[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2024-07-30

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


A video recording is also available at:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2024-07-30

  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords
  Yvonne, Harrison Tang, cxcheng, Kyle Huang Junyuan, TallTed // 
  Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Hiroyuki Sano, Japan, 
  Gregory Natran, PL/T3, Nis Jespersen , Manu Sporny, Jennie M, 
  Stephan Baur, seth, Wes-Smith, Lucy Yang, Erica Connell, Will 
  Abramson, Chandi, Mike Xu, Joe Andrieu, Wendy Seltzer, Timg, 
  julien fraichot, Benjamin Young, Markus Sabadello, Dmitri 
  Zagidulin, Barry, Brandi Delancey, Jeff O - HumanOS, alex, Rashmi 
  Siravara, R

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Manu Sporny:  Hey well um uh yeah just uh 1 announcement pretty 
  big announcement um.
<manu_sporny> Decentralized identity leaders partner to 
  accelerate DID method standardization: 
Manu Sporny:  I just sent this out to the mailing list but some 
  of you may have seen that um the decentralized identity 
  Foundation um the trust over IP Foundation the w3c credentials 
  community group this group uh the w3c did work in group uh and a 
  few other leading organizations have uh just made an announcement 
  about um kind of a partnering collaboration agreement to 
  standardize did methods so there's a letter of intent uh that has 
  gone out to the community at large the the global community at 
  large I'll put that.
Manu Sporny:  Here in um the chat um.
Manu Sporny:  And the intent here is to basically standardize a 
  number of dead methods um 1 of the kind of regular criticisms on 
  the dead ecosystem is that they aren't certain did methods 
  standardized so this is just to kind of kick off the process uh 
  the general uh approach is you know any 1 of these organizations 
  can pursue did method standardization we're just kind of sending 
  a very clear um outline uh or very clear message to kind of the 
  global community that um we are prioritizing this work and and 
  plan to get it done um uh so there's this letter of intent that 
  you can kind of read through there's also a sign up there's a 
  call to action at the end to like if you're interested in 
  participating in this work no matter what community that you're 
  in um you can show your support for you know did method 
  standardization and you can also if you want to uh sign up to 
  participate in the work uh wherever it might.
Manu Sporny:   It happen.
Manu Sporny:  Over the next couple of uh weeks uh we will be hope 
  you know hosting kind of open meetings between all of these 
  different uh uh groups to kind of get a plan in place suggest 
  standardization Charters um figure out you know what did methods 
Manu Sporny:  Aware for standardization and in general kind of uh 
  start with Earnest on uh the uh standardization Arc for these 
  Technologies um so if you're interested uh please sign up uh 
  please read the letter um we and and definitely please circulate 
  this among your communities um I think that's it thanks.
Lucy Yang: 
Lucy Yang:  Thank you uh I just so I I probably some of you 
  already saw the announcement about the the cadmv.com.
Lucy Yang:  Um so yeah just wanted to make sure like you and I 
  shared I shared this with the group on this call so if you have 
  any further questions you have like the email on in on on the web 
  page so you can reach out to us.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Manu Sporny:  We are but a bunch of people got kicked off so you 
  might wait a bit including Calvin so you might wait a bit to um 
<pl/t3> many of us were :-(
Manu Sporny:  Yeah thank you um Calvin and and Kyle for the 
  presentation it's it's really um it's really neat work right I I 
  think uh Singapore is is definitely far ahead of many other 
  initiatives in the space when it comes to um you know being able 
  to render this stuff being able to redact it uh using you know a 
  custom UI for the individual to make it easy for them to 
  understand um what they're reacting um uh there are a bunch of 
  really neat uh you know features in here and it's great to you 
  know that that um you're also engaging with the global standards 
  process to enable this you know functionality for the the rest of 
  the world um I'm I'm wondering what um kind of the focus uh for 
  your team over the next uh 6 months to a year uh is going to be 
  are there um things that are missing uh from.
Manu Sporny:  Would like to fix do you have like a road map that 
  you can share with us um.
Manu Sporny:  I I think it would be really great I mean that was 
  a great great answer on the the the privacy concerns implications 
  part of it I think it's probably worth writing that up in the in 
  the specification to to note that you know they're you know what 
  those privacy implications are um because just now when you you 
  know I've taken a look at the PRS and the spec and all that kind 
  of stuff and it didn't click until just now when you said what 
  you did uh uh Kyle so um uh so that's great I mean I think that's 
  a very defensible you know privacy position um as far as kind of 
  you know roadmap is concerned I know that there are a number of 
  us that would like to take the render method specification onto 
  the standards track at the worldwide Web Consortium so it's great 
  that uh your team is going to uh be there um because we'll need 
  you know all the support that we can get to uh convince the w3c 
  membership to uh put at least you know render method along with a 
  number of other things.
Manu Sporny:  If I will.
Manu Sporny:  Into the next Charter um uh the the the uh securing 
  mechanism that you're talking about which I believe is like a 
  Merkel tree proof based you know securing mechanism um is is that 
  also of interest to put on the standards track the reason I I ask 
  is because there are other selective disclosure mechanisms that 
  are probably going to be Global standards um I know that there 
  are differences in the way that you're employing kind of the the 
  your selective disclosure mechanisms that are important um is 
  that something also that you're interested in kind of pursuing on 
  the global standards track or do you feel some of the other 
  things that are being worked on like BBS um uh on linkable and 
  selective disclosure or the ecdsa SD thing would would fit your 
  use case as well um so so the general question is what are your 
  thoughts on.
Manu Sporny:  Standardizing uh the the marlay proofs um uh stuff 
  that you're working on.
PL/T3: Yes um man is comment can you hear me.
PL/T3: Is it there.
PL/T3: Manage comment um about on linkability uh led me to think 
  about whether if an if a number of credentials are being rendered 
  um to the same individual from the same institution it sounds 
  like that is 1 is a potential issue that might be uh correlated 
  to Identity um if there's uh if that's happening over time and I 
  not sure that the comment about processing a lot of the 
  JavaScript internally to the browser quite addresses that aspect 
  but perhaps you can comment on that.
PL/T3: Sure I mean I think the main thing is if there's if the if 
  the party that we're talking about is a third party watching the 
  transactions cross the cross the web and they're seeing these 
  these transactions coming from this institution for a particular 
  credential type um if there's any way for them to to um see that 
  over time from multiple places for example because it's being 
  rendered for different applications of employment from the 
  different institutions the probability that you'll be able to 
  start correlating that uh process.
PL/T3:  with other.
PL/T3: And thereby identify the actual identity of the individual 
  For Whom the who's the credential subject that's the question 
  that I was really focusing on and man you might be able to 
  elaborate more clearly than I have.
<pl/t3> q`
Manu Sporny:  Yeah do do follow on to that um uh it does seem 
  like uh you know caching client side uh can address some of those 
  things but I think Phil you you do have a a um a good point 
  meaning that um there are patterns like if you're not caching 
  things client side their patterns that someone watching this 
  could pick up on that oh we're dealing with an individual here 
  with a very specific kind of educational history or Healthcare 
  history or document history uh and you can't and you can you know 
  start linking the the individual through those things um uh 
  however you know as Kyle mentioned I think you know the more 
  caching you use um the the less uh you can you can trace that in 
  fact you could probably mitigate the concern almost entirely Phil 
  if uh they're only like you know 10 or 15 credentials that the 
  verifier deals with and they fetch 15 of those things.
Manu Sporny:   And then.
Manu Sporny:  Mash them for a month.
Manu Sporny:  For the rest of the month any kind of attacker 
  really doesn't get any kind of um.
<pl/t3> Caching is great thing to go into an implementation guide 
  for this.
Manu Sporny:  New information right so for example that's 1 Thing 
  could that that could be done you know through caching I'm 
  wondering Kyle if you've also considered uh things like oblivious 
  HTTP uh or fetching some of these documents off of a um more 
  decentralized Network like ipfs I did notice in the network 
  traces as you were doing your demo that you were hitting uh 
  ethereum and some cloudflare ethereum um uh uh um endpoints um so 
  I'm curious if you're already kind of doing that a bit or uh if 
  you've uh considered using things like oblivious HTTP uh to serve 
  up some of these files.
<manu_sporny> Oblivious HTTP: 
Manu Sporny: 
<harrison_tang> Great presentation and demo!
Manu Sporny:  Okay sorry I'm full of questions today um uh could 
  you speak more to the work that you're doing with uh Cambodia is 
  there kind of a drive to um kind of uh work with uh groups um in 
  the Asia Pacific region to uh also set up open out of station uh 
  systems uh what's kind of the the plan there if you can share 
<kyle_huang_junyuan> Thank you all for your time!
<harrison_tang> Thanks!

Received on Tuesday, 30 July 2024 21:50:06 UTC