Invitation: DID and VC Maintenance Volunteers @ Tue 2024-02-06 11:00 - 11:45 (EST) (

DID and VC Maintenance Volunteers
Tuesday 2024-02-06 ⋅ 11:00 – 11:45
Eastern Time - New York


This is a special meeting of the W3C Credentials Community Group to  
introduce the people who volunteered to maintain the DID and VC  
Registries/Directories to the process of doing that maintenance. Anyone who  
wants to attend is welcome to join the call, but the primary purpose will  
be to show the volunteers what maintenance tasks look like and answer any  
questions that they might have.

This time was selected using a Doodle poll and was the most convenient time  
for the volunteers that wanted to participate (though, did not meet the  
time constraints for all of the volunteers). A video recording of the  
meeting will be available for those that can't make the call.

Manu Sporny

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Received on Sunday, 28 January 2024 17:41:10 UTC