[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2023-06-20

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2023-06-20

  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords
  Harrison Tang, Mike Prorock, PL/T3-ASU, Hiroyuki Sano, Japan, 
  Greg Bernstein, Erica Connell, Nis Jespersen , Mike Xu, Stuart 
  Freeman, Bob Wyman, Joe Andrieu, Sharon Leu, Paul Dietrich GS1, 
  Brent Zundel, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), 
  Kimberly Linson, Leo, Andres Uribe, Kerri Lemoie, Jeff O - 
  HumanOS, Clare Nelson, George Lund, John Kuo, Andres (velocity), 
  Keith Kowal, Colin Reynolds, Ed Design Lab, David I. Lehn, Chandi 
  Cumaranatunge, BrentZ

<harrison_tang> Hi Andres, I don't think we can hear you still
<andres> ok
<harrison_tang> You might want to use Chrome
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: Okay so welcome to this week's at w3c shiji 
Harrison_Tang: So this week we're very excited to have Andres to 
  actually create that introduction to Velocity Network we actually 
  had quite a bit of discussion about velocity a few months back 
  and I were very very fortunate to figure out the time zone thing 
  with Andres and a half he presented a so before we get to that I 
  just want to go over the code of ethics and professional conduct 
  reminder just want to make sure that.
Harrison_Tang:  one respect and acknowledge each.
Harrison_Tang: Canyons quick IP note anyone can participate in 
  these calls however all substantive contributions to nect work 
  items must be members of the ccg with for IP our agreement sign 
  make sure you have the w3c account and sign the WTC Community 
  contributor license agreement if you have any questions or 
  encounter any troubles just like any of the cultures know.
Harrison_Tang:  these meetings are being.
Harrison_Tang: Coordinate and automatically transcribe we will 
  publish the transcription in the next day or two we used to teach 
  at so to Q speakers during the call so you can type in Cube plus 
  to add yourself to the Q where Q - to remove it in addition you 
  can do Q question mark to see who is in the queue.
Harrison_Tang: I just wanted to do introductions and introductory 
  work ring seduction so if you're new to the community or you 
  haven't been active and you are no re-engaging with the community 
  please feel free to unmute and introduce yourself.
Harrison_Tang: Right next just want to.
Harrison_Tang: Over the announcements and reminders anyone have 
  any announcements and reminders.
Harrison_Tang: All right so if you're curious about the oncoming 
  meeting agendas of the ccg feel free to just go to the w3c or 
  copy and paste the link below.
Harrison_Tang: The chat here.
Harrison_Tang: All right any updates to the work items.
Harrison_Tang: Cool pretty straightforward so that's get to the 
  manage Enda so as I mentioned earlier we're very very pleased and 
  honored to have 100 here to present velocity in that work so the 
  last thing that work integrates SSI Southside variety credentials 
  and blockchain Technology to develop what they call internet of 
  careers basically helping verifiers or companies verify to.
Harrison_Tang:  employment screenings and and.
Harrison_Tang: Making sure that you know the candidates 
  prospective candidate who they say they are were and or actually 
  HR applications as well but I'll let Andre kind of speak to that 
  in more depth so without further adieu Andre the floor is yours.
Nis Jespersen :  Thank you I'm trying to figure out how to share 
  my screen.
Harrison_Tang: So it's a third button on the bottom.
Harrison_Tang: All right sounds good no problem.
Harrison_Tang: Sorry for the technical difficulties difficulties 
PL/T3-ASU: Yes we're here.
Harrison_Tang: Not so far you're good.
<pl/t3-asu> Is the only charge to use Velocity at the point of 
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> uh oh... 
  transcriber is not transcribing Andres_(velocity). I hope the 
  recording is capturing, and maybe transcription can be run as a 
<harrison_tang> yeah, don't know why it's not transcribing.  both 
  the recorder and transcriber are on
<pl/t3-asu> Q re: credential wallets
PL/T3-ASU: Yes hi can you hear me I believe you said that you are 
  also providing a hosted Carlyle credential wallet on your 
  platform as well as the sdks for separate wallets is that 
PL/T3-ASU: So the question the question then is typically when 
  one is receiving a credential into one's wallet there is a best 
  practice that you validate the verify the credential that's being 
  sent to you if that is part of a platform are you paying for that 
  verification to receive it.
PL/T3-ASU: Oh yeah so you don't yet verify on receipt at this 
  point okay that's good clarification thank you.
Harrison_Tang: Yep I have a question United States like 
  employment screening is governed by fcra federal yeah Credit 
  Reporting Act Right so so how and it and that this area has 
  several requirements this is data accuracy requirements of 
  adverse action notices and things like that so how how do you get 
  compliant with fcra here.
Harrison_Tang: Got it thank you.
Harrison_Tang: And also I have a follow-up question in regards to 
  employment screening use case so let's just say like I'm not back 
  that actor I have a lot of criminal records for example right but 
  then in a in the SSI kind of Paradigm I don't have a lot of 
  incentives to show that to to share my criminal records or court 
  records with with my the potential employer right so so how do we 
  kind of get around that like how do.
Harrison_Tang:  we because yeah.
<sharon_leu> Curious how these protocols compare with the ones 
  commonly used in this community?
<pl/t3-asu> The use of DID:ION suggests you're using a sidetree 
  to batch transactions to the blockchain. Is that correct?
<pl/t3-asu> Got it. Thanks.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you Andres and Sharon Tate Andres later part 
  of the presentation answer your questions on protocols.
<sharon_leu> I think I'm good for now
Harrison_Tang: Great thank you any other questions.
Harrison_Tang: So I'm Dre just a quick question so to clarify 
  your earlier presentations or originally you were trying to 
  you're evaluating did Cam and then later moved to open ID for 
  sorry oh ID for VP and things like that is that is that correct 
  and if so like what's the reasoning behind it.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you thanks a lot.
<john_kuo> Great presentation
<pl/t3-asu> Thanks. Cheers!
Harrison_Tang: I think we're at time I just want to say thank you 
  again I'm James for taking the time to share your you know your 
  your knowledge on the velocity networking explaining such a 
  detailed has an amazing presentation so it's just want to say a 
  final thank you.
Harrison_Tang: Alright thanks a lot.
Harrison_Tang: Go watch this concludes today's meeting thanks a 

Received on Wednesday, 21 June 2023 03:23:37 UTC