- From: CCG Minutes Bot <minutes@w3c-ccg.org>
- Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 18:46:35 +0000
- To: public-credentials@w3.org
Thanks to for scribing this week! The transcript for the call is now available here: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2025-01-27-vc-education/ Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes. Audio of the meeting is available at the following location: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2025-01-27-vc-education/audio.ogg A video recording is also available at: https://meet.w3c-ccg.org/archives/w3c-ccg-weekly-2025-01-27.mp4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2025-01-27 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/advanced_search?hdr-1-name=subject&hdr-1-query=%5BAGENDA&period_month=Jan&period_year=2025&index-grp=Public__FULL&index-type=t&type-index=public-credentials&resultsperpage=20&sortby=date Organizer: Harrison Tang, Kimberly Linson, Will Abramson Scribe: Present: Dmitri Zagidulin, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Phil Barker, Chandi Cumaranatunge, Jeff O - HumanOS, Nis Jespersen , Mahesh Balan - pocketcred.com, Robert Long, Kaliya Young, Kayode Ezike <phil_barker> In case anyone who is interested missed it, UK Gov has announced it is introducing digital credentials, with a GOV.UK Wallet and App. Driving License and various benefit entitlements are the first target credentials, See https://www.gov.uk/government/news/digital-driving-licence-coming-this-year <phillip_long> The UK Gov also rejected using proprietary wallets <kaliya_identity_woman> i don't <dmitri_zagidulin> np <jeff_o_-_humanos> It has been a treat to be alongside all the great efforts here & at IIW over the last 7 years I've been around! I'll see you there! <phillip_long> From the Guardian re: UK digital mDLs and other creds: <phillip_long> In the Though Shrapnel post about this they wrote: "UK government is preparing to bring in a dedicated app, initially for digital driving licenses — as is happening elsewhere in the world — but eventually for everything from tax payment to benefit claims and reminding people what their National Insurance number is." <kayode_ezike> a+ <phillip_long> Kayode didn't Golda already talk to you about the Wyoming project? <kayode_ezike> Haha, yes didn’t know if I had the license to reveal that 😅 <phillip_long> Also from Thought Shrapnel "This is a fascinating area for me, for a couple of reasons. First, the technology mentioned ("allowing users to hide their addresses in certain situations") make me think this is very likely to be based on the Verifiable Credentials standard" <phillip_long> FYI Thought Shrapnel is Doug Belshaw’s blog. <phillip_long> Sounds like WAS to me ; -) <dmitri_zagidulin> definitely haha <phillip_long> Selecting the OpenID Federation specification for the DCC and Credential Engine Issuer Registry Project -https://blog.dcconsortium.org/selecting-the-openid-federation-specification-for-the-dcc-and-credential-engine-issuer-registry-f9079f620472 <phillip_long> Anolther approach (more global in perspective from Ayra Forum nee GAN): https://ayra.forum/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Introduction-to-Ayra-V3.pdf <phillip_long> A principle of the VC data model and decentralization is that verification does not depend on contacting the issuer. <phillip_long> That meta-registry approach is one Ayra Forum is pursuing <kayode_ezike> Haha, been planning a render method for doing that rendering of CLRs <kayode_ezike> Sorry, not a new method, but using an existing one to do it <phillip_long> Another method that Joe Andrieu has shared is Selective Redaction. It is different from Selective Disclosure. The former is to remove selected fields in a VC, whereas the latter is to derive a new Verifiable Presentation (VP) containing only the fields chosen for disclosure. Selective Redaction has the primary purpose of obfuscating selected fields in a VC, while still linking the VC to the original issuer. <mahesh_balan_-_pocketcred.com> I have another call, see you all next week! Robert Long: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TxhcaXrjNqTO-jqtoTT79j8bgA0PQ87svXChUJ8zzMg/edit?tab=t.0 <phillip_long> As long as it is flagged that selective disclosure has been applied to the credential sent. <phillip_long> I think is still the case @TallTEd <phil_barker> I need to drop. See you all later.
Received on Monday, 3 February 2025 18:46:43 UTC