[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2023-11-28

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2023-11-28

  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords
  Harrison Tang, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) 
  (OpenLinkSw.com), Kaliya Young, Bob Wyman, Dmitri Zagidulin, Joe 
  Andrieu, pauld gs1, Jing Chao, Naomi, Jeff O / HumanOS, Vanessa 
  X, Andres Uribe, Charles E. Lehner, Kimberly Linson, Nis 
  Jespersen , Erica Connell, Wendy Seltzer, Juan Caballero, bengo, 
  David I. Lehn, PL/T3, Will, James Chartrand, Benjamin Young, Leo, 
  Susan Stroud, Rashmi Siravara

<kaliya_identity_woman> nope I'm done for the year
<harrison_tang> really?  there are still events at this time of 
  the year?
<kaliya_identity_woman> I went to a great event in London about 
  how Art plays a role in exploring new modles of ownership.
<harrison_tang> i really don't know how you keep up your 
  schedule.  i was so tired the last time i was in london.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: All right welcome welcome to this week's w3c ccg 
  meaning so today has we're going to talk about a very interesting 
  topic we got the mystery here to actually talk about verifiable 
  governance government's covenants in my opinion is one of the 
  things that we don't talk about enough we oftentimes talk about 
  the Technologies no digital signatures and things like that but I 
  think to have.
Harrison_Tang:  a real robust trust framework.
<naomi> Really interested in this topic; Velocity is all about 
Harrison_Tang: Dooms the human element you do need a good 
  document so I have a preview what the nature he's going to talk 
  about but I'm actually quite excited about what we're going to 
  discuss today so but before we get there just want to do a quick 
  code of ethics and professional conduct reminder just want to 
  make sure that you know if you agree or disagree doesn't matter 
  about whether you have agree or disagree.
Harrison_Tang: Remember to be respectful to each other a quick 
  intellectual property note and anyone can participate in these 
  calls however all substantive contributions to a nice easy walk 
  Ivan's must be members of the CG with will likely our agreement 
  signed so if you have any questions about that or you have 
  troubles creating a w3c account police just reach out to any of 
  the cultures whether it's a nice.
Harrison_Tang:  myself working Billy.
<kaliya_identity_woman> This is the event I went to in London and 
  referenced above in the chat when we were chitchatting at the 
  beginning - 
Harrison_Tang: Meetings are being automatically recorded and 
  transcribed so we publish these meeting notes usually a day or we 
  think the next follow no following days so if you encounter some 
  issues like for example last week we had some technical issues 
  please just let us know and we'll try to do the best as best as I 
  can as we can.
Harrison_Tang:  next we use that Gchat.
Harrison_Tang: You two speakers so you can type in Q Plus to add 
  yourself to the queue or q- to remove you can type in Q question 
  mark to see who is in the queue.
Harrison_Tang: All right it's time for introductions and 
  reintroduction so if you are new to the community relatively new 
  to the community or you haven't been acted and want to re-engage 
  with the community please feel free to just mute and speak.
Harrison_Tang: Try so we do this every week so if you're feeling 
  a little bit shy right now you can always just unmute next week 
  this is a very very open and inclusive community so feel free to 
  just mute and see things.
Harrison_Tang: Right next announcements and reminders any 
  announcements or reminders.
Harrison_Tang: So first of all Kimberly has sent out an email in 
  regards to the nominations for the culture so I know there's 
  instructions in regards to how to do that first of all you have 
  to solve nominee and then other people can actually weigh in and 
  things like that actually I can't believe since you're on like 
  you might actually just explain it.
Harrison_Tang:  little bit I think it you can do it.
Harrison_Tang: Explaining how this process works.
Kimberly Linson:  Sure I'm happy to yes but you had it right you 
  need to self-nominate by sending an email to the group 
  nominations will be open until next Tuesday and then from there 
  we'll have a two-week period for candidates to share a little bit 
  more about themselves we're probably have a discussion and then 
  voting will begin I don't have the email in front of me but I 
  think it's whatever that Tuesday is that's three weeks.
Kimberly Linson:   From today so thank you.
Harrison_Tang: Thanks a lot so Kimberly and I had discussed this 
  quite a bit we hope to find technical culture to help us out and 
  especially in shepherding and guiding you know some of the work 
  items that we got and you know just want to give a quick 
  shout-out to will for for actually denominations I think he is 
  one of those technical cultures right candidates that we.
Harrison_Tang: School respectful and as well as you know want to 
  thank him for actually raising his hand but if you know someone 
  or wants to you know nominate yourself please feel free to do so 
Harrison_Tang: Any other announcements or reminders.
Harrison_Tang: All right a quick preview of what's coming so next 
  week we'll have Sharon to give an update on jobs for the future 
  and then the week after that on December 12 we will have Andrew 
  to talk about mobile driver license what's new and then we'll 
  have two weeks Hiatus for the holidays because you know Christmas 
  and New Year's are coming so we'll have a two-week Hiatus that 
  will resume on January.
Harrison_Tang: Nature will come back in that actually talk about 
  credentials rendering.
<dmitri_zagidulin> woot cred rendering!
Harrison_Tang: Right before we get to the main agenda any other 
  announcement were reminders or updates on the work items.
<dmitri_zagidulin> slide deck: 
Harrison_Tang: All right so let's get to the mangina So today 
  we're very excited to have them entry here to actually talk about 
  verifier very friable governance as I actually share in the 
  beginning this is a topic that I'm quite excited about because 
  often times we talk about the technology the digital signature 
  selected disclosure mechanisms which we have been you know 
  discuss which will have been discussing in the last few months 
  but you know.
Harrison_Tang:  one of the most important.
Harrison_Tang: Things about building trust and by the way there's 
  different definitions of trust with my favorite ones based on 
  Game Theory which is about having that Mutual cooperation to wear 
  a common goal right so I think having that human factor is quite 
  important and that's why governance is actually a key aspect of 
  that trust framework and very excited to have this conversation 
  so the mystery the floor is yours.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Thank you so I'm really excited to be here I'm 
  Dimitri's I could Doolin software engineer in the credentials and 
  descent resident identity space and I would love to be able to 
  say that we've solved.
<bumblefudge> we forgive you for making only incremental 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Of having bulletproof Equitable governance 
  sadly we have not they'll give it time right super intelligent a 
  eyes are are on the horizon I'm sure they'll sort it out for us 
  but meanwhile what we want to talk about is the data model once 
  you pick a system of governance.
<harrison_tang> haha
Dmitri Zagidulin:  How do you how do you capture it how do you 
  log it and how do you lock down everything with all the 
  signatures right so large part of what we're interested in in the 
  verifiable credential and decentralised identifiers space that's 
  exactly why we came up with these tools so that we can get on to 
  more complex layers like governance all right so.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  What do we mean by governance going to the 
  dictionary it's process of making decisions in a group right 
  pretty much anything we can think about whether it's governance 
  of block chain or a city's city council all the way up to the 
  federal level.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  It all boils down to making decisions and 
  recording those decisions and that's what we mean by verifiable 
  capturing the entire context everything relevant at the time who 
  made the dislike what the decision was who made it at what time 
  and where their keys valid right that's we care a lot about that 
  everything so if you take nothing else from this presentation 
  it's what governance.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   It's log.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Find everything that's it let's get into the 
  details and by the way at any point feel free to jump on the 
  Queue to ask questions.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Right so what do we need to model governance 
  well we should have a data model of.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Actually making the decisions and as you can 
  probably imagine this can be arbitrarily complex so we're 
  starting with a very simple.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Model for it right we've got data model for 
  decisions data model for actors making those decisions which 
  essentially for us is dids either for single actors like 
  individuals or for groups of people like corporations nonprofits 
  and so on and specifically we want to pay the item 3 we want to 
  pay attention to when somebody is signing off on a decision.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Which Corporation or which group they belong 
  to where they authorized by the group where they an officer or 
  some other some other member of the group right so we're gonna be 
  talking about signatures specifically this work what are we 
  bringing here right we've got the components that we all know and 
  love bids and verifiable credentials well we're proposing.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Simple data model for recording the decisions 
  we're highlighting the use of South indicate identifiers so hash 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And in addition we're talking about all right 
  so how do we use dids to model group and group membership and 
  similarly how do we use their Facebook credentials to assign 
  roles and group membership right so pretty simple real quick 
  mangodi mind muting.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  No prob all right so if Nations individual 
  roll group organization we're using them fairly intuitively.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Okay so what the governor's decision 
  Governor's decision is we're modeling it as subject of the 
  decision which means the decision itself the review request which 
  is essentially the discussion of the decision and then the review 
  result those of you attending a lot of Standards calls may be 
  familiar with it from proposals right so we have an issue like 
  should we add this thing to the.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Have a review request which is proposal people 
  vote on it and then you record the result everybody we have this 
  many pluses this many minuses that's one example of a governance 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  First let's talk about self indicating 
  identifiers because we're essentially in order to accurately 
  capture the context of a verifiable governance decision.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Going to need to lock everything down 
  cryptographically and what do we mean by that we want stable 
  identifiers and we want.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  To digest hash everything to make sure that 
  look at the time they made this decision this was the phrasing of 
  the thing we were discussing so what do we got for stable 
  identifiers we've got dibs of course which were familiar with the 
  reason I say Overkill here is we could give dids to literally 
  everything like any meeting notes any question posed before the 
  group anything but it's not quite the right fit because.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Was it.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Eat it's own keys or a you know paragraph 2 on 
  the meeting agenda doesn't need its own Keys it by itself is not 
  an actor.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We've got of course random uuid you RNs that's 
  a pretty good Global globally unique identifier but by itself it 
  doesn't give us the Integrity protection right we can't lock down 
  the contents of what we're talking about and then of course we 
  have SIDS which is just stands for Content addressable 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  At the time said popularized by ipfs the we're 
  increasingly starting to use these in the verifiable credential 
  world to either link credentials together or link from a 
  credential to external binaries like images and PDFs.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  It's great because SIDS give us.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And integrity are deterministic to calculate 
  and verify.
<bumblefudge> location-independent
<bumblefudge> importantly
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And so basically you can think about it 
  anywhere you put a URL if.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I if the thing you're linking to it doesn't 
  change that often.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Use I said you should use a hash link there 
  now wanna point out something interesting in the chat which I'll 
  get to in just a second often or some types of content 
  identifiers are location independent and some are not the whether 
  or not the location Independence is important to your use case 
  depends on the use case.
<pl/t3> Or if something needs to change, then a hashlink forces 
  an overt conversation
Dmitri Zagidulin:  In some cases it makes sense to combine the 
  location and the content dress in others to divorce the two but 
  here's what I mean about anytime you're using the URL consider 
  using a hash link but only if you're linking to a stable object 
  like a final version of a document a blob of Json a PDF and image 
  or movie that you're finished editing Etc.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  As when does it not make sense to use 
  hatchlings well for example linking to the front page of the New 
  York Times right because the moment you link to it the very 
  moment it's that hash is not going to be valid because newsfeeds 
  Twitter feeds even time stamps right those websites that be like 
  all right the current time is this and this break that the 
  hatchling so hash links.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   We are.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Right so what are some examples of SIDS.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Location dependent or not so the general 
  pattern is the URL and it includes in itself a digest hash.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Here's the first example.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Old is the content identifier version one 
  widely used by ipfs they also have a version 0 which follows very 
  similar syntax.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We have this concept of a digest Sr i-- in the 
  verifiable credential 2.0 data model so if you look at Section 
  Five Point four of the latest VC data model spec there's a 
  mechanism to refer to things and provide their digest hash right 
  so first part of digest hash is the algorithm that you using to 
  hash and then the second part is a text and code it hash itself 
  in the case of day.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Oh sister I it's always base64 URL encoding.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  That's not the point but this overall pattern 
  of say the algorithm and then the actual encoded hash is pretty 
  much what's used by all SIDS and hash links right we also have 
  the ITF individual draft multi hash that this draft 7 which 
  essentially uses the exact same notation as ipfs acids and then 
  of course we have an older RFC from 2013 on naming things with 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  As you can.
<bumblefudge> note the three slashes -- no origin
Dmitri Zagidulin:  It's same sort of pattern it has its own 
  protocol type and I which incidentally stands for named 
  information but then it specifies the hashing algorithm and then 
  attacks encoded hash itself so any questions about this concept.
<bumblefudge> in ni:///
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Okay yes I was on points out that the 
  particular example that I gave doesn't have a location just the 
  hash the RC does have a way to also add a location or multiple 
  locations but we didn't want to add it here so excellent point 
  okay so for any given decision we're going to be using lots of 
  content identifiers for things and dids for actors for people or 
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Lie or other groups.
Juan Caballero: Ipfs:/// and ipns:/// are being prototyped in 
  chromium at the moment, work the same way (optional origin)
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Let's talk about so what is the review request 
  let's let's think of it in terms of a GitHub pull request or 
  merge request.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Though a technical and obscure example in the 
  one hand but on the other hand it incorporates in itself pretty 
  much any governance decision any quote any question that you're 
  likely to hear at a city council meeting.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Got the.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  So let's think about a PR Ian in our 
  terminology this object is going to be.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Changed files the code patch itself right 
  that's the subject.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Get actually already uses south of indicating 
  identifiers because gets straight up uses commit hash has like it 
  literally takes the proposed changes hashes them and uses that as 
  a stable identifier for any patch including the patch in a 
  bullock West now what's a review request well.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  It's an implicit or explicit set of rules that 
  any given team organization uses to accept the pull request for 
  example if you're single developer working on your own project.
<bumblefudge> CONTRIBUTING.md files usually include a 
  human-readable version of this, according to an unspoken social 
  norm :D
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Your set of acceptance is looking over briefly 
  except right very minimal but that is the criteria so it's by me 
  well I'm gonna accept it if you're more on the ball you at least 
  wait for the CI for the automated tests and syntax Checkers to 
  complete and then you accept it right but that's the that's the 
  acceptance criteria.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Tout in chats a lot of times the cultural 
  steps the not machine enforceable steps are spelled out on in the 
  contributing document this is usually where you say okay we only 
  accept pull request.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Our review requests criteria is you have to 
  open an issue first and the automated tests have to pass green 
  and it needs to be reviewed by two of the project maintainers and 
  that's what the result is the review result it's a set of 
  verifiable credentials right because when all you have is a 
  hammer it's verifiable credentials signed by the centrioles 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Each rule each Criterion of a review request 
  so in our GitHub sense in our GitHub example subject the changed 
  proposed change itself the review request is whatever cultural 
  norms the project requires such as we need two signatures from 
  two of our members right now that's a fairly common Dev team 
  criteria and the result.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Up votes plus ones any comments or other kind 
  of sign-offs by project maintainers.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And then of course how do you know they're 
  they're part of the project well GitHub has its own method of 
  checking group membership we're going to be talking about a 
  generic data model for specifying that.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Just to just to clarify any government's 
  decision we're essentially modeling it or simplifying it to 
  what's the decision about what are the steps.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  What are the steps that need to be performed 
  for the decision to be considered legitimate right so that's 
  essentially the governance system there in a nutshell.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And the result of the decision is for each 
  criteria the required number of people sign off and then if 
  appropriate the overall request outcome so if it's a two-part 
  legislature Bill there would be a verifiable credential on a sign 
  off for each bar and then an overall did the bill pass would be 
  signed by the group or the governing body itself so.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  In the abstract as a developer I often find it 
  really useful to look at screenshots right for pretty much 
  anything give me screenshots give me code examples and I'll be 
  able to I yeah okay I see what we're doing here so this is not 
  the canonical implementation of this this is one implementation 
  this is what interpretation of this data model used here solely 
  for illustrative purposes right so for example.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   This kind of goes back to.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The governor's decision what's the decision 
  about 02 decision about these files.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And we're identifying them by a Content 
  addressed identifier literally we took a directory listing of 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Concatenated the bites of all the files took a 
  hash of it and there's our stable identifier.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Denoting for all time that when we were 
  deciding this is the thing we were deciding about integrity 
  protected can't be changed Etc.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Here's a sample so for that set of files 
  here's a sample review plan a set of criteria so what do we mean 
  it's this in particular one is criteria applied to machine 
  learning right one of the for those of us following in the 
  artificial intelligence large language model and machine learning 
  news one of the things that I'll perform often comes up is 
  Notions of attribution and Notions of governance and equity.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Where did the training dataset come from.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Did did its authors contributing to the 
  dataset agree can we track them can we're enumerate them 
  afterwards how did a particular language model make the decision 
  who quoted it who signed off on it this is the kind of stuff 
  we're trying to capture so.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  For each stop on the creation of those files 
  the recording the training set the review by human reviewers.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We have an acceptance criteria.
<pl/t3> This sounds particularly relevant to emerging AI 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  With the required number of sign-offs so what 
  does that look like so I want to zoom out to a large what are we 
  aiming for here we're aiming for graphical or machine-readable 
  renders representations of decisions so this again this 
  screenshot here applies to a Governor's decision about a large 
  language machine learning data model.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  But it would be the same if the thing being 
  decided on is the new budget for the sales department for the 
  next year it's criteria for acceptance and then who signed off on 
  it so for each subject this is on the left left side here the 
  purple icon in this particular case is the governance view you 
  can say okay for each data set.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Looking for in terms of in terms of acceptance 
  criteria you can you can go one step farther in.
<pl/t3> Related to @Wendy_Seltzer's question - can dependencies 
  be captured?
Dmitri Zagidulin:  In fact Bible governance in that you can add 
  verifiable computation to it so you can you can say all right 
  this this where the inputs and here's how the inputs were 
  gathered here's who signed off on them here's who reviewed the 
  them for accuracy and intellectual property restriction so on but 
  then you can also apply computations to those inputs and then you 
  can lock down those computations to you can say this is the 
  algorithm that was applied here are the machines that it was 
  applied on.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Here's who signed off on.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Reviewing the the algorithm all right so I see 
  we can have a couple of questions on on the Q so let's go to the 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I think Wendy.
Wendy_Seltzer: Thanks so much this is really an interesting 
  exploration and stop me if you're going to get to these questions 
  later but I was curious about the granularity of decision 
  recording and what assumptions that's making about the governance 
  process in other words could a group to side note we don't.
Wendy_Seltzer:  want to.
Wendy_Seltzer: Chord all of the the line by line the only thing 
  that gets recorded is top level yes or no and another point about 
  do is there a way to record what of interlocking decisions or 
  contingent decisions call it horse trading call it compromise 
  with some puny is willing to.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Right by make sense.
Wendy_Seltzer: Support one thing only if another pull request 
  someplace else goes through take the package or leave it.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Absolutely makes sense I got both excellent 
  questions yes so the the overall answer is yes all of those can 
  be captured we're trying to make this as flexible as possible a 
  good analogy is verifiable credentials right the v-spec just 
  talks about the securing outer envelope the actual attributes 
  that you put in there solely dependent on your use case and your 
  particular organization right so you can stop a whole education 
  history in a single day.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   A fiber credential.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Outline the steps that you took in a 
  particular class at school anything right so we're aiming for a 
  general-purpose outer securing envelope and then inside it that's 
  where you would capture dependencies whether its software or 
  procedural that's where you would say which parts of the 
  decisions are recorded and just record the outcome so so all of 
  those things yes inside the envelope right that kind of the only 
  way to approach this.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Again in terms of screens where's this going 
  why what do we want to see we want to see.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We want to see our old friend the green check 
  mark but what does the check mark mean eat means that at each 
  step of the way both from collecting the inputs the computations 
  and then the reviews of the computations.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Of these was recorded when appropriate like 
  Wendy said in a verifiable credential was issued about that fact 
  that the computation took place the review took place and who is 
  that reviewed so in this picture here the important thing is not 
  just the boxes that are green because we all know how to verify 
  their Hub credential but that each green line that each Green 
  Arrow each green link is its.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Self modeled by verifiable.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Each each box is a VC but each line between 
  the boxes each relationship is if you see as well so here for 
  example the.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  In this particular view of the data that 
  there's multiple views the colors represent do we know who the 
  issuer was so green is yeah it's from a known issue or list or it 
  passed some other acceptance criteria.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Red is no this is from a known recorded Bad 
  actor and then gray is the usual majority of situations where 
  it's the first time we're encountering the actor is not yet known 
  to us and you need to apply some sort of kyc or other criteria to 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Okay so we've got we've got this overall idea 
  we're recording logs of decisions.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We we provided a general-purpose rapper 
  envelope for recording a decision which is subject what it's 
  about review request set of acceptance criteria and review 
  criteria and then the result the overall outcome of the decision.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Let's Zoom.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  In on the actors right because for every 
  decision its who proposed it who reviewed who voted how do we 
  represent that given The Primitives that we all know and love 
  well let's take groups for example what do we need to model a 
  group well it'd be great to have an identifier for the group 
  it'll be good to have the group control some cryptographic keys 
  because you can sign of theta Kate and crypt with them do all 
  sorts of things.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   For some.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  It's important to keep a list of numbers right 
  some some groups have secret membership where each member doesn't 
  know who else is in the group and some groups very public and 
  it's a group members only know who the list of members are but 
  anyways but staff members any kind of metadata about the group 
  right where we're trying to capture group generically for all the 
  million different incarnations that is out there in human history 
  and then optionally what we can do is say.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   For decisions that this group takes.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Who gets to be new members and then someone or 
  how to kick out members this is our signing policy this is our 
  decision threshold not are all the complex human.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Asians and governance items will they be able 
  to be expressed in a simple threshold or any sort of 
  cryptographic signing policy no we're just saying that a small 
  subset might be expressed by these simple policies and when you 
  come across those those use cases here's one way to represent 
  them so what do we have for prior because everybody likes prior 
  art in in specifications and if not they should so what.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   We have four.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Groups we have of course the venerable vCard 
  supported by Gmail Outlook all the emailing software out there 
  all mobile phones and operating systems oddly enough modeling a 
  group in vCard is extremely awkward and and not well supported.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Even even by software that does recognize 
  v-cards in general so for whatever historical reason and and some 
  of you on this call is probably where in that group and know what 
  the reason is and why it turned out that way but the card doesn't 
  capture groups that well or at least the support for the group 
  notation is not there we of course have active directory which 
  you know directory basically a list of members and then applying 
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Distribution which is.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  It's a way of saying I'm feeling list.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And War security like permissions based on 
  that list and of course pretty much any cloud computing platform 
  like iws Google compute anything you care has this notion of user 
  groups and then permissions based on them.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Okay welcome back to The Primitives that we 
  know we've got these dudes they're stable identifiers keys are 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  To what does it did for a group look like and 
  how do we list the members.
<benjamin_young> Might want to checkout RFC7643 SCIM--which has 
  user and group expression and is used by GitHub (among many 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Well a couple of options right just abstractly 
  speaking we can literally add a new members property to each did 
  method I mean if you wanted to we could wait until the next 
  iteration of the did working group The did to buy no data model 
  and we can campaign for adding a members fields to the general 
  did the data model or we can go to each particular did method and 
  open pull requests and be like hey would you like to add a 
  member's group members field so that.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   At in.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Is where the list of members is public or at 
  least the list of their keys is public weekend we can put it 
  right in the did.
<bobwyman> What does a method need to do to provide "good" group 
  support? What is it that VCard, etc. don't provide?
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Probably imagine that those are awkward 
  approaches can't really affect the did spec we don't want to go 
  to the you know 300 plus did methods and convince them to add 
  what we do already have lists of keys in the data model we have 
  list of keys for authentication list of keys for signing verify 
  the credentials that's assertion method we have list of keys for 
  encryption Etc Hood we use those that existing primitive that 
  list of keys.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  These are the signing members of this group or 
  organization these are the voting members and Bob I see a 
  question on.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I'm a child of what counts as a good group 
  support Ian come back to that if there's time at the end of the 
  at the end of the call that part or that claim is my own personal 
  opinion it's not it's not that important.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Back to dids.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Our group how can we express either voting 
  policy or signature policy and it did how can we access Express 
  list of members.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Add a property use an existing property and 
  that's what we're going to be doing in this proposal in addition 
  you can have an external list of members and Link out to it and 
  as we know the one thing called it's have in common is their bags 
  of keys and their lists of service end points which are external 
  links to pretty much anything so we could use the service 
  endpoint mechanism to force in a given did.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Link to resource of FM credential that lists 
  the group members either.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Public for public groups or content behind 
  authorization and encryption.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  So what does this look like using existing 
  Primitives here's an example did web for a group and in the 
  insertion method the signing Keys it has a key for the group 
  itself we included and then in the did data model you can express 
  keys by value by saying this is literally the value of the public 
  key or by reference you can link to externally hosted keys so I 
  can say here's the key for the group and here's.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   The key for each of the two members.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  ABS Keys meaning so what just even aside from 
  this slide deck even aside from our new spec proposals this part 
  is contained in the existing did and VC data model when you 
  encounter this what does this mean what's semantics here well 
  it's did with three keys and any statement I Neva fiber 
  credential any one of these Keys signs can be attributed to the 
  did itself so.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   The base there.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Potential and did data model tells us a very 
  least how to model A 1 of x.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Signing threshold method.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And those of you are probably wondering okay 
  so just looking at this how do I tell that this is a group that 
  I'm looking at a group aside from the fact that it's multiple 
  keys because this could just be a person with you know multiple 
  devices or just multiple keys that they're keeping around so 
  during the did working group 1.0 there was an extensive 
  discussion on well can we add a type fields to a did can we at 
  least Mark whether this is this did belongs to an individual or 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  With or without members even just being able 
  to say this is for a group members of private would require 
  something like a tight so at the time the group decided no no 
  types so what can we do now well we can add a type field which 
  again is either.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Bring the base did spec or changing each of 
  the Dead methods you could actually for those that use contexts 
  use a context to denote that this is a group type or you could 
  not have types in a did like like we currently do and know that 
  particular did is a group or individual out-of-band meaning how 
  did it get on your contact list in the first place right who did 
  you who did you get it from it cetera so that's that's out of 
Dmitri Zagidulin:   But it is just highlighting that in.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Raw did it's not obvious what the group or 
  what it's not and then here's an example of linking to an 
  external credential using a service point right again we have a 
  general purpose did we have the keys the group controls and then 
  here this particular group because it's listed members of the 
  public can publish an external membership BC and link to it using 
  service endpoint.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  What do we got we've talked about verifiable 
  governance log of decisions we talk about a data model for those 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  You almost often groups are involved hence the 
  governance we're going to identify group says as dids.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  For signing purposes we're going to use the 
  existing did primitive the list of keys as members optionally we 
  can have.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Either a link from the document itself to list 
  of members or we can rely completely on out-of-band mechanisms 
  meaning this is a did for the Medford Massachusetts post office 
  who's who's list of members whose list of employees that's not a 
  band go go call them up and find out if it's legal.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The remaining thing I want to talk about is so 
  how does somebody actually sign on behalf of a group.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I want to be able to sign as the organization 
  itself outwardly speaking the United Nations have signed off on 
  this proposal.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We want to capture each particular individual 
  and roll involved in a signature and we want to we want to denote 
  that this individual signing was just not what was not just 
  signing as themselves but was signing on behalf of the group as 
  an officer of the group as member so we know how to find 
  credentials as individuals right that's that's the base VC data 
  model we have an individual did the did what does the did do it 
  authorizes keys for signing.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Which means in a verifiable credential that 
  did goes in the issue of field and the authorized key goes in the 
  proof field or if you're using jwt's goes in the detached 
  signature but it's the same deal.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  There is authorized for that purpose by the 
  jwk key set and here it is in the proof.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Same thing with an organization notice that 
  it's absolutely the same.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The organization find some decision like.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Itself we can use existing mechanism did 
  authorized Keys the organization signed something by its own Keys 
  what do we mean by that who in the actual organization or group 
  or whatever who's going to be holding the the actual signing Keys 
  essentially you're going to be looking at an API yes of course 
  you can do it manually you can hand over to the secretary like 
  literally here's the printed out private key on paper and here's 
  where you type it into Define sign it with you.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Do that but.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  So you've got to be looking at Key Management 
  systems and apis so some secure service preferably with Hardware 
  support is going to be storing and not giving up its private key 
  and then you're going to be writing custom logic dip it that 
  depends on your governance to be able to say when these 
  conditions are fulfilled go ahead and sign as the group and all 
  that we're doing in this proposal is providing annotation for the 
  subset simple notation for.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   A subset of.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  So this just a simple conceptual model right 
  we've got organization which in itself could or could not contain 
  groups and roles and individuals skip over that here's what 
  everybody wants to see.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  A member of the student council.
<bobwyman> Rather than signing "AS the Organization," doesn't it 
  make more sense to sign "As someone authorized to sign FOR the 
  Organization." (i.e. the issue isn't one of identity but rather 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Old final resolution we've got a couple of 
  options if I have a did I can sign a resolution as myself and you 
  can ask well how do you know that you belong to the student 
  council we add an out-of-band their fiber credential that says 
  this did belongs to the group that's the red issuer and 
  optionally your role is is President and that's as about points 
  out in the queue.
<bengo> @bobwyman I agree
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Instead of saying finding as the organization 
  you're signing authorized to sign for the organization and that's 
  exactly what we're trying to capture on these slides how are you 
  authorized by your authorized by this VC and how is the key 
  authorized its authorized by being in the assertion method list 
  in a did document.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Here's an example with a roll here's an 
  example of just the group again I'm a student council member.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I signed it there's a there's an out-of-band 
  credential showing that I belong to the group and then lastly we 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We can just put.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The keys are light like we did in.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  In the previous example that I can scroll back 
  to if we have time at the end.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We have a did for the group we put Alice and 
  Bob's keys in the assertion method and now whenever Alice and Bob 
  signs of our fiber credential you can put put the groups did in 
  the issuer okay so I see we're coming up to time and probably 
  have lots of questions again some governance decisions and and 
  cryptographic decisions can be modeled as either threshold and of 
  em or just multiple signatures for example when the.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   The c-suite.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Signs off on our budget we need every single 
  member of the c-suite to individually sign on it in whatever 
  order right that's a valid governance structure we of course have 
  things called ring signatures where the votes are not Amis though 
  that particular deck is still kind of bleeding edge and then we 
  have the ability to compose.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Hold signature requirements using Boolean 
  logic Boolean logic using the verifiable conditions which is a 
  spec that is work item of this very ccg and what do we mean by 
  verifiable condition it basically means putting the logic instead 
  of a key in the assertion method of a did you putting Boolean 
  logic so for example you're saying verifier whenever you come 
  across either Bob's did or Alice's.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Then that that accepts.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Acceptable as the issuer and then the 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Loads the issuer did looks and parses through 
  the verifiable conditions and if they if they match the signature 
  verifies so encourage everyone to look at the verifiable 
  condition spec it's linked to here in the slide deck which is in 
  chat and will be mailed out it's a sometimes useful mechanism 
  okay so next up some questions we would like to offer this.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   This the spec or at least a right up.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  How to use dids.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Or groups of membership like to were offered 
  as a work item to the ccg which will involve mailing the list etc 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We want to propose a sample data model for how 
  do you know the membership to a group or assignment to a role and 
  again to capture the sheer richness of Human Experience a lot of 
  can go into that data model so we want to start with a skeleton.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And Winston and continuing work on the Revival 
  Kardashian spec that can say in order for the species to be valid 
  either the president or the three vice president's either or all 
  have to sign okay questions see we've got fill in the queue go 
  ahead bill.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yes absolutely you're correct.
PL/T3: Yeah they really thoughtful the Metreon and 
  thought-provoking It just strikes me that you're in some sense 
  providing an approach to an infrastructure around the emergence 
  of Registries of a variety of types in order to provide both a 
  framework for governance but also a way of referencing them for 
  different purposes like issue a Registries etcetera said 
  appreciate your your comment on that.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  This this structure this data model is useful 
  for Registries and for the governance of how to add new items to 
  known issue of Registries there's also relevant in the field of 
  Supply Chain management for either software supply chain hardware 
  and so on the supply chain specs being incubated in ietf right 
  now have this notion of Registries and in order to get a receipt 
  from the registry you have to pass.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   A number of criteria the group will specify.
<pl/t3> And notarization ;-)
Dmitri Zagidulin:  The kind of thing this the seems to capture 
  and notarization right Bob go ahead.
Bob Wyman:  Yeah I just you know one thing is the comment I made 
  I think it's really important when talking about this stuff too 
  to not say things like you know sign you know sign as someone 
  else I think signatures we shouldn't be trying to figure out how 
  to allow people to masquerade we may be and I think we need to 
  think more about in all many of these conversations we need to 
  think more about.
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> onBehalfOf
Bob Wyman:  Rights and authorizations going just assuming that 
  identity is the is the answer to everything here.
<bumblefudge> morally speaking
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And you're absolutely you're absolutely 
  correct in fact in earlier versions the deck that I cut for time 
  I had that exact slide saying that we could just do the thing 
  where you know in a small company the boss gives their login to 
  the secretary and the secretary can email as them right that's 
  the sort of degenerate form of Delegation that's that's just 
  wrong but really is realistic delegation when delegation is not 
  supported by the software we're here.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   We're actively.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Including encouraging both delegation and.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Saying how long somebody's is delegated for 
  that's the valid from invalid to in the verifiable credential and 
  what role they're delegated as so at 100% what you said yes.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Oh no this is important.
Bob Wyman:  Okay great great and the other thing I am curious and 
  my apologies for like trying to be vocabulary cop on that but I 
  think it like it's such a small sort of change in the way when 
  phrases the sentence but I think it has a tremendous impact on 
  the way it's understood by people the the other thing is I wonder 
  if you could say more about.
Bob Wyman:  But what is necessary to have quote-unquote good 
  group support is it why isn't why isn't being a member of the 
  group simply a something attributed claim or something which is 
  asserted by by such a member why do we need more than that.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  So no even though.
Bob Wyman:  I mean record for instance you could you can stick an 
  attribute in a vCard.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  You can you can all I was saying is that the 
  actual contact management UI implemented both IOS and Android try 
  and find the group functionality it's really hard to find like 
  it's behind a bunch of UI nonsense that's what I mean by it's 
  it's not well implemented.
Bob Wyman:  Okay but that's that's interface but the data 
  structures itself do you think groups need something more than 
  simply the ability to associate an attribute with an a with a 
  with with with an individual or entity.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  No no I do think that all of this data 
  structure can be expressed in vCard as well especially if you 
  designate some fields to store keys in a vCard and and in fact 
  one of my previous hats was startup doing contacts management and 
  is exactly what we were doing we were putting dids in keys in 
  v-cards literally on mobile mobile phones.
<benjamin_young> vCard Group Ontology 
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> Must use 
  reciprocal claims, at minimum. I.e., individual claiming 
  membership must also be claimed as member by the group.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yes the context was.
Harrison_Tang: I'm just curious Dimitri is that earlier you 
  mentioned that the type in the did didn't make it like that it 
  sounds like a good idea do you actually know the context of why 
  the type didn't make it.
<bumblefudge> pain
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Because even the tight even the fact that this 
  did belongs to an individual and as a group is private 
  information is pi I so out of out of caution that bit was was 
Harrison_Tang: I got it thank you.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yeah and I thought I'd points in the in the.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Individual claiming membership must have must 
  be claimed as a member of the group yes that's what the 
  out-of-band VCS provide their issued by the group saying Dimitri 
  is a member or Bob is a member so I absolutely do what you said.
Dmitri Zagidulin: 
<econnell> Thank you, Dmitri!
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Right I think you so much if you're interested 
  in this topic will be proposing it as work items to the list so 
  talk to you on then feel free to reach out to myself or ban loud 
  of equity who was not able to make most of this called but 
  created this with me here are the slide decks and chat again and 
  thanks again.
<jeff_o_/_humanos> Thx Dimitri! Rich stuff!
Harrison_Tang: Thank you Dimitri this is an amazing presentation 
  I'll share this that to the mailing list if you don't mind all 
  right cool thanks all right so this concludes this week's TCG 
  meeting thanks a lot.

Received on Wednesday, 29 November 2023 21:29:24 UTC