Re: HTTP Message Signatures is now RFC 9421

On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 3:51 PM Manu Sporny <>

> The oldest specification incubated by the Credentials CG is now,
> FINALLY, after more than 10 years, an IETF RFC!
> …

> Huge shout out to Justin Richer (Bespoke Engineering) and Annabelle
> Backman (Amazon) for making it happen. All credit goes to them for
> getting it through the IETF process, which took 4 years; Annabelle for
> bringing the spec in line with more modern HTTP features and Justin
> who worked tirelessly over the last three years to take it across the
> line... and by "taking it across the line", I mean, running almost the
> entire length of the field AND THEN taking it across the line. :)

Is there a reference implementation?

-- Christopher Allen

Received on Monday, 19 February 2024 02:53:57 UTC