[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2024-02-06

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


A video recording is also available at:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2024-02-06

  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords
  Harrison Tang, Bob Wyman, Jing Chao, Ted Thibodeau, Ramesh 
  Narayanan, Erica Connell, Gregory Natran, Kimberly Linson, Kerri 
  Lemoie, Rashmi Siravara, Will, Dmitri Zagidulin, Phil (T3), 
  Meagan Treadway, Chandi Cumaranatunge, Vanessa, Leo, Kaliya 
  Young, Geun-Hyung Kim, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) 
  (OpenLinkSw.com), Manu Sporny, Nis Jespersen , James Chartrand, 
  Adrian Gropper, Lucy Yang, Tim Bloomfield, Jeff O - HumanOS, Phil 

<tallted> I am very confused. CCG meeting is on calendar for 
  Noon-1pm ET 
  but apparently ran 11am-Noon 
<tallted> skimming that log, I see, that wasn't the weekly CCG 
  call, it was a special call for maintenance volunteers, for the 
  did spec Registries and the verifiable credential specs directory
<tallted> unfortunately, the new recordings and logs for the 
  *actual* weekly call will over-write those for that earlier call.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Kimberly Linson:  Recording is on.
<harrison_tang> @TallTed I'll take a look at the issue later this 
  week and see how we could fix it
Kimberly Linson:  All right well hello everybody um welcome to 
  today um it's exciting to see so many faces here um I'm gonna go 
  ahead and uh get us through our uh housekeeping items so that I 
  can turn it over to mesh and um.
Kimberly Linson:  And get us get us started with today so uh as 
  everyone knows um we start off each of our meetings by just 
  taking a moment to reflect on.
Kimberly Linson:  How we approach this community and that we are 
  looking um at everyone as a who is a part of this community as 
  someone who has positive intent and we do follow the w3c code of 
  conduct and that is in the agenda if you would like to review it.
Kimberly Linson:  Uh also uh we uh welcome everyone who is here 
  and we're very excited to have you and uh if you are not an 
  official member of the ccg then uh that's great you're welcome to 
  join in these calls at any point and participate in the larger 
  Community if you feel like you want to dive into the work a 
  little bit more um be a contributor then I would ask you to.
Kimberly Linson:  Go ahead and use the links in the agenda to 
  create an account with w3c and actually join the community group 
  it is um of no uh no there is no cost for individual members and 
  so feel free to go ahead and do that the more voices that we have 
  in this community better.
Kimberly Linson:   Um we.
Kimberly Linson:  Minutes of these meetings and a and a 
  transcript uh and a and a video call um 1 I think the the the 
  most important piece of that is so that uh as members we have the 
  opportunity to be able to go back and and review pieces of 
  information that are important to what what we're interested in I 
  know it has happened for me um that a session wasn't necessarily 
  pertinent at the time that it came but then uh later down the 
  road I was like oh actually need to really understand that and so 
  having that archive is uh.
Kimberly Linson:   Is enormous.
Kimberly Linson:  And then also just to make sure that we we keep 
  a record of what happens in these meetings and the things that 
  that we discuss um obviously as we're as we.
Kimberly Linson:  Continue to um have more and more membership 
  and this becomes larger and larger Community having a record um 
  of how this community is evolving is important.
Kimberly Linson:  Uh and I think now that I'm I'm through sort of 
  the the Spiel portion um I'd like to uh ask for the opportunity 
  for anyone who is new to this community or just has an update to 
  this community to put themselves on the Queue which actually is 
  the other thing I didn't mention is that that's how we manage 
  these meetings so uh if you are interested in introducing 
  yourself or sharing an update um that I would ask you to put Q 
  Plus uh into the queue so that you can uh we can call on you and 
  and recognize you.
Manu Sporny: 
Manu Sporny:  Hey uh Kimberly hey everyone um just some good news 
  uh the verifiable credentials data model version 2.0 is now in 
  the candidate recommendation phase at w3c uh so apologies this 
  happened last week There's the news announcement from the w3c um 
  what this means is that the working group believes that they're 
  done with version 2 um and is and they're asking uh people 
  implementers out there to start implementing the specification so 
  feature freeze happened a while ago now we're saying we really 
  think we're done um we will probably keep the door open for the 
  next maybe 3 to 5 months and once we have enough implementers 
  implementing saying that they feel comfortable with the 
  specification we will wrap it up.
Manu Sporny:  Call it a global.
Manu Sporny:  And put it out for the final vote at the worldwide 
  Web Consortium so that's where all 450 plus companies.
Manu Sporny:  They still think it needs work um so this is a big 
  milestone this basically means that you know the past 18 months 
  of work uh you know we're we're done uh there have been.
Manu Sporny:  If I remember off the top of my head 280 changes to 
  the specification so a lot of people didn't you know why while 
  we're working on it it feels like we're like making no progress 
  but when you look back to the last 18 months of work it's 
  resulted in a lot of updates.
Manu Sporny:   And clarify.
Manu Sporny:  Patients to the specific.
Manu Sporny:  So it's out there now um feel free to start 
  implementing I know that a number of vendors are already starting 
  to integrate the vc20 data model into their production roadmap 
  plans for the summer.
Manu Sporny:  Um that's it good news and thank you everyone in 
  the community that contributed to it and and got it to the stage.
Manu Sporny: 
Kimberly Linson:  Thank you Manny that is an enormous amount um 
  volume of work that's been completed so congratulations to to 
  everyone uh anyone else with an an introduction or 
Kimberly Linson:  All right how about announcements and reminders 
  anything coming up that that you want to make sure the community 
  is aware of.
Kimberly Linson:  You can add yourself to the queue with Q Plus.
Kimberly Linson:  That's great thank you please check check that 
  out and and provide some input.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah well 1 thank you for working on that um uh in 
  the the preview looks great I think that's going to be way easier 
  to manage um using mermaid I still owe you that list of.
Manu Sporny:   From the.
Manu Sporny:  Buried deep on my work queue so please feel free to 
  uh Pastor me until I get that list to you if that would be full 
  to you.
Kimberly Linson:  Any other announcements in or reminders or 
  questions about work items.
Kaliya Young:  As always forgot IBEW coming up in April in 
  Mountain View California.
Kaliya Young:  Um should be great um.
Kaliya Young:  I think very soon the registration for our 
  regional event in Europe will open up the digital identity 
  unconference Europe which is the third week of June.
Kaliya Young:  And it looks like um.
Kaliya Young:  The South African event um will be happening the 
  third week of septembar which unfortunately conflicts with TPAC 
Kaliya Young:  That's the way it goes with venues and 
Kaliya Young:  I'll put a link to aew and then chat.
Kimberly Linson:  Great thank you.
Kaliya Young: http://www.internetidentityworkshop.com
Kimberly Linson:  All right well I'm going to go ahead and uh get 
  rash started um first of all I if you weren't here at the very 
  beginning of the call it is very late for him and we're very 
  appreciative of him taking the time to come and join us to talk 
  about modular open source identity platform uh and so uh welcome 
  rash and go ahead and and the floor is yours.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Thank you for the opportunity to present.
Ramesh_Narayanan: You all and as per.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Those Sage advice of Harrison I'll turn my 
  video off and I start my screen share so that.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  things will.
Ramesh_Narayanan: But I just.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Just wanted to make sure.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Most of you may not have met me I just wanted 
  to you to be able to put a face to my.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Name and voice.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Let me start sharing.
Ramesh_Narayanan: I hope you are able to see my screen.
Kimberly Linson:  Yes we see it.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Okay thank you.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  uh so.
Ramesh_Narayanan: I'll try to keep this brief maybe up to 20 
  minutes and then we could.
Ramesh_Narayanan: To get into questions after that.
Kimberly Linson:  That sounds great thank you.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  was found.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Incubated at the triple it Bangalore 
Ramesh_Narayanan: And it's supported by grants from various 
  philanthropic agencies.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Including the ones listed here.
Ramesh_Narayanan: We started in 2018 we remain a not-for-profit 
  and not for Revenue project.
Ramesh_Narayanan: We have been adopted in.
Ramesh_Narayanan: 43 so far which I've gone live and there have 
  been several Pilots that are that have been run and 2 more 
  countries are in the process of.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Taking their identity systems life using.
Ramesh_Narayanan: The platform that we have built.
Ramesh_Narayanan: As of date we have 100 million plus people who 
  have been issued IDs.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Using our platform.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh this is this is scam happened over.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Last 3 plus years through the pandemic and 
  after that there's been plenty of Interest.
Ramesh_Narayanan: As uh digital systems.
Ramesh_Narayanan: More traction I think the pandemic has 
  accelerated the demand and we are also feeling the same.
Ramesh_Narayanan: What we basically do at mosip is we build 
  underlying Platforms in the open source.
Ramesh_Narayanan: For people to create their systems on and run 
  ID systems have been our Focus.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And the it.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Apart from providing the platform we also help 
  countries with the actual uh adoption by way of training their 
  people building capacity.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Supporting them with issues in the platform.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  and so.
Ramesh_Narayanan: We have close to 80 plus partners.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  who have.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Been working with us for the last.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Years it it grew from an initial set of a 
Ramesh_Narayanan: To this number over the years and this consists 
Ramesh_Narayanan: A platform is deeply people who offer biometric 
  components people who offer.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Ation services and so on.
Ramesh_Narayanan: We also work with several.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Non-governmental organizations for research and 
  collaborations in technology as well as.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Non-technology areas uh in terms of inclusion.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Bias recognition and management and so on so 
  this is to keep ourselves sharp and in line with expectations and 
  emerging Trends also.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Largely are learning happen from the 
  deployments that we do.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And from the trends that are happening in the 
Ramesh_Narayanan: The over the last few years we have actually 
  built several Solutions we started off with.
Ramesh_Narayanan: An identity issuance and life cycle management 
  system which is what.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Most of us the modular open source identity 
  platform it included identity verification capabilities also in 
Ramesh_Narayanan: This is where we started with this was the 
  intent behind this was to be able to issue IDs for.
Ramesh_Narayanan: People who don't have IDs.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So several countries had uh poor coverage.
Ramesh_Narayanan: They were looking for systems that could be 
  used and this was positioned.
Ramesh_Narayanan: For those countries.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Are um initial adoption has been primarily in 
  Africa and parts of Asia.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  uh Moro.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Togo and Ethiopia and Africa and the 
  Philippines in Asia who have gone live with the system.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Have been using the most of platform for this.
Ramesh_Narayanan: But in the last couple of years we have started 
  adding additional uh capabilities to start unlocking the value of 
  having an identity.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So on top of this foundational a real identity 
  that that we have been issuing we wanted to create a digital 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh and digital.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Identity stack which will allow people access 
  to services do kyc.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Solutions which were purely targeting the 
  digital access space.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And this started including credentials and the 
  original format which is where our journey with verifiable 
  credentials began.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And then we extended this to uh as as we 
  started working with this we extended this usage from online to 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Usage by promoting digital wallets.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And uh and building this digital wallets we 
  recognize that these digital wallets are not going to be just 
Ramesh_Narayanan:  the ID.
Ramesh_Narayanan: That we have.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And uh that's where uh we have been combining 
  the digital identity and the wallet together.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Focusing on not just uh this but all kinds of 
Ramesh_Narayanan: So we have started some work on the 
  credentialing area also.
Ramesh_Narayanan: While these were all infrastructure that we 
  were building to help countries.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Start issuing IDs offering Digital Services on 
  top of that and so on we wanted to have.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  a powerful.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Demonstrator of how this ID can be used so we 
  started working on.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Open g2p platform which uh basically helps 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Benefits delivery for government to people 
Ramesh_Narayanan: And uh this this actually uses the ID that that 
  is issued.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Using these platforms it's well integrated as a 
Ramesh_Narayanan: And this is something that that we have been 
  able to actually showcase as well as deploy.
Ramesh_Narayanan: This module works with most of based systems as 
  well as existing ID systems that they may already have so it's 
  not opinionated to uh just most of solutions.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Going beyond the foundational idea there are 
  there are lots of systems which are looking at sectoral ideas for 
  example Health ID or student ID and so on and using the same set 
  of principles that we have been building other.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Solutions we have started some work on.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Registries for sectoral IDs also.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And this is all possible because of our 
  approach we have been always thinking of modularity in the way we 
  build our Solutions and also very responsible development by way 
  of promoting reuse of existing.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Open source tools as well as our own components 
  that we are building.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So these Solutions.
Ramesh_Narayanan: They all share uh lots of the components and 
  they can all be used independent of each other in most cases for 
  example the digital wallet that we.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Can work with.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Issue and services or it can also work with 
  other issuers.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So it nothing is tied.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Are locked in into the whole stack or whole 
  solution landscape that we offer people can pick and choose the 
  solutions that they want to use or they can actually also work 
  with this whole Suite.
Ramesh_Narayanan: This um there's a quick overview of what we 
  have in the uh.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Editions platform we have 2 parts 1 is.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Something that supports the ideations and life 
  cycle management which includes a self-service pre-registration.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And uh online or offline mode.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Of registration this is this is a activity that 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh contact if Biometrics are collected if there 
  is no Biometrics involved this can be totally offline and remote.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Once the ID is issued.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Then get to the second part of the story which 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Usage of the ID so we have an authentication 
  Service and then we have resident services which allow.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Users to manage their uh ID credentials and 
  then we have a partner management module which which allows the 
  ID system to manage who gets access to.
Ramesh_Narayanan: What kind of kyc uh policies they are enabled 
  to so that data sharing can be strictly on a need to know basis 
  and regulated.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And our entire development has been led by what 
  we call as a principle that development approach privacy security 
  Open Standards these are all some of the things that we try to 
  make sure we use or incorporate in at every step of the work so 
  we have several privacy features extensibility features the 
  ability to customize configure localize these Solutions.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So multi-language support is a great example of 
  how this can actually be used in different country contexts for 
  example in Morocco it is um used.
Ramesh_Narayanan: With French and Arabic while Ethiopia uses.
Ramesh_Narayanan: In English Philippines uses.
Ramesh_Narayanan: English and so on so there are choices that 
  people can make.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And the system can be configured or extended 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Meet specific requirements.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Once we go beyond the ID issue and life cycle 
  management we had to cater to a variety of requirements some some 
  countries opt for initial infrastructure.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Which is basically online and centrally used 
  for authentication there are other cases where there is a need 
  for a combination of centralized as well as decentralized use of.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And in in more advanced cases where uh people 
  don't want.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Centralized verification at all pure offline 
  usage or decentralized usage of ID verification.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  is need.
Ramesh_Narayanan: We have a bouquet of.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Modules and services that caters to all these 
  kind of needs.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Verification Services the underlying core 
  support for any kind of Channel actually lies in the.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Pi that we offer.
Ramesh_Narayanan: PA has 2 flavors on it's a simple yes no API 
Ramesh_Narayanan: The uh given the identifier of the user and the 
  authentication factors comes back with the yes or no.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So whether it's.
Ramesh_Narayanan: But whether it's the right user.
Ramesh_Narayanan: The second flavor is a kyc endpoint which takes 
  similar inputs except that this shares authorized.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Kyc results so.
Ramesh_Narayanan: It's possible through policy to control what 
  gets shared to which relying party using this kyc endpoint.
Ramesh_Narayanan: We have support for anonymous.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Identifiers and tokens in this so that people 
  don't have to share their permanent ID numbers to a relying 
  parties so short-lived ID tokens can be used.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And anywhere where Biometrics are used for as 
  authentication factors we have a support where the Biometrics 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Encrypted on the capture device itself and then 
  gets sent to the server where only the authentication server can.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Crypto Biometrics for any comparison this 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Building local databases of Biometrics or reuse 
  of those biometrics.
Ramesh_Narayanan: In other places.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Where Biometrics are not used we have other 
  authentication factors like 1-time passwords.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And bins and so on and we also have the ability 
  to extend.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Using protocols like web Bots and uh.
Ramesh_Narayanan: To to support additional methods for uh.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Optional factors for Authentication.
Ramesh_Narayanan: On top of this.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  we have.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Built uh open ID connect based solution which 
  allows people to.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Simplify the integration to this API the API is 
  routed using ID provider.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And uh this ID provider is a plug-in into the 
  Signet solution that we have eignet can be plugged in.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Or the plug-in can be developed in eignet for 
  not just mosip but for other systems also.
Ramesh_Narayanan: In fact we have done something of that sort 
  exactly in Cambodia where cambodia's existing.
Ramesh_Narayanan: ID system is is the 1 that's fronted by eignet 
  and uh the IDP their talks to their systems.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So what is Signet offers is the ability to use 
  the government issued ID.
Ramesh_Narayanan: For login and authentication and uh login 
  basically starts giving you access to various systems without 
  having to create too many credentials username passwords 
Ramesh_Narayanan: This service is run by authorized people uh.
Ramesh_Narayanan: You will be you'll be getting a uniform 
  experience across portals and you'll be sharing.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Your authentication factors and data or even 
  your ID number only in these set of authorized providers.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So all kinds of relying parties don't keep 
  getting don't get access to it.
Ramesh_Narayanan: They only get access to.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Token that is returned to them and any kind of 
  consented attributes that are shared as part of the open ID 
  connect process.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh we also have started incorporating support 
  for our.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Offline usage or offline authentication any 
  Signet by way of being able to hand over the authentication 
  completion to the wallet.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Once the user to sign in they redirect them to 
Ramesh_Narayanan: And they can either complete the authentication 
  on eignet or they can actually.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  take over.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh from their wallet completed on the wallet 
  and E then.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Redirects them back to the aligned parties 
  portal after the authentication is completed.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So this uh as in yeah.
Kimberly Linson:  Thank you is it is it all right if Manu jumps 
  in with a question at this point.
Manu Sporny:  Hi uh ramish this is this has been uh fantastic so 
  far I've I have a question though on eignet um uh it it sounds 
  like a centralized solution so I'm I'm trying to understand it 
  sounds like eignet would everything would route through eignet 
  and I and I get the benefit of not exposing all the other relying 
  parties to the information that might go through eignet but you 
  know I'm I'm trying to square that with the the decentralized you 
  know message that you started off with so so who runs these 
  Signet like is it like login.gov in the United States where all 
  you know all login to Federal systems go through login.gov so you 
  have to have a login.gov account how I'm trying to understand the 
  the centralization characteristics of the eignet.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Yeah excellent question man it is an online 
  solution and.
Ramesh_Narayanan: The way you deploy it can actually be the the 
  choice of was deploying it and if there is 1 single system 
  obviously it becomes centralized.
Ramesh_Narayanan: That but it's also possible for us to actually 
  support multiple underlying ID providers like how it is in France 
  the France connect solution for example talks to.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Various underlying parties right so eignet does 
  not have any persistence layer.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Other than the user consent.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Doesn't it doesn't store any user information 
  or ID or anything of that sort.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And uh what what basically means is that if the 
  underlying IDs are many then based on which ID is used.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Authentication Services of that particular 
  system are used.
Ramesh_Narayanan: That system would know so it centralized to 
  that extent but essentially it it can act in a federation mode or 
  in a centralized mode.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  but if.
Ramesh_Narayanan: If you're handing.
Ramesh_Narayanan: It over to the.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Right then the authentication happens against a 
  credential which is there in the wallet in which case you're not 
  hitting the centralized systems is hitting the user's wallet.
Ramesh_Narayanan: This is where the support for decentralized 
  usage comes in in the e-cigarette portion but it is essentially 
  an online uh centralized system run by some particular provider.
Ramesh_Narayanan: I hope that answers your question.
Manu Sporny:  It did thank.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So as 1 of indicated this is not a solution 
Ramesh_Narayanan: We wanted to make sure that this has a path to 
  uh decentralized usage also where this becomes actually a Cygnet 
Ramesh_Narayanan: And complete the authentication on the wallet 
  so that that's our.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh that's 1 Pathway to decentralization which 
  is supported in a signal.
Ramesh_Narayanan: When it comes to a wallet we built uh this 
  wallet NG a normal um.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Wallet would mostly be used as a store.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And it will be a protected wallet.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Maybe there's a way to unlock it and so on but 
  in our case we have taken the wallet.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And added an additional feature by adding an 
  authenticator in it.
Ramesh_Narayanan: What we do is we.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Most of the issuance software it it generates 
  verifiable credentials by default for ID credentials these can 
  then be downloaded onto the wallet using issuance software.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh we had started off with a custom integration 
  and retrieval mechanism using our API.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Ally but then once we had open ID for VC 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Protocol um once it was created we actually 
  have implemented that I think we are right now supporting.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Implementers draft level is something that we 
  are supporting and you so we can download the credential onto the 
  wallet using open ID for VCI.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And this credential is uh the way that open ID 
  for VC it's done is through eignet so there is an authentication 
  of the user and then they download their credential.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So we bind the wallet to the user's ID 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Which means subsequently when you want to do 
  authentication we can actually do authentication against the 
  credential which is there in the wallet.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And uh we support a face authentication 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh for actually doing the presence verification 
  and a biometric binding of the.
Ramesh_Narayanan: User to the credential as well as uh for the 
  authentication itself so these are um.
Ramesh_Narayanan: This is the authentication capability that is 
  supported in our wallet.
Ramesh_Narayanan: From a pure credentials perspective apart from 
  the store we have the ability to share the.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Credentials either through QR code if it's a 
  very small credential that can be fitted into 1.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Else we have a Bluetooth low energy based 
  peer-to-peer sharing.
Ramesh_Narayanan: That we have built this uses open ID for VP 
  over ble as the protocol.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And as I mentioned it has uh e signate 
  integration 1 for uh.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Download of the credential and second for.
Ramesh_Narayanan: The Handover of authentication from eignet to 
  the wallet.
Ramesh_Narayanan: There are cases where the phones that are 
  available in the market are not.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Secure uh or they don't have they're not 
  smartphones and they're not maybe capable of doing all that we 
  are proposing here so for these cases.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh we are looking at building a cloud wallet.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Cloud wallet will be a completely encrypted 
  Cloud store.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh which really the user can decrypt by 
  operating it through a shell app or.
Ramesh_Narayanan: 3 ussd these mechanisms so we are looking at 
  various cryptographic means where uh the the key for decrypting.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Can be generated on the Fly by the user maybe 
  using Sim toolkits.
Ramesh_Narayanan: That can that can leverage the capabilities of 
  the SIM card on their phone so these are mechanisms that we are 
  looking at to see how.
Ramesh_Narayanan: We can have a hosted wallet Cloud wallet where 
  again their privacy data privacy is protected.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So this is on the wallet side.
Ramesh_Narayanan: As I was mentioning we combined all of this and 
  uh you're working on a digital credentialing stack.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So this this triangle is something that you'll 
  all be familiar with so I won't go deep into it we have added um.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Holder basically is in G wallet but we can 
  support other wallets also because the insurance protocols that 
  we are supporting are open.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Chatting with a relying party as I mentioned we 
  have QR as well as based shares we are looking at adding support 
  for other protocols also like.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And the relying party can trust the issuer we 
  have set up some trust mechanism using uh did web and well-known.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh specs and uh we again rely on open ID for 
  VCI Associated uh specifications for these.
Ramesh_Narayanan: The advantages of um.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Are many we have integrated with opencv.
Ramesh_Narayanan: For example for uh issuance of birth 
  certificates as digital credentials similarly we are issuing we 
  are working with a couple of countries Bangladesh being 1 for 
  issue of trade licenses or business incorporation certificates.
Ramesh_Narayanan: This so the issuance model right now supports 
  we see 1.1.
Ramesh_Narayanan: But we are um having a modular approach where 
  we can actually start adding.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Credential formats also and as 1 you mentioned 
  we were waiting for the 2.2 to become an official spec for us to 
  actually start some work on that.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And I think it looks like it's going to be in 
  our plans too so.
Ramesh_Narayanan: We have plenty of integration models a place 
  stages that can be plugged into workflow event based integration 
  mechanisms data sharing.
Ramesh_Narayanan: With a lot of cryptographic protections built 
  into it so with this we have integrated with Benefits Delivery 
  Systems civil registry digital signatures Healthcare systems and 
  so on many of these are open-source Solutions which can also be 
  used in case somebody wants to adopt those Solutions.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Wherever possible we work with standards.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Wherever the standards don't meet we try to 
  work with various industry initiatives and groups to bring in our 
  inputs and if you see that they are already working along those 
  lines if there are some emerging drafts we pick those up and 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh where we have not been able to see anybody 
  taking any steps we try to actually work with some groups like.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Stack or g2p connect and so on in order to 
  Define uh some specifications which can then maybe over over time 
  get into standards process we have 1 um.
Ramesh_Narayanan: 1 initiative and Ile for uh working for secure 
  biometric devices so this this is the 1 that deals with 
  encrypting the Biometrics captured on the device in the field 
  itself in order to provide high level of security for biometric 
Ramesh_Narayanan: So all this is to basically work towards our 
  core objective of creating interoperable systems which are for 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Global Care Solutions which address everyone 
  and then.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Identity so that that trust is what drives 
  usage and the transactions that.
Ramesh_Narayanan: That that are initial part of the.
Ramesh_Narayanan: My digital life that we are all looking forward 
  to very much.
Ramesh_Narayanan: That that's my presentation but I think I took 
  more than the 20 minutes I.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Happy to take questions.
Kimberly Linson:  Thank you so.
Kimberly Linson:  But that was actually really informative and 
  I'm glad you you checked the time to go through it all uh uh 
  manual I believe you're first on the queue.
Manu Sporny:  Thank you yes um uh thank you for that uh romesh 
  your your work in this space um in in the folks on the mosip team 
  um it's um very inspiring um it's it's wonderful work um uh and 
  so I'm I'm wondering um what do you feel you you mentioned the 
  the gaps in the standards um uh what do you feel was kind of the 
  the the biggest uh challenge uh for adoption uh that you faced 
  you know I'm I'm looking at you know the way the the way that 
  you've you've built this system out um it feels like you know you 
  almost had to start as an identity provider for kind of central 
  government government institutions and then build the services 
  out from there like it was very you know was did you try other 
  approaches where it was very difficult to kind of start as a 
  digital wallet provider and then try to provide services uh it it 
  almost feels like for.
Manu Sporny:  Uh or really any any platform to get a hold inside 
  you know a digital identity you have to have the government 
  understand that they want that solution and then you have to kind 
  of work through kind of core services in in government so do you 
  see any other approaches was that the approach that you had what 
  were the kind of the biggest challenges to scale to the level 
  that that you've been able to scale to today.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Yeah I think the challenges have been plenty.
Ramesh_Narayanan: The way you put it across is exactly how it 
  happened we had to start with addressing the most fundamental 
  need which was basically fill the Gap where.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  H people.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Did not have an ID at all and participation in 
  any kind of transaction even if it's a physical paper based 
  transaction was not possible if a person did not have an ID.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Access to financial services uh lot lot of it 
  was a problem.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  I can.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Court examples where.
Ramesh_Narayanan: People were not able to get birth certificates.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Because the parents did not have documents.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  and then.
Ramesh_Narayanan: If they don't children don't have birth 
  certificates they can't.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Get into a vaccination or immunization 
Ramesh_Narayanan: They can't get into schools so.
Ramesh_Narayanan: May be a lot of it is to do with the policy and 
  how uh basic services are available but uh the process of using 
  ID documents to ensure that citizens get benefits as opposed to 
  all kinds of people who are coming and getting benefits was uh.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Was a problem.
Ramesh_Narayanan: A lot of these Services were subsidized so it 
  was important to ensure that people got IDs first so that's where 
  we started.
Ramesh_Narayanan: But we also knew that.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Even as we started uh we were very aware of 
  concerns around uh privacy.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Of users risks of surveillance.
Ramesh_Narayanan: How centralized systems are looked at somewhere 
  people like like them somewhere people from upon them we know 
  that we are getting into a world where we need multiple Solutions 
  and multiple pathways.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So they were always ready to evolve into 
  something more than just a centralized system but a government 
  issued ID was what would bring trust in the ID in the first place 
  so this is the real ID or the foundational ID that we started 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Order to provide mechanisms privacy provide 
  friendly mechanisms on top of it for ID usage.
Ramesh_Narayanan: We started building features there and then 
  subsequently we started once the wallet related uh.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Standards and specifications started emerging 
  better we know that we will not be building something which will 
  be throwing away so we started working with a draft 
  specifications and and started working on that aspect.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So the tip um was was 1 of our uh.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Big Inspirations that when we saw the framework 
  we decided that instead of building just some data and issuing 
  some ID we'll make sure that we are natively supporting 
  credentials right from the outset so we started incorporating.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And we see uh even before it became a a full 
  full accepted spec into our product.
Kimberly Linson:  Thank you Harrison you're on the queue.
Harrison_Tang: Yes um Ramesh do you mind uh kind of clarify uh 
  who are the implementers because earlier you mentioned that 
  there's Bangor Dash government and I'm guessing Indian 
  governments like is it just the governments or are there other uh 
  like businesses or other um entities that that that implemented 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Oh actually the governments are the adopters.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Implementations have been uh sometimes carried 
  out by Common departments themselves and other cases they have 
  worked with.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh ecosystems partners and systems integrators 
  to actually roll out these Solutions.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Are mandate atmosphere from a funding 
  perspective has been primarily to help governments.
Ramesh_Narayanan: We have cases where university has actually 
  picked us up for their student ID and they're doing it on their 
  own this isn't Argentina.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And uh we have uh somebody actually building a 
  sectoral IDs in India for healthcare using some of our Solutions 
  so yes it's we expect it to be used Beyond.
Kimberly Linson:  Harrison did you have another question.
Harrison_Tang: Yes uh so separate questions um first of all it's 
  quite impressive that uh Mastiff actually tackles multiple uh 
  aspects and facets of identity uh from issuance right wallets and 
  so on so on so my question is like what is the toughest.
<phil_long_(t3)> It appears verification is done by the issuer, 
  rather than an independent verification service.  Is that 
Harrison_Tang: Challenge right what's the toughest problem like 
  when you marginalize the identity problems um like for example 
  earlier you talked about authentications biometric like keeping 
  it uh secure private and things like that like which part uh when 
  you're working on different parts and different modules for like 
  B term which which module is the hardest.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Rather than module I would say the the aspect 
  that we find it the hardest is actually inclusion.
Ramesh_Narayanan: The the diversity of the population is such 
  that there are challenges in terms of infrastructure there are 
  challenges in terms of digital Savvy as well as many other many 
  other factors.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So cost lots of factors are there so we have to 
  make sure that.
Adrian Gropper:  We have to make sure that.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  uh we.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Had to have a.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And not just 1 so that that I think was 1 of 
  the biggest challenges that we had.
Kimberly Linson:  Great thank you uh Adrian.
Adrian Gropper:  Uh in the example you mentioned India sector 
  role in healthcare in particular uh what's the relationship uh 
  that you have with adhar.
Adrian Gropper:  As the national ID for things like that.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Yeah um so other is is built by the uidai and 
  run for India's national like program so we don't have anything 
  to do with that right that's a totally independent system.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So mosip is uh incidentally built in India but 
  it's a totally new system built from scratch.
Ramesh_Narayanan: The Health Care System might use the underlying 
  other for.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Verification against the foundational ID but 
  what we are uh what most of is used for us building the sectoral 
  identity for the same person.
Rashmi_Siravara: Uh Ramesh if I can ask you um a query based on 
  the other discussion that you were uh you are having so the 
  verification is done even for the pan card since other card has 
  certain requirements or is it uh only there is no identification 
  or verification needed for that since you work with the 
  governments and they are scaling it.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So we don't work with the Indian government 
  actually um so I can't I can't answer to that um this particular 
  thing I think there are.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Uh as is the case in most places for different 
  processes people can produce 1 of many IDs.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So it could be the tax number or it could be 
Ramesh_Narayanan: National ID and so on right so I think those 
  are processes.
Ramesh_Narayanan: By respective applications.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Even if somebody's using the national ID in 
  cases where they have deployed most of most of offers the 
  solutions for quick verification easy verification.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  in online.
Rashmi_Siravara: Right that's the main reason I asked you because 
  the ekyc is in feature right now at every payment Gateway right I 
  mean in international transaction verifications dates credentials 
  all of it so I just wanted to know if you are directly working 
  with the government or it's just in the peripheral collaboration 
  that uh you're talking about yeah thank you.
Kimberly Linson:  All right may I know your next step on the 
Manu Sporny:  Um right so so the the quite this question has more 
  to do with the standards work so you you mentioned a set of 
  standards that are missing now around trust Frameworks and 
  Biometrics and and things of that nature um and so you know since 
  many of us here work in standards setting organizations global 
  standard setting organizations I'm curious what kind of work we 
  can focus on next that would be most helpful to you understanding 
  that they're limitations like w3c doesn't work on biometric 
  anything right they they're they the position is kind of the 
  opposite they're kind of it I think antibiotics they focus more 
  on web athn and types of authentication that's cryptographic and 
  unlabel and and and stuff like that so you know there's certain 
  things where we can't really help around I think the biometric 
  portion of it but there are other places where I think we could 
  help you mentioned QR codes in uh uh.
Manu Sporny:  Down into small.
Manu Sporny:  We do have work on you know taking a verifiable 
  credential in compressing it using core LDS so that you can 
  express it in a QR code with a digital signature in that sort of 
  thing very important for offline uh scenarios um we are also you 
  know have a work item in this group around uh trust Frameworks 
  effectively the you know the authorized verifiers issuers you 
  know lists work um that that is going on what what's the what's 
  the biggest pain point for you like if if there was a a new 
  standard that we could work on in the next you know year or so 
  and get done what would be the highest priority standard uh we 
  could work on.
<kimberly_wilson_linson> Great question Manu!
<dmitri_zagidulin> and is that standard 'Trust Registries' :)
Ramesh_Narayanan: Yeah actually um.
Ramesh_Narayanan: The core LD.
Ramesh_Narayanan: That you mentioned right we we had we needed it 
  2 years ago when people were issuing cards with QR codes embedded 
  in them so we had to build a cwt based.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Approach where we have to make certain 
  assumptions about.
Ramesh_Narayanan: The envelope as well as the content in order to 
  make sure that it fits and is usable cryptographically verifiable 
  and and still interpretable so you'll be happy to look at what 
  how it how sibo LDS.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Been used actually to to support this so we 
  felt that the VC envelope itself was.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Big lot of work on the metadata.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Area was very rapidly changing and.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And and moving I think that that's 1 area where 
  we would like Clarity more than anything else.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Specifically on on standards I I will get back 
  we have a laundry list at what what would take the cake what what 
  would be high priority something that we can probably revert back 
  to there are there are a few pain points that we have and we'll 
  be actually very glad to talk about those um talk about this pain 
  points while we see does not address schemas there is also a need 
  to agree upon some common schemas for simplifying interpretation.
Ramesh_Narayanan:  of the data.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Especially for cross.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So crossborder usage related cases change uh 
  the trust as well as the uh the content related requirements it 
  puts additional expectations on that I think those are areas that 
  are beginning to emerge we are working with the West African.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Region for where they want a regionally 
  interoperable ID so to be able to address that we will need 
  actually need specifications uh for that.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Another um area where we are facing challenges 
  uh there's some some amount of Divergence between what verifiable 
  credentials does as work and uh mdl does this work at ISO MDOC 
  set of standards and it's um if if there's some possible way to 
  reduce the.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Deviations and and arrive at some common set of 
  specifications which which support different kinds of credential 
  types for example in India there's been signed XML.
Ramesh_Narayanan: That has been issued for ages and this was even 
  before anybody was imagining credentials as a first standards 
  rated work right so and that also needs to be supported so there 
  are many cases where we would need different types of credentials 
  formats to be supported and I think we'll need to have for 
  interoperability common uh Frameworks.
Ramesh_Narayanan: And it can't be in isolation imagine different 
  ways in different continents.
Kimberly Linson:  Thank you Dimitri I'm gonna let you have the 
  last question of the day.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Oh sure thing thank you um uh thanks for me 
  really enjoyed your presentation what uh specification do you use 
  for trust Registries for lists of known issuers and verifiers and 
  is that something uh most of would be interested in 
Ramesh_Narayanan: We would be um right now uh for the wallet we 
  have a wallet server and the wallet server.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Is the 1 that feeds the trust registry or gives 
  access to the wallet.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So we have kept it simple um till till we get 
  good Clarity on.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Being able to refer to some common 
Ramesh_Narayanan: For Discovery we are using um for for a given 
  issuer discovery of other things we are using well-known specs.
Ramesh_Narayanan: So that that's our current simplified approach.
Ramesh_Narayanan: We are open to anything from a simple GitHub.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Onward still a registry which is publicly 
Ramesh_Narayanan: Or uh acceptable to everyone.
<harrison_tang> Thank you, Ramesh, for a great presentation 
  today!  Thanks for dropping by CCG.
Kimberly Linson:  Great thank you again so much for being here um 
  and sharing um this with us it was really interesting and and uh 
  very applicable to my own work so I'm excited to thank you uh and 
  thank you everyone for participating today and we will see you 
  next uh next Tuesday at the same time thank you all.
Ramesh_Narayanan: Thank you for the opportunity why.
Kimberly Linson:  Recording has stopped.

Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2024 23:13:02 UTC