[MINUTES] W3C CCG CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call - 2024-12-02

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


A video recording is also available at:


VC for Education Task Force Transcript for 2024-12-02

  Kerri Lemoie, Simone Ravaioli, Dmitri Zagidulin
  Our Robot Overlords
  Ildiko Mazar, Dmitri Zagidulin, Anthony Camilleri, Stuart 
  Freeman, Eric Shepherd, Vikas Malhotra, Andy Griebel, Nis 
  Jespersen , Phil Barker, Simone Ravaoli, Kristen Franklin, 
  Digital Promise Global, Luisa, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) 
  (OpenLinkSw.com), Sheela Kiiskila, Keith Hackett, Andres, James 
  Chartrand, Kerri Lemoie, Jeff O / HumanOS, Kaliya Young, Kayode 
  Ezike, David Ward, Naomi

<ildiko_mazar> Good morning, good afternoon everyone, welcome to 
  today's W3C Verifiable Credentials for Education task force call, 
  on Monday, December the 2nd. Let's get started with the 
  housekeeping items. IP Note: Anyone can participate in these 
  calls. However, all substantive contributions to any Credentials 
  Community Group Work Items must originate from members of the CCG 
  with full IPR agreements signed. You can find the link to this in 
  the meeting invites. You'll need to have a W3C account, that is 
  also something easy to do online. Moving on to call notes. Please 
  note that these meetings are recorded. We have a robot 
  transcriber and we also make audio and video recordings, that are 
  archived and available online. If you want to speak, please raise 
  your hand, or add yourself to the queue by typing “q+” in the 
  chat. And please be brief if you have a question to ask, we want 
  to maximise the time for conversations. Thank you. Now to 
  Introductions & Reintroductions. If we have any new people in the 
  call, or somebody would like to reintroduce themselves, please 
  feel free to take the floor. If nobody wants to take the floor, 
  we can move on to announcements and reminders. Anyone has events 
  or things that happened that people should be aware of, again, 
  please queue yourself up and share the news with us. Now to the 
  main agenda topic, that is basically the continuation of the 
  discussion Kerri started via email and we also had our last 
  meeting about: multilingual credentials and achievement subject 
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> just fyi, 
  the transcriber doesn't like anyone whose voice originates 
  outside USA. You'll still be in the audio recording.
<kerri_lemoie> Hello Anthony!
<anthony_f._camilleri> Hi Kerri! Long time!
<kerri_lemoie> Email thread about multilingual credentials: 
<kerri_lemoie> (Apologies for not replying - will follow-up this 
<ildiko_mazar> English + 28 other languages, to be precise :-)
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yeah uh so I just wanted to double check that 
  I understand correctly so you're translating both the contents of 
  the field and the field label.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Got it okay.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Okay got it okay understood.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  So it sounds to me that we here at VC Edge you 
  have are dealing with now 3 different um translation or 
  internationalization model this 1.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The uh related 1 that the related field that 
  obvious 3 uses and the VC 2.0 data model approach so that that'll 
  be interesting to juggle.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Doesn't seem to be the case just looking at 
  the code.
<kerri_lemoie> WOuld you be able to provide a link to an example 
  of a whole credential json-ld that we could look at?
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Carry in the chat um is asking can you paste a 
  link to that Json view into chat so that we can record it.
Kerri Lemoie:  Awesome thank you.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And how do we.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  How do we get from from this link that you're 
  on right now how do we get to the Json.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yes how do we get to that.
<phil_barker> Is there a reason for prefLabel having an array for 
  each label?
<phil_barker> :-)
Kerri Lemoie:  Oh yeah sorry um I was just going to say that um 
  I'm just going to spend a little bit of time the reason why I'm 
  not asking any questions I just want to spend a little bit more 
Kerri Lemoie:  Reviewing the the Json LD I think overall I need 
  to have a better understanding of uh of elm anyway it's about 
  time that I catch up on it so um I'm gonna take a look um elica 
  would you mind replying to our email thread though um with some 
  information like so others can can have that.
<anthony_f._camilleri> with pleasure
Kerri Lemoie:  Thank you very much appreciate that.
<anthony_f._camilleri> Every one of these lists is published as 
  pure RDF, again translated in 28 languages, fully dereferencable, 
  and SPARQL accessible.
<dmitri_zagidulin> thanks Anthony!
<kerri_lemoie> Is English the default language?
<dmitri_zagidulin> (I suspect most of the people on this call 
  will be unfamiliar with plain RDF and tooling (SPARQL etc). we're 
  just slowly getting used to JSON-LD, but few people use the 
<anthony_f._camilleri> @kerri - officially there is no default 
  language - all 28 versions are authoritative.  but typically 
  english is most complete
<ildiko_mazar> @Kerri, the issuer determines the default language 
  of the credential. An EDC (European Digital Credential for 
  Learning) has 1..n available languages and 1..1 primary language.
Kerri Lemoie:  Thank you and and I guess um.
Kerri Lemoie:  The labels are English though they are always in 
Kerri Lemoie:  I think I said I was curious.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yes thank you.
Kerri Lemoie:  Ask another question about how the system works 
  its kind of unrelated but it is related you probably covered it 
  in another call and I may have missed it.
Kerri Lemoie:  Um how does this work with with wallets with like 
  say mobile wallets.
Kerri Lemoie:  Like independent mobile wallets are they um 
  required to sort of follow the same methodology that you're doing 
  here in the browser with like language and display and such how 
  how is that working with Elm.
<ildiko_mazar> Above is the reference to EUDI Wallet
Kerri Lemoie:  Okay that is really interesting to know um you 
  know I bring it up and I want to hug the club for other people 
  have questions is um.
Kerri Lemoie:  Is we have the learner credential wallet at the 
  DCC which is is open source and we have a lot of European members 
  in fact most of the European members or majority anyway and um 
  would like to sort of integrate with what you are all doing maybe 
  I'll just catch up with both of you later and see um how we might 
  be able to do some of that on our end too okay.
Kerri Lemoie:  I'll I'll just keep uh chatting if you don't mind 
  I have a question for like actually the broad group um on them 
  the mailing the email thread where we've been talking about 
  multilingual credentials um I I believe it was Manu who said hey 
  why don't we just use Bots and let's not worry about how all the 
  different standards are handling um credential handling 
  multilingual credentials um so I was curious as to what people 
  think about this I mean I I I have concerns about that I think it 
  will happen in any way I I'll just say that I I have concerns 
  because you know they're not so readily available they're 
  expensive and such but I was just curious to hear what others 
  think about that approach to multilingual credentials um my 
  thinking is that it probably accommodates.
Kerri Lemoie:  Us putting the content in and that you know we 
  probably should issue the credentials in the language of the 
  earner um yeah I'm just curious what others think about this.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Uh I think I'm next on the Queue yeah so um uh 
  so I think I I agree with you Carrie that I do have concerns 
  about this I don't think that's going to be the default approach 
  to translation internationalization because.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  For high value credentials like diplomas or 
  professional certifications the probability that a bot will miss 
  translate is very high issuers will have a lot of incentives to 
  make sure they get the translation exactly right and sign off on.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  So my recommendation to issue is would be the 
  value of the field don't Auto.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Translate um but translate once use 1 of these 
  3 internationalization options and sign off on it.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  If anything I could see using Bots to 
  translate the labels of the field but not the content.
Kerri Lemoie:  Yeah I think I think so too to be traced like it 
  shouldn't shouldn't the actual content of the credential that's 
  expected by the owner of the credential be signed as part of the 
  credential versus translated by an outside source.
<kristen_franklin,_digital_promise_global> (which I think I 
  picked that phrase up from Anthony and/or Ildiko)
Kerri Lemoie: +1 Ildiko
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I think Anthony or Phil Barker is next.
<kerri_lemoie> Good to know, Phil!
Dmitri Zagidulin:  All right I think uh I'm up next.
<ildiko_mazar> Nothing can be autotranslated to Hungarian :-D
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Uh so I I just realized that I think uh it was 
  either early last year or the year before we had uh we had a call 
  here at VC EDU.
Dmitri Zagidulin: 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Going over the concept of internationalization 
  and localization in general so I want to paste uh I want to paste 
  the link to those slides uh here just in case it might be 
  interesting to people uh now this was before we had examples both 
  from obv 3 or from the European learning model so uh it doesn't 
  go into the details of those it just just discusses uh the plane.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Uh VC 1.1 and 2.0 approach uh but as as I see 
  from um.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Example the next steps there uh our our next 
  to-do steps for ourselves where lots of examples and now that 
  we've got 3 different approaches we'll we'll want to document all 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And and give guidance to to developers on on 
  how to implement each.
Kerri Lemoie:  Um that would be an excellent work item for a VC 
Kerri Lemoie:   I think.
Kerri Lemoie:  Just a recommendation of the co-chairs to come up 
  with even just 1 or 2 like models that are doing the same things 
  in each different approach so that we could also look at them 
  together and compare and see how we should either develop I don't 
  know libraries or in such to help understand all of this in our 
Kerri Lemoie:  Um yeah I mean I think we do as 1 is much 
  interoperability as possible the more I do this work the more I 
  realize that there's always going to be like a few ways of things 
  the way things are happening and that possibly we just need to 
  build libraries that will understand those few ways I I think we 
  are headed into a space where it's going to be a while before 
  there's any sort of like you know true.
Kerri Lemoie:  I mean everything is like close enough that we can 
  build around it I think as long as we don't keep adding to it you 
<kerri_lemoie> Awesome! We'd love to know about them.
<anthony_f._camilleri> Here you go:
<anthony_f._camilleri> That's the OpenBadge to ELM converter
<anthony_f._camilleri> Xavi has another cool github link.
Kerri Lemoie: :+1:
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): Yeah yeah yeah we know thank you we 
  comment that that Workshop in our 1 1 of our Open matches meeting 
  and I think that the link of the of the slide chart is are.
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech):  in in.
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): Running agenda notes and also in the 1 
  community site so.
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): So yeah it's publicly available.
<kerri_lemoie> Do you have the link Xavi?
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): So for those of you I work on yeah the 
  idea was to.
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): Uh both types of clients are you uh via 
  the type attribute of the Json LD credentials so.
<ildiko_mazar> I think it's this URL: 
  https://github.com/1EdTech/dc-bootcamp/tree/main - correct me if 
  I'm wrong, @Xavi
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): So the same payload contained both 
  representations of the same data 1 in no match following the open 
  batch for a specification on the other following the EDC Japan 
  digital credential specification we found some Collision points 
  that we are trying to sort out.
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): Uh yes yes illegal it's it's the.
Kerri Lemoie: :+1:
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): That link in the chat points to the to the 
  kind of repository with the with the with an example payload so.
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): So yeah and and any feedback can help and 
  work on continue working on that it's encouraging the high highly 
  appreciated because.
<kerri_lemoie> Great! Thanks, Xavi.
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): Especially if we think about the student.
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): In the same credentials.
<ildiko_mazar> Wow, this is the first time I see my name 
  transcribed as 'illegal' :-D
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): 2 different performance means that the 
  amount of data they had to manage in their wallets will be 
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): And and having.
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): Say having 1.
Xavi_Aracil_(1EdTech): Several formats I think it will be helpful 
  for them.
<anthony_f._camilleri> I have an AOB Ildiko if the group has time
<dmitri_zagidulin> what is AOB?
Simone Ravaoli: 
Anthony Camilleri: 
<kerri_lemoie> Excellent news! Open Wallet Forum at the UN is 
  seeking a similar declaration at the World Economic Forum this 
<kerri_lemoie> Thanks for that news Anthony!
<kerri_lemoie> Thanks all!!
<phil_barker> bye!
<xavi_aracil_(1edtech)> Thank you
Sheela_Kiiskila: Sorry I was trying to clap.

Received on Monday, 2 December 2024 18:18:12 UTC