Re: How much is it reasonable to generalize from the TruAge implementation?

Does anyone have any insight on if the OWF work on Digital Wallets and
Agents will help with this?
As a non-technical person, I do agree user adoption of the wallet could be
compared to early browser retail/banking functionality - it won't get broad
traction until there is a level of comfort and trust within the population
at large. From some of the responses, it seems like this may be a business
need as opposed to a technical need? The questions that came to my mind as
I was reading:
1. Will a trust certification increase the speed with which the broader
population gains that comfort with the technology?
2. Will a trust certification help ensure the sanctity of decentralization?
Decreasing the possibility of proliferation of wallets relying on
centralization, phone home, and other methods to track/monetize user data?
3. Lacking government regulation, will a trust certification facilitate
market competitiveness and a level playing field?

On Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 3:10 AM John, Anil <> wrote:

> >The EIDAS 2.0 wallets (that are intended to include lots of VCs with PII)
> that the EU will require its member states to make available
> >to its citizens (that want them), would be certified against a
> yet-to-be-determined scheme and then ‘notified’, i.e. put on a list of
> wallets
> Thanks for making this point, Rieks!
> This reality is also, in part, my motivation for engaging in this
> discussion. My perspective, both directly and publicly regarding this is
> that I have no desire or ability to tell anyone what they should do,
> particularly another sovereign, while at the same time noting that what a
> particular sovereign does is not binding on others.
> However, there is shared desire across jurisdictions to ensure that the 3
> party identity model can work across implementations, even those with
> differing policy and implementation objectives.
> I always considered that the best way to make that work in practice is to
> have a shared, open conversation about “yet-to-be-determined scheme”(s)
> a.k.a the criteria TBD to evaluate the qualities of a wallet,  so that the
> community can contribute to and align on things that everyone agrees is of
> value, and those agreements could become the foundation of the bridges that
> ensure cross-jurisdictional and global interoperability.
> Best Regards,
> Anil
> Anil John
> Technical Director, Silicon Valley Innovation Program
> Science and Technology Directorate
> US Department of Homeland Security
> Washington, DC, USA
> Email Response Time – 24 Hours or more; I sometimes send emails outside of
> business days/times because it works for me; please do not feel any
> obligation to reply to them outside of your normal working patterns.
> [image: A picture containing graphical user interface Description
> automatically generated] <>[image:
> /Users/holly.johnson/Library/Containers/]

Received on Friday, 17 November 2023 08:00:26 UTC