[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2023-10-31

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2023-10-31

  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords
  Harrison Tang, Brandi Delancey, Dmitri Zagidulin, TallTed // Ted 
  Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Kimberly Linson, PL/T3, Jing 
  Chao, Charles E. Lehner, Adrian Gropper, Hiroyuki Sano, Japan, 
  Mike Xu, Erica Connell, Jeff O - HumanOS, Will, Leo, Kaliya 
  Young, Wendy Seltzer, Nick Doty, Chandi Cumaranatunge

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Kimberly Linson:  So hi everybody you may have seen the note that 
  we had a last-minute change in the schedule for today and 
  Harrison and I were talking last night about whether we should 
  cancel or whether we should move go forward and we decided that 
  we would go forward but that we would have an open Agenda we have 
  really I think one of the.
Kimberly Linson:   The things I.
Kimberly Linson:  We have so many great speakers that are coming 
  to talk with us and so we've kind of filled that calendar and it 
  hasn't given us the opportunity to really like just have some 
  free time I guess is what I'm after and so that's what we're 
  going to do today and I think what I'll do is kind of go through 
  just really quickly you know that that when we're going to abide 
  by the code of ethics.
Kimberly Linson:   I think.
Kimberly Linson:  And this group has been around for a while so 
  they've heard me say that lots of times I think probably everyone 
  here is also already a member but if you're not I hope that you 
  know we definitely want everyone to participate that being a part 
  of a community group at w3c means that it's open to all and 
  actually all are needed to participate in the conversation and 
  that we do keep.
Kimberly Linson:  Of the these meetings via the chat and audio 
  recording so that you can go back and listen to one that you may 
  have missed for conflict and also so that we just can kind of 
  keep an ongoing record of of what's being discussed okay so I'm 
  now that that's out of the way the next thing as you most of you 
  know on our agenda usually is is introductions and.
Kimberly Linson:  Or to introduce themselves and share a little 
  bit with the community or to reintroduce themselves and share a 
  little bit about the there who they are and why they've joined 
  but today we are actually going to ask everyone and this is a 
  perfect size room to do this in to take a few minutes to 
  introduce themselves and talk a little bit about their 
  involvement in the community and and.
Kimberly Linson:   Let's see.
Kimberly Linson:  Who you are and so I'm going to give you these 
  in the chat so that you've got them number one who you are number 
  two how long you've been a part of this community and the things 
  that interest you and then three maybe kind of what you do 
  outside of ccg and then I guess fourth Dimitri has to be what 
  your imaginary Halloween costume would be and dang it since I'm.
Kimberly Linson:  I have to go first and I don't know what my 
  Halloween costume is but I think about it so I'm Kimberly Wilson 
  Linson and I'm one of the co-chairs here at ccg and I've been 
  involved in this community for about actually almost four years 
  my primary background is in education and I stumbled into the 
  world of credentials for years ago and and stumbled not only into 
  the world of credentials but into the world of standards and 
Kimberly Linson:   And what a protocol is in a specification.
Kimberly Linson:  And that has been really eye-opening for me to 
  understand the need first of all just like why that is so 
  important and being able to to have standards that we can rely on 
  to help us do the things that we want to do with credentials and 
  so that that brings me to sort of my day job I work for a company 
  called Randa Solutions we provide education software.
Kimberly Linson:   Where to.
Kimberly Linson:  Hence for credential licensure teacher 
  Effectiveness observations evaluation kind of the workflow 
  management systems and I said at the intersection of that work 
  and our credentials work which is really the idea that all of 
  those systems require the users to input various credentials 
  which previous 22 now we're all sort of you know PDFs and 
  screenshots and and self attestation 's and now we're moving in 
  the direction of.
Kimberly Linson:   Of being able to have them in put those.
Kimberly Linson:  I verifiable credentials so that's the work 
  that doing and lastly the only thing I can think of is that I 
  would want to wear like a really amazing if I could just snap my 
  fingers right no money's getting spent no need for me to go 
  procure anything I can just snap my fingers and be in my costume 
  I guess maybe it's like the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella right 
  like I'd like to have like a really huge gigantic dress.
Kimberly Linson:   And kind of magic one wouldn't hurt so all 
  right so.
Kimberly Linson:  Reduced myself we can do this one of two ways I 
  can call on folks and make sure that everybody gets a chance to 
  go or we can just have folks jump in and go off Mike what do you 
  think Harrison.
Harrison_Tang: I'll jumping second it's fine I think people can 
  raise their hand if they don't feel comfortable it's fine so I'm 
  Harrison today I'm one of the cultures of w3c cqg so I've been 
  involved in the ccg for the last year a little bit more than a 
  year so I'm relatively new but not really a newbie anymore so my 
  day job is I'm the co-founder and CEO Spokeo so we are one of the 
  biggest people search.
Harrison_Tang:  identity verification service in the United 
Harrison_Tang: Aggregate about 19 billion records and we do 
  entity resolution into about 600 million entities to help about 
  50 million users a month to search connect and know who they're 
  dealing with so I come from a different angle of that identity 
  which ballet in my industry they also call in self-identity 
  service but it's more on the data side of things so big data 
  aggregation and then on top of that will be.
Harrison_Tang:  machine learning and things like that.
Harrison_Tang: You know one of the dreams I always have is sounds 
  alright daddy actually it was in our industry I call it constant 
  based search but it's the same concept it's about involving the 
  DS objects into the identity transactions so I'll have always 
  been interested in that for the last 12 years or so and I 
  stumbled across you know this discipline and open standard bodies 
  and and.
Harrison_Tang:  no just one thing led to the other.
Harrison_Tang: I'm here today so I think earlier Kimberly mention 
  about if I'm gonna wear something or my favorite Halloween 
  costumes I would say my favorite one will be the one that my wife 
  made for me to be a like a sponge Bobby looks really it really 
  looks great looks really real so that one is probably the most 
  memorable one.
Harrison_Tang: Alright who want to go next.
Harrison_Tang: I sorry I'm going to break my rule I'm going to 
  call on Adrian Adrian want to start throwing go next all right 
  guy you call people.
Kimberly Linson:  I have a list now to Harrison so I'll.
Adrian Gropper:  Okay I'll I'll go next I'm Adrian Grappa I've 
  been a member of this community since as far back as it's been 
  remembered I my interest is in demonstrating the use of 
  verifiable credentials in the context of person-centered or self 
  Sovereign agents I do this as a volunteer.
Adrian Gropper:   Go on.
Adrian Gropper:  Tear and in particular I am trying to evangelize 
  the use of good nap because it is a delegation first and agent 
  oriented standard as the way to handle verifiable credentials and 
  I think last week's meeting with Justin was a milestone of 
Adrian Gropper:   Has to.
Adrian Gropper:  A user Centric or or the user Centric request 
  model is is the way of the future for digital credentials thanks.
Kimberly Linson:  Adrian do you have a favorite Halloween 
Adrian Gropper:  No but if I don't do anything at all I might go 
  as Rasputin.
Kimberly Linson:  Okay I like it I was going to say that you were 
  one of the very first people that I met and had an opportunity to 
  here in this community and one of the things that you you gave me 
  was as a liberal arts kid and not a technology kid at the time 
  and maybe not even really a kid but person I you helped me see 
  that the.
Kimberly Linson:   Section of all of this.
Kimberly Linson:  Work to to sort of the greater underpinnings of 
  philosophy and got me very very like helped me see the context so 
  anybody else want to jump in next you want me to call on 
Kimberly Linson:  Well I can just move on down this list how 
  about Brandy will you introduce yourself.
Kimberly Linson:  Oh that's a great one I love it Brandi would 
  you take just like give us your two sentence blurb on what life 
  equipped is because I don't I don't think everyone knows and it's 
  really cool.
Kimberly Linson:  Great thank you all right so the I guess the 
  other thing that you can do is you can put yourself on the Q 
  which is what Erica just did so Erica I will go ahead and call on 
Erica Connell:  Hi can you hear me.
Erica Connell:  Great I'm Erica Connell I have been around the 
  space since 2016 ish I got involved through rebooting the web of 
  trust and I'm currently on the board with rebooting also my day 
  job is I work with legendary requirements I am the producer of 
  the rubric podcast that legendary produces about dids and didn't.
Erica Connell:   Methods we've had many of.
Erica Connell:  On talking about them and will continue to do 
  that and as for Halloween I my background is in actually in 
  theater film I have a degree in directing so I really enjoy 
  costumes that have a really fun kind of stage makeup be thing 
  going on and this year I did one with colored contacts and I 
  never did that before I always wanted to do that is it kind of 
  completes a whole look so I did cool red crazy-looking.
Erica Connell:   Tax with a red blood and.
<dmitri_zagidulin> that sounds awesome... (re contacts)
Kimberly Linson:  Very well can you just buy those colored 
  contacts at like the Halloween store.
Erica Connell:  You can yeah and they usually have a selection of 
  you know weird colors and interesting things and yeah works out.
Kimberly Linson:  I guess my problem would be that because I wear 
  contacts on a regular basis I would be able to wear the color 
  contacts with and I wouldn't be able to actually see anything.
Erica Connell:  Right now I have that same challenge I'm sure 
  that this is contraindicated but I just put the colored contacts 
  right on top of my regular contacts and and you know that was on 
  the weekend just for a couple hours for a Halloween party but I 
  was surprised you worked I think you're probably not supposed to 
Kimberly Linson:  Okay the last thing you know all right great 
  this straight this is sewer learning so much for learning I love 
  it all right does anyone else want to put themselves on the key 
  or you want me to call in somebody alright Dmitry you're up next.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Alright hi everyone I'm Dimitri's a candle in 
  the software engineer and I guess standards.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I'm on a lot of Standards calls so.
<charles_e._lehner> standards afficionado
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I consult for several companies one of them's 
  a my T's digital credentials Consortium where I'm Lee technical 
  architect on the learn a credential wallet because that open 
  source mobile app for verifiable credentials and ID's for 
  students and employees and so on we also have open source issuer 
  and verifier software.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Also do some work with Phil Long with regards 
  to helping the HR industry sort of on board into the credential 
  world and I'm also part of Consulting Cooperative that does 
  General work and VCS and dids yeah that's it oh conflict costume 
  Erica or somebody asked Kimberly asked.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Earlier what I would.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  As this Halloween and I would say as a formal 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  To you know I w3c's back that's it.
Kimberly Linson:  I love it so great all right we've got folks 
  now putting themselves on the Q and the first one up is Phil.
PL/T3: Can you hear me.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yes we can hear you.
<econnell> :D
PL/T3: Hello hello okay always uncertain about that with my 
  machine so I'm so long I've been with this group for a couple 
  years now and work has and I put myself on the Queue because I do 
  work with Dimitri and the T3 related activities which is intent 
  on trying to leverage verifiable credentials as a primary 
  mechanism to recognize skills and abilities in the context of 
  employment and.
PL/T3:  opportunities as well as.
PL/T3: You see use it as a as a mechanism for doing that and 
  therefore to facilitate or encourage issuers to be more seriously 
  attentive to descriptions of skills and abilities in the 
  experiences they provide Learners and I say that after having 
  been the 38 years in higher ed and so I originally was a 
  behavioral ecologist and ornithologist.
PL/T3:  and then in the.
PL/T3: Here I found a particularly useful for higher education 
  Academia and in particular administrative work so so that's been 
  helpful more recently in the standards and should be have become 
  interested in the standards and also in mechanisms by which 
  standards get developed I find it somewhat quixotic at this point 
  but I'm still learning as far as.
PL/T3: Costume for Halloween I spent a lot of time in the South 
  America doing work on Patagonia when my was a behavioral 
  ecologist became very enamored of the Gauchos down there so I 
  have a real costume that involves the paraphernalia in the like 
  modules where and hadn't this initial dream when I was in the 
  early academic I've been doing a lot of Behavioral observations 
  and such from horseback so I came.
PL/T3:  somewhat able to do horseback riding well.
PL/T3: Things at the same time so that's my that's my custody 
Kimberly Linson:  Thanks Phil that was that you know I've known 
  you now for a long time and we've done since it's a work together 
  and like I loved learning that about you that is fascinating so 
  cool and I can picture you in your Gaucho costume no problem all 
  right let's see I think Wendy are you I think you put yourself on 
  the cues.
Wendy_Seltzer: Let's give that a try.
Kimberly Linson:  Yeah we can hear you great.
Wendy_Seltzer: Brent thanks it's so much fun to get to hear a 
  little bit more about folks on the call I'm Wendy Seltzer after 
  10 years of his strategy lead on council with World Wide Web 
  Consortium I moved to two cows to do a project on user-centric 
  identity and governance and so very happy to be participating in 
  this group and and others trying to figure out.
Wendy_Seltzer:  how we bring all of.
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Wendy - governance? ooh, that sounds 
  interesting, I'd love to hear more! (I'm working on a Verifiable 
  Governance draft spec etc)
Wendy_Seltzer: Technical work together in a system that users can 
  rely on and Trust to serve their needs and as many of you also 
  know that that's a long-term project but I'm appreciating that 
  the insights from others who are working in Indian aspects.
Wendy_Seltzer:  of it.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Oh that's good damn.
Wendy_Seltzer: And Demetrius suggestion of costuming as a formal 
  objection reminded me of a costume I had constructed red tape so 
  I had I can.
Kimberly Linson:  That's really good I love it I might have to 
  steal that one because that is a yeah that's a really good one 
  it's a great.
Wendy_Seltzer: It may or may not have borrowed the trade dress of 
  Scotch tape.
Erica Connell: :Clap:
Kimberly Linson:  Lost so great and windy it was so nice to to 
  meet you in person just a few weeks ago at IW so I really enjoyed 
  enjoyed hearing you and a couple of sessions that I was in so 
  thank you all right let's see let me check the queue and see if 
  anyone has added themselves and if not I will call on the next 
  person on my list which is Charles.
Charles E. Lehner:  I'm Charles and I'm happy to be here costume 
  wise to start with that if I can my go-to would be cat as you 
  might guess but I also like the idea of historical figures some 
  historical figure but I also like the idea of an abstract entity 
  like like has been suggested like maybe a verifiable credential 
  or just a QR code or or something could be amusing.
Charles E. Lehner:  So I'm a I'm an independent consultant right 
  now and doing things with with verifiable credentials and and did 
  and I became involved here three years ago and.
Charles E. Lehner:  And I think that's mostly it you're all good 
Kimberly Linson:  Is Charles Charles did a lot of work on the 
  plugfest that we just had a few weeks ago as well and is an 
  issuer actually they only I think independent issuer on the PC 
  API playground so you can go and issue yourself one of Charles is 
  credentials so thank you let's see.
Kimberly Linson:  Okay going down my list hiroyuki.
Kimberly Linson:  Actually you know what I made this list at the 
  beginning and it looks like he's dropped all right Jeff.
<jeff_o_-_humanos> May need a mic moment...
Kimberly Linson:  Jeff needs a mic moment okay you're up next all 
  right now I feel like I've got a verify my list against my paper 
  list against the list here so going down this list Kalia I see 
  you up next.
Kimberly Linson:  Oh the actual prompt is to three things 
  introduce yourself and how you're connected to this community how 
  long you've been here the kinds of things that you've done or 
  interested in what you do sort of outside your day job and then 
  lastly you can tell your favorite past Halloween costume or if 
  you could snap your fingers and be anything you wanted for a 
  future Halloween you can tell us what that is.
Kaliya Young:  Okay great thank you my name is kolya my hand will 
  online identity woman I've been blogging with that as the title 
  of my blog since 2005 went off.
Kaliya Young:   Ox are all.
Kaliya Young:  Insisted everybody in the community get a Blog and 
  start writing.
Kaliya Young:  It's still one of the reasons the community is 
  really open is because.
Kaliya Young:  Blogging is more open than a mailing list.
Kaliya Young:  Not that we didn't have mailing list but the 
  blog's kind of complemented all that that makes a bland.
Kaliya Young:  I'm not really even sure when I joined the 
  verifiable credentials mailing list I think it was probably 
  sometime after Manu like there was a hole thread working on some 
  of this stuff mmm.
Kaliya Young:  Apart from what we call the user Centric digital 
  identity community and then like Manu came to rebooting web of 
  trust and I helped facilitate that one Microsoft and New York and 
  then the kind of two communities merged into one big Community 
  working on the same set of problems so that was fun.
Kaliya Young:   What do I do.
Kaliya Young:  Now I have a consultancy with my colleague Lucy we 
  are doing lots of fun stuff including our kind.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Did we lose Claire is just me.
Kimberly Linson:  Not just you.
Kimberly Linson:  We lost you player.
Kaliya Young:  Favorite with different organizations to help them 
  with their convening and strategy and stuff so one of our clients 
  is open wallet.
Kimberly Linson:  I think it seems like she's going in and out.
<pl/t3> mic issues abound ;-)
Kimberly Linson:  Mike issues abound yes.
Kimberly Linson:  Okay cool yeah I'm going to have.
Kimberly Linson:  I have Jeff go although looks like Jeff with 
  his mic issues.
Kimberly Linson:  Gas is not is not here right now either so so 
  Nick Europe.
Nick_Doty: Hi my name is Nick Dougherty I'm a senior technologist 
  at the center for democracy and Technology I'm a longtime 
  participant and web standards around privacy and particular I 
  co-chair at the Privacy interest group and I'm particularly 
  interested in credentials because of the privacy and free 
  expression and sort of equity and discrimination issues that are 
  possible with the proliferation of hi.
Nick_Doty:  Assurance credentials about people.
Nick_Doty: That's the topic that we're working on in the Privacy 
  interest group and that is relevant across many working groups 
  that w3c or other standards bodies terms of Halloween costumes my 
  newborn went as a blueberry this year that we enjoyed.
Kimberly Linson:  Oh that is very cute I love it Nick where is 
  the center for democracy and Technology located.
Nick_Doty: It's a nonprofit organization with offices in DC and 
  Brussels but I'm here in Durham North Carolina.
Kimberly Linson:  Okay I'm here in Washington DC and with the 
  name like Center for building democracy I thought for sure you 
  had to be kind of an office here so great well I'm just glad I'm 
  glad to have you here let's see okay I think Jeff joined again 
  yes Jeff you're up.
Jeff_O_-_HumanOS: Hi there is this working.
Jeff_O_-_HumanOS: And tastic sorry about that and boy I wanted to 
  hear what Kelly has Halloween costume has gone to be miss that my 
  name is Jeff I am in my 6th year of following this community I am 
  a computer guy / digital Anthropologist at this point but the 
  first computer is on the shelves at Best Buy in 1988 and have 
  watched the evolution of people's relationships with tech and how 
  that is made its way into their.
Jeff_O_-_HumanOS:  lives one of my key phrases I.
Jeff_O_-_HumanOS: What I call a person's reality which is a 
  relationship they choose to have or not have with information 
  Technologies and those real it relationship choices reflect into 
  people's reality so a lot of the work I bring two iiw is the idea 
  of sort of the yin yang between people and systems if you could 
  imagine a yin-yang I sort of see myself certainly in either one 
  of those portions of the in Yang if sometimes not both.
Jeff_O_-_HumanOS:  yet probably the most valuable place for.
Jeff_O_-_HumanOS: Thin line between the two sections that little 
  membrane there that interpretive layer that layer of action and 
  acting so that's pretty much my gig I will say the first year and 
  a half of listening to you always like what I called NASA talk 
  but I have actually gotten to understand a fair portion of it 
  which I'm very very grateful for I'll also say that one of the 
  greatest gifts I have when I leave this community is to step out 
  to the people I work with.
Jeff_O_-_HumanOS:  and I don't know of very many people in our 
  community who actually work on.
Jeff_O_-_HumanOS: Is with people daily I do get to take the news 
  of you all and the good effort and intentions and heart and mind 
  of this community and assure people that there are wonderful 
  wonderful people out there working in the interest of respectful 
  text so you all give me a great gift to carry forward in regards 
  to a Halloween costume my favorite Halloween costume is probably 
  being a dad of a kid who was trick-or-treating I would pull a 
  garden cart.
Jeff_O_-_HumanOS:  wagon that was all decorated up with glow 
  sticks and amazing things each year.
<kaliya_identity_woman> sorry - I was dropped. I don't know how 
  far I got.
Jeff_O_-_HumanOS: I kind of dress like a guy who would be on a 
  horse but not so much wearing a gaucho is maybe an oilskin duster 
  and a Cowboy head so I looked a little shady a little creepy as 
  I'm pulling things along but my kids my kids big anymore we don't 
  get to do that stuff so if I were to dress up now I would like to 
  dress up as Bruce Lee in the form of being water so that I can 
  flow fit thank you all.
Kimberly Linson:  Great I love it and I now have big kids to you 
  my youngest just announced that he was not going to be dressing 
  up for Halloween and and Nick I was thinking very much back to 
  the blueberry days so enjoy it.
Jeff_O_-_HumanOS: Yeah it it's a stinger yeah absolutely enjoy it 
  and the red tape stuff is great all right I'm off.
Kimberly Linson:  This seventh grade all right so Kalia we heard 
  a little bit about what you were what your your Consulting Group 
  is doing but if you want to kind of summarize that in one you 
  know like Fell Swoop like repeat what you said I'm just in case 
  it got dropped and then everyone after you dropped was very 
  disappointed not to know what your Halloween costume would be so 
  I will give it back to you.
Kaliya Young:  Okay my friend works with companies in the space 
  on strategy and also our favorite writing open source analysis 
  reports that are sponsored by various people who want clear 
  communication to support Clarity and one of our clients right now 
  so open Wallet Foundation we're working with them on convenings 
  as well and strategy my mother was an elementary school teacher.
Kaliya Young:  She she often was a really great way she was 
  taught a guy was I'm quite tall but I have to say red tape 
  informal of Jackson really won my heart day is good cow lowing 
  Customs so yeah like oh my God but like like an ietf Halloween 
  baby those anyways.
Kimberly Linson:  A theme some your own were all together we'll 
  have to have it the SE.
Kaliya Young:  Well guess what next fall is the last day of iws 
  Halloween so if you want to or not.
<cel> nice
Kimberly Linson:  Well there we go we're all going to have to 
  we're gonna have yeah we're gonna have to have a lottery for who 
  gets to go as red tape yeah we'll have to think about that but no 
  that's really fun we will that I can't wait okay Vanessa.
<wendy_seltzer> I'll look forward to seeing standards-themed 
Mike Xu:  Hi everyone I am actually Harrison's assistant so I'm 
  in the background hoping schedule everything but it's been great 
  learning about everything at w3c I obviously knew nothing when I 
  join so it's been pretty interesting I obviously I learned a lot 
  about web 3 so it's interesting to learn all of this as well on 
  identity side and I joined I believe in March.
Mike Xu:   Watch when I joined Spokeo.
Mike Xu:  And then for Halloween I think I have been dressed up 
  in years but I think my favorite Halloween costume was thing 
  couple years ago we all made giant costumes and we're all 
  different fruits and I was watermelon so that was probably what I 
  would like to be for Halloween again this year if I were to dress 
Kimberly Linson:  It's great I love it and Vanessa it's so nice 
  to meet you and so I'm going to have just a moment you know to to 
  thank you for all that you are doing behind the scenes to 
  schedule and get the meeting minutes and recordings posted that 
  is a I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am for her 
  about work.
Mike Xu:  It's gorgeous thank you all for it's interesting as 
  well so I enjoy joining this on Tuesday Mornings.
Kimberly Linson:  I think as I look down the list that I got 
  everyone no I did not did I Ted.
Kimberly Linson:  You're not perfect.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Be careful 
  what you wish for so I am Ted Thibodaux I'm with open link 
  software where I've been since December of 2000 I've been 
  involved in.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Identity and 
  privacy and linked data and rdf and all those sorts of things for 
  at least 15 years I can't quite find the first participation that 
  I was visible on.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): But I've been 
  receiving various lists since at least then and if you put in a 
  bar Quest on anything on those lines whether in a community group 
  or a working group you've probably seen me poking at your grammar 
  and punctuation because Clarity of communication is vital in all 
  of these areas.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Is costumes 
  go I typically fail to think of anything close to the holiday my 
  ideas come at the wrong times of the year so when it does come 
  the holiday I reach back for terrible puns and have been seen as 
  a serial killer with a box of your favorite cereal actually 
  whatever's cheapest that day suspended by a hangman's noose and 
  with a knife through the box that sort of thing I've also been 
  all that and a bag.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com):  I have chips 
  because you know chip.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Good and easy 
  to acquire.
<charles_e._lehner> got chips today; can confirm
<dmitri_zagidulin> lol
Kimberly Linson:  Those are great great ideas I love it well I 
  really appreciate for those of you that are new to the community 
  Ted is a wealth of information and and again that context and so 
  if you have a question about sort of the overall sort of how we 
Kimberly Linson:  We all right anybody else that that doesn't 
  introduce yourself.
Kimberly Linson:  I also really enjoyed getting to know everyone 
  a little bit more today and this is this was great actually so 
  the next thing on if I were refer I were going through the agenda 
  the normal agenda the next thing on the list would be 
  announcements and reminders so let's go ahead and follow that and 
  does anybody have any announcements or reminders for the 
  community about things that are going on or important things that 
  we need to be aware of.
PL/T3: Yes I mentioned this at a call the other day but the 
  skills forward RFP for end-to-end use of verifiable credentials 
  in the process of issuing aggregating into a digital wallet 
  forming and do a presentation as part of a job application and 
  its consumption by an employer to consider an applicant's quality 
  and soup is suitable in this for a position is going to be 
PL/T3: 82 I believe it is and that is sponsored by a group that 
  has a bunch of philanthropies Walmart strata and others and they 
  are going to be so rewarding approximately 8 to 12 proposals of 
  about 1.5 million or so to try to advance the notion of.
PL/T3:  of the use of these credentials.
PL/T3: In the skills based hiring and advancement Community thank 
Kimberly Linson:  Yes I'm not sure how many of you on this call 
  are is knee-deep and in those I am Phil knows but yes we are all 
  it is November 8th and I have a little clock that's telling me 
  how many minutes until those are do when they are finished and 
  when those demonstration projects have been awarded I think it 
  would be really great for this community to to have maybe someone 
  from skills forward come and kind of talk about what that 
Kimberly Linson:   This was like and and what they saw because 
<pl/t3> Happy to arrange someone from SkillsFWD to give a status 
  report once awards are made
Kimberly Linson:  About scale and being able to take the projects 
  that have been you know we've been doing a lot of work in the 
  last couple of years things have really started to like that 
  flywheel you can sort of start to see it starting to turn and the 
  these demonstration projects are really going to accelerate both 
  adoption and and scalability so it'll be interesting to see maybe 
  hear from them in this you know in the late winter early spring 
  is that work is going.
Kimberly Linson:   And that would be grateful so yes we will look 
Kimberly Linson:  Anybody else with an announcement or reminder.
Kimberly Linson:  Charles go ahead.
Kimberly Linson:  I think you're still muted Charles.
Charles E. Lehner:  Oh hi I did the dif hackathon is going on and 
  there are some some informational sessions scheduled that could 
  be helpful as part of that as well I'll put a link.
Kimberly Linson:  That would be great thank you.
Charles E. Lehner: https://difhackathon.devpost.com/ 
Harrison_Tang: Yeah let's just preview the upcoming topics I will 
  have so in November we have to a Manu to talk about the to age 
  verification you know how you got that to be adopted by the state 
  of California and then after that on November 14th will have 
  Daniel and ride to talk about open Wallet foundations updates and 
  then the week after that on the 21st.
https://www.skillsfwd.org for the Skills-based Hiring and 
  Advancement RFP info
Harrison_Tang: To present on the ID technology Assessments in 
  healthcare and then lastly we got the mystery item entry here to 
  talk about verifiable golf confidence on the November 28th so 
  that's just a quick preview of what's coming.
Kimberly Linson:  It's going to be a great a great month of talks 
  I will Naomi who is not here today I will I will make an 
  announcement on her behalf and that is that the the velocity 
  Network Foundation is hosting a couple of very Elementary talks 
  for those who are interested in the education cluster I think 
  when velocity came to speak to this group they.
Kimberly Linson:  Out some of the healthcare and banking work 
  that they had done but now were there definitely sort of a new 
  focus on education credentials and and actually bringing in some 
  of the credential standards that I think are familiar to this 
  group The Open badge the CLR and how they can be they have a very 
  interesting credential model with level 1 and level 2 credentials 
  and so I don't even know that that that's a.
Kimberly Linson:   Little Advanced for I think what's going to be 
Kimberly Linson: 
Kimberly Linson:  These information sessions but I just put a 
  link to that in case you think that that's something that you 
  might be interested in finding out a little bit more about what 
  they're doing so.
Kimberly Linson:  Any other announcements and reminders.
Kimberly Linson:  All right well I will I'd like to sort of open 
  it up with one more thing which is around work items or things 
  that people are working on with work items if you want to give us 
  a quick update or if you have something that you are interested 
  in and you want to sort of pose it to this group since we have 
  just a couple of minutes before we need to end I will go ahead 
  and open that up this is an open meeting and so you.
Kimberly Linson:   Can really.
Kimberly Linson:  Into the table you'd like.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I think for this question this is this is 
  great I'd love to hear what ccg related stuff people are working 
  on I'm I'm working on a couple of things one is continuing to 
  work on the render method specification for verifiable 
  credentials which if you're not familiar with it is a reserved 
  property for in the VC data model where issue.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   H can put hints or.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  On what the credential should look like and 
  it's icy CG work item so work is gearing up on that at our team 
  at DC and the other thing working on with Phil and some others 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Both the specification but specifically the 
  implementation of linking verify the credentials to other 
  credentials and to external assets using a essentially a hash 
  link method which is just the URL and then another property that 
  is the digest hash now that digest ssris part of the very fabric 
  credentials data model its back oh and the other thing I'm 
  working on is.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Is how to represent.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And organizations is in deeds and VCS right so 
  specifically group membership given that we're using dids for so 
  so often to represent.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Companies government agencies and so on the 
  question becomes how do I how do I use something like dudes in 
  VCS to represent.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Membership in a group for purposes of 
  authorization but more importantly for purposes of attribution 
  and signing meaning how do I sign as my University how do I sign 
  as the department if I'm the department head and how do I how do 
  I have a did that's just for role and how do I sign as that role 
  for the organization which has its own did so that sort of thing.
Kimberly Linson:  Great that actually is really interesting I 
  hadn't even thought about that so so I'm one I'm interested in 
  that but I also I think you know I'm very interested in the 
  render method stuff so how how would I or somebody else use on 
  this call connect with you about you know participating in that 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yeah God so let me post the link to the spec 
  and my email and also feel free to connect with me on Signal or 
  something else but yes let's send an email so one second let me 
  render method.
Kimberly Linson:  Thank you and fell while he's putting those 
  links in your turn.
Dmitri Zagidulin: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-render-method
<dmitri_zagidulin> feel free to reach out to me at: 
PL/T3: Sure thank you and plus 1/2 Dimitri's tremendous help 
  along with golden Velez on the link claims we actually have 
  funding at this point from The Gates Foundation to build a web 
  app to enable individuals to make self-assertive credential 
  assist statements about a third party either directly to another 
  credential in the with the hash link binding that Dimitri was 
  talking about or to a an ID property within.
PL/T3:  in the credential to be more granular and specific about.
<harrison_tang> @dmitri, what about your work on the group stuff? 
   do you have a link for that?
PL/T3: Asian so that's that's exciting but I wanted to mention 
  another thing that's also been put forward and that is the notion 
  of a narrative credential so that you could imagine if you will a 
  narrative that's a text story that you're presenting that 
  describes yourself and your capabilities but using links in this 
  case hash links to other credentials in your wallet that have the 
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Harrison - not yet, will shortly later this 
Kimberly Linson:  And where is that work being done is that.
PL/T3: Operation of the statement you're making in the narrative 
  so it's much like a 1-1 will write a paper and have citations at 
  the back of the paper this is the same idea except with multiple 
  credentials being bound together with these link claims so when 
  they are sent as a presentation the structure remains and the 
  recipient can choose to follow those if as you've outlined it or 
  not just all leading towards the notion of a credential based 
  resume thanks.
PL/T3:  that work.
PL/T3: Is being done in part through the HR Open Standards group 
  they have a resume group that is chaired by a fellow named Andrew 
  consoelo and and it is being sponsored in part by T3 and we 
  believe we will be getting some additional funding to help move 
  that forward.
Kimberly Linson:  Great that is I'm very interested in that as 
  well that's that's great all right Charles.
Charles E. Lehner: 
Charles E. Lehner:  Verifiable Credentials for Education task 
  force that the plugfest 3 with jff Labs is is in completion and 
  credentials are being issued and it may have already been 
  mentioned but the participant videos are online and.
Charles E. Lehner:   That's the.
Charles E. Lehner:  Status of that.
<pl/t3> Anyone interested in the Narrative Credential I'd love to 
  hear from you!  email: phil@rhzconsulting.com
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Thanks Charlie and yeah highly recommends of 
  people who are interested what the current sort of state of the 
  art in credential wallet looks like that because the participant 
  videos are good snapshot or intersection.
Kimberly Linson:  Yes thanks Dimitri I was muted while I was 
  asking Charles if you had a link to the head to the to the place 
  where people can go and watch those videos I know I have it 
  buried somewhere but if you have it handy question.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I think just posted I think Charles were 
  supposed to tidy up.
Kimberly Linson:  Great thank you.
Kimberly Linson:  Okay well I really enjoyed this time getting to 
  know everyone today and I know it will be great on future calls 
  to be able to have a little bit more information about what you 
  do in your background as we're making connections between the 
  speakers that we have signed up to to present to us I'll give the 
  q1 last minute to see if anybody has anything that they really 
  want to add.
Kimberly Linson:  And I will let everyone go for today and we 
  will look forward to seeing you next week thanks everybody.
<jeff_o_-_humanos> thx all
<harrison_tang> Thanks!
<pl/t3> Cheers!
Charles E. Lehner:  It's going really.
Erica Connell: :Clap:

Received on Thursday, 2 November 2023 03:49:33 UTC