is verifiable credentials decentralized
  identifiers the uh data Integrity work and the crypto Suites
  related to it.
Manu Sporny:  Okay thanks Dave um great things are uh uh Ingo
  wolf please.
Manu Sporny:  Wonderful welcome to the calling go um Alex uh
Alex_Higuera_(DCC): Hi this is Alex Agera senior Dev at the DCC
  at MIT um located in Boston Massachusetts and I'm here to learn
  more about how data Integrity is going to affect our work thank
Manu Sporny:  Wonderful welcome to the call Alex um uh will.
Will Abramson:  Yeah hey I'm uh 1 of the chats with this the ccg
  and also the chair that did work group and as many said I've been
  developing a new good crypto suite for data Integrity so.
Will Abramson:   That's why.
Will Abramson:  Manchester see what's going on with everything
Manu Sporny:  Wonderful see you here well uh Andrea.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Good uh morning or afternoon uh I
  am Andrea from Fork bomb BV and from door we implemented the
  cryptographic virtual machine called Zen room uh and uh hear
  about so we've been working on implementing multi key support and
  we have a few questions about that particularly on some elliptic
  curve as well as on Quantum safe credentials.
Manu Sporny:  Wonderful uh thank you for all that work.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: I have I have 2 colleagues with me
  Matteo and Gabriella in case.
Manu Sporny:  Yes we'll go to we'll go to their introductions um
  next so Gabrielle please.
Gabriele_Bellini_(Forkbomb_BV): Um hello um I read your standards
  and um Implement them for for bomb into zen room the
  cryptographic virtual machine and um it's really interesting you
  how the things will uh go and move uh with the standard thank
Manu Sporny:  Great welcome Gabrielle um Mateo after you please.
Manu Sporny:  Wonderful um welcome uh Kim.
Manu Sporny:  Then you might be muted again.
<geun-hyung_kim> Hello
Manu Sporny:  Still no audio from you um unmute is in the center
  of the uh screen on the left but you might need to rejoin.
Manu Sporny:  I see you typing hello.
<geun-hyung_kim> I will rejoin.
Manu Sporny:  Okay we'll we'll go to the next person and come
  back around uh to you when you rejoin um Marcus after you please.
Markus Sabadello:  Hello Marcus s from Vienna I'm mostly working
  on decentralized identifiers but uh at our company we also have
  independent implementations of verifiable credentials.
Markus Sabadello:  The integrity and.
Markus Sabadello:  You have to stay up to date thank you.
Manu Sporny:  Wonderful welcome to the call Marcus great to see
  you here um.
Manu Sporny:  I saw you in Hing join and then.
Manu Sporny:  Connect uh Wes uh go ahead please.
Sam Smith:  Uh Hey everybody Wes from digital Bazaar.
Sam Smith:  So we work a lot with verifiable credentials and I
  personally and particularly interested in what's on the horizon
  for uh data Integrity with crypto coming down the line and so on
  and so forth so hey everyone.
Manu Sporny:  Awesome thanks Wes okay I think that's everyone
  except for.
Manu Sporny:  Um did we miss anybody.
Manu Sporny:  And then can you I see you came off mute can you uh
  ah yes we can hear you wonderful.
Manu Sporny:  Great uh welcome to the call uh Jen Hung okay um uh
  it's great to see so many people here I think what we originally
  uh called this meeting for was just to make sure that we could um
  answer all of Andrea and uh dine um for bomb's questions um so
  maybe we start there um they're kind of specific um.

Topic: Work Item Review

Manu Sporny:  Well um Let me let me spend 3 minutes kind of
  talking about the type of work that we do here just so everyone
  has an has an idea of what what we kind of have planned um and
  then we'll we'll jump over to Andrea's uh question so um this is
  the data Integrity uh uh call um we'd we currently don't know if
  this is a working group call or or community group call I think
  it's largely more a community group called than a working group
  call like the editors get together on this call typically to work
  through things we're working on the verifiable credential uh
  working group but um.
Manu Sporny:  Increasingly we're going to.
Manu Sporny:  Because that stuff is going to be Global standards
  soon we'll move into the next section of work which is incubation
  of post-quantum uh uh uh BBS uh different Merkel selective
  disclosure schemes uh schnoor a signature stuff so you know the
  the incubation um you know stuff so um just so everyone knows
  where the data Integrity work is right now we have basically
  finalized version 1 1.0 of data integrity.
Manu Sporny:  Ecdsa crypto Suite which also includes selective
Manu Sporny:  The eddsa crypto Suite so those 3 specifications
  are expected to go to a global standard in the next let's say 3
  months right but largely we're done with the version 10 work
  there um what that means is that we now have a very solid
  foundation to build off of 4 things that didn't make it into the
  first round of work so now we're going to enter into the second
  round of work and that includes a focus on um.
Manu Sporny:  PBS and completing BBS uh so that's unlike uh
  selective disclosure um uh crypto Suite um we are going to be
  focusing on post-quantum uh so that's the work that uh Andrea and
  in a fork bomb and dine uh are doing uh with Zen room and there
  are a number of other people that are interested in in moving
  that forward um we know that there's interest from uh Singapore
  uh the Singaporean government uh and a couple of uh asia-pacific
  uh Nations on select selective redaction so the ability uh to
  like redact um things like trade documents with digital
  signatures as they go through the supply chain um there is also
  interest as will um uh noted uh there's interested in like uh
  sect P2 physics K1 uh snore uh signatures there's some really
  cool um.
Manu Sporny:  Multi-sig properties there um.
Manu Sporny:  Uh and on top of that uh there is uh future work
  around ZK snarks and ZK snarks that we are probably going to be
  looking at so a lot of a lot of work um in I think the purpose of
  this group is to just keep in touch with 1 another and coordinate
  Loosely I don't think anything needs to be like we need to do the
  work in this group it's people can continue to do the work
  wherever they're doing it and this group is here to support you
  as you put together uh those those specifications Patrick you're
  on the Queue please go ahead.
Patrick St-Louis:  Yeah the all these topics sound very
  interesting um I just want to point out that be interested to
  know a bit the difference if there's any between sector
  disclosure and selective reduction always kind of see them as
  technically the same thing.
Manu Sporny:  Yes there there is a difference um.
Manu Sporny:  High level selective disclosure that you you know
  the issuer creates a verifiable credential that has individual
  signatures on every single statement in the verifiable
Manu Sporny:  And it gives that the the issue or gives that
  entire package to the holder.
Manu Sporny:  And then the holder um determines which.
Manu Sporny:  Disclosures they want to make so they selectively
  disclose very specific statements.
Manu Sporny:  Um so that's that's selective disclosure um The
  Selective redaction um allows.
Manu Sporny:  Uh a receiver of that selectively disclosed
  document um to further redact statements so to further uh remove
  um uh statements it's something that it's very close to selective
  disclosure um but it's different um in that the the verifier.
Manu Sporny:  Pass that kind of a a redacted version of the
  document they received down and so the use case here is in a
  supply chain um the first disclosed set of disclosures might
  disclose everything about like you know a bill of lading um but
  then the the company that's doing the shipping or managing the
  the transaction uh may want to uh further redact you know a
  certain things and so on and so forth down the down the line.
Patrick St-Louis:  But isn't that just another round of selective
Manu Sporny:  Uh you could you could view it like that but that I
  think the technical details of what Singapore is doing is
  slightly different.
Manu Sporny:  Because because there are some binding there's some
  binding things that are that are potentially required that we
  need to think about on the in the presentation so some selective
  disclosures require cryptographic binding so that some so that
  people can't reuse the selective disclosure uh that can't reuse
  the presentation whereas with Selective redaction you can reuse
  the presentation over and over and over again down the line.
Manu Sporny:  There are all kinds of security concerns around
  like is that safe to do when is it when is it safe to do when is
  it not safe to do you know stuff like that um.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Uh yeah I also want to ask about
  this like the redaction because that's the very first time I hear
  the term I'd like to ask if there is some documents some work in
  progress something written because I've completely missed that on
  the mailing list if it has gone through.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah there is um government Singapore has they have
  quite a bit I mean they've actually implemented this and they've
  deployed it um and they're deployed it with a couple of other
  nations I don't have the link off the top of my head Andrea maybe
  you could ask on the mailing list and I'll I'll push its Calvin
  Chang um I think in in his group that's also working on it um.
Manu Sporny:  Calvin c a l v i n 1 second let me get Calvin.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: I can just write it in the mailing
  list that that.
<manu_sporny> Calvin Cheng
Manu Sporny:  Yeah Calvin Chang c h e n g I'll type it out in the
  chat Channel Calvin Chang.
Manu Sporny:  Calvin's group that's uh working on that.
Manu Sporny:  Okay um okay so at a high level I mean those that's
  kind of our current scope of work and we can totally expand or
  Focus or or whatever it's up to you know what what folks want to
  get done right now um from a priority perspective uh it is very
  important that we finish BBS and get it out there right um so our
  our some of our focus is is very focused on that um um and then
  of course I think the the post-quantum stuff feels like the next.
Manu Sporny:  That we need to get done after that uh but again
  there are many of us we can work in parallel so you know like
  will if there's if you I mean you you're you know you're kind of
  done with the you're pretty much done with incubation on on your
  spec right and so um the the K1 schnorr signature stuff could
  probably move in parallel um as well.
Manu Sporny:  Okay okay all right all that being said are there
  any high-level questions on what we're doing here the work that
  we're covering.
Manu Sporny:  We're going to move on to Andrea's post-quantum
  questions or his his spec questions next.

Topic: Post Quantum Data Integrity Specs

Manu Sporny:  Okay let's move over to your questions uh under.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Yes I'm just shooting an email to
  the mailing list right now.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Good okay so we sent to you guys
  particular human 3 questions let me let me get the email again.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Um where a point of the first 1.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Which confusing for you and it
  turned out to be confusing for us as well it was about
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: And uh so I asked.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Binary parameters that are somehow
  complex connected for example to compression why did we ask that
  question is because we started working on ecdsa support and then
  we noticed then on eddsa there is no mentioning of compression
  but would just while we're in the meeting someone I think Mattel
  Gabriel spoke and uh they mentioned that the key is already
  compressed so in fact your answer mano to us was uh.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: On the spot.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: So that is that is solved but said
  that I have the list of.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Standards in front of me.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV:  and I.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Public keys so there are 2 ecdsa.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Both on the R1 curve R1 meaning
  sep 256 R1 uh first of all there is 1 or 1 uh public key missing
  the 500 something I think it's 521 or something and uh then the
  SEC p256 K1 is missing.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Uh you man just mentioned no on uh
  on K1 uh which I understand is going to be in the standard but
  it's just not made his way into the document yet.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: And uh then we will talk about uh
  post query I see BLS 381 it's fine then there is this uh this
  curve that I also seen for the first time as M2 256 which I read
  is used in China.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Uh I was just wondering if there
  is anything else that is going to make its way through this list.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Or if uh.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: So what what directions is is this
<will_abramson> This is the list right
Will Abramson:
Manu Sporny:  Yes that's an excellent question and will you have
  the same kind of question on the mailing list as well so um.
Manu Sporny:  Uh so just just for the other folks that aren't
  quite um don't quite uh uh know know what what what what the what
  the discussion is about let me share my screen here um.
Manu Sporny:  There is a there is a section in the specifications
  called multi key and what we're talking about is expressing uh
  different types of keys different types of public Keys um there
  is there is a standard called jwk Jose webkey uh that kind of
  breaks the key parameters into different variables and and list
  those um we are not using jwk for a lot of um uh the the data
  Integrity work primarily because uh jwk lets you accidentally mix
  and match secret and public parameters and we think it's
  unnecessarily it's unnecessarily complex when you're talking
  about um certain key values and it exposes cryptographic material
  to the application layer where the application layer really
  doesn't need uh to to deal with that with that cryptography so we
  have this this thing called multi-key uh that we're using and a
Manu Sporny:  Has a header.
Manu Sporny:   Uh that.
Manu Sporny:  Defines what the key is and then it's the key
  information like the the public key value or um uh coordinate
  values or things like that uh encoded and it's 1 value we don't
  try and break everything up it's 1 kind of encoded binary value
  highly compressed um we didn't create multi key uh the ipfs the
  interplanetary file system ipfs Community created multi-key and
  multibase in in multihack uh more than 10 years ago I think at
  this point right we're just reusing it um okay so there are these
  things called multi keys and there's certain types of headers
  that go on Multi keys and Andrea you were kind of reading off I
  think the this that that exists in the spec today.
Manu Sporny:  Okay and so all we have is ecdsa eddsa BLS and sm2
  in the reason for that is there was a subset of the Jose
  Community that fought really hard for us to not Define other key
  types um unfortunately it was a very I my personal opinion it was
  a very misdirected misguided attack on what we were doing uh
  there was they did not understand fundamentally what we were
  trying to do uh and so they just kind of blocked it at ITF so the
  only place that we could actually officially standardize it was
  in w3c in this controlled identifier document spec however.
Manu Sporny:  This is not the entire multi-code deck table if we
  look to the multi-code deck the multi formats uh community so
  there's a community called multi formats out there um it's
  largely the ipfs people they've been publishing this stuff for
  you know a decade and we're trying to help them standardized it
  they have something called the multi-code deck table and this
  table lists all of the headers for all of the multi multi formats
  and if we look at something like a sec P2 506 K1 so this this
  entry in the multi codec table.
Manu Sporny:  Uh is for a sec P2 physics K1 public key that is
  compressed the header for it is E7 um and then you have to encode
  it as a variable integer which makes it look different um but um
  this is this is the the the source of Truth for all headers right
Manu Sporny:  It does not include absolutely everything that we
  need it's really big like you know they've got the BLS 12381 G1
  G2 public Keys you know but it's also it's got Ed 25519 uh X2
  5519 public key um but it's got a whole bunch of other things in
  there right I mean there there are what is it there there 592
  entries in this table and the specification that we have only has
Manu Sporny:  So um this table is meant to be extended it can be
  extended by anyone at any time and so if we don't have a value
  that we need in here um.
Manu Sporny:   We need.
Manu Sporny:  To figure out you know the best way to extend it
  right now you just put the value in your specification so for I
  expect that's what we're going to do for you know the the the
  stuff that will is working on the stuff that uh Andrea your teams
  working on we can just Define it and then later on we'll we'll
  get it into the the the standards track Andre go ahead please.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Yeah I was trying to look for the
  for the the repo.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah this this 1.
Manu Sporny:
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Yeah the 1 is just short and I
  think I can find it but.
Manu Sporny:
Manu Sporny:  Okay here's the link There's the link um in chat
  and then here's the 1 that's.
Manu Sporny:  For the smaller you know list.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Perfect thank you very much.
Manu Sporny:  Okay and to be clear we have been we have been
  temporarily temporarily blocked.
Manu Sporny:  By the Jose Community.
Manu Sporny:  Doing the right thing we will do the right thing
  eventually but there's standard politics at play here and we were
  unable to do the right thing the first time through the right
  thing would have been to Define these things at ITF but it was
  objected to at ITF and stopped and so we are we are now
  publishing this as a global standard multi-key in multibase here
  in multi-step values are being published AS Global standards um
  and the next step is probably going to be to uh take the these
  definitions out of the global standard and make them Standalone
  and then create a registry so that other people can um register
  things like post-quantum public Keys um right so the post-quantum
  stuff isn't in here but Andrea that doesn't stop you at all you
  just Define what it is in your specification.
Manu Sporny:  You make sure that there's an entry in the multi
  codec table in that only takes like a week or 2 to get your your
  entry um and then once that is uh there it's it I I think it's
  it'll be it'll be fine right um.
Manu Sporny:  I know that was a lot Andre did you have any
  questions on on that.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Uh what specifically.
Manu Sporny:  Any of it did did it seem straightforward what what
  you needed to do or.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: You know this part so far yes so
  this this answers question 1 and question 2 I have uh something
Will Abramson:  So I have a quick call on before we go on to the
  next 1 so.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah please go ahead will.
Will Abramson:  Yeah this is really useful to me because I don't
  fully appreciate that multi was part of multi multi formats or
  whatever so really the the thing is if you're picking a uh header
  that header needs to be unique in this multi codec table right
  not just unique in that multi key 5 thing right.
Manu Sporny:  That's exactly right yep yep.
Will Abramson:  You haven't referenced this stuff because it's
  not standard that's why.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah so that that was you know that was an approach
  that they they they meaning the people objecting to this took to
  try and kill the spec um and so the only way that we could.
Manu Sporny:  Get it to survive is to put it into.
Will Abramson:  Yeah makes sense.
Manu Sporny:  Said spec which is totally not where it should be
  but you know.
Manu Sporny:  Okay those were your first 2 questions Andrea I
  think you had uh a more.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: He yeah there is 1 about uh rdf.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Canonization but before I like to
  ask something else.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: So um I asked you uh why those 5 5
  public Keys why specific those why not other keys and you reply
  that was there is some kind of competition ongoing with the Jose
  Community which we we kind of are aware about and my next
  question is are you aware of them working on standardizing uh pqc
  public keys.
Manu Sporny:  I the answer to your last 1 is yes I believe
  they've got PK pqc public keys for Josie uh for Jose and cozy um
  yeah I think they're in process or it's it's done or I don't know
  what the RFC status is but they'll they'll have it um now the
  unfortunate thing is that the the way that they express keys they
  compose the keys um break it you know break the key apart into
  into multiple different you know variables and um that is not
  that's not what we do with multi key with multi key we want it
  tightly packed binary value um.
Manu Sporny:  Ideally the 2 key formats would be compatible but
  they typically are not um but it's easy to convert between the 2
  if you have a function to convert.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: I I just I just pasted the link so
  I I Googling pqc Jose pop keys.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: And the only thing I find is that
  which only refers to.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: K k m which I guess would be MLK
  that's correct so the only it seems to me if if Google if Google
  tells the truth seems to me that so far they only be bothering
  with ML cam.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: And not with mlsa which comes in 3
  different flavors as well as uh HS SLA which comes in.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: 1 or 2 flavors.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: So it seems that there is no no
  effort being made for mlsa which kind of makes sense because so
  far the only algorithm that has been used.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: In reality is ml cam for uh.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: For TLS 1.3.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah I I I think they're working on it um Andrea I
  I I so here's the here's the registry for Jose um or for Jose um
  so there are these Json web key types right and then there's the
  Json web key like the elliptic curve types um I would imagine
  that they're just going to end up reusing some combination or
  adding new entries in here um within the next.
Manu Sporny:  Year or 2 I would expect it to to to show up here
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Could you could you please post
  this link as well.
Manu Sporny:
Manu Sporny:  Yeah um this is the Jose registry and this is where
  they register new types of keys um.
Manu Sporny:  So I I expect the work I mean it would be like
  there you know the the fips the fips documents have been
  published I believe I've seen quite a bit they're very focused on
  uh chems right now or they're they're very focused on hybrid um a
  mechanisms because of the whole threat of like you know collect
  and decrypt later so they're very focused on that right now once
  they finish that work I would expect them to to move over to the
  post-quantum uh stuff but the solution will look very much like
  you know the Jose uh you know cozy solution which is um again
  something that uh we can use like data Integrity allows like you
  know we we allow there to be.
Manu Sporny:  You know Jason.
Manu Sporny:  Web key where you can have a public key jwk value
  and you can express your key in this way right so so data
  Integrity supports the J J host Json web key stuff so we can
  reuse it it's just.
Manu Sporny:   I don't know.
Manu Sporny:  Some of us don't.
Manu Sporny:  Some of us don't see the point in breaking things
  out to this degree um uh especially because they can cause
  programming errors go ahead Dave.
Dave Longley:  Yeah I just want to add 2 little bits of color uh
  I I would say some of us feel like um it's more than we don't see
  the point it's that there it creates some problems in software
  and creates unnecessary redundancies uh where application layers
  are validating individual key components uh which can lead to a
  number of problems uh we think that encapsulating the keys and
  having only the crypto layer handle it is a better approach um
  which is what multi key gives you um the other piece of this is 1
  of the complaints from the group around uh the the the keys the
  number of keys and so on is that there were too many and having
  too many keys doesn't help interoperability so a few the the
  lowest number of keys for.
Dave Longley:  Interoperability or what have made it into the
  table so far and that is that is actually precisely 1 reason why
  P 521 is not there because browsers have actually removed support
  for that and so it's not expected that that is going to be widely
  used so that is 1 reason why there are few there's a few of these
  in the table today uh but going forward if they're um other specs
  can do whatever they want to do and other specs that are going to
  achieve High interoperability um it's going to be totally fine.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah and even with that I think 384 was a
Manu Sporny:  Decision there's no reason for 384 that we can tell
  um and it's not you know supported by a lot of the hsms today and
  and um.
Manu Sporny:  And 256 you know uh protection seems to be good
  enough and and has been for years and will probably be enough for
  years until you know operational quantum computers uh come online
  um so.
Manu Sporny:  You know anyway so so all that to say exactly what
  Dave said we're trying to keep the number of parameters way down
  like Jose allows you to mix and match like all kinds of different
  things right um which means that your attack service is is much
  larger with the Jose stuff with data Integrity we're trying to
  keep the attack surface much much smaller um uh but still you
  know support the the the use cases.
Manu Sporny:  Okay Andre um I don't I don't know if you got to
  the know you haven't haven't been able to get to your last
  question yet I don't think.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Uh no not yet.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Uh the last question was about uh
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Uh that's something that is proven
  to be particularly.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Dodgy for us to implement uh
  natively in Zen room Zen room is written in C and Lua and we
  really I mean it would it would be a lot of code for us to
  implement that so we found uh the repo digital Bazaar rdf
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: We were wondering if I the the the
  last comment is from a from a while ago we're wondering if that's
  still the place which should look but the gas that they replied
  to us positively.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: So that is unless something new
  comes up that is also answered.
Manu Sporny:  Okay go ahead Dave if you're gonna.
Dave Longley:  Yeah I I replied recently um that is the right
  repository um we just haven't had a need to uh revised or do
  anything it's a very fit for purpose library that implements the
  uh the rdf data section utilization spec it doesn't have any
  other purpose so we don't need to add any features to it and
  there haven't been any uh like vulnerabilities in any um.
Dave Longley:  Non-development dependencies so there hasn't been
  a reason to rev it in any way um and so that's why there just
  haven't been any updates to go to this point.
Dave Longley:  But it is the right.
Dave Longley:  Use and it does pass uh this test Suite in which
  monitors bringing up and there are a number of other uh
  implementations that are probably listed here that you could take
  a look at as well if you wanted to.
Manu Sporny:  Where there's a there's a list of.
Dave Longley:  That test reports is probably.
Manu Sporny:  Reports yeah this is this is yeah this is it so um
  Andre there is a C+ implementation.
Manu Sporny:  If you're interested that passes like it's it's a
  it's a pretty solid 1 I think uh.
Dave Longley:  Yeah I think there are a couple in Rust as well if
  you're able to use those.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Now rust is definitely no go C+ uh
  we we definitely like to have the link and we have a look at it.
Manu Sporny:  Okay here's the.
Manu Sporny:
Manu Sporny:  Yeah here's the link in the chat Channel and then
Manu Sporny:  Uh Dan Pepe's great um we you know we can we can
  put you in touch with Dan if uh you'd like to chat with him.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah that that should you know this should this
  should meet your needs if you just need you know a C library or C
  C+ Library.
Manu Sporny:  Um and if not rdf canonize is you know as Dave said
  we'll we'll work for you as well in there you know I forget how
  many how many 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.
Manu Sporny:  9 Implementations just in the test Suite there are
  others out there like I think there's a go on right and um.
Manu Sporny:  Anyway that that should hopefully work for you uh
  Andrea the other thing I wanted to mention was um.
Manu Sporny:  There's a there you know.
Manu Sporny:  Sometimes this question is asked when when they're
  when we put together crypto Suites um we put together.
Manu Sporny:  We usually put things together that use 2 different
  canonization mechanisms canonicalization mechanisms 1 of them
  uses JCS which is Json canonicalization scheme so it just takes
  the verifiable credential or and it's generalized it'll just take
  any Json object and it will canonicalize it to a very regular
  form and as as everyone here knows you need to do that so that
  you have a standard form that you can hash and then sign so
  that's why we do the canonicalization step here um uh so there's
  a Json canonicalization scheme and an rdf canonicalization scheme
  and really the the main difference is like JCS does not break
  every statement uh in the credential into individual statements
  JCS signs the whole thing and you can't atomize the statements
  whereas rdfc allows you to atomize the statements it's it it can
  create its it create.
Manu Sporny:   Creates basically a.
Manu Sporny:  Actually here I can show exactly what um.
Manu Sporny:  Like in the playground.
Manu Sporny:  We take like you know this person objects and we
  canonize it.
Manu Sporny:  Is the thing that's digitally signed so this is the
  thing that's hashed and digitally signed and for Selective
  disclosure this is where it's important right um if you're not
  going to do selected disclosure you can probably use JCS and be
  fine but if you are going to use selective disclosure in Andre I
  think you guys probably are going to do that because we need
  selective disclosure for a post-quantum scheme right so so um you
  would have to do rdf canonization and then you'd use the
  selective disclosure you know mechanisms to be able to do
  selective disclosure of a post-quantum secured uh payload so rdfc
  rdf canonization is important if you're going to do selective
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Uh I'm not fully able to reply to
  you but from my understanding that's what we're looking at so I
  think we're relying on that.
Manu Sporny:  Okay okay great yeah I I think that's good I think
  you're going to need to Define in your you know in the in the
  post-quantum spec you're going to need to Define uh a a signature
  mechanism that uses rdf canonicalization and then you're going to
  have to define a signature mechanism that uses JCS um.
Manu Sporny:  The other thing that Andrea I'm I'm expecting
  you're going to have to do is you're going to have to do like the
  mlds the mlds a um and uh the sh uh uh uh what's the the
  stateless hash.
Manu Sporny:  Yes yeah that's right the stateless hash based on
  so you're going to have to do the module lattice based 1 and
  you're going to have to do the stateless sorry the the yeah the
  stateless hash based 1 at least um.
Manu Sporny:  I have a question for you have you been has your
  team been tracking the isuog stuff it's supposed to be the next
  fips publication has has anybody been tracking where the isuog.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: I'm not sure about the term you
  just used but we have seen that some uh some new stuff was posted
  and we had a colleague uh updating uh Zen room to fit.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: I believe the latest vectors or
  the latest PQ clean libraries.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Is this what what.
Manu Sporny:  The isogen is in there the reason we're interested
  in is because the key sizes and signature sizes are much much
  smaller than uh mlds or uh sh this the the stateless hash uh DSA.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Could you could you please post a
  link to this isogenous.
Manu Sporny:  Um Dave do you do you have 1 off the top of your
  head like what's the best place to.
Dave Longley:  Am I'm just trying to find the Falcon work um.
Dave Longley:  Yeah I know that it's based on some floating Point
  stuff and it's taking a little longer as they work through the
  constant time uh there's some paper for doing constant time
  implementation it'll be in fips 206 so what we're talking about
  right now.
Dave Longley:  I believe mono I think what you're referring to is
  is the Falcon work and that has not yet been published but it has
  been picked by nist.
Dave Longley:  And the signature and key sizes are a little bit
  smaller um.
Manu Sporny:
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Yeah F Falcon is something we've
  been following we also waiting for the standardization there were
  it didn't it didn't come out last August because there were
  technical issues I'm not fully uh I don't fully know about uh
  what I can tell you is that the the the secret key generation
  Falcon takes 10 seconds.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: So it has pros and cons.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: It's a it's a little bit smaller
  than uh than the lithium than mlsa but it has some fonts.
Dave Longley:  Yeah and I don't think I think Falcon is also
  lattice based I don't remember that it is in esog space those are
  not yet selected by nist but even but those are significantly
Manu Sporny:  Yeah I think it's yeah sorry so I I don't think I
  was talking about Falcon I was talking about the Assange and his
  stuff there there's a I forget which what link it is it it it.
Manu Sporny:  Compares the public key and signature sizes public
  key and signature sizes for uh fips and I saw these.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Is it is it are you you talked
  about psych SI Que.
Dave Longley:  No there's a number of them that were broken and
  then there are a number of new ones that are not that take a
  different approach I believe psyche was 1 of the ones that was
Manu Sporny:  DSS yeah anyway I'm just I was just wondering if
  anyone was tracking that so we're we're excited about the isogeny
  stuff Falcons good and better and we should support it um but I
  think 1 of the challenges here Andrey is like the this spec could
  grow in size to a whole bunch of different options and we're
  trying to reduce uh we're trying to reduce the number of options
  right I mean ideally we'd only have 1 maybe 2 so we'd we'd have 2
  1 of them would be a very specific set of parameters picked for
  uh mlds and a very specific set of parameters picked for shd
  essay um.
Manu Sporny:  And then that's it right for for whatever year if
  it's a 2025 crypto Suite that's that's all we would pick and then
  later we would maybe do a different 1 for.
Dave Longley:
Manu Sporny:  For falcon or isogen or something like that so um
  do you go ahead.
Dave Longley:  I I believe the is work is related to sqi sign
  they have something uh that they're working pushing through the
  process that.
Dave Longley:  Is uh has not been broken like some of the other
Manu Sporny:  Yeah this is it yeah.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Sqi okay that's new
Manu Sporny:  Yeah so if you look at the public key sizes we're
  back down to close to like elliptic curve you know I mean bigger
  like sometimes twice as big but I mean this is.
Manu Sporny:  Way better than.
Manu Sporny:  The kilobytes of you know size and some of the.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Oh yes that looks much better um
  how what's the.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Why is this interesting how how do
  you is this looking at this or.
Manu Sporny:  Well I think eventually they're going to have to
  look at it right um I mean it's good that we have mlds and and
  the stateless hash and the Falcon stuff but um you know if if we
  if we can achieve the same level of security with public key
  sizes that you know are ten times to 20 times smaller and
  signature sizes that you know are 10 to 20 times smaller.
Manu Sporny:  You know that's going to win right if it if it
  works I mean this thing could just blow up you know in 2 weeks
  and but but if it works then.
Manu Sporny:   This is a.
Manu Sporny:  Solution right um.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Okay man may I tell you may I
  share with you what our schedule with the pqc looks like.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: So uh I right now as last when I
  presented our work last year uh we had a very first um proof of
  concept of uh.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: A handmade W3 CVC 1.1 uh signing
  using the lithium and then uh I think updated it to ml to ml DSA
  so we had a very very.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Uh not industrialized not not in
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: The managing and creation So
  reading and writing of W3 CBC uh that we need to round that up
  because uh we have a a project running that requires us to do
  some diabetic CBC credential so uh and that's something we have
  to do before September.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Throughout spring and summer we're
  going to revamp our debit 3 CVC Management in Zen room uh at the
  same time or before that we will try to fit a first version of
  multi key into ml DSA 44 so at the moment we support ml cam 512
  and ml DSA 44 uh whatever is uh whatever is available in pql we
  can plug it into zen room in a few days of work.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Uh we we we prefer waiting for a
  concrete use case to do some extra work so uh for let's say for
  the first part of the year we will focus on multi key for uh mlsa
  44 and producing.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: CVC 1.1 uh with the supporting
  multi key uh.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: The the the Sphinx uh signature.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Uh as uh AHS as a DSA.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Erh although my personal guts
  feeling is that that's the only algorithm that would not be
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Uh the obvious uh minus point of
  the algorithm is that the signature is still 30 kilobytes.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: We would have we would have an
  issue implementing that I just don't see it widely used apart
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Non civilian use of use cases
  which were not looking right now.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Um for what it uh we're gonna have
  a look at this isuog I know that you hosted Andrea visco.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Is a is a is a good friend of ours
  we've been we've been working a couple of things together uh he
  he showed his work on that kpq.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: Be actually I'm very keen in
  asking him is opinion about isogenous.
Andrea_D'Intino_|_Forkbomb_BV: So I tried to give him a call next
  week and uh and asked what he thinks about that.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah no that's great and the and the and the ZK um
  pqc stuff we're very very interested in as well because we don't
  have a replacement for BBS right now that's that's post-quantum
  secure and we need we desperately need that um uh for for at
  least the story need to be complete I mean nobody has.
Manu Sporny:   A you know.
Manu Sporny:  Zkp pqc uh solution uh right now um so yeah would
  be we'd be very interested in learning more about um that area as
  well um okay uh we usually try to uh uh uh stop the calls 5
  minutes before the hour to give people a little bit of time um
  thank you very much uh to everyone for for joining today and
  participating uh in the discussion Andre thank you very much for
  your questions I hope we were able to answer your questions um in
  we will meet again next week at the same time um and just have a
  you know it if people have things that they want to put on the
  agenda something they want to specifically talk about that's fine
  um and if not uh we will meet and we will talk about you know the
  BBS stuff so we've we've you know that's the current Focus we
  will continue to talk about the BBS stuff but if anybody has any
  questions uh we'll we meet weekly at this time please you know.
Manu Sporny:   Jump in.
Manu Sporny:  Ask your questions and we'll do our best to try and
  answer them um well maybe we can spend a little bit of time
  talking about the shore stuff uh next call as well.
Will Abramson:  Sure yeah that'd be great again it doesn't need
  much time but yeah sure cool.
Manu Sporny:  Okay all right okay with that uh thank you everyone
  for joining have a wonderful weekend uh and we'll see you online.
Manu Sporny:   Take care bye.

Received on Friday, 21 February 2025 16:34:00 UTC