[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2023-05-02

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2023-05-02

  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords
  Harrison Tang, Jacques von Benecke, Bob Wyman, Jennie Meier, Mike 
  Prorock, Gregory Natran, Sharon Leu, Kimberly Linson, David 
  Chadwick, Drummond Reed, Stuart Freeman, Joe Andrieu, Will, 
  Chandi Cumaranatunge, Marty Reed, Mike Xu, Erica Connell, Kaliya 
  Young, Nis Jespersen , Hiroyuki Sano, Ted Thibodeau, Paul 
  Dietrich GS1, Phil L (P1), Sandy Aggarwal, James Chartrand, Jeff 
  O - HumanOS, Orie Steele, Ryan Grant, Dmitri Zagidulin, Adrian 
  Gropper, Kerri Lemoie, Phil Long, Steve Magennis, Lucy Yang, Nate 
  Otto, Keith Kowal, David I. Lehn, Greg Bernstein, BrentZ, TallTed 
  // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com)

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: Right good morning and for for jocks at losing 
  baton I think so good evening or good night but thank you for 
  joining us this week so I'll be facing some CG weekly meeting so 
  this week we are very honor and have Jog and ramen here to 
  present self so Variety in Baton and we'll go over that main 
  agenda later but before then just want to do some quick.
Harrison_Tang:  quick code of ethics and.
<kaliya_identitywoman> I tried via the app on my phone - no 
  sound. Anyways would be great have some attention to this.
Harrison_Tang: Contact reminder more or less just make sure that 
  we are respectful to each other and acknowledge each other's 
  opinions I think we've been doing that pretty well for the last 
  year or two that I'm here so that but just want to do that quick 
  reminder at the very very start quick IP note anyone can 
  participate in these calls however all substantive contributions 
  to atcg work items must be members of the ccg with full IP our 
  agreement signed.
Harrison_Tang:  I'm make.
Harrison_Tang: You have it.
Harrison_Tang: 3C account and assign the community contributor 
  license agreement if you have any questions any time just reach 
  out to any of the cultures.
Harrison_Tang: Quick call notes these meanings are being recorded 
  and and all transcribed by the transcription a no service we will 
  publish these meeting minutes we think about two to three days 
  after this meeting conclude we use GT chat to Q speakers giving a 
  call so you can type in Cube plus to add yourself to the queue or 
  q- to remove it at any point in time.
Harrison_Tang:  you can just do Que question to see.
Harrison_Tang: All right any introductions were introduced 
  reintroduction so if you're new to the community or if you 
  haven't been active and are rejoining please feel free to unmute 
  and introduce yourself.
Harrison_Tang: Don't be shy.
Harrison_Tang: Okay I think we can leave the last five minutes 
  you know just in case other people Australian they want to 
  introduce Your Glory or reintroduce themselves at the end of the 
  meeting all right any announcement or reminders.
Harrison_Tang: Hi Julia please.
Kaliya Young: 
Kaliya Young:  Hi two things one we if since I announced it here 
  I wanted to share the results from the APAC digital identity 
  unconference you can see a picture of all our of our all the 
  beautiful people who came and book a proceedings if you want to 
  go through that and in in Europe in.
Kaliya Young: https://diceurope.org/
Kaliya Young: https://diceurope.org/prpoposed-topics
Kaliya Young:  Seven to nine in Zurich is the digital identity 
  unconference Europe a lot of great folks coming we now have a 
  potential topics page of so you can see the sort of things folks 
  are going to talk about so if you have any colleagues in Europe 
  please let them know about it and I think it's going to be great.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you Claudia.
Harrison_Tang: Any other announcements or reminders.
Harrison_Tang: Okay any updates on the work items.
Harrison_Tang: All right so let's get to the main agenda so I'll 
  share earlier today we have we're very glad to have a jock to 
  present on self Sovereign identity in Bhutan so actually Korea 
  sent out an email and we have a discussion in the ccg email list 
  in regards to put on adopting South sobriety a couple months ago 
  and we're very very glad to have jock here he's the CTO.
Harrison_Tang:  of track Holdings.
Harrison_Tang: Chairman of the board at King do Tech Park and you 
  know he is instrumental in actually convincing the Potomac 
  government to adopt soft Saga Atlanta technology so we're very 
  glad that he's here and now they will share the insights or on 
  the challenges and opportunities of SSI and its potential to 
  actually Empower kind of individuals sovereignty of their 
  identity important so but Jog and drama.
Harrison_Tang:  and please take.
Jacques_von_Benecke: I prepared it couple of slides just to sort 
  of guide us through the through the process I'm just going to 
  figure out how to.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Get them to come out.
Jacques_von_Benecke: It looks like a present.
<drummond_reed> I'm here to support Jacques on any questions that 
  come up, but this story is all his.
Jacques_von_Benecke: My screen is still saying the conference 
  hasn't started so I wonder if that's what's stopping me from 
  actually accessing the.
Harrison_Tang: Are you using Chrome or.
Jacques_von_Benecke: I am using Chrome that's okay I managed to 
  get it to disappear okay let me just share screen.
Harrison_Tang: Okay I see it perfect.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Let me know if you're awesome so I'm very 
  happy to also share the stage with Drummond so I've known 
  Drummond for a little bit over a year since he's been helping and 
  working on the project so I'm going to mention Dominic a few 
  times during the presentation today because he's been 
  instrumental to our project as well and then I've seen some other 
  people on the screen as they loaded in that I obviously.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  Lee know as well so Calia being one of 
Jacques_von_Benecke: The unconference in a pack what a wonderful 
  event and I'm going to the one in Zurich in May so sorry in June 
  so you know if any of you turn up there please let's have a chat 
  and have a coffee and catch up so there's only five slides in 
  there's a couple of these a couple of short videos to actually 
  just show you how the product worked as part of the journey so 
  most of what you see today is actually out of what we call a 
  Communications back that we use for what we call Direct.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  actor level and higher so the ministry 
<drummond_reed> Most excellent that Jacques will be going to the 
  Zurich event. I wish I could go, but I'm using up all my Gen 
  travel budget to go to the European Identity Conference in Berlin 
  next week.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Limbo switch I'm the actual ministers the 
  way we know they've been other countries and then also the Prime 
  Minister and his majesty and so all the very senior people at any 
  point if you want to ask any questions the stuff please just shut 
  that me or point something in my direction I can only see my 
  screen that I'm sharing so I won't see if you put up a hand or 
  communicate just please pick up so the agenda is very simple.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  a couple of things about the journey so 
Jacques_von_Benecke: In on this journey just over a year some of 
  the top challenges that we've had getting to where we are today 
  and then specifically a little bit about the journey with our 
  government and then some ideas on how we think we can make their 
  or how the implementation could be made easier so what are the 
  things that have been stopping us or slowing us down so what does 
  the journey look like so far.
Jacques_von_Benecke: We started with the book which is Drummond 
  book he wrote co-wrote it with Alex and we read a couple of 
  Articles and stuff on self-serving identity and I met does your 
  Ghillie so does shoe is sort of a title the same as you would see 
  a lord or a very high-ranking official in the world families or 
  aristocracies does ukulele I met him in Singapore and we talked 
  about this particular project that they had which are we still 
  going to run on.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  pki and normal pki and I had written out.
Jacques_von_Benecke: The sign I said hey this sounds like a good 
  idea should we try this and he liked it and so that kind of got 
  the ball rolling and about a month later they offered me a job 
  and about two months later I rocked up with my wife in return and 
  that's how the journey started and so we were then introduced by 
  what was then all which the owners are very key platform and they 
  had many different names which Drummond of course would fall and 
Jacques_von_Benecke:  we got introduced to Drummond and the book 
  and we read the book and we really like the book a lot so the 
  book became.
Drummond Reed: 
Jacques_von_Benecke: And a lot of what we do in the project 
  actually comes out of the book and so we often refer it to 
  ourselves SSI Bible.
Jacques_von_Benecke: And so from there we built what we call our 
  product Vision canvas for the national digital identity which is 
  then based on Sovereign identity and had two very key principles 
  security above everything and privacy equal to security so we 
  wanted to make sure that all the Securities they to protect 
  people's data but that is also from a privacy point of view and 
  that people can have their for own and Control Data in that way 
  and because we turn is such a small nation.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  we only about 750,000 people.
Jacques_von_Benecke: We have to think globally you know there is 
  there is no real scale to actually make this platform scale to 
  the point where we can sell it to other nations so he's Majesty 
  when we presented the project to him for his final approvals said 
  he likes the kpis and he likes the he likes the unique value 
  proposition and all these things but and the particular 
  indicators so the goals and the metrics and stuff that for 
  success and he said I only want one metric to be the.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  the success criteria.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Drink and that is that you have to earn at 
  least 1 million u.s. dollars with it outside of the done so he 
  made us from day one actually think very Global about how we went 
  about this project and to make sure that we can actually share 
  what we've learned and then potentially also sell of the 
  components or actually sell and run identity on behalf of other 
  countries for them so that's how we went and then from the vision 
  we went to a ndi roadmap and by the way if you want any of the 
Jacques_von_Benecke:  which I show on the screens except of 
  course Germans book.
Jacques_von_Benecke: One but everything else I'm happy to share 
  and I'll send you copies of it in the project roadmap what you 
  see in the thumbnail is a lot of swim lanes and then also a lot 
  of other sort of arrows on the top each of the arrows on the top 
  actually represents either a POC that we did or a pilot that we 
  did and the right-hand most one is the one that we actually when 
  we launched which is later fully nationally launch which is later 
  this year we've already done one launch and I'll show you what 
  was in the first ones versus.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  as what was in the second launch and why we 
  have to.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  but what I wanted to show you.
Jacques_von_Benecke: The top blue line that you see in the swim 
  Lane is the technical line is the line that everybody is 
  accustomed to you hey you have to build some technology for this 
  to work all of the lot some lines below are non-technical so they 
  Communications their education they helped it how to make sure 
  that we include everybody whether the educated with it they have 
  access to the internet with that they have access to Smartphones 
  at to make sure that we don't harm anybody but we include 
  everybody in the same way.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  so you know and we spend a lot of.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Communicating we have about two hundred and 
  Twenty-One or twenty-two stakeholders those up a little bit and 
  down a little bit every now and again and we communicate with 
  them every single month of this project and sometimes more than 
  once a month and we're either meet them face-to-face or we send 
  them an email update or we sent them a newsletter something to 
  that effect just to tell them what we've achieved what we doing 
  in the next month or two invite them to see actually what a new 
  pc looks like and we do rotate the people that we have invite and 
  we try and have.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  have a POC every month but not look we are 
  not a gap more than two months between.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Boc that we.
Jacques_von_Benecke: You can show themselves so if it's okay with 
  you I'd like to show you a couple of very short videos the first 
  one is two minutes long it actually just shows you how we do the 
  onboarding into the app into the digital wallet using the 
  Biometrics and the data from the government and then the next one 
  is just some of the verifiable credentials that we issue how do 
  we do single sign-on with it and then the last one is a 
  decentralized shut up one of the requirements that they've asked 
  us is that we should have.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  thing that is in identity platform which we 
  then interpret as a digital wallet that.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Troll so we expanded that a little bit they 
  wanted something that can sign contracts digitally so we have a 
  digital signature app or technical digital signature capability 
  as part of the app and then we have a decentralized shut up 
  because they want something that the government can trust and 
  they don't trust what's up in which atoms and those sort of 
  platforms and then the fourth thing that they wanted is they 
  wanted to be able to do digital payments so we haven't we have a 
  working version of the digital wallet for payments but we.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  an integrated with this version of the 
  wallet that we showing you today.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  so the onboarding one is.
<ted_thibodeau> Link to this deck?
Jacques_von_Benecke: You can probably not see it because I think 
  it's still sharing a bit still sharing my one screen right.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Let me just quickly switch.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Do a whole screen because then I can switch 
  between them.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Can you still see them.
Harrison_Tang: Yes we can.
Harrison_Tang: Yes no sound though right.
Jacques_von_Benecke: And it's actually just music playing in the 
  background the videos.
<phil_t3> Bandwidth doesn't really work with video and a voice 
Jacques_von_Benecke: If you it basically always used to you and.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Let me confirm that.
Harrison_Tang: Jock sorry we can't really hear you and watch the 
  video at the same time so maybe we can play the video first and 
  then you can comment on it.
Mike Prorock: +1
Ted Thibodeau:  I'm Breaking All the Rules if you could put a 
  link to this deck someplace that'd be great.
<mprorock> thanks Ted
<harrison_tang> I'll ask Jac to share it after the meeting.  It's 
  a bit hard to multi-task at the same time :)
Ted Thibodeau: :+1:
Jacques_von_Benecke: Hopefully you can hear me again and I'll 
  post a link to the deck that has the links to the videos in and 
  make sure that they publicly available I think we've published 
  them on our YouTube channel so I'll make sure that I'll share the 
  links with you so what you saw in the video was a person typing 
  in a bunch of information which we use to retrieve your record 
  from the government DC Arc is our government that looks after.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  a birth and.
Jacques_von_Benecke: And citizenship and stuff like that and then 
  if we do retrieve a record a single record from the database 
  meaning there's enough data in there that is uniquely identifying 
  you we then go through the facial-recognition part so everybody 
  in Bhutan has had their fingerprints taken their facial pictures 
  taken some have written her scans some have Palm vein scans and 
  some have finger vein Scouts because we tried a lot of different 
  types of Biometrics to see how they work what the performance is 
  like and things like that and then once.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  the person's face was recognized as a life- 
Jacques_von_Benecke: We went into the sort of home screen of the 
  app and the in then you saw messages appear at the bottom that 
  said we created a relationship with DC Arc so that's a 
  peer-to-peer a unique relationship with DC Arc between that 
  wallet and DC Arc and then it took that data and the Biometrics 
  and created a foundational identity which was that VC that you 
  saw the in that was issued called the foundational identity and 
  then all the rest of it was just showing how you could favorite 
  so it turns up as the in the favorite spot in your app and.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  like that so that was all that one was 
Jacques_von_Benecke: Next one is just using the same wallet 
  scanning a QR code and then it telling you that hey you work for 
  DHI which is the same company I happen to work with other so it's 
  just a way for us to show people how we can prove that you work 
  and why that's important this one's about a minute long.
<ted_thibodeau> That seems gov sovereign, not self?
Jacques_von_Benecke: So what you saw in that video is just an 
  example of how we created the employee verifiable credential and 
  then because we have that uh no in a wallet we could then use 
  that to sign into one some of the DHI system so we happen to sign 
  into the E recruitment system to see whether they are more but so 
  what we'll do is in the next one that we show you where we do the 
  the lock on there is actually two bars so the first time the 
  first part of the video that will see as way somebody for the.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  first-time users the single sign-on so they 
  kind of register in the background.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Difference in the in use case or the flow 
  when they actually do the single sign on the second time onwards.
Jacques_von_Benecke: So the last one so what you basically so 
  there's somebody registering and then the second time just 
  logging in so to ask you for a pin and then it it automatically 
  signed you in so the last one is just the chat up and this one is 
  just to show you that it's a it works well instead of what's up.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Not a very exciting demo for that part but 
  it works really well and so the part that you didn't see this 
  that they can obviously do group messages and they can also the 
  part that you didn't see is that you have to have a relationship 
  with that person before you can actually invite them to a chat so 
  there isn't a you don't have the functionality to search for user 
  for them to be able to for them to for you too.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  to jump.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Into the chat but will show that on so 
  that's the journey up to now where we are and we did have a 
  launch in February so the functionality that I showed you in the 
  different things with some of the the use cases that was 
  available and we deliberately made his majesty the Crown Prince 
  the first digital citizen of Bhutan it was on request of his 
  father the king and on the 21st of February was a very special 
  occasion because it was his father's birthday.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  and it.
Jacques_von_Benecke: A very auspicious day for the Buddhist 
  religion religion so those things plus it was the princess 
  seventh birthday a week earlier all those things came together 
  and they really wanted to you know for us to launch the identity 
  on the that day so the first thing the media asked as well so 
  what you know what is the what is the prince going to do with it 
  and the key part there is the actual chat up so between the Royal 
Jacques_von_Benecke:  they use that shut up.
Jacques_von_Benecke: To use that app and so they feel quite a lot 
  more safe using that chat up because there were some of the Royal 
  Family's what subjects that were broken into or stolen A couple 
  of years ago and because this is a decentralized app and it's a 
  peer-to-peer relationship type app it's very hard for people to 
  actually break into that that conversations that they have on 
  that app so that's why it was important for his majesty to launch 
  it on a day and the next launch.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  why isn't Jason.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Calendar date we created a set of use cases 
  that we believe will help us with adoption and we will launch the 
  moment that we reach all of those use cases and so the general 
  time frame is the end of Q2 so around the end of June but it's 
  not a fixed in it's not a fixed date in the calendar so that's 
  kind of where we are today.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Let's have a quick look at so what were the 
  key challenges to implementing and getting to where we are the 
  first one was just knowledge it was so hard to get people with 
  SSI type experience and understanding not just the technology 
  because the technology part is that really is not that hard to 
  get bright it's making sure that we you know don't harm people by 
  the way that we do things that we don't as technologists take 
  shortcuts to.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  Mint and get something to work and we break 
  the SSI principles there's not.
Jacques_von_Benecke: You have them.
Jacques_von_Benecke: But it's very easy to make a technical 
  decision to make the system work easier which would compromise 
  the principles and because security and privacy is so important 
  the other principles with it the SSI principles are very 
  important to us as well so we always trade-off technology against 
  the principles and the principles always win so whenever we have 
  an architecture log and there's a lot of trade-offs that will 
  really had to do where we override a technical.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  decision based on because we potentially 
  might break one of the SSI.
Jacques_von_Benecke: But yeah just getting people with that right 
  level of experience because it's such a new technology and stuff 
  was really really hard so we spend a lot of time training people 
  on the philosophy of SSI and how to then Implement that in code 
  so we don't break the principles the next one is regulation we do 
  have quite a bit of very old regulation in Bhutan one which is 
  very common in other countries which says you know personal 
  identifiable information.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  it is not allowed to.
Jacques_von_Benecke: The borders of Bhutan and we deliberately 
  made the decision to have an edge wallet so you can carry it on 
  your phone and therefore it's always with you and you know some 
  of the some of the things we're going to put in the issue 
  educational credentials and also a digital passport so in talking 
  to each of our one-hop Airline Partners or people who live around 
  us so India Singapore Nepal Bangladesh about potential in the 
  next four to five years instead of using the traditional.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  passport that we have tried to use an SSI 
Jacques_von_Benecke: And so those are interesting conversations 
  that are taking place at the moment but to overcome the the 
  regulation that we have which we call it mud 2018 we wrote Our 
  Own act and hence Drummond stepping into the fault and drop it 
  actually helped us write most of the bull volume wil working 
  hours and a big chunk of the governance framework which sits 
  behind the ACT I should currently it's a bill because we waiting 
Jacques_von_Benecke:  for Parliament to enact it and we're hoping 
<drummond_reed> It's my side job, writing goverment acts ;-)
Jacques_von_Benecke: This in this May June sitting the reason it 
  wasn't done last year November is for some reason we forgot to 
  understand that it has to be translated into dongle which is the 
  local official language for government and police otherwise it 
  cannot become go from a bill to an act and so the second problem 
  that we had was there wasn't enough technical words and phrases 
  to translate the ACT into danke.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  lie without losing.
<harrison_tang> that's a cool side job @drummond
Jacques_von_Benecke: The information so we had to actually go 
  back to the language professors and people and say hey and 
  explain to them some of the words and the intricacies of the 
  Technologies and stuff that we want to put in the act so that 
  they could create words and phrases that we could translate to 
  into danke and not lose the intent of what we are putting in the 
  act and it took us we've been working on that now for the best 
  part of 13 months 12 to 13 months.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  and we're at the stage where we hopefully 
  you know getting ready for them.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Act the next one was just Communications and 
  it's it's really really hard to actually take a lot of people on 
  a journey with you and so we do have a constitutional monarchy 
  which means his majesty the king is still the head of the 
  government but at the ministerial level and going down the 
  ministerial path so the secretaries and the directors.
Jacques_von_Benecke: His majesty and they will.
Jacques_von_Benecke: I am be as polite as they can but they don't 
  always do exactly what he says in the time frame that he wants so 
  we made a conscious decision to spend a lot of time and effort on 
  Communications and to take these people on a journey with us and 
  it did actually go quite slow and stuff up until the launch with 
  his majesty Kelsey the prince because at that point we gave all 
  of the ministers dramas book and we also made ramen sign the book 
  so that it's you know.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  unique to each one of the ministers which 
  they you know really really.
Jacques_von_Benecke: And now every time we meet them the book is 
  in display so we can all see that the book is there and I'll show 
  you the communications back so we now also have a Communications 
  back that all of the ministers including the prime minister to 
  carry with them and when they have conversations across the world 
  that actually talked about in the eye and they actually talk to 
  people using the tech we've given them and they reference 
  Drummond's book and they talk you know comprehensively and well 
  about SSI which I think after a year talking to them almost 
<drummond_reed> We never anticipated using the book for educating 
  government ministers ;-)
Jacques_von_Benecke:  month was a.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Was it big.
<harrison_tang> @drummond  Sounds like you are a celebrity in 
  Bhutan now  :D
<drummond_reed> I would LOVE to go!!
<sandy_aggarwal> Roger that!
Jacques_von_Benecke: But do not underestimate the amount of time 
  and effort it takes to communicate and take the government with 
  us on that Journey even with the sort of top down push from his 
  majesty the next one is trust there is a huge digital 
  transformation happening in Bhutan at both public and private 
  sectors and there is a lot of distrust at the moment for anybody 
  that is foreign.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  Ali if you see.
Jacques_von_Benecke: For Ian and even I'm cluster Singaporean 
  although I'm Australian because I lived in Singapore just before 
  I moved here and the reason for that is they see all this this 
  really fast change happening to a digital economy and they don't 
  necessarily always trust it so we do spend quite a bit of time in 
  no inviting people to discussion forums we have hackathons where 
  we deliberately say that you have to come up with Solutions using 
  the end.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  g.i. we had a whole day.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Workshops for all of the it companies in 
  Baton way that we invited them and we fed them for a whole day 
  and gave them drinks and and then showed them and taught them how 
  to actually do single sign-on with ndi so we have a lot of these 
  in events to try and make sure that there is a higher level of 
  trust that that starting to create and people trust not only the 
  technology but the people who work in the technology and so we do 
  in Bhutan try to face most of the media and.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  so sort of those sort of people with a lot 
  more Brittany's on the panels and a lot more Brittany.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Faces in the.
Jacques_von_Benecke: So they don't see mine too much and then I 
  tend to do most of the international conversations.
Jacques_von_Benecke: I'm and then the last one is just gifted and 
  talented people we really struggle to get good technical people 
  there are a lot of good technical people around but be done at 
  the moment is going through a brain drain we are losing roughly 
  just over 1,000 people per month leaving boot on the technical 
  really well qualified people going to Australia's I'm going to 
  Canada's I'm going to Kuwait and so keeping talented people.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  is very high.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Because the moment we also started talking 
  about our capability in your team a lot of the people in my teams 
  have had offers from people trying to poach them which isn't 
  great but we were expecting that so we did spend a lot of time on 
  Talent acquisition and retention and that sort of stuff but it's 
  really hard to get talented people who are not just pure 
  technologist but who also understand the principles of SSI and 
  inherently want to do the right.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  right thing.
Jacques_von_Benecke: That's very hard to get those three things 
  in one person because it's really important that they want to do 
  the right thing understand the principles and then coded it's 
  almost like the technical part is the last part that we look at 
  and so it's really difficult so a little bit more about our 
  journey with the government some of you might have seen that 
  picture in Forbes a couple of weeks ago that is the.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  so we called.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Them that's the Bhutan flag with the dragon 
  and he normally just holds coins but those happen to be Bitcoins 
  so there was a lot of stuff in the in the paper recently about us 
  mining Bitcoin and having mine Bitcoin for some time there's a 
  lot of people that feel it's not right that our government can do 
  these sort of projects including the national digital identity 
  which is for that for the people of Bhutan quite foreign and.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  them not talking to the people about it so 
  there are.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Generally two Transformations that happen 
  some Transformations and Technology projects that we can openly 
  discuss and talk about and the government shares it with the 
  people because they feel that they would understand why we are 
  doing it and it's not that hard to explain the benefit of it just 
  like Bitcoin mining ndi is quite difficult for people to 
  understand until you show them the real benefit it's one thing to 
  say to a farmer that's living in Gallup ooh hey.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  you know what.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Not going to take you two days to come to a 
  government offers to pay two dollars of license fee and then 
  another two days for you to travel back to your house you can now 
  do it in your your bedroom they understand the word but they 
  don't really understand the concept and they don't really believe 
  it because about three years ago there was a project where they 
  did actually do a lot of eServices but what happened somewhere in 
  between there was a mismatch and the eServices some eServices 
  still require you to take paperwork too.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  her physical offers so they didn't really 
  see the benefit and so they.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Mistrust that a little bit and so that's a 
  mistress that's in the people also said at the very high level at 
  the secretary of the government level at the different 
  departments and The Minister's so we spend a lot of time like I 
  said before taking them on that journey and making sure that they 
  really understand but you know what's that second level of 
  benefit yes I can have an ID yes I can have a credential that I 
  work in a place I can single sign-on so I don't have to remember 
  user ID password but you know it's not really that big a benefit 
Jacques_von_Benecke:  one of the examples that we are showing the 
  government now is the Deep integration that we doing with some of 
  the the banking system so the.
Jacques_von_Benecke: That we owned which is.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Old Bank of Bhutan we are doing a bank 
  opening part in the app which the wallet will soluble you know 
  put all your data into the forms and will take about five seconds 
  to open a bank account now there's about 20 pages of paper you 
  have to fill in these two stamps you have to put on there's a lot 
  of fingerprints inside me that happens so it takes about a month 
  to open a bank account and so that's the real sort of benefit 
  that we want to show them and then we want to take some of the 
  e-government services and redo the flow so that they can really 
  see the wallet working in those services.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  so every bhutanese as an example have to do 
  a audit clearance and a security clearance every single year to 
  maintain their job.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Those are some of the.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Services which we are integrating now as 
  part of this adoption roll out the be talking about so that way 
  we know that everybody will use the platform really is and they 
  will see and feel the benefit with especially the security 
  clearance because they wouldn't have to take all the documents 
  get it signed photocopied and stamped and print it and all that 
  sort of stuff the next one is actually the Royal government of 
  Bhutan which is the the icon you see there we did spend a lot of 
  time with them convincing them that we should actually.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  actually write an act and I have the ACT 
  open here so I can show you.
Jacques_von_Benecke: And it's not a huge act because we did try 
  to actually learn specifically a lot of things from Canada we're 
  very close to Tom bouma and John Jordan from Canada and we learn 
  a lot from them around how they set up their standards and so we 
  kind of learning from that around interoperability and not making 
  the act too technical I'm and rather moving as much of those 
  technical things to the.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  the governance framework as we can.
<drummond_reed> The National Digital Identity Act is designed to 
  empower the NDI Governance Framework. The latter is based on the 
  ToIP governance metamodel.
Jacques_von_Benecke: The ACT does talk a lot about the 
  specifically things about governance interoperability policies 
  the decentralized brachii is the digital credentials wallet 
  digital agents all these sort of things and again we've shared 
  this act with many people so you know if you want a copy of the 
  ACT you're more than welcome and we'll share it after the 
Jacques_von_Benecke:  the next.
<drummond_reed> More info here: 
Jacques_von_Benecke: Big my which is the regulator in Bhutan the 
  regulated almost as much b as the government or the laws do as an 
  example I'll give an example we had a bank outage because of an 
  internet problem for about 3 days some people couldn't pay for 
  the groceries and stuff and they find the bank almost a million 
  dollars so and they're very quick to do that so they like to 
  really scrutinize what you're doing and because what.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  are doing with the national digital 
  identity by putting your.
<kaliya_identitywoman> I'm curious if you have shared the 
  bill/act with UNCETRAL - https://uncitral.un.org/en/mlit
Jacques_von_Benecke: On your phone which you could take outside 
  of the physical borders of Bhutan they are really sort of kind of 
  waiting and saying hey don't make this wallet and things work 
  with people leaving before you have the ACT fully signed and 
  enacted by the government so they are getting a little bit more 
  friendly but we have been working with them for months and months 
  and months and months so we getting there.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  and the last one is just.
<drummond_reed> Great question. Ask Jacques if there is time at 
  the end.
Jacques_von_Benecke: And communication so I wanted to show you 
  what the deck looks like so this is the the deck that The 
  Minister's use including the prime minister so you can see the 
  icons at the bottom is Guff Tech Bhutan which is the government 
  technology agency and then DHI is us and then the icons that you 
  see obviously is a national digital identity I'm just going to 
  flick very quickly three years six slides it's very it's just so 
  you can get a high-level view of what we're doing so talks a 
  little bit about the.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  background that talks about some of the 
  security stuff some of the.
Jacques_von_Benecke: And then the verifiable credentials and 
  where it's stored digital identity and proves and that sort of 
  stuff then we talked a lot about the philosophy and this is 
  probably something that we spend a lot of time for people to 
  understand how this is different to what they used to wear DC Arc 
  has a big database with everybody's data in linked to their 
  parents and grandparents and way they live and their phone 
  numbers and and how that's all going to change let me talk a 
  little bit about the the technology is about that.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  some cryptography and Trust route 
  management and that sort of stuff the.
Jacques_von_Benecke: In here we in the ACT actually put a part in 
  that says if you are an organization that wants to be part of 
  this ecosystem you have to have a current legal entity identifier 
  so that's that's the equivalent of a national digital identity 
  but for companies and we make sure that both of those are in 
  place so that we can use verifiable credentials for companies as 
  well so talks a little bit about the technology then we talked 
  specifically about the benefits for individuals.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  visuals and organizations how that's going 
  to make their lives better.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Talk a little bit about where we are in the 
  different parts of the project and that's basically it so beyond 
  this point there is nothing much that we want to share that we 
  think is really important so we felt that if we leave something 
  behind then it'd be much easier for people to remember so we 
  created a foldable brochure if you like and the left-hand side is 
  what you see on the back end and it talks just a little.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  it what are the type of services that you 
  get with a platform like.
Jacques_von_Benecke: In the middle column is an example of the 
  ndi and actions that talks a little bit about a person that wants 
  to have a job and wants to open a bank account and how that would 
  work and then on the right hand side we talked a lot about the 
  different benefits that you could see from both organizational 
  and custom and so even the Prime Minister carries about 20 of 
  these with him wherever he goes and he loves to hand them out so 
  and some of the ministers are in Japan at the moment and they are 
  doing the same thing cut.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  being during this sort of stuff and handing 
  it out and I think it's because we spent.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Some amount of time.
Jacques_von_Benecke: With them talking about it that they're 
  willing to do it.
<phil_t3> Interested in further comments on their backup and 
  recovery service...
Jacques_von_Benecke: So what can be done to simplify 
  implementation and these these topics might be a little bit 
  controversial so the first one is open source I do understand and 
  it's a project we do understand that people want to make money 
  out of this but we feel that yes although we everybody has to 
  make money out of it it shouldn't be something that becomes so 
  expensive that you know it's just the apples and.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  the Googles and stuff.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Field because then we're going to miss the 
  boat completely because there will be so many people that are 
  left out that can't afford an Apple phone or a big Android phone 
  and stuff like that and so putting as much of this stuff in open 
  source as we can so it becomes available to people we feel is 
  really important standard welcome to w3c we love standards and we 
  try and use as many of the standards as we can.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Very hard for us as technologists to 
  understand which one's work best together so Kelly has on the 
  call and we've asked Leah and Kelly has organization to help us 
  with that to just make some more sense out of all of the 
  standards because it's not the greatest thing in the world for us 
  to understand all those things so could we have you know 
  somewhere something that says hey if you put these five together 
  they were great but if you add this one in then maybe that one 
  doesn't work too well with it.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  so you know.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Bandits landscape a bit simpler then 
  regulations and laws and every country has regulations about 
  their their data and most of those regulations specifically talk 
  about sensitive information or identifiable information which is 
  the core of our identity and SSI platform so you know we are 
  sharing our act and we are going to share our governance 
  framework as widely as we can so that people can adopt and reuse 
  and cut and paste as much as.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  as they like because we feel that you know 
  people should learn from.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Having gone through that that path the next 
  one is education there's not really enough information about how 
  do I train or create a great SSI based technologist what do they 
  need to know what are the Technologies they need to understand 
  how do they need to make decisions about what is the right 
  framework for the right application at the right time how do we 
  get them to understand that these things will probably change 
  every year and we.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  probably going to rewrite.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Quite a bit.
Jacques_von_Benecke: What we have every year and because 
  technologist you know every bit of code we write we tend to make 
  our baby so we want to hold on to it too much and then back to 
  Communications I think forums like this tonight is fantastic I 
  think we should you know let people who have these projects and 
  work on these projects share and share you know these are scars 
  this is what we battled with for us the technology was never the 
  hard thing for us the communications was the regulation was.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  so understanding.
Jacques_von_Benecke: To adopt first how to get from having 
  nothing in place to having something that we can iterate on in 
  place and making sure that we talked about that we talked to 
  people I mean we've probably talked to ears of people like 
  Drummond and Andy from passed around you know because they work 
  with other people in the world so what do they do we've talked to 
  a lot of people like Daryl and Carol O'Connell and people like 
  that who have their own platforms and it's important we because 
  we feel that everybody should have an identity and.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  it shouldn't be something that is 
  prohibited due to cost we think it's really important that.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Talk to these things so that's me and thank 
  you so much for giving me this opportunity to talk and show you 
  things please ask me questions or anything.
Harrison_Tang: Cool their whereabouts to to find three to five 
  minutes before Jack Cassidy jump so please do cubed plus if you 
  have any questions so 10 I think your first in the queue.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Yeah I think 
  so I'll ask both of my questions and once because we have limited 
  time first one is how is this self-solving identity as opposed to 
  Bhutan velvet matte identity since you verify everything with 
  with 10 Biometrics and I'm not figure printed in but pretends 
  record so I don't think I can get this and it doesn't seem that 
  anybody in Bhutan can get it without already being fingerprinted 
  so that's that's been.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com):  one thing 
  too is a question of.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): User personas 
  not about fraud per se but imagine that I'm a member of two clubs 
  and I don't want either one to know that I'm a member of the 
  other so I want to have essentially two identities how does the 
  system handle that that's it.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Sure so on the first one we deliberately 
  built it in such a way that everybody that comes in Baton will 
  have a national digital identity so I have one we instead of 
  going to DC Arc we go to DIY Department of Immigration and you 
  can remotely you can remotely actually when you apply for a Visa 
  to come to Baton you basically take a picture of the picture part 
  of your passport and we read the QR code or the mrz.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  oh that's at the bottom and we take the 
  picture of that.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Then we do.
Jacques_von_Benecke: Lockness testing and stuff like that and 
  then once you're in the country you can go through a more formal 
  process where they will verify your details but you can actually 
  get a national digital identity remotely in that sense but you 
  would have to use a government-approved current photo identity 
  like either a recognized driver's license or a passport 
  preferably a passport but yeah.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Right so 
  again that's that's not self Sovereign that's Bhutan or whatever 
  other government Sovereign that I don't see the stealth 
  sovereignty here.
<drummond_reed> It's a sovereign issuing a credential to an SSI 
Jacques_von_Benecke: Yes so we deliberately after we issued the 
  foundational identity there is a separation so the government 
  doesn't understand what my identity is post that point so they 
  not they the agent which issues the foundational identities using 
  that data to verify that I am who I say I am based on the 
  government data and then issues that identity so that it can be 
  trusted across borders but from that point on even the company 
  that's going to run this is called.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  the national digital.
<brent> self sovereign means that once the credentials are 
  issued, they can be used independently without the government 
  being involved or knowing about it. This system allows for that.
<kaliya_identitywoman> Some how there is a miss-match between a 
  collection of assertions from entities that exist in the world 
  and do so now.  Something different then people just creating 
  persona's out of no-where with almost no anchor into anything.
<kaliya_identitywoman> Bhutan's system doesn't phone home
Jacques_von_Benecke: Bunny it's set up and there are Provisions 
  in the ACT is separated from the government and make sure that 
  there is no linkage is back to the government so from that point 
  on it does become self Sovereign and your wallet is always off 
  Sovereign because there's no link back to the government but we 
  deliberately wanted it to start with something that can be 
  trusted so that's why it's it's issued so it's not 100% pure SSI 
  but it's as close as what our neighbors would allow us and trust 
  us with.
<drummond_reed> Correct.
Jacques_von_Benecke:  does that make sense.
<kaliya_identitywoman> pure SSI doesn't do much for real 
  businesses or real governments.
<kaliya_identitywoman> It is
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): I mean it 
  makes some sense but it is not as SI at all because the base 
  point the primary identity is government based and Bam it's gone.
<drummond_reed> I disagree, Tall Ted
Jacques_von_Benecke: The problem is trust right so your second 
  your second question is.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Sure it's a 
  do you trust me to be myself own Sovereign apparently not I mean 
  that's fine just brand it properly.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): It's not SSI 
  and and I'll stand by.
<drummond_reed> I *strongly* disagree with Tall Ted.
Harrison_Tang: Sorry yeah in that in the interest of time we have 
  another question cochlea you mind taking it for Korea.
<phil_t3> TT is not going to get off his high horse.
Kaliya Young:  I I didn't mean to q+ but I did ask a question 
  earlier up in the thread while Jack was talking so us that which 
  is Have you shared your bill act with the uncitral folks working 
  on sort of model legislation at the UN will about digital 
Jacques_von_Benecke: No but we would be happy to.
Jacques_von_Benecke: If you could.
Kaliya Young:  I've had a little they're up to that so and I can 
  make an introduction.
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> Correct, I 
  will not dismount from this horse. Accuracy in labeling is 
  important. I daresay, vital.
Harrison_Tang: Right jock I think you gotta go but we can have 
  Ted or Drummond actually close the discussion but I think you 
  have a 10:00 right so but I just want to say thank you thank you 
  Jack for taking the time to actually present here and share your 
  experiences with us so thank you.
Jacques_von_Benecke: My pleasure and thank you so much I'm and if 
  anybody have questions you're more than welcome to send them to 
  me on email or something.
Harrison_Tang: Okay and then I will ping you about sharing the 
  deck of the link to the decorator all right thank you thanks John 
  all right Ted you have the floor uh-huh.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Well I mean 
  I'm not going to get an answer to my second question which was 
  the multiple identities.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): And as for 
  people reacting to my high horse you're right I am very tall and 
  I will stay on the horse and be even taller because accuracy and 
  label each is important and if we're going to talk about self 
  Sovereign identity then we should be talking about self Sovereign 
Harrison_Tang: Thank you thank you.
Kaliya Young:  Do you want well well never got adoption tired 
<phil_t3> That was said with affection Ted - I like horses, too.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): I'm not 
  arguing that I'm not arguing that at all you know but adoption is 
  a different question and something that's brand that has so many 
  of you people on this call are purists 99% of the time and now 
  suddenly no it's okay this thing is branding is self Sovereign 
  within our presentation.
<rgrant> lol, see you shouters later.
TallTed_//_Ted_Thibodeau_(he/him)_(OpenLinkSw.com): Is going to 
  continue to be called self Sovereign it's not.
Kaliya Young:  Not a phone home art fair Ted.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you thank you Ted so actually we only have 
  two minutes so I would love to have drum and actually take the 4 
  and then kind of clothes the clothes to look for us coming.
Drummond Reed:  Yeah I just wanted to clarify that at least Ted 
  in the book that I was a co-author along with 54 other people on 
  the topic we do not Define self Sovereign identity as something 
  where you are the sole issuer of all the credentials you can get 
  a credential and a self Sovereign identity wallet from any issuer 
  and share it with any verifier that.
Drummond Reed:   That is the definition we're using.
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> Not saying 
  it's phone-home. Saying that the base "sovereign" is Bhutan govt, 
  not the person.
Drummond Reed:  Yourself Sovereign over your wallet and the 
  credentials in your wallet but if we insisted that the individual 
  was the only root of trust as Kalia said I don't think we get 
  anywhere and so that's that's not the definition any of the rest 
  of us have been using and again I'll refer you to the book and 
  many other places that you might find that I'm happy to answer 
  any of the questions I'm you know Jacques it's a really amazing 
  Story the ndi act by the way I saw a question.
Drummond Reed:   Russians about when's it actually going to be 
  published as I understand it it is.
Drummond Reed:  Right now and I believe this session ends around 
  the end of the month and I'm pretty sure it will be finalized and 
  therefore publicly published after that.
<phil_t3> Well done Drummond!
Harrison_Tang: Thank you Jonathan thank you so yeah great 
  discussions and all that stuff actually drama Nigel also want to 
  thank you as well for taking the time to be here and then make 
  these clarifications I know you're already a kind of a celebrity 
  and well-known figure in the community I didn't know you're 
  actually also celebrity baton with us it's your books I didn't 
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> This just 
  moves authority from current certificate authorities to Bhutan 
Drummond Reed:  Well I hope to get to go sometime and I hope they 
  have the impact that were you know Jacques all hats off to 
  Jacques and his team and and the foresight they had to build this 
  there so I hope it I hope it spreads and thanks for doing this I 
  you know ccg and your work has been a lot of what's contributed 
  to you know making SSI.
Drummond Reed:  It's like this so let's keep going.
Harrison_Tang: So thank you thank you Jonathan all right so this 
  conch all right this concludes this week's ctg meeting will 
  publish the meeting minutes in a day or two and then do you have 
  any questions or further questions feel free to leverage the 
  email list all right thank you have a good one bye.

Received on Wednesday, 3 May 2023 04:27:55 UTC