IIW Early Bird ends August 4th

HI folks,

I just wanted to make sure folks knew that the early Bird Registration for
the Internet Identity Workshop ends August 4th.

 Here is a link to registration - https://iiw37.eventbrite.com/
 Here is a link to the main website https://internetidentityworkshop.com/

  We are keen to have all folks who want to attend and participate be able
to do so. If cost is an issue please reach out. Also we do have a limited
number of diversity scholarships that can be used to help cover flight and

Also worth noting that Heidi Nobantu Saul the main producer of IIW - had a
mis-hap and her old e-mail no longer works. Her new e-mail that does work
is heidi@heidinobantusaul.com.

 - Kaliya

Received on Tuesday, 25 July 2023 22:16:00 UTC