VC-EDU Co-Chair Election Self-Nomination Period is Open

Hello all,

As you all know, we have a co-chair openings at the VC-EDU Task Force and the self-nomination period is now open for two weeks, until January 16th 
You can read the role description here: <>

And here is our charter: <>

Nominees may send a self-nomination email to <>. Please tell us about you, your interest in this work, and why you think you’d be a great co-chair.
The nomination period will be open until the January 16th Task Force call where nominees will have the opportunity to present themselves and answer any questions. If there are more than two nominees, an election will be held. More details will be provided then.

Election Announce: January, 2nd  2024
Nomination period: Jan, 2nd  - Jan 16th 2024
Candidate speak at VC EDU meeting: Jan, 16th  2024
Voting Opens: Jan, 22th  2024
Voting Closes: Jan, 29th  2024
Election Results: Feb, 5th  2024
New Chair Starts: Feb, 12th  2024


Simone, Dmitri and Kerri

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Received on Tuesday, 2 January 2024 19:05:37 UTC