[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2024-12-17

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


A video recording is also available at:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2024-12-17

  Harrison Tang, Kimberly Linson, Will Abramson
  Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords
  Harrison Tang, Lucy Yang, Will Abramson, Mahmoud Alkhraishi, 
  Jennie M, Erica Connell, Isaac Patka, cc, Mike Xu, Nis Jespersen 
  , Jeff O / HumanOS, Greg Bernstein, Tim Bloomfield, Olvis E. Gil 
  RĂ­os, Joe Andrieu, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) 
  (OpenLinkSw.com), Kaliya Young, David Chadwick, Benjamin Young, 
  Dmitri Zagidulin, Kerri Lemoie, Stephan Baur, James Chartrand, 
  Phil Long

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: All right we're good.
Will Abramson:  Right how everyone Welcome to our final ccg call 
  of the year.
Will Abramson:  Sticking with us uh.
Will Abramson:  So today we've got Isaac uh Isaac Henderson who's 
  joining us to talk about.
Will Abramson:  Ccg work item verifiable issuers and verifiers uh 
  but before that I'm going to hand over to Harrison is gonna.
Will Abramson:  Tell us the results of the election and we'll 
  find out who is the new ccg chair joining me in Harrison in the 
  new year.
Will Abramson:  Although before we get both into both of those 
  I'm just going to run through the you know standard pattern for 
  the start of this group.
Will Abramson:  So uh first thing code of ethics and professional 
  conduct uh I think generally we do a really good job of this but 
  you know treat people with respect we want to create a warm 
  friendly collaborative environment in these calls and in the work 
  we do with each other so.
Will Abramson:  Keep that in mind in your interactions.
Will Abramson:  My name is group and Community um next IP note so 
  anyone is welcome to participate in these calls however 
  substantive contributions to any of the ccg work items.
Will Abramson:  Must be made by members with of the ccg with full 
  IPR agreements.
Will Abramson:  If you're not sure about this or you want to join 
  and need to be pointed in the right direction just reach out to 
  any of the chairs and we're happy to help you with that.
Will Abramson:  Uh just a quick brief about the call so this call 
  will be recorded takes place in jitsi the minutes were made the 
  recordings will be made available after the meeting we use IRC to 
  manage the queue.
Will Abramson:  If you want to get put on the Queue you can type 
  Q Plus into the chat or you can also raise your hand in there to 
  see interface.
Will Abramson:  Next introductions are reintroductions to anyone 
  new to this call who'd like to say hello to the group or anyone 
  who's not said hi for a while just what's on mute say hello feel 
Will Abramson:   No worries.
Will Abramson:  Maybe in the New Year we can all say hi to each 
  other again that might be nice um.
Will Abramson:  Okay announcements and reminders if anyone have 
  anything to announce or remind the group about.
Will Abramson:   Uh L.
Lucy Yang: 
Lucy Yang:  Thank you well um so I want I have an update about 
  the California um and DMV mdl hackathons so as many of you 
  probably know we um the California DMV partnered with open ID 
  Foundation to co to co-host to uh Community hackathons focusing 
  on um adoptions of mobile drivers lessons particularly California 
  mobile drivers lessons and we did the 2 hack thans and we had 
  really good results and just want we have public briefing 
  upcoming in the new year on January 10th I just shared a link so 
  that is public to everyone so at that um public briefing we will 
  be providing pretty much the public and particularly the 
  stakeholders the relevant stakeholders the um the learnings the 
  outcomes and the next steps we also select some of the use cases 
  that were presented at the um the hackathon to share with you so 
  just want to share it with um with you the link you know you're 
  most welcome to to join especially if you're working on MDF.
Lucy Yang:   All related.
Will Abramson:  Great thanks Lucy I wonder if it might be worth 
  having you or some other representative come to the ccg in the 
  New Year here we can coordinate offline.
Lucy Yang:  Okay great sounds good thank you.
Will Abramson:  Uh yeah thanks Lucy any other reminders or 
  announcements for the group.
Will Abramson:  Okay not hearing any um.
Will Abramson:  I don't have any progress on ccg work items to 
  share but does anybody else does anybody else been working on any 
  work items and would like to share an update.
Will Abramson:  No okay that's fine uh no worries so uh I'll move 
  into the agenda and the first thing I'm going to hand over to 
  Harrison who's going to talk us through the ccg election for the 
  new co-chair position.
Harrison_Tang: All right thank you thank you well and I just want 
  before I announce the results as well as the uh say big thanks to 
  both Mahmood and Jillian for actually stepping up and uh uh 
  submit their nominations uh know very very glad and very very 
  happy to see people stepping up and then take leadership this is 
  a very very close race but uh at the end they uh there's only 1 
  culture decision um and uh that we're bowling for this time and 
  then I want to congratulate Mahmood uh for being our next cgg 
Harrison_Tang: I will send out an email um.
Harrison_Tang: All right later today or tomorrow uh to actually 
  to the email mailing list about the election results and then uh 
  the turn of the uh next CGI culture will start in the new year 
  and then uh we will actually.
Harrison_Tang: Not have a meeting next week and next next week uh 
  and I'll send out an email about that as well and then we we we 
  will resume on January 7th.
Harrison_Tang: Thanks a lot.
Will Abramson:  Great thanks Harrison and yeah welcome on to the 
  same mood I look forward to working with you I don't know if you 
  want to say a few words you're welcome too but don't feel 
  pressured to so.
Mahmoud Alkhraishi:  I would love to um I want to say thank you 
  all for the vote of confidence I hope I can live up to it and I'm 
  looking forward to working with all of you to hold up all the 
  wonderful values we've been working on on and holding for the 
  last few years.
Mahmoud Alkhraishi:  Thank you everyone.
Will Abramson:  Great thanks very much and I guess I will say 
  thanks to Kimberly I mean I only got to work with her for a year 
  but she was delightful to work with as a co-chair of this group I 
  think we were all lucky to have her.
Will Abramson:  Okay moving on to the main topic Isaac over to 
  you for um.
Will Abramson:  Your presentation on the.
Will Abramson:  Certifiable issues and verifies list.
Will Abramson:  Great thanks a lot Isaac so jump on the Queue if 
  you have any questions or comments.
Will Abramson:   Like I have a.
Will Abramson:  Quick sort of matter on like where does this uh.
Will Abramson:  Does this work take place currently like how like 
  say I wanted to get involved how would I do that.
Will Abramson:  Great I mean this is amazing I don't know is this 
  like online like you know if someone is asking you oh really 
  interested in that would you point them to someone and be like 
  look here's the details about this task force or group it's just 
  I was looking before the call and I couldn't see anything that 
  might just be me.
Will Abramson:  Great yeah maybe you could send an email out to 
  the group that would be nice.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Thank you so much for the for presenting so I 
  have a couple questions uh 1 is can you show so we've seen an 
  example of what an individual issuers are verifiers service 
  description object looks like.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  What does um can you can you show an example 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The outer list uh so or or or let's walk back 
  actually because I want to understand whether this is list based 
  or API based so I'm a verifier.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Hands over a diploma to me.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Signed by you know example.edu and I go to I 
  go to verify I go to look up the issuer in uh a Viv uh issue of 
  registry what what does that initial request look like.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  What is uh the verifiers request to the issuer 
  registry look like so when I when I want to fetch that uh 
  original list of uh known verifiers.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Got it is there a way for the verifier to 
  fetch the list of all of the known okay.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Okay understood and then the second question 
  is a more General 1 sort of just positioning in the ecosystem uh 
  how would you say how would you differentiate or explain the spec 
  um with regards to.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The other 2 or 3 projects that are uh aiming 
  to do uh verified issue and verify our lists such as open ID 
  Federation and diffs um uh credential trust establishments back 
  so where where would you position this spec uh opposite of those 
Will Abramson:  Uh sorry David.
Will Abramson:  Oh yeah David you're right.
Will Abramson:  Oh it's on a David if you're talking.
<davidc> looks like you cannot hear me
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yeah we we can't quite hear you.
Will Abramson:  It's like you're muted on the jitsi client if 
Will Abramson:  Maybe I'll get to Harrison first when we come 
  back to you David Harrison.
Harrison_Tang: Yeah I my question is that different trust 
  Frameworks have slightly different governance right so the users 
  of this basically are relying are trusting that trust framework 
  so I'm just I'm I I'm just curious like does this back includes 
  like the identify identification around the trust framework like 
  in this case if your time of Gaia X like does it have a URL to go 
  X and then as well as how their governance work and things like 
Harrison_Tang: Because I I see that the there are attributes 
  around service identifiers like why don't we have include 
  something like trust framework identifiers or things like that 
  what what are the pros and cons of including or not including 
  such an identifier to the trust Frameworks.
Harrison_Tang: Cool thank you thanks.
Will Abramson:  Cool thanks David.
Will Abramson:  Want to try again.
Will Abramson:  Maybe now um.
Will Abramson:  Oh I see off mute David if you.
<davidc> ~I am off mute
Will Abramson:  No we still don't have you yeah you are off you 
  on jitsi I don't know maybe it's something to do with your 
  browser client I think it tends to work best with chrome so I 
  don't know.
<harrison_tang> we cannot hear you.  perhaps you can type in your 
<davidc> its safari
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yeah try try a different browser or maybe type 
  type in the text.
Will Abramson:  Yes we type in your question I'm happy to read it 
Will Abramson:  Uh Lucy in the meantime still.
<davidc> It was a comment rather than a question
Lucy Yang:  Yeah question to ask I think I want to go back to on 
  the Metro's question earlier about you know open ID Federation 
  the other the other complimentary.
<davidc> To describe the main difference between OID Federation 
  and ETSI
Lucy Yang:  Um like approach and to have um do we have some 
  examples we can show like how you know um the you know the 
  training approach that can actually approach what you know but 
  whatever is being defined like to verify and and issue our list 
  and the your your work is David on how can we Show an example of 
  how that could be complimentary and to you know open ID 
  Federation or others um potentially leveraging Reggie trust I'm 
  saying this because you know we're we're working together.
Lucy Yang:  It it probably be helpful I I you know having worked 
  on on Reit trust project for a few years I understand you know 
  there's like richer metadata but I haven't seen I haven't seen 
  kind of example from you know from open ID Federation I said know 
  many you know many are considering adopting you know using open 
  ID Federation which is you know kind of Natural Evolution from 
  what they're using today so if there's a kind of more concrete 
  example um that we can show be super helpful you know for me as 
  well so that's.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Will Abramson:  I'm not seeing anyone on the Queue I have some 
  more questions my questions are more about the ccg and like you 
  know like you're 1 of a few people or groups who are doing a CCD 
  work item that kind of in that process I don't think we as a CCU 
Will Abramson:  Have that process fully refined like I just 
  wonder if you have any comments about how we as a community could 
  help work items like yourselves you know get through the process 
  to like.
Will Abramson:  Um I think the criteria is uh.
Will Abramson:  I might be wrong at this so people can correct me 
  but I think the criteria is you guys tell us that you think it's 
  finished and then we put a call out to this community group and 
  there's open for like you know comments and objections and if and 
  if that passes then it's finished and it can be published as like 
  a a final report with a w3c link but it's still a ccg like a 
  community group report I think for it to get adopted in a working 
  group that would be up to the working group that would form right 
  and then they decide which which work items they might want to 
  bring in to like work on more formally to get them through like a 
  proper w3c standard.
Will Abramson:  So that's separate things basically.
Will Abramson:  To help this group could help you get to a final 
  report right and I think that would be the first step to which 
  ones is the final report then it can be like oh this thing's 
  pretty you know pretty good shape working groups would start 
Will Abramson:  Um you know advancing it further I suppose.
Will Abramson:  Yes I mean I think so that's fine to me.
Will Abramson:  Yes um so that's kind of like the the more formal 
  process of the ccg right can help you get a report published but 
  I was more wondering about like.
Will Abramson:  We as a group of people like.
Will Abramson:   I feel like.
Will Abramson:  We don't have good.
Will Abramson:  Visibility always of all the work that's going on 
  for all the people and like we don't have good ways of creating 
  entry points for people on this call who might want to join you 
  know and help you write it seems like it's at the moment it's 
  just you Isaac and David Wright has been like churning away at 
Will Abramson:  Well if you email me after and let me know when 
  you've sent it and I can see if I receive it maybe Demetri also 
  has some ideas on maybe.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I had uh I have a different not really 
  processed question but what's the best way to.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The updates to the spec if I go to the.
Dmitri Zagidulin: 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The the GitHub spec on the URL uh that that's 
  this thing in um in chat uh I I don't see the example of the 
  issue of metadata that you were showing on the slides where could 
  I go to to see those updates.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Got it okay understood.
Will Abramson:  Working in a Google doc or something cuz it's 
  just easier for you to yeah fair enough.
Will Abramson:  Okay do I have any more.
Will Abramson:  Of comments for Isaac.
Will Abramson:  Um or about anything right we have the end of the 
  year so like our Christmas final thing any Reflections or.
Will Abramson:  I mean I'll open up the fault to anything uh if 
  there's nothing then I guess we can close early and.
<harrison_tang> Just want to say Merry Christmas and Happy New 
  Year to everyone!!!
Will Abramson:  Yeah Harrison why don't you say that to everybody 
  in the.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Understood actually I I have 1 quick question 
  for uh for the verified issue and verifier folks uh which is uh 
  have what are your current thoughts on maintaining either did 
  rotation history or key rotation history in the registry.
Will Abramson:  Okay so I'm not seeing anyone else on the Queue 
  final moments uh in the meantime I'll Echo what Harrison said in 
  the chat you know have a great holidays Merry Christmas Happy New 
  Year um.
Will Abramson:  Look forward to continuing the progress of these 
  groups in the new year um.
<kerri_lemoie> Have a great break all!
<mahmoud_alkhraishi> thank you everyone!
Will Abramson:  Doing a work item was always appreciated.
<jeff_o_/_humanos> Thank You All for another fascinating year!

Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2024 05:56:45 UTC