Re: Proposal: New DIF Working Group: InterCredential

Michael et. al,

Is this a little more applied to a particular outcome than the DIF Interop

-Brent Shambaugh

Skype: brent.shambaugh

On Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 2:17 PM Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) <> wrote:

> A gentle reminder to provide your feedback related to the New DIF Working
> Group charter: InterCredential.
> Please see below.
> Your input is requested by the 15th.
> Michael
> *From:* Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 2, 2023 8:14 AM
> *To:* public-credentials ( <
> *Subject:* Proposal: New DIF Working Group: InterCredential
> The DIF steering committees have requested broad feedback related to the
> potential formation of a new DIF Working Group called InterCredential:
> - The InterCredential specifications represent a layered, interoperable,
> unified credential architecture reference model for the Internet.
> - The InterCredential-ARM is a unified, layered specification for
> designing and implementing interoperable credentials for both verifiable as
> well as unverifiable data for use in centralized and decentralized systems.
> - The Working Group focus is: credential creation and interoperability
> based on a layered credential architecture reference model.
> The DIF steering committees have asked the founding members to:
> Undertake discussions with WG Chairs of existing groups and associate
> organizations where specifications have or are being developed to confirm
> if this is within their WG scope (ie. would constitute a work item under
> that banner) or is clearly defined as a unique charter. The following WG's
> identified are:
> - Claims and Credentials at DIF,
> - DIDComm at DIF,
> - ToIP Architecture Task Force, and
> - W3C CCG (VC WG)
> there is a degree of alignment for elements of this
> [InterCredential] WG proposal in all of these areas.
> A copy of the InterCredential draft charter can be found here:
> Please provide your feedback over the next couple weeks - ideally before
> March 15, 2023.  Help us refine this draft charter and to make this WG a
> reality.
> Best regards,
> Michael Herman
> Web 7.0

Received on Friday, 10 March 2023 04:35:26 UTC