[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2024-10-01

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


A video recording is also available at:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2024-10-01

  Harrison Tang, Kimberly Linson, Will Abramson
  Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords
  Harrison Tang, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) 
  (OpenLinkSw.com), Hiroyuki Sano, Japan, Nis Jespersen , David 
  Chadwick, Rashmi Siravara, Giuseppe Tropea, Erica Connell, Jennie 
  M, Mike Xu, Alex H, Benjamin Young, Jeff O - HumanOS

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: Hi everyone uh welcome back uh to this week's w3c 
  shii meeting so uh we uh they didn't have 1 yet uh last week 
  because of the peak uh but I will resume our regular uh content 
  program um starting this week so this week we're very excited to 
  have your saifi and Martin uh present on a NGS uh signing engine 
  s i l d and also authentication of NGS um today and uh.
Harrison_Tang: And uh before before that just want to quickly go 
  through some administrative stuff uh first of all just a quick 
  reminder on the code of ethics and professional conduct I just 
  want to make sure that we hold a respectful and constructive 
  conversations here we've been doing that but that's continued to 
  do that.
Harrison_Tang: A quick note on the intellectual property anyone 
  can participate in these calls however all substantial 
  contributions to any ccg work items must be member of the ccg 
  with full IPR agreement signed so if you have any questions in 
  regards to the agreement or the w3c account uh feel free to uh 
  reach out to any of the ccg cultures.
Harrison_Tang: A quick call note these are meetings uh are 
  automatically recorded and transcribed and we will publish the 
  meeting minutes audio recordings and video recordings in the next 
  day or 2.
Harrison_Tang: We use a GC chat to cue the speaker so you can 
  type in Q Plus to add yourself to the queue or cue minus and I 
  will be moderating the Q and discussions.
Harrison_Tang: All right just want to take a quick moment moment 
  for the introductions and reintroductions so if you're new to the 
  community or you haven't been active and want to re-engage uh 
  feel free to just unmute and introduce yourself.
Harrison_Tang: Actually see mostly familiar faces so move on to 
  the next agenda um announcements and reminders so any 
  announcements and or reminders.
Harrison_Tang: I know that some of us were in TPAC last week so 
  any announcements from that.
Harrison_Tang: I actually joined 1 of The Sessions but uh there's 
  no particular announcement uh relevant to ccg so.
Harrison_Tang: All right what about updates to work items.
Harrison_Tang: So we'll actually have different uh.
Harrison_Tang: On a different.
Harrison_Tang: Work items to actually provide updates such as a 
  VC edu uh on December 3rd.
Harrison_Tang: And then the.
Harrison_Tang: I will hold another quarter for review and work 
  item updates on November 19th so just.
Harrison_Tang: I'll give you a heads up for what's coming.
Harrison_Tang: All right uh so last calls for introductions 
  reintroductions announcements reminders and or work items.
Harrison_Tang: All right that's quick um so just uh want to get 
  to a main agenda so uh this week uh again very excited to have 
  Jose and Martin here uh to present on the NGS ild uh signing NGS 
  ild and authentication in NGS silv by the way uh NGS I stands for 
  New Generation servers interface I think um but they can go a 
  little bit deeper into uh NGS NGS I and also how it actually uh 
  intersects with identity problems that uh ccg uh really uh cares 
  about so.
Harrison_Tang:  I think.
Harrison_Tang: Yeah without further ado.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): I I'll give you a bit of an 
  introduction um I think when when we are at the right place so.
Harrison_Tang: Great great all right so without further Ado uh I 
  think the floor is yours uh you say pay and Martin.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Okay should I share try to share 
  first um okay.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Okay have to the right screen.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Okay it's not quite yet but almost 
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): You see my my screen.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Jepa and me we're both um Vice 
  chairs of etsy is G Sim.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): I'm a principal standardization 
  engineer at um NEC um NC Laboratories from Europe we are in 
  Heidelberg in Germany and we are the European lab of NEC the 
  worldwide active um japan-based um.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Um what I will do is try to give you 
  a bit of an introduction to NG's LD so you have the general scope 
  and then um just separate will focus on the core topics that we 
  wanted to present and discuss on with you regarding signing and 
  um Authentication.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): So um first um to start with um who 
  are we and and what do we do so we work in Etsy for that 
  standardization so that's the European telecommunications 
  standards Institute.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): It's the producers globally 
  applicable standards for information and Communications 
  Technologies it's 1 of the officially recognized European 
  standards organizations the others being sent and selac and we 
  are an industry specification group the special thing about isgs 
  is that they also allow the participation of non um Etsy members.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): From isg SIM where Sim stands for 
  context information management was established in 2017.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM):  it's always.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Isgs are always on for 2 years um so 
  the current extension is until 2025.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Ask for another extension I'm quite 
  soon have currently about 30 support organization and um our main 
  um activity is the evolution of the NGS I contact interfaces to 
  NGS and that's also a bit of the background and where this some 
  strange acronym comes from um the story didn't start in Etsy but 
  in MMA in before 2010 where omma was defining a sweet um of um 
  different interfaces and um 2 of these um were the context um API 
  then called ngi 9 and 10 so they were numbered it's not a version 
  number it's just a number of that interface with respect to that 
  um sweet then um this was taken up by Fireware time was a large 
  project um in Europe On future internet and that um further 
  developed on that um and um defined bindings um which ended up 
  being um ngci version 1 and 2 and um Fireware became from.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM):  a project um.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): An open source Community um and um 
  then it was decided okay as this is the key interface really um 
  this should go back um into standardization um and um that's what 
  what we're doing now in Etsy um what's called um NG's ild.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): So high level goals um it was the 
  evolution of these um um Fireware in ghee context interfaces and 
  we wanted to put the NG's LD information model on a solid 
  conceptual grounding so wanted to apply the property graph model 
  enable semantic concept definitions enable linking to existing 
  information so I would call linked data and the idea of the API 
  is to give applications relatively high level of abstraction 
  enable them to specify what information um they require based on 
  this um underlying information model including Geographic scoping 
  and the temporal um API and also to support Central as well as 
  distributed in Federated um architecture where information can be 
  arbitrarily distributed and we'll see why that's important um 
  also for our discussion later on.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): So let's um start with the NGS 
  information model um basically the Assumption of the world of NGS 
  LDS that the world consists of entities entities um have a type 
  and an identifier so you see here um car on the shop building 
  person um and um a unique identifier in each cases all of these 
  entities can have properties some like the speed um location or 
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Relationships basically so the 
  person that owns the shop um for example on the camera that's 
  attached to the pole and and and so on So based on having these 
  um relationships some explicitly um we we in the end um have have 
  a graph um that's um the underlying um property graph if we talk 
  about properties in relationships together we also call that 
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): And um not all things um um are 
  suitable basically to be stored in in in this way and um things 
  so if you think of um camera video stream basically um or maybe a 
  complex 3D model of a building um this graph isn't um suitable 
  but what you can do is basically link and also provide the right 
  meta information for applications to find this maybe find this 
  camera and then um there would be able to.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): That um stream basically so you have 
  with this graph also kind of an index structure can follow on 
  relationship um and retrieve um um graph elements um from that.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Um the LD in NG's LD comes from Json 
  LD because we decided um to use um not plain Json which was used 
  before but um Json LD and um 1 thing you can do is basically um 
  you you have um your concept um you can in your instance um use 
  um nice um short names that are human readable and um in short 
  but um with a predecessor you had basically the problem okay you 
  use these short names but um then maybe somebody else used the 
  same ones um but in a different way um so they were not unique um 
  so what um um um Json LD um does is um it says um it defines some 
  these URI and it defines the mapping so you define your mapping 
  you can then still use um your short names um in your instances 
  but um you also give the mapping basically um and then um it 
  means in my document um um it means um this um unique um Yuri.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): So I have a bit of The Best of Both 
  Worlds um I can still use in my document um this um short names 
  and it's um it's um relatively easy but um I have still unique um 
  your eyes behind it.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Let's look at a typical um 
  representation of NGS LD so here I have an entity which is a 
  vehicle has an ID Json LD that needs to be a URI it has a 
  property the brand name um with the value Mercedes which happened 
  to be in an accident um so it has a relationship to an object 
  which is that lamp post um and um that was observed at a certain 
  time and provided so you can um put um meta information um in 
  there and what you need to attach um is this um at context so 
  that can either be directly attached to to the data or um you can 
  in a header put um the the URL basically where you can download 
  from that um context so for communication.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): And um what's important is basically 
  um you have always um entered we are always talking about 
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): And in the extreme case um you you 
  can handle these um attributes um for these um things separately 
  so for the same vehicle you may have in 1 place um stored the ID 
  type in brand name and somewhere else on the ID um type and in 
  accident and when retrieving um them you want to aggregate um 
  this so that may be relevant um later on in the discussion.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): I will not go very deeply um into 
  the um API discussion but the kind of things you can do is um if 
  you know um your entity you can ask a question like what is the 
  location of Sam Sam being my entity location being okay go 
  property um what do I need to know I need to know basically the 
  base URL I need to know the entity ID and from the data model I 
  need to know okay there's a location on property.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Probably um security credentials but 
  that's orthogonal to the core API specification I don't need to 
  know more complex some structures and so on where information may 
  be stored.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): May be Mr Geographic query so I can 
  um ask on which costs are within a geographic um area so here I 
  need to know the type that the type car exists um and um also how 
  to specify that geographic location I have a place um to go and 
  ask that and as an application that's um I need to know um to 
  retrieve this um information.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): From an architecture perspective um 
  this um would be the kind of um Central um deployment um we often 
  have right now um is you have a central broker that stores all 
  the information you have context produces that great update 
  delete the information here and you have context consumers that 
  query subscripts query all that subscribe and get notifications 
  when there are changes so we can also do temporal um based so get 
  notification every um 10 minutes or something like that.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Um but we may also have um 
  distributed um architectures where information is stored in 
  context um sources so they also um implement the query or And 
  subscribe notify interface and so the broker that the broker 
  knows um how to find that information they can register what type 
  of information they have um that can be um specific I have for 
  this entity um these attributes or it can be a type based 
  registration I have cards maybe in this kind of area so when I 
  get a request the broker checks okay um which sources to have 
  that information maybe it also um internally has um its own 
  information it will go fetch these things aggregate these things 
  and then return them um to the context um consumer.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): So um in context sources um as they 
  have the same interface can be for Brokers again so on that basis 
  um you can build a hierarchy of of of brokers.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Or even a different kind of um 
  things it doesn't have to be an explicit hierarchy.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Okay so that was basically the 
  general introductory part I hope I didn't take too much time for 
  it are there any immediate clarification questions.
Harrison_Tang: No I think we're good.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Okay then I would hand over to um to 
  jeppe and do you want to share yourself I assume.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Thank you Martin yes let's see what happens so I 
  click here.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Okay I stopped sharing.
Giuseppe_Tropea: If I click here on the screen.
Giuseppe_Tropea: At some point.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Do you do you see my screen or do you not see 
Giuseppe_Tropea: Start stop sharing.
Harrison_Tang: No not yet.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Bo have no clue.
Harrison_Tang: It's the third button.
Harrison_Tang: If you're using a Mac you might need to change the 
Giuseppe_Tropea: Uh because this is the gcd okay but you should 
  ask okay so probably is the silently failing on me yeah you're 
  right you usually usually yes I need to change the uh Martin 
  would you be so kind to to continue.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Ing and then it's easier probably thanks a lot.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): I I tried to continue sharing then 
  yes okay.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Uh some years I guess and uh at some point we um 
  we created uh what's in Etsy parlance is a specialist task force 
  for implementing data Integrity in the standard so we we came up 
  with a with a solution um okay of course starting from uh 1 uh 
  main crucial assumption just as Martin has a highlighted um are 
  information creators are what we call the context providers and 
  um and it is pass.
Giuseppe_Tropea: In possibly quite a complex network of Brokers 
  before being related to clients so basically of course the 
  hypothesis here that we won't end to end uh Integrity uh the only 
  uh and the only uh person the only um thing that uh is trusted by 
  clients of course is the context provider we we cannot assume 
  that clients trust the intermediate brokers.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Okay um next slide.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Uh Martin I think starting from these 
  assumptions we came with the list of basically 4 main 
Giuseppe_Tropea: Um this 1 is fairly obvious um the second 1 uh 
  verification of Integrity shall be independent of syntax syntax 
  reordering that may occur when as I said sterilizing entities 
  that's passed among among peers um 1 of course 1 1 attribute may 
  be serialized by 1 Brokerage in the client um also we have 
  several NGS we have several different output formats so um once 
  we attach uh verification information of of course we share that 
  this is stripped out when it passes through through the network.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Also as I said of course clients would not want 
  to trust intermediate context progress so it's fairly obvious set 
  set of requirements.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Next slide so the solution we came up with uh 
  which is implemented in in this specification there GS Sim uh 
Giuseppe_Tropea: Um realize on mostly on the data Integrity work 
  uh that you guys of course are very familiar with um third 
  reference is uh exactly the API specification that Martin was 
  mentioning beforehand.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Uh just uh a quick note so this GS uh Sim 19 is 
  as first release but an update is is in preparation.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Mainly uh to align uh with the updated data 
  Integrity versions that in the meanwhile uh have published.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Um next slide.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Okay so let me introduce 2 key terms uh the home 
  entity in the sealed attribute and and the derivation process 
  that takes us from the atomic entity to the sealed attribute um 
  as you have seen uh an entity comprises generally an ID and an 
  array of types at top level and then a bunch of attributes and or 
Giuseppe_Tropea: An atomic entity um an entity that comprises 
  only 1 attribute and I'll come to this in a second um then from 
  the atomic entity we derive a sealed attribute which is data 
  attribute together with with a complaining cryptographic proof 
  and the process to transform 1 into the other uh next slide so 
  concerning the.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Atomic entity um as I said it must be uh 
  containing just 1 attribute um access slide we we we try to 
Giuseppe_Tropea: You can jump to the next 1 Martin.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Oh okay yeah.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Yes so as I said um multiple entity aggregation 
  steps can uh can happen because if you are the client and you ask 
  for I don't know car 1 2 3 then maybe broker a uh contained 
  information about its color and broke a big containing 
  information about it I don't know injection date so uh basically 
  when all this info come to the client they are or or better say 
  to the aggregation broker or distribution broker I'll call it um 
  this is aggregated into 1 entity uh of course also entities 
  attributes can be filtered out because because of querying or.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Because uh the entities uh travel throughout the 
  chain of Brokers so the point is that we cannot take the whole uh 
  NGS document representing the entity with all of its attributes 
  and and sign all of them to get into 1 uh big sealed package this 
  is why we have to um let's say uh sign them 1 by 1 in.
Giuseppe_Tropea: In in what we call the atomic entities um okay 
  let's go to the other 1.
Giuseppe_Tropea: So the important Point here to understand is 
  though that um when we sign for instance the color attribute 
  being it red and we want this to be tamper evident um we also 
  need to repackage within the color attribute also the entity ID 
  and and the types uh that this color was referred to so basically 
  what we do in in when we move from the atomic entity to the seal 
  attribute is that we move this information within the proof we 
  bound it together with the proof so we sign the color red 
  together with information that colors red in entity I don't know 
  car 1 2 3 that was of type car so this is basically our.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Signed package what we call the sealed the 
  sealed attribute uh so if we jump to to the next slide it's it's 
  pretty straightforward the derivation process it it goes like 
  that we have we have an entity with several attributes so out of 
  that we create um a bunch of atomic entities 1 for each attribute 
  that we want to sign uh then we created the NGS ild proof uh 
  struct and nested inside each sealed attribute um.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Taking into account as I just said that the ID 
  and the types need to go together with the attribute.
Giuseppe_Tropea: And then of course the value is exactly and this 
  is important part and this is why I said we uh point to the uh 
  Integrity w3c Integrity standard is it is exactly uh the proof 
Giuseppe_Tropea: The proof field when uh when it when the when 
  the proof is is created.
Giuseppe_Tropea: We derive uh the sealed attribute at this point 
  Martin if we skip to the next slide it's the the of course the 
  Reconstruction process is when when things get to the client then 
  it will be more clear in in the next slide.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Just straight jump the other 1 that's your 
  typical workflow so uh context provider um generating signs uh 1 
  Atomic entity for each attribute each Atomic entity is 
  transformed into a sealed attribute through the reaction process 
  we've seen um then uh of course the provider.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Uh inject the seal attributes at this point this 
  entity can circulate a network and can undergo any number of 
  cycles of of you know um.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Signing and rearranging uh attributes um 
  throughout uh the path until it reaches the clients when it 
  reaches the client it's straight forward what the client needs to 
  do is delete the reverse.
Giuseppe_Tropea: And then uh validating each Atomic entity the 
  additional step is of course that at that point when I when I 
  validate the proof what I have to also check is that basically 
  the entity ID that was a campaigning the proof is matches the 1 
  uh of the entity that I that I received.
Giuseppe_Tropea: So this do we have another slide Martin what 
  what was next let me yes okay so when we started thinking about 
  so I think it it's pretty it's it's pretty straightforward what 
  what we try to do but at the beginning we were even thinking but 
  um why in the Integrity specification uh of w3c is integrity 
  specification there's no uh such a thing as the possibility to 
  map uh just a subset of course to sign just a subset of of of the 
  properties of the jcd document but then and then to have a map a 
  campaigning the document and telling you okay dear client you 
  received this Json LD watch out this this and that attributes are 
  signed all the others are not.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Um we we started enacting with the your mailing 
  is actually this male is from 2020 so um and and and and we 
  promptly received the replies this is from Mano spawning he he 
  suggested no that's the wrong way to do we have that map to uh 
  because then uh it's it's it's a weakness in the security 
  approach because the client expects the the whole document that 
  he receives to be signed so this is why we took our approach of 
  um you know making each of those sealed attributes uh stand on 
  its own uh you can it's it's basically a uh Standalone um.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Fully conformant document that you you can 
  verify by yourself and then.
Giuseppe_Tropea: You have the ID and the type inside inside the 
  sealed attributes that refer to the external entity.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Um so that that is the first.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): The idea you can check in for the 
  type it's important we support multi typing so we maybe um during 
  this um aggregation process more types were aggregated um but um 
  it was signed with maybe just 1 of these types so that's why it's 
  important to to keep the original information and then in that 
  case okay that type should still be included in that but um for 
  the atomic entity I mean of course have to um take only the type 
  with the with which it was originally signed.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Yep uh yeah I think yeah probably we didn't show 
  any examples beforehand that yeah that the types can be multiple 
  so we can have an array of times in their.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Okay so this this first part was about signing 
  um so we implemented this solution now we have to uh update it 
  because okay the standards have evolved but mainly the idea stays 
  basically stays the same.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Uh then uh I I don't know maybe maybe I can go 
  through the the idea of authentication part this is this is uh 
  and then if we want to we can have a discussion this is um not 
  yet a solution it's much less mature we we haven't published 
  anything yet but we are now investigating.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Uh uh some important some important ideas for 
  for NGS I that that's coming from the ID authentication 
  distributed uh uh identifiers um if if we skip to the next slide.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Uh this is this is just basically my how I try 
  to do some to summarize in in my main the core points about the 
  the idea um.
Giuseppe_Tropea: So the I think the important uh uh the important 
  thing is that um okay they are designed to to function without 
  the need for a centralized registry or authority but of course 
  they can even we can in centralized case so good um we know that 
  the the idea resolves to the IDE document uh where we have public 
  key authentication method the service the service end point but 
  the point in in my mind is that basically the uh the security is 
Giuseppe_Tropea: Strictly related to to the public key 
  infrastructure that underpins the the did uh so next slide please 
Giuseppe_Tropea: Basically the IDE authentication it boils down 
  to to proving the the subject.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Of va everything changed but um uh in the D 
  document but of course the the the has to stay has to stay the 
  same uh and as the the idea resolution step that um you need to 
  perform in order to authenticate the the dat.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Uh next slide.
Giuseppe_Tropea: So of course we can have multiple application 
  workflows and.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Involving for instance usual Challenger response 
  mechanisms so that that this is not the key point so in in my 
  mind it's what that what characterizes the the trust architecture 
  of of the idea is basically the the did method that backs backs 
  it up that specific the idea and in the next slide I tried to 
  group and I also started this discussion credentials can be group 
  list um grouping the different the ID methods um based on.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Their trust architectures from from the most 
  simple which is the ID key and people suggested also the ID jwa 
  which is basically offline and to my understanding the subject 
  there will be almost anything I mean as long as you able to 
  create a key pair you can be a bot you can be a human you can be 
  a legal entity.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Uh then there's the ID method uh based on 
  basically on.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Key infrastructure which is the 1 of the 
  cryptocurrencies the real Bitcoin what's permissions um it's 
  Global Ledger and in this case I'm sure the guarantee is that 
  basically the subject is at least some kind of entity that holds 
  uh a bus in in the network.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Uh did Sovereign is interesting because it's a 
  permissioned global Ledger and I I understand it has um uh well 
  specified trust governance and also the possibility it will have 
  through this Steward nodes to delegate the trust to.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Other nodes um.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Question is uh what what what is the subject uh 
  typically in the ID Sovereign network is it a legal entity is it 
  a human is there any guarantee about that.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Then I think EU people are trying also to.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Register another method which is the ID appz and 
  in this case I think it's guaranteed that the identifiers are 
  bound to Legal EU.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Entities and the network is um is basically the 
  nodes of the network of of the key infrastructure are basically 
  um owned by EU Public public bodies so.
Giuseppe_Tropea: They say they can support different trust 
  Frameworks but bottom line they are owned by.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Governments for big parties um then also 
  interesting is the the ID web or DNS in that case I think I can 
  be sure that the subject of the did in that case controls some 
  kind of resource on the internet and they have the domain or.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Have all of our kind of server on an IP address 
  some somewhere on the internet.
Giuseppe_Tropea: The I think we have a 1 last slide what is 
  interesting to NGS because uh that's so now so much work about 
  the data spaces where basically I think the goal would be to.
Giuseppe_Tropea: A trust model where you have a private space is 
  the owner of the database and you you want to um route the the 
  Trust on on the owner of of the data space and also basically you 
  probably want this um owner to intend be able to delegate uh 
  trust to other other trusted members of of the data space.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Members can either be humans or or legal legal 
  entities uh so question is there a the IDE method where I 
  identifies a guaranteed to be humans I mean it's a little bit of 
  a rhetorical question and um.
Giuseppe_Tropea:  I was.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Also the discussion on the list about the.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Person who the credentials this is a fairly 
  recent thing uh.
Giuseppe_Tropea:  and I.
Giuseppe_Tropea: There was also a research paper about it so 
  things are ongoing but that I think is probably the the most 
  interesting the most interesting discussion there because well 
  humans and and now and nowadays also AIS right which can pass uh 
  so uh it's a Hot Topic and it's interesting I think bottom line 
  for NGS ild um what what would be our goal is to implement this 
  data space the the data space model where we we at least would 
  like to be able to guarantee that what's behind the da is either 
  a legal entity or more difficult I understand or a human.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Um I think that's that's all on my side thank 
  you for your attention and if you have questions or we can 
Harrison_Tang: Oh thank you thanks for the presentation and by 
  the way like we do have uh.
Harrison_Tang: I did invited the author of the person who 
  credentials to actually talk about on November 12th so if you're 
  interested uh make sure to mark that date on your calendar um I 
  have also been trying to get the the the guys at the world coin 
  to talk about their project which is also trying to uh tie 
  credentials to uh basically uh authenticated uh humans right and 
  uh using Iris scanners uh plus some cryptocurrencies which I know 
  some people probably don't like as much but uh so far still 
  working haven't got them to agree to present it here but uh but 
  yeah those those conversations are definitely interesting and 
  we'll continue those conversations here.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Uh sorry Harrison when you you did say uh 
  November 12.
Harrison_Tang: Yeah November 12th uh we will have the Stephen uh 
  Zoe and Shay uh the main authors to talk about a person who 
  credentials yeah.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Uh okay great but do you think we or I could 
  join here uh freely or because this I quite didn't understand 
  whether it's open or the calls are open for everybody or how does 
  it work.
Harrison_Tang: Yes yes so it's all free you can just join via 
  that public link uh we also send out the the transcriptions and 
  video recordings so you can also watch it afterwards if you're on 
  the mailing list yeah.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Right right right right right right right right 
  right right okay great great that's that's that's interesting 
  okay thanks for letting us know.
Harrison_Tang: By the way I have 1.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): So I think what 1 key so I think the 
  fiware context is where it's used most um but not only um and I 
  think smart cities overall are the main users but it can also be 
  used in other domains or is used um to a lesser degree but um I 
  think in in smart cities it's already um quite commonly used in 
  Europe but also in in Japan and in Korea they did their own 
  project um in India there are using it um partially together with 
  some of their own um standards so they did their own 
  implementation and partly um used them and GLD so that's about 
  the usage um.
Harrison_Tang: So it's mostly governments basically.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Yeah but um not just yeah.
Harrison_Tang: Got it and then so the next clarification question 
  is like why do you need to Federate from different context 
  providers I mean for example if you're a government you probably 
  have a system of record right like that's Central so why do you 
  need to have multiple contacts providers and then you have to uh 
  autonomous the entities and then aggregated like what do you need 
  to do that.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): So why why to why why do you want 
  the Federate system because you have different units um even 
  within the city um you have different departments that may only 
  want to partially share and then um if you go further um you may 
  have um.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Counties um um States um um whatever 
  and you may also have private um um operators so maybe if you're 
  looking at parking spaces and you want that for a different areas 
  um that comprise different cities and communities um then these 
  may want to partially share um their data their parking spaces 
  but not not necessarily everything and um in in such a case um it 
  makes sense to to Federate that you don't want necessarily to 
  have 1 single or owner that controls all the data.
Harrison_Tang: Dollar okay yeah because I was assuming that if 
  you're a government entity how we have have all in your 
  centralized database so got it thank you.
Harrison_Tang: Then the uh the point is the point of the signing 
  mainly for data Integrity purposes like uh because we're talking 
  about uh signing the the the data and things like that just to 
  make sure that the data Integrity is good and then it's not being 
  tampered with that kind of thing.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Yep yep yep yep that's that's absolutely the 
  goal yes yes because maybe you have a sensor that I don't know 
  measures uh pollution I mean streets uh or CD and you'll be sure 
  that I I don't know either measurements come from a certified uh 
  uh Hardware maker or uh afterwards that they are certified by by 
  the city I don't know you as a citizen may may want to be able to 
  verify that and that they have not been tampered with by some 
  malicious intermediate broker or relay node in in between.
Giuseppe_Tropea:  let's say.
Giuseppe_Tropea: If I want to depict a typical your typical use 
Giuseppe_Tropea:  of course.
Harrison_Tang: Uh any questions from the audience.
Harrison_Tang: And then 1 more question sorry uh when we're 
  talking about uh the signature so the signature is far from the 
  context providers right it's not does the broker actually sign 
  the document once they aggregate all the contexts together or the 
  signature is only from the context providers.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Yeah that's the main point the signature is only 
  from the provider because basically you don't trust the broker 
  you don't want to trust the broker so um of course you may add 
  yes you could add a second layer which because in in that case if 
  if the broker for instance if the distribution broker before 
  relaying the package to you uh Aggregates everything and then 
  signs it on its own then it basically vouches that well yes I am 
  the guy who is aggregating this I'm you can help me you can hold 
  me responsible for this aggregation step but I'm not responsible 
  for the value so if the pollution value is 25 or 27 it was not me 
  uh who did that it's it's the original provider of of the data 
Giuseppe_Tropea: Yeah you know it's a an additional layer of of 
  it's it's a different meaning.
Giuseppe_Tropea: If if you if you sign the aggregated part.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): So we we came to the conclusion in 
  the end that um for us um on the attribute level it made most 
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): So if we send the whole entities um 
  in Fireware sometimes we have a posteriori um Access Control 
  check so you might filter on the entity later on so um um the 
  broker May return an entity with all sorts of attributes and then 
  later on it's um there's a PP that decides okay that attribute 
  shall not go out and filters it out so then um it would break um 
  um the signed entity.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): So such use cases may also be there 
  and then um in in in these cases it doesn't make sense to um sign 
  whole entities.
Harrison_Tang: About the registry like the registry of uh 
  different uh identifiers and then also the trust framework is it 
  the same as Brokers or is it going is it separate like basically 
  the broker the aggregator is separate from the registry where are 
  they do they uh basically the same they play the same role or the 
  same entity played both 2 roles.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): The sums of identity management and 
  so on that can be completely separate.
Harrison_Tang: Got it but in the real world is it the same entity 
  that plays both roles the registry and aggregation or they are 
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Could could well be but um what what 
  we try some with NGS LD to to be able to work in in in also in 
  different environments so basically so we don't want to make um 
  just 1 single assumption so what we are also looking at now in 
  our security is okay um we look at different scenarios and um 
  basically want to give people an idea if this is your scenario 
  maybe um you choose from this set of um Technologies and if you 
  have a different 1 you're choosing another we're currently 
  discussing the use of NGS LD in data spaces so which is a quite 
  Hot Topic at least in Europe um and they are the the IDS um play 
  an important role in in in this um underlying idea that you don't 
  have um Central um entities um controlling this on so that's why 
  1 of the reasons why we said okay it's also for us makes sense to 
  to dig a bit deeper into the did case.
Harrison_Tang: Got it thanks.
Harrison_Tang: All right any questions.
Harrison_Tang: Let me check the queue.
Harrison_Tang: Right so if no further questions I just want to 
  thank you again josephe and Martin uh who actually taking the 
  time to present here today at w3c ccg thanks a lot.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Thank you everybody.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Thank you for having us.
Giuseppe_Tropea: Thanks a lot.
Harrison_Tang: So this concludes that today so ccg meeting will 
  publish the video audio and transcriptions and next day or 2 and 
  then uh please uh come back um next Tuesday and next Tuesday we 
  will have.
Harrison_Tang: Jeremy and Andreas to talk about BBS signature 
  scheme benchmarks.
Harrison_Tang: Thanks thank you bye.
Martin_Bauer_(ETSI_ISG_CIM): Thank you bye.

Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2024 15:38:59 UTC