[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2023-09-26

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2023-09-26

  1. Introductions / Re-introductions
  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords
  Harrison Tang, Bob Wyman, Nis Jespersen , Erica Connell, TallTed 
  // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Mike Xu, Wendy 
  Seltzer, Manu Sporny, Matt Gee, Leo, David I. Lehn, Colin 
  Reynolds, Ed Design Lab, Stuart Freeman, Jeff O - HumanOS, Paul 
  Bastian, Adrian Gropper, Colin Reynolds, Dave Longley, Anil John, 
  Phil L (P1), Kaliya Young, Eric Sembrat, James Chartrand, John 
  Henderson, Chandi Cumaranatunge, Dmitri Zagidulin, Phil Long, 
  TallTed // Ted Thibodeau Jr (via iPhone)

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: So welcome to this week's w3c ccg meeting so today 
  we're very glad to have our menu here to kind of the discussion 
  to the selected disclosure for data Integrity but before we get 
  to that I just want to quickly go through some and stuff first of 
  all just a quick code of ethics and professional conduct reminder 
  just make sure that we are respectful to each.
Harrison_Tang:  each other's comments.
Harrison_Tang: Next anyone can participate in these calls however 
  or substantive contributions to ccg work items must be member of 
  the ccg with for IP our agreement style so if any questions on 
  that or if you have problems and troubles creating a w3c account 
  feel free to just reach out to me myself or other cultures.
Harrison_Tang:  all the me.
Harrison_Tang: Minutes and audio recordings these meetings are 
  being recorded and automatically transcribed and all the minutes 
  and recordings will be published within the next few days we used 
  to teach at to cue the speakers during the call you can type in 
  Cube plus 2i yourself to a queue or q- to move you can type in Q 
  question mark to see who is in the queue.

Topic: Introductions / Re-introductions

Harrison_Tang: Any introductions and reintroductions we are new 
  to the community or you if you are having been engaging with the 
  community and want to kind of re-engage with it feel free to just 
  unmute and introduce yourself.
Matt_Gee: Hi all this is Maggie from Bright Hive longtime 
  listener first-time caller for this group looking forward to it.
Harrison_Tang: Great thank you Matt welcome.
Harrison_Tang: Any other introductions were rink reintroduction.
Harrison_Tang: Alright announcements and reminders.
Manu Sporny:  So I've got an exciting announcement let me go 
  ahead and share my screen really quickly I can find it so the 
  state of California has just released a very big pilot to 
  California residents using verifiable credentials.
Manu Sporny:  And decentralized identifiers so this is the 
  California DMV app the California DMV app allows you to hold 
  mobile driver's licenses and it also lets you do digital age 
  verification specifically it uses the true age program which uses 
  verifiable credentials decentralized identifiers and data 
  integrity and a bunch of other stuff that we're standardizing it 
Manu Sporny:   This is a.
<matt_gee> Awesome news! Now we just need to get Illinois to do 
  the same thing:)
Manu Sporny:  Because the pilot includes 1.5 million people in 
  the state of California this is a huge deployment of w3c 
  Technology verifiable credentials this image you see over here on 
  the left here that QR code is a verifiable credential it's a w3c 
  encoded digitally signed verifiable credential using technologies 
  that all of us here have been working on for many many years the.
Manu Sporny: 
Manu Sporny:  That's huge right because because they're going to 
  start out with the population of 1.5 million people and they're 
  going to grow it to 24 million people anyone that drives in the 
  state of California or has driver's license will have the ability 
  to deliver verifiable credentials through the kaltura media be 
  hap so that's item one that's you know a big huge pilot you can 
  read more about it actually here let me go ahead and drop the 
  links here into the chat Channel.
Manu Sporny:   You can read more about it.
Manu Sporny: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/ca-dmv-wallet/truage/
Manu Sporny:  For Nia DMV webpage where they cover the true age 
  program the true age program the other big news here is with the 
  announcement that the California DMV app is live true age is also 
  announcing that you know they are very much into production 
  deployment at this point in fact true age has been in production 
  since January of this year.
Manu Sporny:   But we were waiting on.
Manu Sporny:  The California announcement to note that so 
  everyone in this you know this is a this is a huge kind of 
  watershed moment I think for people in this community this is you 
  know in production deployed real citizens are using it the true 
  age program uses a very aggressive privacy stance meaning there's 
  no personally identifiable information in the verifiable 
  credential it's tokenized single use tokens much.
Manu Sporny:   Better than.
Manu Sporny:  This license which has 35 pieces of pii so there we 
  go that's the announcement for this week.
Harrison_Tang: Well that's amazing and by the way like do they 
  also support mobile like mvl like MDOC kind of format or just 
  verifiable credentials.
Manu Sporny:  Yes so California is the first state to basically 
  go we're just going to support multiple formats so there's 
  support mdl and that's that you use that if you want to board an 
  airplane and they support verifiable credentials for the age 
  verification portion of this.
Harrison_Tang: Got it so it's kind of.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah so they're dual sorry they're very much multi 
  multi issuance at this point they're basically saying we don't 
  know which one of these formats are going to win in the end and 
  we're just going to support all of them and and it's you know and 
  it's possible to do so this is a example of it.
Harrison_Tang: Cool so it's kind of depends on the wallet like 
  what does the wall that want to support basically right 
Manu Sporny:  Yeah well both issue right so the issuer's here 
  interesting the the California DMV wallet is the wallet it's an 
  app but it's got multiple issuers associated with State of 
  California and then the National Association of convenience 
  stores retailers that that Association issues the age credential 
  so this is also an example of like multi-source credentials from 
  a variety of different places being put into the.
Manu Sporny:   Wallet in being used for.
Harrison_Tang: Cool thank you and by the way do you know anybody 
  who's like actually being instrumental in pushing this initiative 
  by we can invite to talk about it.
Manu Sporny:  So the the wallet is something that Spruce so you 
  know when changing X chair for this group is the CEO of spruce so 
  bringing Wayne in to talk about it would be good and then the 
  true age folks that's us so we built architect and deployed the 
  true age system in that's digital bizarre so we deployed that 
  architecture in the in the u.s. so yeah happy too happy to chat 
  more about it we should definitely have Wayne and them coming.
Manu Sporny:   And talk about it as well.
Harrison_Tang: What do you do.
Harrison_Tang: I'll kind of connect with you and went offline 
Harrison_Tang: All right any other announcements or reminders.
Kaliya Young:  We've got the internet identity Workshop coming up 
  in two weeks on the morning of Monday There's a open Wallet 
  Foundation event for developers and anyone can come but it's 
  oriented towards developers I did post a link to the list but I 
  will repost it here it's from 9 to noon.
Kaliya Young:   A tiger.
Kaliya Young:  Herman location but we'll figure that out and I 
  also wanted to say I'm going to be at identity week America next 
  week in DC and I actually have free tickets to give away if you 
  want a free ticket if you're in the area or nearby I'm happy to 
  send you a link to register if you want a back Channel me.
<kaliya_identitywoman> kaliya@identitywoman.net for free tickets 
  to Identity Week Americ
Harrison_Tang: Announcements and reminders.
<matt_gee> @Kaliya, I’ll be in DC next week and would love to 
  attend if possible
<kaliya_identitywoman> intenret Identity Workshop 
Manu Sporny:  Yeah I guess I don't know if anyone's got a report 
  out from what happened at the w3c technical plenary two weeks ago 
  but there is the other the other really interesting thing is that 
  there was very heavy interest by the browser manufacturers Apple 
  and Google in Microsoft's browser team and the Android Team all 
  met up at the w3c technical plan area to talk about.
Manu Sporny:   How does.
<kaliya_identitywoman> Open Wallet Foundation - 
<kaliya_identitywoman> MOnday 9-12
Manu Sporny:  W3c verifiable credentials in Mobile driver's 
  licenses through a browser API so this is all about you know open 
  Wallet selection and invocation there some proposals that are 
  kind of flying around from one you know one of them's from Apple 
  the other ones from Google but the the outcome of those 
  discussions was really positive in that the Google Chrome team at 
  least has stated that there.
Manu Sporny:   Very interested in providing.
Manu Sporny:  Open Wallet selection in the web browser to deliver 
  things like you know mobile driver's licenses or verifiable 
  credentials they want to stay format agnostic protocol agnostic 
  it's still a bit you know an active discussion you know whether 
  or not the support both native apps and web apps is a you know as 
  a part of the discussion but I mean they were like you know 3036 
Manu Sporny:   Core people in the.
Manu Sporny:  You had program managers from Google and Android 
  for Google Chrome and Android you know in Apple's browser in 
  attendance so they are following and of course a number of us in 
  this community have been talking with them directly they are 
  following some of this stuff some of the groundwork that was laid 
  with the credential Handler API chappie but they're also looking 
  for inspiration from.
Manu Sporny:   Um you know the.
Manu Sporny:  Double driver's license stuff that Apple's been 
  doing and the web payment stuff that has been done in the past so 
  this is another kind of big movement where the browser vendors 
  have kind of woken up and gone oh we need to be a part of this 
  there now weekly meetings in the web incubator community group so 
  this is another w3c community group called ycg that is usually 
  where the browser vendors test.
Manu Sporny:   Test test.
Manu Sporny:  Is before they try to create working groups at w3c 
  on it there is a plan for something called An Origin trial in the 
  Google Chrome browser starting in probably about five months and 
  An Origin trial in Google Chrome is where they build 
  functionality in an only allowed to be accessed by certain you 
  know people certain demographics or they hide it behind the 
  browser invocation.
Manu Sporny:   Russian flag but at that.
Manu Sporny:  You know they have real running code able to move 
  things like mobile driver's licenses and verifiable credentials 
  they run those with the intent purpose of shutting them down but 
  you know they run them to get like real world data back on how 
  people are going to use the API and things of that nature so a 
  number of us in this community are going to participate in that 
  origin trial to ensure that at least the ccgs some of the ccgs 
Manu Sporny:   Tourists are you know represented there.
Manu Sporny:  The verifiable credentials working groups interests 
  are represented there that's it for that item.
Harrison_Tang: Thanks mommy Camille.
Anil John:  Just if folks have not seen it I think there is a 
  announcement from the open ID Foundation that they released a new 
  white paper called human-centric digital identity for government 
  officials I happened to read that and I found it to be really 
  worthwhile read I think there's a lot of work that went into 
  creating the paper getting a dip variety of different 
  perspectives I.
Anil John:   No folks.
Anil John: 
Anil John:  Dave Birch and many others in the community actively 
  contribute to that paper so I would highly recommend reading it I 
  found it to be really interesting and a very holistic look at the 
  current state of identity across the globe and a very worthwhile 
  read so I highly recommend I'll put a link in the chat for where 
  people can find it.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you thank you Emil.
Harrison_Tang: Any other announcements or reminders.
Harrison_Tang: All right any updates to the work items.
Harrison_Tang: All right so let's get to the main agenda so 
  couple actually I would say two three months back Manu has kind 
  of shared this selective disclosure for data Integrity were with 
  shiji mailing list actually kind of want to invite him to kind of 
  talk about it but at that time we have Quest a bit of speakers 
  already lined up and already invited so so only now we have the 
  chance to kind of discuss this is.
Harrison_Tang:  idea and also he has the.
Harrison_Tang: The two kind of go over that so thank you man you 
  for taking the time to kind of present it and please take the 
Manu Sporny:  Awesome thank you Harrison let me go ahead and 
  share my screen going to slide show mode can folks see that.
Manu Sporny:  Okay yeah thank you Harrison for inviting us to 
  speak I've also got Dave Longley here who did an enormous amount 
  of the technical work on this selective disclosure mechanism this 
  approach for data Integrity just to give folks a bit of a 
  background who might not know so the you know we are a part of 
  the credentials community group here at the World Wide Web 
  Consortium we incubate.
Manu Sporny:  Here in once we feel like that technology is ready 
  to go standards track it w3c we kind of push it onto you know we 
  work on a charter we push the technology kind of into an official 
  working group at w3c most recently the the latest working group 
  that we had a part meaning the credentials community group had a 
  part in creating was the second iteration of the w3c verifiable.
Manu Sporny:   Churchill's working group.
Manu Sporny:  Um in scope for that working group were a couple of 
  items the the first one was you know maintain verifiable 
  credentials release a 20 version of it you know make it better 
  that kind of thing and the other work item that went along with 
  it was securing mechanisms for verifiable credentials so everyone 
  knows the the verifiable credential the thing that makes it 
  verifiable is that you've got some.
Manu Sporny:   Kind of digital signature on it some kind of 
Manu Sporny:  Tells you who signed it who issued it who's making 
  those statements so securing mechanisms were in scope and there 
  are multiple ways of doing it there's the besiege odd stuff 
  there's the SD jot stuff in there's a mechanism called Data 
  Integrity so we're going to be looking at that data Integrity 
  approach today and so and so all this to say that this is work 
  that is actively being.
Manu Sporny:   Sized at w3c.
Manu Sporny:  See in an official working group feel free to 
  interrupt at any point here I will definitely stop at certain 
  points through here and see if there any questions the talk is 
  this is largely kind of like a high-level introduction to 
  selective disclosure with a very strong focus on specific 
  mechanism but you know.
Manu Sporny:  For any form of selective disclosure I think is 
  fair game to discuss here so if you have any questions on any of 
  that stuff you know please let us know okay so let's get started 
  one big disclaimer here is that all I'm trying to do here is just 
  introduce data Integrity selective disclosure schemes in provide 
  some benefits and drawbacks this is not meant to be like a.
Manu Sporny:  Closure mechanism is better than your selective 
  disclosure mechanism you know let's have a big giant argument 
  about it this is just kind of like information sharing I stayed 
  away from a comparison because that tends to get people's kind of 
  hackles up so this is meant to just be a you know here's here's 
  what we have and here's what it does and a discussion around that 
  just the set of things that we're going to cover today.
Manu Sporny:   Just a really brief.
Manu Sporny:  View of selective disclosure and what it is go over 
  some selected disclosure use cases look at the life cycle for 
  Selective disclosure so you know you know there's this 
  three-party model that we have you know which party does what 
  when selective disclosures done you know what are the things to 
  look out for and then we'll go on a into a how it works from a 
  conceptual standpoint so that's going to be like a really high 
  level like no techno jargon.
Manu Sporny:   Jargon anything just like.
Harrison_Tang: No this is.
Manu Sporny:  He what are we doing here how does it work and then 
  we will go into a deep dive if we have time or if people are 
  interested so that's kind of what we're going to cover over the 
  next 15 to 20 minutes I think is there anything on here that 
  folks would like to cover of that I mean it's fine if it's out of 
  left field but it was there anything you were hoping that would 
  be covered and you're not seeing it on on here we're going to 
  cover it.
Manu Sporny:  Okay all right all right then let's get started 
  what is selective disclosure it's a it's a super simple 
  straightforward concept right so the idea here is that got some 
  document some data in you're going to hand that data over to a 
  holder so you know someone that's going to hold on to that data 
  and you want to empower them to only reveal specific information 
  in that document.
Manu Sporny:   To a verifier the.
Manu Sporny:  Easiest way to think about this is like you've got 
  a driver's license and if somebody you know if you're going to go 
  rent a car they may not need to know your everything on that 
  driver's license right or if you're trying to and I stay away 
  from the proving age thing because I think that's a very complex 
  use case if all you're trying to do is share some information.
Manu Sporny:  This license then handing all of it over is not 
  what you want to do you want you want a way to select a bliss to 
  disclose what's in that driver's license so that's all selective 
  disclosure is is we're trying to empower people to not over share 
  information and data like they do today and that's it in a 
  nutshell that's all it's also like the disclosure is it certainly 
  gets more complex from there.
Manu Sporny:   But you know that's kind.
Manu Sporny:  What we're dealing with today okay so what are some 
  use cases that we can think of you know with respect to selective 
  disclosure one of them is proving that you're a citizen of of a 
  particular country without revealing your address so let's say 
  you have something like a passport or a permanent resident card 
  you may not want to share all the information like.
Manu Sporny:   Like what.
Manu Sporny:  Three was your height and weights or that kind of 
  stuff if all you need to do is prove that you are a citizen of a 
  particular country.
<matt_gee> I’m hoping in the technical part you might share your 
  thoughts on Latorre et al.’s recent proposal for iURIs for SD-JWT 
  to support selective disclosure of data from source data systems 
  with disparate data formats.
Manu Sporny:  Another use case is proving that you're an employee 
  of a particular company without revealing your name and position 
  so you know saying that you are an employee of Utopia Corp 
  instead of revealing that you have a very sensitive position in 
  that organization is a desirable thing to do if you have an 
  employee ID card but you know selective disclosure does not.
<matt_gee> this ends up being incredibly important for downstream 
  analytics use cases for selective disclosure
Manu Sporny:  Apply to people or identity documents for people if 
  you think of shipping manifests like the contents of a shipment 
  so let's say that you need to you have a shipment and you need to 
  reveal where the shipment is going without revealing the context 
  contents of the shipment so and that has a you know pretty direct 
  analogy to the way.
Manu Sporny:   Shipping or.
Manu Sporny:  You put an address on the outside of the of the of 
  the package in whoever shipping it really doesn't see inside the 
  Box they just send it to where it's going right so if we want to 
  take that thing digital but use you know a single document 
  selective disclosure helps their if we look at payments revealing 
  the sender and receiver of a payment to make sure that they're 
  not on the sanction list.
Manu Sporny:   Or something of that nature.
Manu Sporny:  Feeling exactly what's being paid for so sending 
  and receiving payment without understanding you know what the 
  goods that are being exchanged our are you know is another 
  legitimate selective disclosure use case and then of course this 
  this proving that you're over a certain age and are licensed to 
  drive without sharing your Pi I so the use case here is like a 
  car rental or temporary car rental or even golf cart rental.
Manu Sporny:   You know.
Manu Sporny:  Was that you can operate over a certain age and all 
  you really need to do is prove that you are a license to operate 
  the motor vehicle Without Really revealing anything else so these 
  are you know some fairly straightforward examples of selective 
  disclosure again what we're trying to do is protect protect 
  people's privacy and it's not just people right it's protect 
  people's privacy.
Manu Sporny:   To see protect an.
Manu Sporny:  To see when they're interacting in a transaction 
  Christopher Allen had or had this you know interesting thing 
  about Progressive disclosure the idea here being that you know 
  when you start out in a transaction you probably want to share 
  the absolute minimum necessary to get to the next level with you 
  know more and more disclosure happening as you feel more and more 
Manu Sporny:   Edible with the entity that your.
Manu Sporny:  Acting with there are also just you know I know 
  everyone in this community like understands like gdpr and the 
  Privacy you know California consumer Privacy Act and all that 
  kind of stuff there's regulation now that is pushing 
  organizations to collect less and less information to only 
  collect the information that is necessary for the transaction you 
  know if regulations require the collection of certain 
Manu Sporny:  Don't over collect information so selective 
  disclosure helps with all those use cases did I miss a use case 
  that folks are interested in is there.
Manu Sporny:  Do you disagree with any of these use cases hold 
  for a couple of beats.
Manu Sporny:  That you're in the queue.
Phil_L_(P1): One two and two.
Matt_Gee: Yeah just just one that comes up for us a lot is 
  selective disclosure for cooled analytics so like being able to 
  opt in or out of research studies especially true in education 
  being able to say yeah you can use my data as a student to learn 
  more about how learning is happening so if I'm thinking about the 
  use case of pooling data and ensuring that the disclosure of the 
  allowed use of.
Matt_Gee:  at data consent mechanism.
Matt_Gee: Travels with the data is very important.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah absolutely yeah that's that's that's yeah 
  that's a great that's a great point the other thing I that is 
  somewhat related to that that's come up in the past is use use of 
  data for you know training AI which is you know it's a touchy 
  it's a touchy subject right now right I mean nobody wants to have 
  their data be used to train an AI without their consent and even 
  then you may want to only selectively disclosed some parts of 
Manu Sporny:   R doing or you might want to Blind.
<phil_l_(p1)> Q - dialog re: selective disclosure where RP 
  doesn't see something they want and can ask for it
Manu Sporny:  The data that you're sending over entirely to make 
  sure that only the only the data that you want to you know be 
  used to train it is being used so research studies and in sharing 
  of information certainly.
Manu Sporny:  Any other use cases that folks.
Manu Sporny:  All right I'm going to I'm going to go on but yeah 
  this is so hopefully this gives you know everyone in 
  understanding of like why why people are so interested in 
  selective disclosure it's not you know who cool whiz-bang you 
  know new technology cryptography its data privacy regulation I 
  think is driving a lot of this stuff and people are starting to 
  understand how their data is being used and don't necessarily 
  like like how it's being used in many cases.
Manu Sporny:  Okay so how does Selective disclosure work with 
  verifiable credentials this is this three-party model that we 
  keep talking about and have worked on for many years standardized 
  you've got an issue or a holder and a verifier the issue or 
  issues of verifiable credential to a holder who then stores that 
  in like a digital wallet and then they go to another party with 
  some which is a verifier who asks for some variation of that 
Manu Sporny:   From the issue.
Manu Sporny:  And then the whole represents something to the 
  verifier so the using selective disclosure doesn't change that 
  model at all and it doesn't change the flow of information at all 
  the only difference largely is in the cryptography that is used 
  to secure the verifiable credential the issuer has to knowingly 
  use a selective disclosure scheme when they handed over to the 
  holder the holder then sees that the issuer has given.
Manu Sporny:   Them something that they can.
Manu Sporny:  It's close and so when the verifier requests 
  something the verifier also has to request it in a way that says 
  I am okay with a selective disclosure selectively disclosed a 
  piece of information that thing to understand here is that the 
  issuer in the verifier have to buy into this ecosystem and that 
  can be challenging right sometimes issuers are unknown you know 
  they don't know any better and they just.
Manu Sporny:   Issue a base.
Manu Sporny:  Thing sometimes they can't you know don't have the 
  technological capabilities to issue a verifiable credential as a 
  selectively disclosed thing and sometimes the verifier and this 
  is what people are you know a bit concerned about and this is why 
  we're you know doing work on trust Frameworks and verifiable 
  verifiers sometimes the verifier won't give you the option 
  they'll say no I want all this information I'm do.
Manu Sporny:   Don't support selective disclosure.
Manu Sporny:  That's the thing to keep in mind here is that it 
  will require a good bit of pressure on issuers and verifiers to 
  make sure that they do the right thing in largely again 
  regulation is driving a lot of that you know the consumer privacy 
  acts gdpr is is trying to really put pressure on organizations 
Manu Sporny:   Do the right thing and.
Manu Sporny:  Like more than what you need Okay so let's see I'm 
  going to yeah there was a performance slide in here I've taken 
  that out just because that raises people's hackles let's start 
  talking about data integrity and selected disclosure specifically 
  the the scheme that's being worked on in the verifiable 
  credential working group there were a couple of requirements 
  there one of them is we had to provide a mechanism that supported 
  nist approved cryptography so there's.
Manu Sporny:  Other selective disclosure mechanisms like BBS that 
  is not recognized directly by nist and you know people don't feel 
  like it's mature enough so if you want to really you know say hey 
  look we're using this to prove cryptography. This selective 
  disclosure mechanism for data Integrity is something we wanted to 
  we we needed to be able to say that right so that governments 
  could adopt.
Manu Sporny:   Up this.
Manu Sporny:  We needed to support mandatory disclosure of 
  specific properties so when an issue or issues something let's 
  say that there's a revocation list associated with the credential 
  well you shouldn't allow a holder to selectively disclosed that 
  whether or not the credential is revoked so you from a mandatory 
  standpoint have to disclose you know whether or not the 
  credentials revoked or not we wanted really small initial proof 
  sizes between 7000.
Manu Sporny:   4000 Bytes to store in the digital wallet so.
Manu Sporny:  To make it so that you know what's stored in a 
  digital wallet is reasonable from a proof size perspective and 
  then for disclosure we wanted really small as small as we could 
  get them disclosure slot sizes because there are some use cases 
  that are data constrained in some of the selective disclosure 
  schemes are have really big signatures so we optimized for really 
  small disclosure proof sizes.
Manu Sporny:   In disclosure proof size.
Manu Sporny:  Let's start small so the less you share the smaller 
  the signature size the more you share the more the signature size 
  grows so about 128 bytes per claim that you're expressing this is 
  an example we tried to take like what a driver's license or a 
  permanent resident card would look like under this disclosure 
  scheme so the lines are showing how big the signature size is.
Manu Sporny:  A selectively disclosed scheme so as you can see 
  here with one claim revealed we're down at like 270 to 300 bytes 
  and as each new claim is revealed your signature size grows but 
  it never gets you know super crazy big or anything like that so 
  anyway there's a you know pretty standard linear curve to how big 
Manu Sporny:   Signature sizes are.
Manu Sporny:  Let's talk about how it works at a super high level 
  again this is kind of the journey here the issuer has to 
  digitally sign something using the selective disclosure scheme 
  they handed over the holder which understands that they're 
  holding onto a verifiable credential and selective disclosure 
  scheme and then the verifier has to ask for a subset of that 
  credential like I want to see your driver's license but the only 
  thing I want to see on it is whether or not you have a driver's 
  license at all I don't want to see the driver's license number I 
  don't want to see you.
Manu Sporny:  In States but I don't want to see where you live 
  for example and so that then there's a you know protocol where 
  the holder selectively discloses that stuff to the verifier in 
  the verifier can check the signature just the properties it asked 
  for okay so how does it work let's look at a pretty simple 
  credential this is an employee use case so this is an employee 
  credential the employee credential is valid from June 2020 3 2 
Manu Sporny:  The subject is Jane Doe and Jane Doe has some 
  information in here Jane's employee ID is this number here Jane's 
  job title is a comptroller she works in the accounting division 
  in her employers name is example Corporation right so this is a 
  verifiable you can this is a verifiable credential the types of 
  claims you'd see in a verifiable credential and we want to make 
  this selectively disclosable so how do we do.
Manu Sporny:   Do that well the.
Manu Sporny:  Step at least with data Integrity is we 
  canonicalize so we have to take these statements and put them in 
  a certain order so that we know you know which field where when 
  we reveal the certain Fields the same field you know is 
  understood to be revealed at the verifier thing so so this green 
  thing happening over here on the left is we have just kind of 
  sorted the data right using you know.
Manu Sporny:  So that's step one is you put it in order put it in 
  a list in order step two is you sign every single statement so 
  you put the put the data in order and then for each line here you 
  sign it there's a bit of a hand wave going on there you know some 
  of these statements you're going to group together and say you 
  must disclose these things group them all together sign them once 
  and then you can select ones to be selectively disclosed.
Manu Sporny:  So for example the validity dates mandatory Lee 
  disclosed right you want to make sure that the validity of the 
  credential is well-known but you may want to hide their employer 
  ID or make that selectively disclosable okay so step one is you 
  cannot Collide Step 2 is you sign all the statements step three 
  is you hand though that whole.
Manu Sporny:   Sign credential over to the holder.
Manu Sporny:  Receives this it's digitally signed by the issuer 
  and they see that it's a selectively disclosable credential and 
  then the verifier asks for specific claims so the verifier goes 
  hey I need an employee credential from you stating your 
  employer's name I just want to know who your employer is and 
  whether or not you know it's current just give me that 
  information I don't need to know your employer ID number I don't 
  need to know your I don't even know need to know your name right 
  so you.
Manu Sporny:   Can think of this as like for building access is 
  your employer in the.
Manu Sporny:  You know use an employee credential guess with your 
  employees name to get access to the building so when the holder 
  creates this disclosure the selectively disclosed verifiable 
  credential that's the only two things that includes in there it 
  says this VC is an employee credential in my employers example 
  Corporation and that's it that's all they share right so that's a 
  that's a subset of what was originally created okay and and 
  that's that's pretty much it.
Manu Sporny:   At a high-level let me pause to see if.
Manu Sporny:  Questions here and then we can get deep into the 
  weeds if folks want.
Harrison_Tang: Come on you I have a question like why do you need 
  to kanak canonicalization like step like and also is there a 
  specific order that you have to have.
Manu Sporny:  That's a great question so canonicalization allows 
  us so do you need it do you need it it depends on your use case 
  so SD jot it well it's arguable whether or not SD jot actually 
  canonicalize has so some people will argue like it doesn't 
  canonicalize at all and you don't need it other people will argue 
  that it's got a canonicalization mechanism in there so so most of 
  these schemes do some.
Manu Sporny:   And of canonical.
Manu Sporny:  And some of them are more complex than than the 
  other the reason that we canonicalize in data Integrity is 
  because it allows us to use the same signature when the 
  verifiable credential is expressed in a variety of different 
  formats so Jason versus C boar versus yeah Mille when we use 
  canonicalization in the way that we do we can make sure that the 
  same signature applies across multiple different data formats we.
Manu Sporny:   An also stack signatures one on top.
Manu Sporny:  We can do a signature that uses standard Miss 
  cryptography that's not selectively disclosable and then we can 
  add another signature that allows selective disclosure and then 
  we can add another signature that allows unlink Bill signatures 
  and then we could in the future add another so you had another 
  signature that does post Quantum signatures that's a Quantum safe 
  signature so canonicalization is this.
Manu Sporny:   Mechanism that we can use that gives us some 
Manu Sporny:  With with a drawback being that it's more cannot 
  it's more complicated to do than you know come alkalization I 
  know that yeah go ahead go ahead.
Harrison_Tang: Darling and cannot and I like canonicalization 
  doesn't mean just like adding some order list are right it's a 
  lot more more than that is that correct because in your example 
  you just put one two three four five but it's probably more than 
  that is that right.
Manu Sporny:  Technically it's more than that but conceptually 
  it's not any different than that I like a canonicalizing a list 
  and putting it in alphabetical order that's canonicalization 
  right so if you had a bunch of items and you just sorted by where 
  you know by alphabetical order that is an example of 
  canonicalization and and the type of canonicalization we do.
Manu Sporny:   For Selective.
Manu Sporny:  Closure is not really all that different from from 
  doing that.
Harrison_Tang: And clear your on the queue.
Clare_Nelson_(DIF): Thank you hi everyone I'll Echo what man who 
  said BBS some of that work that's been incubated at diff is not a 
  standard with nist however its draft 03 on its way to becoming a 
  standard that ITF I just put the link in chat and we're at the 
  very early stages remember it's a long road to crawl walk run 
  with Nest to becoming a standard.
Clare_Nelson_(DIF):  third but the BBS.
Clare_Nelson_(DIF): Is presenting to the nist crypto reading club 
  on October 18th so if you belong to that club you can join or 
  send me a message and I'll try to get you into that club we just 
  got the invitation so I don't even know if it's open to the 
  public but it's very exciting news that were initiating our 
  discussions at nist any questions.
Harrison_Tang: Thanks Claire I'm sorry.
<phil_t3> Will the info about NIST and the discussion be found on 
  the NIST website?
Manu Sporny:  Is that is that that is really fantastic news 
  Claire one of the things I wanted to point out here is this 
  selective disclosure mechanism works with nist approved crypto in 
  in we are working with the EBS as well there's a mechanism that 
  allows this selective disclosure stuff to work with the BBS 
  mechanism that you were talking about Claire and we're pretty 
  excited about that as well so it's great news on the progress.
Harrison_Tang: Man you're next in the queue.
Matt_Gee: Thanks so I'm curious is that is the canonicalization 
  essentially the trying to accomplish the same thing that I think 
  the firing Pi Community has been trying to solve the like how do 
  you identify entities within kind of within a claim and they 
  there's a proposed by group on interruptible universal reset an 
  advisor essentially like uuids instead of rank ordered numbers.
Matt_Gee:  is it at the.
Matt_Gee: At the entity level a is is that solving for the same 
  problem if so like why go with the canonicalization over like a i 
Manu Sporny:  There yeah that's a great question Matt the short 
  answer to that is no that's not solving the the same issue I 
  think that one has to do and you'll have to forgive me fire you 
  know I am familiar with the firework but not following it closely 
  the what one of the big big issues there was being able to just 
  identify entities at all the that that class of problem is like 
  decentralized identifiers uuids for specific people and entities 
Manu Sporny:   Things of that.
Manu Sporny:  Am I misreading kind of what you were saying that.
Matt_Gee: Yeah well maybe I'll just stop posting the chap this 
  this is actually specifically how fire Epi open the a chart 
  cetera are implementing selective disclosure for medical records 
  so it's actually very specific a selective disclosure not just 
  like NC pollution generally in a medical context yeah so I that 
  it is find a way to derail the conversation was just curious if 
  it's the same solving for the same problem or if they're actually 
  two separate problems within the context of see.
Matt_Gee:  corrective disclosure I'll post.
Manu Sporny:  That's really interesting yeah and if you don't 
  mind if you could send that to the mailing list I think that 
  would be great to look at.
Manu Sporny:  Awesome thanks man.
Harrison_Tang: And Paul you're next in the queue.
Paul_Bastian: Thanks say this pool is this approach following the 
  idea of atomic credentials basically and don't you also need like 
  an additional signature to group all of these eight signatures 
Manu Sporny:  That's a great question I'm Paul good to good to 
  hear you on the call so it's not I wouldn't call it an atomic 
  credential I'd call it you know a bunch of atomic claims in your 
  right you do need another signature to tie them all together so I 
  can get into that here in a bit once we go through the kind of 
  the excruciating detail part of it and kind of show you how that 
  works there.
Manu Sporny:  Just to kind of respond to your question the claims 
  subset of the claims are Atomic their single you know claims each 
  those are the selectively disclosable B and then there's a chunk 
  of claims that are mandatory you must always reveal these 
  statements and then there is a signature that goes over all of it 
  that basically digitally signs all of it.
Manu Sporny:   And again I'm hand-waving a bit over the details.
Manu Sporny:  I'll get into the details here in a bit did that at 
  least answer your question at a high level Paul.
Paul_Bastian: They're kind of let's let's go ahead here.
Manu Sporny:  All right are you do we have a clear Q Harrison.
<matt_gee> Here’s a recent writeup of the iURI concept for 
  selective disclosure: 
Manu Sporny:  All right okay I'll try to run through the 
  excruciating detail here quickly so this is a verifiable 
  credential this is this is a version two verifiable credential 
  it's the employee credential so we're just doing the same 
  credential here sorry the same example in the in the conceptual 
  example this is what the verifiable credential would look like so 
  this is Jane Doe who has a certain employee ID number job title.
Manu Sporny:  Foyer is example Corporation so we take this bear 
  verifiable credential we canonicalize it and we Bunch those 
  statements into two sets of statements one of them are the 
  mandatory disclosure claims up here at the top these are the 
  things that Jane is always going to have to reveal because the 
  issuer feels that this is must be revealed in the issuer here has 
  basically said you must always reveal me the issuer.
Manu Sporny:  Verifier can't trust the PC without that and then 
  the validity dates and then the type of credential right but your 
  selectively disclosed claims and Paul this is where it's like 
  every single one of these lines is a separate statement with the 
  separate signature your selective disclosure mechanisms sorry 
  your claims is this list here right in these are these are both 
  canonicalize these lists are canonicalized and so we're going to 
  sign all these mandatory disclosure claims and one blob in.
Manu Sporny:   And then each one of these selective disclosure 
  claims it's going to get it so.
Manu Sporny:  So one signature for all the mandatory disclosure 
  disclosure claims here at the top and then one signature / 
  statement down here at the bottom and that allows Jane to 
  selectively disclose each one of these items here the signature 
  itself that we hand over to the holder has what we call a base 
  signature and that base Signature Signs over everything else here 
  so Paul this is the.
Manu Sporny:   You know the.
Manu Sporny:  Thing that you were I think alluding to there is an 
  ephemeral public key that's used just to do the selective 
  selective signatures in the ephemeral key is signed over with the 
  base signature so this is the issuer's signature here there's an 
  hmac key that we use to do some privacy preserving computations 
  on blank note identifiers this is a complex topic that I'm going 
  to not get into today but the idea here is that we.
Manu Sporny:   We want to.
Manu Sporny:  Blind some of the information in the graph so that 
  so it doesn't reveal information like for example the number of 
  family members that you might have the number of items in a 
  shipment that kind of thing so that's what this hmac keys for and 
  then there's a list of fields that you have to mandatorily 
  disclosed so these are Jason pointers that point to specific 
  Fields so you have to reveal the issuer the time.
Manu Sporny:   Up the validity.
Manu Sporny:  It's here and then we have a whole bunch of 
  selective signatures so this is for each one of those claims we 
  want to selectively sign there's a signature there for it and the 
  final signature size using nist approved P 256 key is 643 B so 
  pretty small and compact there when in this is what the fully 
  signed verifiable credential with a selective disclosure scheme 
  looks like this is the proof down here so all that information.
Manu Sporny:   Fashion is contained in this digital signature 
  down here.
Manu Sporny:  It just looks like a standard you know verifiable 
  credential secured using data Integrity now we go to the verifier 
  so what does the verifier ask for when they ask for a verifiable 
  credential so this is using verifiable presentation request query 
  by Example The credential query that they're sending over is we 
  need to we need you to verify your employee that's what they want 
  and then the example query based.
Manu Sporny:  The type of credential they want to receive so the 
  verifier says I want you to give me a credential and it needs to 
  take this kind of form and we can see here is that you know they 
  say the type has to be an employee credential you've got to have 
  an identifier for the credential subject and employer identifier 
  in a name and then they provide a challenge and a domain just to 
  make sure that the thing can't be replayed what.
Manu Sporny:   The holder.
<dave_longley> important points: 1. canonicalization transformed 
  the JSON-LD into a set of claims that could be atomically signed, 
  2. the authenticity proof that is generated is added back to the 
  original VC without changing its format.
Manu Sporny:  Is then they derive a new verifiable credential 
  with a limited set of fields so here what they're doing is they 
  are taking that original credential which had a whole bunch of 
  more fields in it and they're minimizing the information and 
  they're generating a new proof this is the signature that they're 
  generating and then they're going to send that over to the 
  verifier and when the verifier checks this you know there's an 
  algorithm that's.
Manu Sporny:   Find in a in a specification.
<dave_longley> 3. an ephemeral key pair is generated for each VC 
  -- and the public key is signed over, binding all atomically 
  signed claimed (signed by this key) together.
<phil_t3> Q - what's the holder's user experience like in doing 
  all of this?
Manu Sporny:  If I were credential working group in they will 
  check you know this information in either get a thumbs up or 
  thumbs down on the credential so the credential that's handed 
  over just looks like a you know minimized version with only 
  certain Fields exposed to the verifier okay that's it for the 
  presentation I think we've got like maybe a couple of minutes 
  left for Q&A.
Paul_Bastian: At first very simple question that the query 
  language was not presentation exchange what was that is that 
  something specific to ecdsa SD.
Manu Sporny:  No it's there's a there's verifiable presentation 
  request which is a work item in the ccg that's using query by 
  example but I want to be clear like the the query language is 
  separate from the selective disclosure mechanism you could use 
  multiple different types of query languages so you don't have to 
  use this one this is just the one that we've implemented and 
Paul_Bastian: Okay and a second question do you have like what 
  was the rationale to use individual signatures I compared to to 
  the hashes is that required for the canonical ization or was 
  there another reason.
Manu Sporny:  It's not required it was a design choice and Dave 
  you're here I don't know if you want to kind of weigh in on that.
Dave Longley:  So the main reason for doing that is it reduces 
  the disclosure proof sizes by considerable amount if you use the 
  hash based approach approach you must disclose all of the hashes 
  every time you do a disclosure proof If you do the atomic 
  signature approach you only disclose the signatures that you that 
  go along with the data that you are disclosing so the sizes go 
  down and enable use cases for when your when your data.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah for example like we have use cases where we 
  have to express this stuff in like a QR code and you have to get 
  it in you know the idea behind selective disclosure is you're 
  trying to minimize the amount of information you're sharing so we 
  were like well if we have to share less than five claims then we 
  need to make sure that the signature sizes are small enough that 
  we can fit them in a QR code or they can go over you know a 
  single data Block in an NFC.
Manu Sporny:  So we were optimizing for disclosure size versus 
  you know the other mechanism now with that said there is nothing 
  preventing another data Integrity crypto sweet to take the 
  approach that SD job took right so if what we want to do is the 
  you know the route reveal of hashes approach we could fairly 
  easily do that with with data integrity.
Manu Sporny:   We were just optimizing for.
Manu Sporny:  Or I think a different set of use cases then SD job 
  was optimizing for did that answer your question Paul.
Paul_Bastian: Yeah that's that's kind of a good reason I think 
  it's interesting because there might be kind of a trade-off 
  because from the top of my head I thought like a hash has less 
  than the 128 bytes so initially maybe / disclosure.
Paul_Bastian: There might be differences but in the hash based 
  approach you reveal all the hashes so it kind of depends on how 
  many claims you have and how many claims you reveal and depending 
  on that that might impact the size of the two approaches.
Manu Sporny:  Yes you're absolutely right there are certainly 
  trade-offs there remember that with the SD jawed approach you 
  always have to reveal the full signature you know as well as all 
  the hash it's oh so this is where we get into kind of compare 
  contrast between the two what we found out is that that you know 
  having run some tests with SD jot your signature sizes are 
  usually really big your veal sizes or like to k 2 4 kilobytes in 
  size for thing.
Manu Sporny:   NG the size of like a driver's license and and 
Manu Sporny:  Online or that doesn't matter but they are 
  constrained use cases that we're dealing with where that does you 
  no matter so these things you know it's a collection of 
  trade-offs right in certain formats optimized for certain 
  approaches one of the other you know trade-offs with the data 
  Integrity approach this one specifically is that you have to do 
  multiple signatures whereas with SDG&E you'll need to do one 
  signature in you know there are trade-offs there.
<phil_t3> Q 1   re: out of time
Manu Sporny:  Meaning that you know you have to do multiple 
  signatures with the selected disclosure data Integrity mechanism 
  whereas with SDG&E you don't have to and so if you you know if 
  your HSM such you're using or expensive then their cost 
  considerations that you might want to take into account but you 
  know we've again done cost analysis on it and tends to be really 
  like a rounding error doing multiple signatures versus single 
Manu Sporny:   All right I know.
Manu Sporny:  We're at the top of the hour and fortunately I 
  think Phil you had a you had a question no.
Phil Long:  Yeah but the top of the hour I was just going to ask 
  with the holders experiences and all this.
Phil Long:  We can we can leave that.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah well you want to simplify it as much as 
  possible until the holder that you know you're only releasing 
  this information right there a couple of good demos that are out 
  there of mobile wallets doing selective disclosure but you want 
  to keep things as simple as possible for the individual tell them 
  that you know hey you're sharing your driver's license but you're 
  only sharing these three fields and just let them you know 
  communicate that to them in the street.
Phil Long:  Got great presentation and thank you.
Manu Sporny:   Thanks Phil.
Harrison_Tang: Oh thank you thank you mommy your presentation is 
  amazing so thanks a lot alright so this concludes this week's ccg 
  meeting will publish the meeting minutes and audio recordings in 
  a few days and if you have any questions feel free to just 
  message in the email list right thanks a lot.

Received on Wednesday, 27 September 2023 07:04:07 UTC