Confusion regarding Domain linkage

Hi everyone, 

We are from <> and our DID method did:hid is approved in w3c did registry. 

We are trying to figure out how can we link a DID with domain. Seems like did:web is used for that where in domain owner can generate did.json to keep their DID, and did-configuration.json to keep their self signed domain linkage credential  in their .well-known folder -  as per spec <>.  But what I am unable to understand is, how does merely keeping some files in .well-known folder will prove that you own that domain unless you do ACME challenges (like DNS 01 challenge) verification. Say if you add TXT record and verify that then how does this verification can be linked to domain linkage credential since domain linkage credential seems to be a self signed credential by nature (see 5.1 <>). It's quite confusing to me. Could someone please clarify this or share any documentation related to this use case? 

Vishwas, CTO @

Received on Thursday, 20 July 2023 06:45:02 UTC