[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2023-10-03

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2023-10-03

  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords
  Harrison Tang, tomj, Alan Davies, David Waite, Greg Bernstein, 
  Bc, Marty Reed, Robbie Jones, Andres Uribe, TallTed // Ted 
  Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Mike Xu, Ted Thibodeau, Leo, 
  David Chadwick, Nis Jespersen , Gregory Natran, Dmitri Zagidulin, 
  Hiroyuki Sano, Japan, Erica Connell, Sharon Leu, Stuart Freeman, 
  Geun-Hyung, Will, Jeff O - HumanOS, Kimberly Linson, James 
  Chartrand, pauld gs1, Erik Anderson, David I. Lehn, Brian 
  Richter, Brian Campbell, Chandi Cumaranatunge, Arun

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
<dmitri_zagidulin> woooot haha DPoP, my old friend!!
Harrison_Tang: Welcome welcome everyone to this week's w3c ccg 
  meeting today we are very excited to have my Jones here to 
  actually present the demonstrating proof of possession at the 
  application layer T peopie today but before we get to the main 
  agenda just want to quickly go over the admin stuff so first of 
  all just a quick reminder on the code of ethics and professional 
  conduct just want to make sure that you know everyone.
Harrison_Tang:  no make respectful comments and.
Harrison_Tang: There's something else a quick IP note anyone can 
  participate in these calls however all substantive substantial 
  contributions to a nice ECG work items must be members of the ccg 
  with for IP our agreement sign so if you have any questions on 
  that or have any encounter any issues creating a w3c account 
  please feel free to reach out to any of the co-chairs a quick 
  called note all the calls are being automatically.
Harrison_Tang:  recorded and transcribed and we will publish.
Harrison_Tang: Audio recordings within the next few days.
Harrison_Tang: We use on Gchat to cure the speakers during the 
  call as well as to take minutes so you can type in Q Plus to add 
  yourself to the queue or q- to remove all right um any 
  introductions were reintroduction if you're new to the community 
  or you if you haven't been engaging with the community and whilst 
  wants to re-engage please feel free to unmute.
Harrison_Tang: Toward the end if we got time and you don't feel 
  as shy I feel free to just mute and introduce yourself alright 
  next announcements and reminders any news any new announcements 
  or reminders.
Harrison_Tang: A quick preview of what's coming so next week 
  we'll have the special wa Fushigi hybrid open house session at 
  internet identity workshop at 12 p.m. because I am we have the 
  Open Circles so it will be a special meeting at 12 p.m. Pacific 
  Time 3 p.m. eastern time.
Harrison_Tang: And then the week after that we will talk about 
  selective disclosure mechanisms an overview of different 
  selective disclosure mechanisms out there and then the week after 
  that we will talk about the grant negotiation authorization 
  protocol for nap and then after that we'll talk about mobile 
  driver license.
Harrison_Tang: By any other announcements were reminders.
Harrison_Tang: Any updates to the work items.
Harrison_Tang: Alright pretty simple I think most people here to 
  learn more about the peopie from mic so that I think it might we 
  don't need further introductions I think you have been a legend 
  in our space so the floor is yours.
Robbie Jones:  Well thank you so I will introduce myself I'm Mike 
  Jones I spent a number of years at Microsoft doing identity 
  standards work and I'm now an independent consultant still doing 
  identity standards and ecosystem building work I've worked on o 
  off open ID connect the Json web token w3c web crypto the did.
Robbie Jones:  And verifiable credentials among other things so 
  I'm here to talk to you today about enabling proof of possession 
  in a practical way which has been something that's been an 
  elusive goal for the industry for a long time and I'll give the 
  caveat this started as a deck that I gave at identifiers a year 
  ago and.
Robbie Jones:   It's the slide.
Robbie Jones:  Updated the content to reflect the current reality 
  but I didn't bother updating the template because it was hard.
Robbie Jones:  So this was a presentation that identifies I gave 
  with my colleague Peter Castleman.
Robbie Jones:  So in the next 20 minutes I have 20 minutes 
Harrison_Tang: Actually it can be 30 minutes or 40 minutes and we 
  will do the Q&A afterwards but either way it's fine.
Robbie Jones:  Okay I will talk about how token theft is a real 
  problem that affects the industry and the security of the systems 
  that we actually use proof of possession is a way to mitigate the 
  token theft.
Robbie Jones:  And talk about some attacks that depop explicitly 
Robbie Jones:  This is data from a year ago but over a six-month 
  period the.
Robbie Jones:  Identity Protection Team at Microsoft detected 
  over 150,000 token thefts.
Robbie Jones:  And over 1.7 million device now we're in 
  infections this came from my friend Alex Winer the head of 
  identity protection at Microsoft the token thefts are typically 
  Bearer tokens a bearer token is like cash if you have it you can 
  use it even if you stole it so the theft of Bearer tokens.
Robbie Jones:  So proof of possession tokens are a safer 
Robbie Jones:  Proof of possession or pop token is like your 
  driver's license only you can use it and the reason only you can 
  use it is it's bound to you in some demonstrable way the driver's 
  license the photo is The Binding to you in proof of possession 
  tokens a cryptographic key is the way you bind the token.
Robbie Jones:  So the use of Bearer tokens was defined by RFC 
  6750 essentially a decade ago more than a decade ago now.
Robbie Jones:  And before deep up there was no off 20 standard 
  for proof of possession tokens.
Robbie Jones:  So what is proof of possession proof of possession 
  demonstrates possession of cryptographic key material when 
  performing an operation it does that by signing something using a 
  private key and only the possessor of the private key can use a 
  leaked or stolen token even if it's stolen.
Robbie Jones:  So the industry has taken a bunch of stabs at this 
  problem and it's used a whole bunch of different names I give 
  this survey of names just so if you've heard of this under other 
  names that you'll realize oh this is the same thing so it's been 
  called proof of possession holder of key which is the symbol 
Robbie Jones:  Tokens key constraint tokens certificate bound 
  tokens keep bound tokens key confirmation Etc.
Robbie Jones:  And as I mentioned the industry has taken a bunch 
  of stabs at this to its credit sale 20 has the holder of key 
  assertion profile which is.
Robbie Jones:  Abound token although it's not exactly oauth which 
  was the problem space that we're trying to solve for.
Robbie Jones:   Oh ah.
Robbie Jones:  One used proof of possession that the message 
  signing that went with it was too complicated for most developers 
  to get right.
Robbie Jones:  An oauth2 Mac draft which was a lot like a with 
Robbie Jones:  That got abandoned there was an HTTP to signing 
  draft that also got abandoned there was the TLs token binding set 
  of rfc's which could have worked but some browsers declined to 
  ship it.
Robbie Jones:  20 Mutual TLS does work and it's used in some 
  closed environment successfully or closed environments might be 
  payment ecosystems or open banking systems where all the parties 
  are known to a central Authority and they can be issued a client 
  certificate by that Authority as opposed to open systems where 
  people would be issuing their own.
Robbie Jones:   Own certificates.
Robbie Jones:  Which brings us to the topic for today that oauth2 
  deep up the demonstration of proof of possession spec which is 
  our current stab at solving this important problem so what is 
  deep pop it stands for demonstrating proof of possession.
Robbie Jones:  The application layer and as of last month it 
  became an RFC ye are fc9 449 assymetric number.
Robbie Jones:  And now it's a pragmatic way to for applications 
Robbie Jones:  You proof of possession supposed to it happening 
  at sort of a system service level now what's in a name it it's at 
  least humorous to me to note that depop started out because Brian 
  Campbell was in the s-bahn in Stuttgart and so this poster for 
  Deutsche pop which is a education program.
Robbie Jones:   I'm in Germany.
Robbie Jones:  For the Arts and he thought okay pop that's proof 
  of possession don't you pop that steep up we should find a way to 
  do a reverse acronym for Deutsche pop and so that's the actual 
  origin of the name.
Robbie Jones:  So how does it work do you pop sends a Json web 
  token for the proof of possession as an HTTP header so it 
  demonstrates proof of possession in the context of the request.
Robbie Jones:  It's sent in the same way both for token requests 
  and protected resource requests the authorization server uses the 
  proof to bind the tokens and the resource server uses the proof 
  to verify the bone tokens.
Robbie Jones:  And figure there is straight out of the speck.
Robbie Jones:  So what does a deep proof look like for those of 
  you who know Json web tokens a lot of this should be familiar so 
  there's an explicit type so that you can't confuse the depop 
  proof with another kind of job there's an algorithm there's a key 
  which is used to verify the proof of possession.
Robbie Jones:  Token identifier for replay protection there's the 
  HTTP method which in this case is post.
Robbie Jones:  There's the URL where the thing came from there's 
  when it was issued there's a hash of the access token so that 
  can't be substituted and there's a nonce provided by the server 
  to prevent certain kinds of attacks which we'll talk about.
Robbie Jones:  So there's an access token request but instead of 
  using the type Bearer it's using the type depop.
Robbie Jones:  There's an access token response again rather than 
  using the token type Bearer you're getting a deep up token.
Robbie Jones:  And you can do a refresh token request to bind the 
  refresh token to the DU Pape key so you include a deep up hitter 
  in the refresh token request likewise if you're doing a protected 
  resource request you can deep up bind that.
Robbie Jones:  Now there's this thing in HTTP that some of you 
  are probably familiar with called the www atheltic it challenge 
  that's a means for a server to say to the requester oh you need 
  to do this in order to satisfy me.
Robbie Jones:  Deep pop www with indicate challenge defined to 
  say you have to use depop and by the way these are the signature 
  algorithms that I support and so a response to a protected 
  resource request with an invalid token.
Robbie Jones:  Might be 401 unauthorized and say that.
Robbie Jones:  You need to have depop.
Robbie Jones:  And then you retry with deep up token.
Robbie Jones:  Originally the Deep pops back was simpler than the 
  final version and while I love Simplicity I also love security 
  there were a couple features that were added because in early 
  versions of the spec is deployed there were a couple attacks that 
  could still be mounted.
Robbie Jones:  Where you could mint depop tokens by a bad actor.
Robbie Jones:  So one of these is mitigated by a server provided 
  nonce a value that the server creates to put in the Deep up proof 
  that way the server can know that oh well this is a deep pot 
  proof that's current At This Server because the server provided 
  content put into the proof.
Robbie Jones:  So there is metadata associated with this as those 
  of you who know us know that there's both authorization server 
  metadata in this case there's metadata saying what signing those 
  signing algorithms you support.
Robbie Jones:  Client registration metadata where the client can 
  say only send me deep up tokens I will not accept Bearer tokens 
  so it's possible to bind the authorization code not just the 
  access tokens and the refresh tokens to a deep popke this was 
  something that was added later in the.
Robbie Jones:  Specification development which enables end and 
  binding of the whole flow those of you who know off to will 
  recall that for the code flow and some of the other flows there's 
  an author it a request to the authorization server returns an 
  authorization code followed by a request to the Token endpoint 
  originally depop only worked at the token endpoint this.
Robbie Jones:  I also work at the authorization and point.
Robbie Jones:  So we got a knife see last month yay here is 
  another picture of Brian Campbell finding another Deutsche pop.
Robbie Jones:  Sign this time in Vienna in the u-bahn again the 
  German Subways which he found a suspicious because this was the 
  same day that depop was moved to working group last call so we 
  have a standard that's great.
Robbie Jones:  For a certainty you know individual developers and 
  organizations have to decide to build it and some very high 
  volume Services people worried about the cost of asymmetric 
  cryptography some proposals have been made by Amazon the like to 
  also enable use of symmetric cryptography but that requires a key 
  exchange step which isn't in the spec it was eventually decided.
Robbie Jones:   Decided by the working group.
Robbie Jones:  That if we.
Robbie Jones:  A symmetric version of depop it would be a new 
  spec so far nobody has written that.
Robbie Jones:  That said I mean deep up is being used in 
  production in some real environments for one thing the financial 
  grade API 2.0 draft which is used as a basis for a lot of open 
  Banking and open finance deployments around the world does use 
  depop their certification tests that include deep up tests.
Robbie Jones:  Now I'll really get down into the details about to 
  potential attacks that caused us to add features that I've talked 
  about so attack one is pre-computing a proof.
Robbie Jones:  This structure there's an identity provider a 
  client and a resource server where the identity provider is an 
  authorization server so you present a public key and proof of 
  possession to the identity provider you bind the client to the 
  cryptographic keys and the tokens you get back a sender 
  constrained or deep pot bound access token and maybe refresh 
Robbie Jones:   Client generates.
Robbie Jones:  Proofs with an issue that parameter to guarantee 
  freshness the client sends the fresh proof of possession with the 
  access token to the resource the resource accepts the token of 
  the proof of possession is valid and the access is granted that's 
  sort of the basic deep up flow but let's look at it 
  pre-computation attack so you start off the same as normal.
Robbie Jones:  If there's malware in the client.
Robbie Jones:  The client has and the malware has access to the 
  key material or or at least the ability to sign with the key 
  material to generate deep up roofs.
Robbie Jones:  Clever malware client could generate proofs well 
  into the future it could you know create a proof for now it could 
  create a proof for a minute from now it could create a proof for 
  10 minutes from now it could create a proof for an hour from now.
Robbie Jones:  And then it can take those proofs pull them off 
  the box and take them to a place under control of the attacker.
Robbie Jones:  Impasses and then the attacker can use those 
  precomputed proofs at the resource and the resource doesn't have 
  any way to know that these weren't generated by the real client 
  or by the intended party and guess what the attacker gets 
  resource access even though he's off box.
Robbie Jones:  How do we fix that.
Robbie Jones:  You start off as normal.
Robbie Jones:  Malware is present a pre compute some proofs.
Robbie Jones:  He takes the proofs off box time passes he 
  presents them.
Robbie Jones:  The difference is the server has provided a nonce 
  value of its choosing to put into the proofs.
Robbie Jones:  So that value was provided before the proofs were 
Robbie Jones:  And guess what if the server has updated the nonce 
  value then.
Robbie Jones:  When the teapot proof is examined if the nonce 
  value isn't current.
Robbie Jones:  People will know that something's amiss and say 
  you're able to prevent that attack by proved by using a server 
  provided nonce again this is a common pattern in security 
  protocols that if you want freshness you need to have one party 
  contribute material to the cryptographically signed entity so 
  that that party can know oh this is.
Robbie Jones:   Nothing that.
Robbie Jones:  List the next attack is rebinding the 
  authorization code.
Robbie Jones:  So here's our standard diagram again.
Robbie Jones:  So remember oh I usually uses two endpoints the 
  authorization and point and the token endpoint this steps back 
  and breaks out the authorization and point request as opposed to 
  the token and point request.
Robbie Jones:  So youth indicate the user an issue the 
  authorization code that goes back to the client the client then 
  context the token endpoint using the public key in the Deep Pub 
  proof and the authorization server binds the client controlled 
  keys to the tokens you send back the sender constrained token 
  client generates proofs.
Robbie Jones:   Present the proofs are.
Robbie Jones:  Accepts the tokens of the proof of possession is 
  valid and you get access so that's all great.
Robbie Jones:  But you know what if there is a proxy or a VPN in 
  the middle for instance.
Robbie Jones:  The access codes and other artifacts and up in log 
Robbie Jones:  And I'm not making this up this really does happen 
  so supposing the attacker somehow gets some access to your 
Robbie Jones:  And compose the authorization code out of a log 
Robbie Jones:  Then with that authorization code the attacker can 
  generate its own deep popke and deep up proofs that are not 
  actually owned by the client and so the attacker can start using 
  tokens obtained with authorization code.
Robbie Jones:  And goes to town.
Robbie Jones:  How do we prevent that I've mentioned this earlier 
  but let's go over it start off as normal.
Robbie Jones:  Attacker gets the authorization code generates 
  it's on proofs etcetera but.
Robbie Jones:  Authorization server compares the depop.
Robbie Jones:  Jason Webb key with the presented public key and 
  rejects the request if they don't match again the reason they 
  won't match is the attacker doesn't have the client ski it was 
  using its own key but by depop binding the authorization code and 
  not just the access token you can again end-to-end.
Robbie Jones:  The whole flow.
Robbie Jones:  So any good talk has a call for Action the call 
  for Action here is protect yourself from token theft using depop 
  implemented deploy it we hope that's done the job.
Robbie Jones:  That's my capsule summary of depop in 20 minutes I 
  would now be glad to take questions from any of you find people.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Call Madonna question I just want to say that 
  Mike I want to give a big thanks and a big shout out to you want 
  to work on the d-bob spec because it is what has enabled the 
  solid authentications back to exist this is Tim berners-lee solid 
  projects with personal data server and so on and it's Frost 
  domain of integration.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Nation system.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  D pops back out it's hard so big thanks you've 
  enabled an entire Community to exist with it.
Robbie Jones:  Call will thank you for letting me know that solid 
  is using it.
Harrison_Tang: Any other questions.
Harrison_Tang: Oh wait Mike I'm just curious you mentioned that 
  there had been quite a bit of other attempts previously do the 
  pop so what's different between depop solution versus the 
  previous Solutions and how is what do you think is different this 
  time that you think Deepak has a higher chance of getting 
Robbie Jones:  Well let's get back to that slide oops.
Robbie Jones:  Build slides going back through them takes a 
Robbie Jones:  So the short answer is.
Robbie Jones:  We think we've hit.
Robbie Jones:  A workable balance between complexity and 
Robbie Jones:  You know developers are finicky people they.
Robbie Jones:  Don't want to do more than they have to and don't 
  want to do things that they don't fundamentally understand.
Robbie Jones:  So let's walk through this list.
Robbie Jones:  Sam'l to did have a holder or does have a holder 
  of key assertion profile and it is used in some deployments so 
  that's actually a success story although symbol to has its own 
  set of complexities the most notable being that signing a Samuel 
  took and requires XML canonicalization.
Robbie Jones:  And one of the big takeaways from XML D Sig and 
  XML canonicalization is that it's too hard and developers got it 
Robbie Jones:  And so all the solutions after that require no 
Robbie Jones:  So I want one.
Robbie Jones:  Have proof of possession but it required signing 
  HTTP requests in a fairly General way and it had a lot of options 
  there were options for what are the sign the HTTP body or not 
  there were options to say which header parameters.
Robbie Jones:  Her which HTTP headers were signed.
Robbie Jones:  And you know the signing required again are 
  Bugaboo canonicalization of some of the fields and evidence was 
  that different developers when trying to implement it would 
  implement it slightly differently and cryptographic functions 
  have this step function that either they totally work or they 
  don't work at all if you have a difference for.
Robbie Jones:   Since between a carriage return.
Robbie Jones:  In Line Feed and a carriage return or Line Feed it 
  means the signatures don't match and so while I lost one could 
  have worked there were other problems with it but I'll just focus 
  on that one a lot of developers in practice at the time which is 
  over a decade ago thought this is too hard we will develop 
  something simpler called oauth rap.
Robbie Jones:   Rap we're.
Robbie Jones:  For web resource authorization protocol and you'll 
  notice in the ietf that name of the working group is officially 
  the web resource authorization protocol working group that 
  developed what became off to I stepped into the mix at about that 
  time and the main editor at the time.
Robbie Jones:  Merlot have didn't believe in Bearer tokens and 
  yet that's what Google and Microsoft and Salesforce and Facebook 
  and others wanted to deploy and so I became the editor of the 
  bearer token spec and Aaron did the max spec which eventually got 
  abandoned because the working group wasn't that interested in it.
Robbie Jones:  Did an HTTP signing draft but again it was at 
  least as complex as the oauth1 signing and the working group 
  abandoned it due to complexity as a side note I will say that the 
  HTTP working group did eventually try to do a general HTTP 
  signing draft and that became an RFC but that happened in 
  parallel with depop.
Robbie Jones:   You know perhaps.
Robbie Jones:  If it is.
Robbie Jones:  There stood before depop existed we would have 
  done a profile of the HTTP signing but as it is we signed 
  basically two things the method like post and request URL as was 
  shown in one of the diagrams.
Robbie Jones:  Now let's talk about TLS token binding that was 
  something where you could do cryptographic binding for a TLS 
  session so a connection between here and there.
Robbie Jones:  And bind the messages sent over TLS to 
  cryptographic material maintained by the TLs engine and there was 
  a draft for doing binding of HTTP requests over TLS token binding 
  and there was an oauth draft to use that HTTP binding and there 
  was a open ID draft to do that TLS took.
Robbie Jones:  This was one of the strange twists in this long 
  and winding road that we got to the place where those specs were 
  done essentially they went to the RFC editor they were deployed 
  in Chrome and Edge and I believe Firefox and I can't remember the 
  status of safari and some friends in the Chrome team decided oh 
  this is going to be.
Robbie Jones:   Too hard to make.
Robbie Jones:  A rip it out and they ripped it out of Chrome on 
  the day that it went to the RFC editor and like a lot of these 
  things these Solutions only work if they're ubiquitous if it you 
  know is browser dependent and works in Safari but doesn't work in 
  Chrome you're SOL and so that was a good start we learned a lot 
  from it it's not deployed.
Robbie Jones:  Now Mutual TLS is kind of an old.
Robbie Jones:  Technology mean there's been ways of using TLS 
  client certificates for most of the time that TLS has existed the 
  problem is that client certificate management is hard and if you 
  involve the end-user at all they will get it wrong it can only 
  really work well in closed ecosystems like thanking ecosystems 
Robbie Jones:   All the parties.
Robbie Jones:  Able to be centrally administered and you can push 
  the client certificates from a central authority to all the 
  participants so that can work and it does work but it doesn't 
  work in open systems environments which is why we eventually got 
  to the depop idea which started at an oauth security workshop for 
  years ago where we were brainstorming okay well what can we do if 
  we're not going to have token binding.
Robbie Jones:  If it's not going to be at the TLs or the 
  operating system layer we're going to have to do it at the 
  application Level what can we do at the application Level that 
  will work.
Robbie Jones:  And this is a long preface to me answering the 
  question which is why do I think this is going to work I think 
  it's going to work because developers can build it and deploy it 
  themselves in their protocol Stacks without having to get browser 
  support or operating system support.
Robbie Jones:  Token binding actually needed both.
Robbie Jones:  Um you had to have support in the TLs stack which 
  sometimes was in the operating system and you had to have support 
  to pipe that up through the HTTP layers so for instance to 
  implement this in Java you had to have a modified version of the 
  Java virtual machine that pipe this additional parameter up 
  through the sockets layer.
Robbie Jones:  Brian Campbell and others had built such support 
  but Oracle had never committed to ship it and then the whole 
  thing Came Crashing Down where you can use deep pop just by 
  building both ends of it and using it so I think we're on a path 
  to incremental adoption it's going to work and it's also the case 
  that because this uses oauth Discovery you can incrementally 
  figure out whether the end point you're talking to.
Robbie Jones:   Supports it or not.
Robbie Jones:  If it supports it use it if it doesn't support it 
  use the bearer tokens you've been using for a decade.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you that's a very detailed answer thanks a 
  lot so you maybe sense this is like a decentralized approach to 
  that is not dependent on like centralized Authority is like 
  browser platforms and things like that basically right.
Robbie Jones:  Exactly it's it's in the hands of developers 
  rather than in the hands of having have a central Authority for 
  the ecosystem you're talking to.
Harrison_Tang: And what are the future work like that's involved 
  were you think this I mean this solution sounds like pretty much 
  done but I'm just curious I enquired the future development.
Robbie Jones:  The future work is.
Robbie Jones:  And applying it and related work is calling for 
  its use in specifications where it's appropriate so Dimitri 
  called out that solid is using it I called out that fappy 2.0 is 
  using it.
Robbie Jones:  Going to be.
Robbie Jones:  Out of other specifications and ecosystems the 
  decide to use it so again.
Robbie Jones:  Work is no longer specification work for the 
  mechanism the work is using it.
Harrison_Tang: What are the main challenges in adoption and I 
  think you mentioned about computational complexity due to 
  geometric encryptions and things like that audio other 
Robbie Jones:  The main challenges I think are that.
Robbie Jones:  Have to have all the parties participating.
Robbie Jones:  In the exchange support it so off has a three 
  party model.
Robbie Jones:  It has the client it has an authorization server.
Robbie Jones:  And it has a protected resource.
Robbie Jones:  And for depop to work all of them have to be aware 
  of it and use it if one of the parties doesn't participate it 
  doesn't work and so like you know building out any new ecosystem 
  feature you have to get everybody to sign up to play for it to 
  actually work.
Robbie Jones:  Now the good news is I said before is you can do 
  this incrementally through Discovery you can see does my 
  authorization server support depop tokens at all and if so you 
  ask for them if not you use Bearer tokens.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you Dimitri.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yeah I wanted to to add did you answer a 
  question from the implementer side on what are the challenges of 
  it and it's it's the challenge we constantly have in this group 
  which is Key Management right client-side key management which 
  which you know debug requires to work that's the whole point of 
  the pump and presents a developer education challenge a.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   It's a shift in.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  It's a paradigm shift for developments right 
  so the the main thing that's difficult is the key management but 
  like you know that that's what we do here day in and day out.
Robbie Jones:  Let me add something about Key Management that we 
  didn't do in this talk which is the deep popke can be in a 
  secured element so if you're on a mobile phone with a secure 
  Enclave if you're on a PC or a Mac with a TPM you can put the 
  Deep up keys in a place that they cannot be exfiltrated.
Robbie Jones:  This is a higher security bar then you get by 
  having just software manage keys in particular if it's in a 
  secure element or a TPM you can't go somewhere else and get deep 
  pop signatures because the private key stays in the device and 
  there's no way to extract it now there's a performance cost of 
  that and it varies by secured.
Robbie Jones:  But I know that TPM digital signatures are not 
  fast some of the secured elements on mobile phones or faster and 
  so you're better off even against malware if you can put the key 
  in a secure element of some form.
Robbie Jones:  If your key is just managed in software and you 
  have malware it's likely that the malware is able to extract the 
  private key.
Harrison_Tang: Okay you're next in the queue.
Ted Thibodeau:  I just do another implementation note from the 
  perspective of a user all the open link stuff that is relevant is 
  or will be implementing deep up as we go we did it first in 
  regards to our solid support but it'll get further.
Robbie Jones:  Thanks Ted can you in a sentence or two tell me 
  what openlink is.
Ted Thibodeau:  Open mic software is the database company behind 
  the virtuoso which is the engine that powers dbpedia by to rdf 
  uniprot and about.
Ted Thibodeau:  Well I'll say most of the nodes that you find on 
  the LOD Cloud graphic.
Harrison_Tang: Any other questions or comments.
Robbie Jones:  I'll give a shout out to Brian Campbell who's on 
  the call who was one of the key inventors and participated in the 
  slaw gifting and draft from an individual draft to an RFC I don't 
  know if you want to add anything Brian.
Brian_Campbell: No but thank you for the acknowledgement.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you Brian and thanks for hopping on as well.
Harrison_Tang: All right so thanks Brian thanks Mike thanks for 
  taking time to come to ccg here today to present the pop it's a 
  very interesting talk and no hope I learned quite a bit today so 
  I hope everyone else do the same as well.
Harrison_Tang: All right any last items that people are bringing 
  up whether it's introductions reintroductions announcements 
  reminders that we didn't get to earlier in the meeting.
Harrison_Tang: Cool I think this concludes this week's w3c ccg 
  meeting have a good one hi.
Robbie Jones:  Thank you for inviting me and go forth and protect 
  your tokens.
Harrison_Tang: Thanks Mike thanks for the call to action thanks 
  for the CTA.

Received on Wednesday, 4 October 2023 03:22:04 UTC