Re: [EXT] Re: Breakthrough: Parallel Signatures - NIST, ECDSA-SD, and BBS

Manu (and the VC community members he credits below): this is indeed a very welcome milestone. When Stephen Curran first showed me last year how Aries developers had showed both AnonCred and LD signatures working in “parallel” (I like that term) on the same credentials, the scales fell from my eyes. It could be a real interop breakthrough.

Onward and upward!


From: Manu Sporny <>
Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 1:08 PM
To: W3C Credentials CG <>
Subject: [EXT] Re: Breakthrough: Parallel Signatures - NIST, ECDSA-SD, and BBS
On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 3:22 AM Daniel Hardman <> wrote:
> Congratulations and thank you for this important milestone, Manu and crew.

Thanks, Daniel... and thanks to you as well as one of the first
thought leaders in this space that pushed us to not settle for
technologies that don't achieve privacy guarantees that make for a
better society. I hope that your, Brent, Drummond, Nathan, Ken, Phil,
and the rest of the folks behind Evernym's collective vision is closer
to realization with this step forward.

We're getting there, buddy! (slowly but surely)

Also, credit where credit is due on the VC Playground, thanks to these
folks that worked tirelessly behind the scenes, some over multiple
years, to make it happen: Dave Longley, Brian Richter, Tyler Olson,
Evan Lally, Tashi, Ganesh, Greg Bernstein, James Easter, and Benjamin

-- manu

Manu Sporny -<>
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.<>

Received on Tuesday, 30 January 2024 19:49:04 UTC