[MINUTES] W3C CCG CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call - 2024-09-23

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


A video recording is also available at:


VC for Education Task Force Transcript for 2024-09-23

  Kerri Lemoie, Simone Ravaioli, Dmitri Zagidulin
  Our Robot Overlords
  Johan Peterson, ECIU, Ildiko Mazar, Sheela Kiiskila, Stuart 
  Freeman, Marcie Bonilla, Andy Griebel, Eric Shepherd, TallTed // 
  Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Phil Long, David 
  Chadwick, Timg, Phil Barker, Alex H, Jeff O / HumanOS, Dmitri 

<ildiko_mazar> Good morning, good afternoon everyone, welcome to 
  today's W3C Verifiable Credentials for Education task force call, 
  on Monday, September the 23rd. Let's get started with the 
  housekeeping items. IP Note: Anyone can participate in these 
  calls. However, all substantive contributions to any Credentials 
  Community Group Work Items must originate from members of the CCG 
  with full IPR agreements signed. You can find the link to this in 
  the meeting invites, but please note that you'll need to have a 
  W3C account, but if you don't have one yet, it is also easy to 
  register one online. Moving on to call notes. Please note that 
  these meetings are recorded. We have a robot transcriber and we 
  also make audio and video recordings, that are archived and 
  available online. If you want to speak, please raise your hand, 
  or add yourself to the queue by typing “q+” in the chat. And 
  please be brief if you have a question to ask, we want to 
  maximise the time for conversations. Thank you. Now to 
  Introductions & Reintroductions. If we have any new people in the 
  call, or somebody would like to reintroduce themselves, please 
  feel free to take the floor. If nobody wants to take the floor, 
  we can move on to announcements and reminders. Anyone has events 
  or things that happened that people should be aware of, again, 
  please queue yourself up and share the news with us. Now to the 
  main agenda topic, that is Micro-Credentials from a University 
  Alliance - the ECIU experience. I would like to welcome and 
  invite our guest speaker Johan Peterson to take the floor.
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> This week is 
  W3C TPAC — https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Sure I doubt it but I will.
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> A link to 
  this deck (here, during the session, or later, via email to the 
  group) will be very helpful.
<ildiko_mazar> That's an interesting question, i.e. whether a MC 
  can have a qualification framework level or not. We can put a pin 
  in this for a later discussion.
<sheela_kiiskila> currently in EU Commission recommendation it 
  says to add it with the words "if possible" :)
<ildiko_mazar> FYI the Annex to the European Council 
  Recommendation on Micro-Credentials, listing mandatory and 
  optional credential properties: 
<ildiko_mazar> What mechanism do you apply to transform textual 
  information into attributes? What level and who's responsible for 
  entering the data into the system?
<sheela_kiiskila> Usually the education specialist from each 
  university works with the teachers to understand the learning 
  outcomes and either together or with information from the 
  teacher, tag the learning outcomes with the competences from our 
  taxonomy as well as ESCO skills. The specialists are usually the 
  people who enter into the conductor
<ildiko_mazar> :+1:
Sheela_Kiiskila: Sure uh 1 thing I would add if anybody is 
  considering doing this is um.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Try to consider the amount of work that uh that 
  is needed um.
<phil_long> The e-seal appears to be a physicial device that is 
  propreitary and therefore the e-seal process, which appears to be 
  the writing of the proof process is a commercial monooply.  Is 
  that accurate?
Sheela_Kiiskila: I because especially uh you know when you add 
  new features uh it's not just about issuing the micro credentials 
  as ecio we decided that okay we also want to help the Learners by 
  telling them what competences and what skills they are learning 
  in each of these micro credentials and um while it's a really 
  great idea and uh you know when we see the results and everything 
  it looks awesome and EDC already has a way to include uh Esco 
  skills but um it it was a lot of work for uh all the universities 
  because locally in most of the universities are almost all the 
  universities while they do have uh learning outcomes you know as 
  a a study program or a um this but for they usually don't have 
  learning outcomes written for every single course.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Because we needed the learning outcomes for 
  every single course and then uh somebody has to tag them saying 
  okay this learning outcome belongs to this competence from our 
  taxonomy and this learning outcomes will also give these 
  particular Esco skills that knowledge usually is with the teacher 
  right the teacher is the only 1 who knows what skills they are 
  teaching the students.
Sheela_Kiiskila: But the teachers don't have time to you know do 
  all of this for a or entirely different organization apart from 
  teaching you know in their own University and these courses and 
  you know a whole bunch of other things so we have education 
  Specialists who usually enter the data into our ECI system 
  because uh everything has to be in our platform and uh while 
  doing it so now uh we were training them how to use the system 
  how to do the tagging you know what are these Esco skills how can 
  they get if we we are missing somehow do they get them from the 
  um actual Esco framework itself but also then the education 
  Specialists also have to go and work with the teacher so now 
  there's a process but it took time it took a long time for 
  everybody to uh get the process right and so now we have a nice 
  process it is still extra work for the teacher as well as the 
  specialist but at least uh the education specialist.
Sheela_Kiiskila:  is getting better.
Sheela_Kiiskila: And better and.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Has to be done.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Per course and when then when a new course is 
  offered then they have to do it again so we really need to 
  understand uh how much work is involved and uh you know get Buy 
  in from everybody and uh training is absolutely.
Sheela_Kiiskila: And necessary item here.
Sheela_Kiiskila: That was 1 of the biggest lessons I learned at 
  least while doing this.
<ildiko_mazar> In Europe, to ensure that credentials are legally 
  recognised across the member states, the eSeal has to be eIDAS 
  compliant  (see 
Sheela_Kiiskila: It also helps with the um trust when you use all 
  the standardized uh uh things like what we are doing with the eqf 
  uh levels and uh uh you know having learning outcomes for 
  everything and using the Esco framework which is a um you know uh 
  standardized framework then it helps with the trust to okay ah 
  yeah okay if you are using those levels you know within Europe 
  all the universities know what eqf levels are if it says eqf 
  level 7 it means that that course is at a master student level uh 
  so it's uh it's known very well so it increases the um Trust.
Phil Long:  Yes um well the my first question thank you you 
  answered it for me the other question that I had which is more 
  General is it appears as though the signature process that the 
  ecl process sounds like it must be done by an actual piece of 
  Hardware that is certified um by the by the EU and that there 
  there's no standard set of uh proof methods that 1 can um 
  demonstrate compliance with for uh signing these documents 
  electronically directly by the algorithms of associated with them 
  is that correct.
Phil Long:  Thank you that that answers the question that makes 
  it difficult for individuals organizations to comply with the 
  particular specification of pki.
Phil Long:  Certified and then just do it themselves that that's 
  that's the their security is uh in requires the physicality of 
  the of the check.
Phil Long:  Okay thank thank you.
<ildiko_mazar> BTW, @Phil_Long, very often (like in the very case 
  of ECIU) a mandated issuer (i.e. ECIU) can use their eSeal to 
  issue credentials on behalf of other education providers / 
  awarding bodies.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Yeah I think I muted and was talking.
Phil Long:  Yeah I think I muted it.
Phil Long:  So when we started the project we actually.
Sheela_Kiiskila: When we started the project we actually had uh 
  all the partners participate in the early adopter program and we 
  asked every single partner explain to them the different levels 
  of the uh e sales and asked what they would think what they would 
  feel comfortable with using and it was a unanimous uh this thing 
  amongst the partners saying uh we prefer to have the qualified 
  because that will give us more Trust.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Um we are uh we are still waiting for more 
  information and to see um we have 1 um.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Um yesterday I think I got an update saying that 
  they are looking into it in within the university uh to see what 
  to do because all the uh most of the well we issue micro 
  credentials only for the formal learning opportunities right they 
  have they they have ects they have all the other stuff so uh we 
  still feel like you know we should and but it depends on if 
  Netherlands all the micro credentials coming from Netherlands we 
  cannot issue.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Um at at that point you know we leave it to our 
  you know uh you know 10 pay grades higher than us to make the 
  decision but if the decision is that we cannot include then you 
  know we'll probably bring it up with um uh you guys and uh you 
  commission to see okay either the recommendation needs to be 
  changed or uh it needs to be put in a different way because um at 
  that point we are we'll follow as much as possible but if it is 
  not possible to add eqf levels.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Uh also because ECI is a foundation from 
Sheela_Kiiskila: We are not yet sure if that would affect uh that 
  uh we cannot add that to any of the micro credentials.
<phil_long> Are micro-credentials something that can be issued 
  for the completion of an individual course in a degree program. 
  Can they be used in that way?
Sheela_Kiiskila: Yeah not standard.
<ildiko_mazar> Yes, absolutely, Phil.
Sheela_Kiiskila:  goes back.
Sheela_Kiiskila: To as talking about you know we want to do as 
  much standard as possible.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Yeah yes all our micro credentials that we issue 
  are uh single courses um they could be challenges that are coming 
  from cities or the industry itself but there are quite a few 
  courses that are actually uh courses of from the study program 
  that we offer as micro credentials as well.
Sheela_Kiiskila: And yes you can you can do it Standalone for 
  every single course in a study program you can issue a micro 
  credential in today.
<phil_long> They can be shorter modules too, as well yes?
Phil Long:  Never no worries I was just wanting to see whether 
  there was a granularity associated with the amount of learning 
  expected the time involved the depth of it Etc before a 
  microcredential is considered appropriate to apply or whether 
  that's in the.
Phil Long:  Jurisdiction or the Judgment of the individual 
Sheela_Kiiskila: For now um because we give this for mostly um 
  formal learning opportunities which are which usually carry ects 
Sheela_Kiiskila:  so the.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Smallest dcts can be 1 so yeah our lowest 
  microcredential is for 1 acts um.
<ildiko_mazar> No restriction on volume of MCs in the European 
  Council Recommendation.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Acts is in Europe is described as somewhere 
  between 24 to 28 hours required for it.
Phil Long:  Thank you yes I so basically in our context it would 
  be equivalent to a credit.
Sheela_Kiiskila: When there is no assessment and quality 
  Frameworks around it.
Phil Long:  Could you add an assessment or uh to a digital 
  credential is that you could do so if you wished.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Yes it's it's the same.
Sheela_Kiiskila: In the description that's different.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Um we do have a recognition Accord uh among all 
  our universities uh saying that uh the learning opportunities 
  that are offered by 1 University are recognized in the others.
Sheela_Kiiskila: But there is a um uh caveat right it depends on 
  the study program it depends on uh if a student is coming from 
  say engineering and they are taking some other course that cannot 
  be part of the uh their study program they might not get credit 
  towards the their uh studies or towards their degree or diploma 
  but they'll still get recognized as as a course the data tcts and 
  the um and the ects also recognized it might or might not apply 
  to towards their degree that's a different issue.
Sheela_Kiiskila: But in all our um Johan do we have the 
  recognition Accord also as a URL attached to every micro 
<ildiko_mazar> @Phil, FYI the full doc: 
Sheela_Kiiskila: Art and uh right.
Sheela_Kiiskila: And we also have the addendum for ECU being the.
Phil Long:  It's an old.
Sheela_Kiiskila: It has been an immensely satisfying project.
Sheela_Kiiskila: With Johan and team working on this I mean 
  seeing the progress and having a whole product ready that you 
  know from beginning to end you can put in the courses you can 
  students can learn from it and microcredential gets issued to 
Sheela_Kiiskila:  it has been.
Sheela_Kiiskila: In a great.
Sheela_Kiiskila: And I have.
Sheela_Kiiskila: I have to.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Say uh EDC team especially Indigo uh the amount 
  of help she gave us is always coming up with questions.
<ildiko_mazar> Don't make me blush :-D
Sheela_Kiiskila: It was a great great effort.
<sheela_kiiskila> I am the only one who took that pain for 
<ildiko_mazar> :blush:
Sheela_Kiiskila: Yeah during piloting process I'm I created in 
  XML uh I was not a big fan of it.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Neither was a fan of using the Excel for it um I 
  think Jason is much much better.
Sheela_Kiiskila: Thank you good evening.

Received on Tuesday, 24 September 2024 16:06:38 UTC