[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2023-02-28

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2023-02-28

  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords
  Harrison Tang, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) 
  (OpenLinkSw.com), PL, Greg Bernstein, Paul Dietrich GS1, Jennie 
  Meier, Gregory Natran, Anil John, Nis Jespersen , BrentZ, TimG, 
  Sandy Aggarwal, Orie Steele, John Kuo, Wendy Seltzer, Mike 
  Prorock, Jeff O - HumanOS, David Waite, Dmitri Zagidulin, Manu 
  Sporny, Leo, Andrew Whitehead, stevelasker, Kerri Lemoie, 
  Matthieu Collé, Stuart Freeman, Juan Caballero, David I. Lehn, 
  Nikos Fotiou, Kayode Ezike, Bryan Luisana, Geun-Hyung Kim, Julien 

<orie> afk for a sec
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(openlinksw.com)> Another 
  weird jitsi-ism to note and track... I joined before the host, 
  and the "waiting for host" display persisted after the host 
  joined, with only "cancel" and "i am the host" buttons, which 
  forced me to drop from the meeting and then rejoin.
<anil_john_[us/dhs/svip]> The Weekly Meeting information page @ 
  is a bit out of date.
<orie> i am back
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Mike Prorock:  I see Steve home so perfect timing.
Harrison_Tang: Transcription is on because I'm not sure I don't 
  know why you didn't say the recording ends on.
Mike Prorock:  Manager can you teleport things actually running 
  or not.
<stevelasker_> Hi folks
Manu Sporny:  It's not they'll be a little red button once you 
  can try Harrison is to stop subtitle.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
<mprorock> /me once again emphasizes my frustration with jitsi
Mike Prorock: https://www.w3.org/Consortium/cepc/
Mike Prorock:  There we go I think we're officially kicked off 
  now so hello all and welcome to the main weekly ccg meeting the 
  today the topic is the supply chain Integrity transparency and 
  Trust group from ietf talking about what's going on there and 
  some overlaps are joined by three wonderful people at least from 
  that group will be talking to the work going on over there just a 
  quick reminder that this meeting has with all meetings at w3c.
Mike Prorock:   EC is run under.
Mike Prorock: 
Mike Prorock: https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/join
Mike Prorock:  Will conduct put a link to that in the chat the 
  agenda for today is in the link that I am pasting here from the 
  mailing list archive for the announcement just a quick note that 
  anyone can participate in these calls and the one kind of key 
  item is if you're planning on contributing to acct work item you 
  must be a member of the ccg with IP our agreement signs we don't 
  get ourselves into any intellectual property fun stuff later on.
Mike Prorock:   Down the road we do as noted in.
Mike Prorock:  Just take recordings and post them and those are 
  archived up on our GitHub the we do also manage the queue either 
  by I think the raise hand button is now Linked In all the way but 
  in the chat you can just type the letter Q followed by the plus 
  sign and it will add you to the queue or take you off.
Mike Prorock:   A lot of copy and paste.
<mprorock> In IRC type “q+” to add yourself to the queue, with an 
Mike Prorock:  Constructions there just in case you need them 
  because sometimes explaining something that's being typed versus 
  seeing it as a little bit different quick pause for introductions 
  any aside from our speakers anyone new to this call anyone that 
  hasn't been on this call and quite a while.
Mike Prorock:   I can always.
Mike Prorock:  Call on people like Wendy who haven't seen all in 
  a little while.
Wendy_Seltzer: Sure great to see if folks I'm Wendy Seltzer I 
  left the w3c name at the end of 20 22 and and now with two cows 
  looking into broader questions in the identity space so looking 
  forward to catching up on the work here.
Mike Prorock:  Awesome great to have you so any other intros new 
  to the group not new to the group.
Mike Prorock:  Changed roles Etc.
Mike Prorock:  Right with that I'm going to jump over to any 
  announcements and reminders and then I'll touch on the work item 
  a new as well after that but any broad Community announcements 
  Manu Europe.
Manu Sporny: https://msporny.github.io/vc-specs-directory/
Manu Sporny:  Yeah just two of them one of them is that there is 
  a new kind of proposal I think that's going to be circulated at 
  the verifiable credentials working group around the 
  specifications around the verifiable credentials ecosystem so 
  we're calling this the verifiable credential specifications 
  directory right now it's just a personal repo but it's going to 
  be kind of discussed as a thing we might.
Manu Sporny:   Adopt in the VC w g just giving this.
Manu Sporny:  Up that that works happening what we're trying to 
  do is be a bit more decentralized with how we run the Registries 
  one of the big issues with the decentralized identifier registry 
  is that one there a normos number of decentralized identifier 
  methods in there and then to the maintainers of that registry had 
  to repeatedly make judgment calls on whether or not to allow 
  something into.
Manu Sporny:   The registry and that.
Manu Sporny:  Kind of a gatekeeping exercise some people didn't 
  like the fact that the editors had so much say about what gets 
  into the registry or not in so this is kind of our second attempt 
  at making it a bit more quote-unquote fair to get into these 
  Registries basically if you are extending the verifiable 
  credential specification in any way we want to be able to kind of 
  point to your specification whether it's at in a w3c.
Manu Sporny:   In any group or differ.
Manu Sporny:  Or ITF or whatever you should be able to at least 
  list your specification there so that's the first item just be 
  aware that that conversations going on right now around how to 
  make process of registering specifications that extend the core 
  data model more fair and easy the second item do you want me to 
  go into as well it's the it's the test suite for verifiable 
  credentials 20 or like do you want to pick that up at.
Mike Prorock:  We'll Circle back to the test Suite just if 
  there's any other announcements that way we can get them up and 
  then come back to the proposed for cutting there any any other 
  community announcements here.
Mike Prorock: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/241
Mike Prorock:  All right well cool well then may proceed okay 
  still linked to the issue there so.
Manu Sporny:  Even great thanks and I'll just do a quick screen 
  share so the idea here is that the verifiable credentials version 
  20 specification is going to be going into candidate 
  recommendation probably sometime during the summer one of the 
  things we want to be sure that we have kind of lined up is a good 
  test suite for that.
Manu Sporny:   For we go into Canada track you don't have.
Manu Sporny:  A good idea to do that and so this proposed work 
  item is a test suite for the verifiable credentials 20 data model 
  right now it's partially complete we are looking for other 
  supporters from other organizations basically this is a you know 
  it's a we need it we need something that tests the the 
  specification and we're trying to learn from the version 11 data 
  model tests.
Manu Sporny:   It's to get.
Manu Sporny:  Something that has tests that are more repeatable 
  so that we can run tests on a regular basis like a weekly basis 
  against the the specification to make sure that we can write new 
  tests and understand how the ecosystem is going to do with that 
  new test before like publishing it and getting a whole bunch of 
  hate mail that implemented a test that you know breaks the 
  ecosystem and so and so forth so we're trying to do a better job 
  this time around with the more you know see I see.
Manu Sporny:   Debased test Suite I'll also.
<pl> Pleased to share that the paper on Composable Credentials 
  via LInkedClaims and
Manu Sporny:  That lets see it is based on the verifiable 
  credentials API that is being incubated in the ccg that might be 
  viewed as controversial by some so pay particular attention to 
  that we already have 13 implementers that have demonstrated 
  interop at a higher level through the jobs for the future 
  plugfest number two that happened last November and then again.
Manu Sporny:   We will have another one happening in May so.
Manu Sporny:  But tried-and-tested approach that resulted in 
  really good interrupt demonstrations a couple of months ago so 
  we're trying to apply that same those same learnings to the 
  verifiable credential 20 specification so the work item proposals 
  there we're looking for a couple of or other organizations to 
  support it and I think that's it.
Mike Prorock: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/241
Mike Prorock:  Excellent please add commentary to there to the 
  issue there and I'll repost the issue just in case you needed I 
  think there's obviously very strongly supportive of testing I 
  think it would be great to get some broader input from the VC 
  working group and from the chairs over there as well as well as I 
  think input from those of us who have worked on test Suites also 
  I know or he's already done some commentary there so with that.
Mike Prorock:   That I.
Mike Prorock:  Yes please Brent thank you sorry that's my bad.
BrentZ: My cat that is myself to the queue if that's okay no 
  worries my question.
BrentZ: How does this ccg work item differ from the work 
  described in the VC working group Charter to produce a test 
Manu Sporny:  It doesn't the the idea is incubated here check to 
  make sure that we've got the iron you know wrinkled the wrinkles 
  kind of ironed out and then the V CW G could decide that they 
  want to pull this test Suite in or point to it or that kind of 
  stuff so that that stuff is just kind of like we're going to have 
  to figure that out later on but the the the idea is that this.
Manu Sporny:   Could become the.
Manu Sporny:  EG test suite for the VC 20 data model.
Mike Prorock: +1 Brent
BrentZ: Thank you for explaining the reasoning behind bringing it 
  to the ccg as a work item I would encourage rather than doing 
  that bring it to the VC working group as a work item since that's 
  where it's intended to be anyway and that's where the 
  conversation really ought to be had and held.
Manu Sporny:  Okay we can do that.
Orie Steele: +1 Brent
Mike Prorock:  Yep and chair hat on and obviously this is my 
  personal coach are opinion Harrison and Kimberly could way 
  otherwise is if we already know that it's going to try to go 
  somewhere I think we should just take it right there so I'm very 
  much in favor of runs commentary.
<bumblefudge_> minor announcement: some RWoT papers got finalized 
  this week.  The one Martin Riedel, Egidio from Nym and I worked 
  on will hopefully follow in another week or two!
Mike Prorock:  Yeah I think.
Manu Sporny:  Plus one I can do that I guess we have a couple of 
  other work items that are I don't know if they're taking that 
  path like this I guess credential schema was already a part of 
  ccg I guess we just need clarification from the chairs in CC G 
  and B CW G what the intention what we should be doing now that 
  we're like getting really close to feature for he's going 
  directly to V CW G or incubating here first just.
Manu Sporny:   For a couple of months.
Manu Sporny:  Be cwg I was falling what I thought was you know 
  the process we had always been following.
Mike Prorock:  Yeah no worries there I think Brent you and 
  Christina and myself and Harrison and Kimberly can just do a 
  quick Circle up on the email and decide a good path forward there 
  yeah and maybe I can give you my quick read which is that if it's 
  already listed as a deliverable and was not incubated at ccg and 
  it's planning to go to the VC working group it should go straight 
  to the VC working group if it was already in ccg being incubated 
  then you know that's obviously a different case.
Mike Prorock:  Yep all right well with that let us move on to the 
  topic for the day and so I am going to hand the ball to the Steve 
  Hank or a combo along with anyone else they may choose to put on 
  the spot and let them talk about skid a bit I will be monitoring 
  the queue but I do want to get them to at least get a quick 
  overview out for the group before we start actually calling into 
  questions there so with that.
Mike Prorock:   Take it away SCITTlings.
Orie Steele:  Awesome thanks for using our acronym I will screen 
  share and I'll give a quick intro and then I think Hank will take 
Orie Steele:  Assuming I remember how to screen share in Gypsy.
Orie Steele:  Can everyone see my screen.
Orie Steele:  Excellent so I'm I'm always steal one of the 
  contributors to skit also involved in dids and BCS with me today 
  Steve Lasker who weave on weave omitted from the title slide I'm 
  sorry Steve we'll get that fixed for you anyone else when I give 
  quick introductions before we Dive In.
Stevelasker: I guess I'll just say hello but we've been making 
  great progress on skit and is just working across the various 
  groups it's been pretty impressive to see all of the homes that 
  are already in place they were trying to make sure we put in a 
Orie Steele:  Hank if you're introducing yourself you're muted.
Mike Prorock:  Start fraunhofer network connection.
Orie Steele:  That's probably it.
Orie Steele:  Apologies if you hear me coughing or wheezing 
  during this presentation and I was I'm screen sharing I have not 
  muted myself in fact let me go ahead and do that really quick 
Orie Steele:  Too far end.
Stevelasker: I thought I saw Hank in the list here.
Stevelasker: No he was driving back quickly so maybe he's he 
  might still be in the car getting settled.
Mike Prorock:  Yeah I just hit him on slack so worried I think 
  you and Steve might be on point so they take a knee.
Stevelasker: And I Channel my German accent.
Orie Steele:  Alright like I'm happy.
<bumblefudge_> Nein danke
Orie Steele:  I'm happy to drive until we get interrupted.
Orie Steele:  All right so we're going to introduce the skit 
  Community to the w3c ccg.
Orie Steele:  I'm seeing back-channel from Hank no I cannot hear 
Orie Steele:  All right let's proceed so.
Orie Steele:  Essentially there's been a number of cyber security 
  incidents that have raised the eyebrows of folks specifically 
  related to solve for supply chain incident so most recently the 
  executive order 14 028 on improving the nation's infrastructure 
  and there's been a lot of work that's happened as a result of 
  that executive order to try and increase the.
Orie Steele:   Ability and.
Orie Steele:  All these for organizations that consume software 
  or especially software that might have complicated open-source 
  sort of dependency graph to kind of keep an eye on what what what 
  dependency is go into your software how to how confident are you 
  in those dependencies and in the case of an instant you know how 
  can you trace through various pieces of software that could be 
  involved in that particular incident.
Orie Steele:   Yeah I think that's it.
Orie Steele:  Else you want to say on this slide ski.
Mike Prorock:  There is that wonderful familiar always.
Nis Jespersen :  Okay now I get why you don't see anyone yeah I 
  was using the Gypsy app that was an enormous tremendous 
  experience which typically works well but well not in this case 
  I'm sorry I heard nothing I was wondering when the science does.
Nis Jespersen :  I'm so sorry.
Orie Steele:  You have not missed anything we've just gone to 
  your slide and I said incidents happen and that's basically it 
  you're welcome to take over.
Nis Jespersen :  Okay I read it that said I'm so sorry for this 
  extra technology works right snafu so my name is Hank Hank 
  Buchholz located in Germany at fucking at The fraunhofer 
  Institute for secure information technology and sometimes 
  struggling this technology so yeah we are probably you had 
  already some things I'm some context I'm working and started 
  position one of my hats.
Nis Jespersen :   Is standardization the ietf and TCG.
<mprorock> ha, steve should be on that slide, why am i on there 
<stevelasker> amend the ledger...
Nis Jespersen :  And I'm very familiar with the work of the w3c 
  of course and next like this I guess re and austie for really 
  going into some details here we are going to talk about today V 
  get skip is the supply chains Integrity transparency and Trust 
  effort at the ietf and this is motivation slides of course 
  incidents at my hurt that's correct a lot of things like Supply 
  chains are spending the globe some other people call it.
Nis Jespersen :   Value creation graphs whatever you.
Nis Jespersen :  It's moving data it's moving data between 
  stakeholders and that sometimes gets blocked unintentionally or 
  intentionally so there is no 40 no 28 on improving the national 
  cybersecurity there's also the National Security thermal 
  Creations an advisory committee that is advising the president's 
  office about how to counter some of these threats and I think.
Nis Jespersen :   It is a.
Nis Jespersen :  As a u.s. Centric a little bit because both of 
  these examples are from the US but it's kind of highlighting this 
  arrived at a level where people care about things and now we want 
  to fix some parts of it so next time please and that comes to 
  what is skit and I've been told maybe I shouldn't spoil 
  everything at the beginning so I will so skit is basically a set 
  of building blocks that one this is intended to increase Trust.
Nis Jespersen :   In the authenticity and the for example.
Nis Jespersen :  He of assertions about supply chain products 
  artifact statements and and that is for a long time so exceeding 
  typical lifespans of certificates and I'm talking about the old 
  ways that a certificate could last for like two years like I 
  don't know it'll be fun they are section death ID and not like 
  six weeks as we might be having approaching in the future so so 
  it's about.
Nis Jespersen :   Trusting statements for next I.
Nis Jespersen :  And these statements about in the ITF about 
  software first because when we approached the ITF and said hey 
  let's try to do something very small in this very very big 
  context people got very scared about the big context so so the 
  first thing that happens is that like scopa Town Supply chains 
  very big word you can't do all the supply chain that is prone to 
  error because all the use case it was somehow very and the devil 
  is not.
Nis Jespersen :   Details and yeah so software pretty.
Nis Jespersen :  Everybody booking besides he and the ietf and 
  the CC and so on so supply chain for software was our initial 
  chartering starting point and it includes all the things like 
  about the software component Z good old switch from the good days 
  firmware descriptions all the package repositories out there 
  container Jesus's very own VOC and we argued for chartering that 
  we would use some building blocks from the ietf that are already 
  there but are not only the eyes.
Nis Jespersen :   I have of course that's why we're here so next.
Nis Jespersen :  Yeah this is just some examples I'd say to talk 
  about things that are originating from supply chain entities the 
  first thing of course is an ITF example it's a concise reference 
  Integrity manifests basically for trustworthiness aspersions 
  created by remote at the station so this is this is this the item 
  for example this artifact would explain at tested to verify to 
  verify us that they want to check the trustworthiness of a test.
Nis Jespersen :   But there's also.
Nis Jespersen :  Very Co driven context that is the softer bit of 
  materials I think SPD X is one of the examples that others are 
  going to X of course and you could vote split if you count that 
  in to that mix and and of course there are very very useful 
  things out there that are can be used on a daily basis can be 
  used at Hawk and that's contain initiative here you're all these 
  are statements about software in the end and we want to.
Orie Steele:  Did we lose you.
Mike Prorock:  I believe we lost Hank.
Orie Steele:  He'll probably come back in a second.
Nis Jespersen :  And always correct.
Nis Jespersen :  Here you that is this is a mesh obviously you 
  know and my mesh my time I'm using my phone so maybe maybe it's 
  that I don't know so we have you lost the these artifacts we're 
  talking about those we try to increase the believability of the 
  things we State about them and these statements I mean Quorum as 
  bombs or either service configuration they are all statements 
  about more complex software setups deployments or packages next I 
Nis Jespersen :  So that of these things in these statements and 
  the could go into all the vulnerability versus packaging versus 
  built rules becoming the actual problem that's all nice and fine 
  I think that's very important content and a lot of people 
  defining that we're not doing that next slide please.
Nis Jespersen :  What we do as how to the issue to add some again 
  believability to these statements to these artifacts we are 
  talking about products they were talking about so if you're 
  talking about artifacts in software disability artifacts 
  typically in in other supply chain artifacts are already the 
  statements about the product so artifact is a kind of a 
  interesting term all over the place but let's go with that right 
  now so we add some proves.
Nis Jespersen :   To these statements and make them.
Nis Jespersen :  I'm statements for called claims and now 
  basically next slide please you can already forget everything I 
  said about what we're talking about because that's opaque opaque 
  to the skit concept we are taking in a certain transparency 
  servers a signed statement and how to sign it that's something we 
  specify in the igf put it into a service and the service has an 
  append-only lock all.
Nis Jespersen :   All these claims are than ever.
Nis Jespersen :  Again that is a tent only locks so how to use 
  that building block and a bigger system is currently actually 
  otoscope you do some reference application they're going API with 
  rest but that is not the core solution the cost solution is how 
  to uniformly signed integer statement and then you add it to an 
  append-only log how to get a receipt back and also trust that one 
  that's called transparent claim or transparent statement and our 
  world right now so that's actually true things.
Nis Jespersen :   We are going to standardize here in the ietf 
  and want to talk about here.
Nis Jespersen :  Is someone useful or relatable and next idea.
Nis Jespersen :  And that's basically what we want to have us 
  fissures need to identify themselves have to be identified after 
  the fact to some extent especially if they're participating in 
  critical supply chain applications and we need this transparency 
  service and can argue about the name but there's a note 
  interpolation function in there and it's working like a real 
  world notary it does not read the contract it just says you said 
  that at this point you can trust me I have the time.
Nis Jespersen :   I have the identity is verified I put this into 
  my append only law.
Nis Jespersen :  And you get back this receipt with a proof that 
  I just notarized this and that's basically it both of these 
  things are very very tiny because we're using again ITF 
  technology we can talk about that later but it is Seaboard so 
  that's I don't know Vic's a good and it warrants and it 
  guarantees some things or whatever and said is sure something's 
  going to use a very hot rod it assures that you have long-term 
  accountability and you can detect if some statements became Falls 
  over time.
Nis Jespersen :   I mean some things are product in good intent 
  and 20 years later you realize well.
Nis Jespersen :  Doing the job that they're doing other things 
  also and they're not very good at that and maybe even harmful so 
  we want to express that that's true with I don't know building 
  materials like Asbestos and it's true of libraries used for ages 
  somewhere and then at some point you will detect a weakness and 
  vulnerability and have X that goes for on forever because never 
  been resolved conceptual problem and you also want to have 
  accountability and auditability for who says it and why he was 
  allowed or she or the data tier sorry to to state.
Nis Jespersen :   That on the ledge and that's basically it and 
  that's where I hand over to Ari and he met Ed whatever.
Nis Jespersen :  So this points are okay I think I don't know 
  questions really work if it's in chat are Auto oil but I'm both 
Mike Prorock:  Yeah watching the Q man who I see you on the 
Manu Sporny:  Yeah thank you for all this I think it's good I've 
  been wondering how all these pieces fit together you know for a 
  while I guess the thing that I'm still a bit fuzzy on is exactly 
  what is the skit group standardizing in what parts do you feel 
  you're going to pull in from outside of the skit group like ietf 
  or w3c.
Manu Sporny:   Like for example what.
Manu Sporny:  Now is you know as you know the there's a 
  verifiable credentials working group at the w3c we you know have 
  spent a lot of time on how to express have you know Express 
  claims about a credential subject in Secure that you know 
  statement what pieces do you feel are your going to pull in from 
  external sources and what pieces are you defining in the skip 
  working group itself I know you already went.
Manu Sporny:   A over that kind of but I'm try.
Manu Sporny:  Could you call out some specifications that you're 
  pulling in and in which specifications are you are you actually 
  working out that might help.
Nis Jespersen :  Of course let's start with the biggest answer 
  first we are for this small things we are actually creating 
  specifications for people in tons of context even for the supply 
  chain use case rolls all over the place statement examples like 
  we see for example are selected to slogan as a use case for 
  example and and that is that is pulled in with a lot of text I 
  have to admit but then you're asking also what we re using.
Nis Jespersen :   So of course the civilization that is sibo.
Nis Jespersen :  Basically it'll look at the future and express 
  constraint node environments as well as large skating systems for 
  every kind of system industrial iot or cloud services from The 
  Edge are called internal basically all the scope that is why we 
  are looking at the circulation that is very likely to be future 
  proof you can't always be sure but that's what we are currently 
  going with and I think it's a good choice person.
Nis Jespersen :   Then we are pulling in based on seaboard.
<mprorock> cose_sign1
Nis Jespersen :  The concise object an encryption working group 
  output the Cozy working group which basic defining a possible of 
  course assigning an envelope that includes a protected header 
  will put you all the important metadata attributes that have to 
  be also signed provide space for unprotected header where you can 
  for example Put a receipt to render it with a like counter 
  signature with metadata transparently in the payload or maybe 
  even a detached payload and the signature.
Orie Steele:  Hank we have some slides that cover some of that I 
  think we should wish it advance and then if it doesn't answer the 
  question please ask you again.
Mike Prorock:  Yeah Circle back yep.
Orie Steele:  Stealing classic tank stealing Thunder these are my 
  slides you had your chance.
Nis Jespersen :  Okay yeah I'm so sorry I couldn't see into the 
  future but wonder if you stay with us here I think I'm stealing 
  already content from other slides maybe we could defer the 
  question a little bit Yeah okay this is good.
Orie Steele:  Awesome felt so the slides that were about to share 
  with you all are from ietf on 115 so they're a bit dense but 
  they're going to sort of recap some of the basic introduction 
  that Hank is given this particular slide is a high-level 
  architecture overview you have verifiers they want to know 
  whether an artifact is authentic that artifact could be a binary 
  could be container it could be firmware.
Orie Steele:   There could be other parts of the software Supply.
Orie Steele:  And the notary when the notary furnishes a 
  transparent claim to the verifier the verifier can you use that 
  transparent claim to gauge the authenticity of the software 
  artifacts and on the right hand side you have the issuer is 
  making statements about the artifacts and they're submitting 
  those sign statements we call claims to the notary for inclusion 
  so this is what Hank was already sort of getting ahead to.
Orie Steele:   There's lots of different.
Orie Steele:  That are relevant to software supply chain and 
  there's lots of different serialization formats that are an 
  important component of software supply chain so if you think 
  about it the issuer has lots of soft of artifact types that they 
  want to secure today so there's Json there's XML there's s Palm 
  formats like SPG X and cyclin D x-- their salsa and each of these 
  formats usually has some you know.
Orie Steele:   Concrete median.
Orie Steele:  Associated with it because these are formats that 
  software has to make use of today already and so there's usually 
  a media type that describes them so for example Helm chart has a 
  media type and a Helm chart is an important part of deploying 
  software within kubernetes so one exciting point of overlap is 
  decentralized identifier so you can see in this case the issue or 
  is identified with it decentralized identifier and you know the 
  Hope here.
Orie Steele:   Is basically what Hank was mentioning before we're 
  hoping to bridge the gap.
Orie Steele:  The world of x509 and oid see that exist today and 
  the future world where decentralized identifiers might play a 
  better role in providing identity for issuers the other sort of 
  components of what goes into a skit claim so as Hank mentioned is 
  cozy sign one but there's some parameters in the header that are 
  important the issuer parameters important so that we can identify 
  the the issuer the key that was used to sign the.
Orie Steele:   Algorithm that was used to sign these are all.
<bumblefudge_> feed ~= topic ?
Orie Steele:  Looks you've been working with verifiable 
  credentials the feed is a new header claim that we're proposing 
  and that's to identify you know basically information about the 
  artifact type itself and then the content type this is again a 
  field that's familiar to folks within the verifiable credentials 
  working group because we spent a lot of time talking about media 
  types and in fact there is support for using the same cozy sign 
Orie Steele:   Sure with verifiable credentials with a content 
  type that.
Orie Steele:  You application slash credential + LD + Jason so 
  just pointing out the use of the CT y parameter here you can see 
  in the example its application xc9 10 firmware image but it could 
  be that that confident type could be other information that's 
  relevant to solve for supply chain hopefully that's starting to 
  answer some of your questions man you about how this work might 
  fit together.
<henk> feed is basically like a broker topic, yes
<bumblefudge> toll, danke
Orie Steele:  Important component of skit which hasn't been you 
  know there are no formal work items around it but it very often 
  comes up is this question of policies and standardization so you 
  know first of all when the issuer wants to make a claim 
  transparent there's a before they even can register that claim 
  the issuer might have a policy that they're going to apply so the 
  issuer might rebuild the software artifact run some automated.
Orie Steele:   Ruling on it to decide whether it's ready to be.
Orie Steele:  About it so some of that tooling could say you know 
  all right am I ready to sign over this information let me review 
  before I sign am I ready to accept responsibility for this do I 
  feel confident in the process that was used to create this 
  artifact my sure this is the format that I'm wanting to sign 
  because I'm about to sign it and that's signing B so maybe I want 
  to change some part of the representation before I do that and 
  then you know what does the artifact what artifact does it refer.
Orie Steele:   Were too so in the case of a binary you know am I 
  being clear about.
Orie Steele:  Identifier for the binary in my claims or maybe I 
  want to use a different one or maybe I'm maybe I'm trying to 
  protect a particular Helm chart or an SPD excess bomb so the 
  issuer has to sort of make those decisions before they can create 
  their their claim but once they've managed their issuance policy 
  they are going to bring that sign claim to the their transparency 
  service or the notary and then there's a registration policy that 
  the notary or the transparency service is going to.
Orie Steele:   In force.
<stevelasker> A feed is a collection of statements around a 
  particular artifact.
Orie Steele:  Require that all issuers be two Factor 
  authentication and all from email addresses on a corporate domain 
  in order to have their this claim certain Claims can only be 
  registered with that policy for example so if you're in a 
  corporate environment you know certain transparency Services 
  might only accept artifacts that are from that Corporation from 
  issuers who are strongly authenticated bound to that Corporation 
  Etc another transparency service might operate in an open source 
  environment where they're taking artifacts from.
Orie Steele:   All different kinds of.
Orie Steele:  They're just using open ID connect so the 
  registration policy is the policy that the transparency service 
  uses to evaluate whether a given claim should be made transparent 
  and usually you know the minimum that the registration policy 
  will have is that it's going to authenticate the issue or in some 
Orie Steele:  Right and then on the other side with the verifier 
  accepting the transparence claim you know verifiers might have 
  different requirements in terms of which kinds of transparent 
  claims they'll accept and from which issuers or from which 
  notaries so it could be that you know as much as I love Hank I 
  don't trust him to make claims about software products that my 
  company produces and even if he's able to make those claims 
  transparent with a notary that's really will trust it.
Orie Steele:   It's still not.
Orie Steele:  To Walter you know myself as a verifier or folks 
  who rely on my software and so the validation policy for the 
  transparent claims is another dimension so these this policy 
  Dimensions important to think about although like the specifics 
  of how the policy languages are built and enforced are currently 
  there are no work items that are actively underway about policy 
  language is just an important component to understand.
Orie Steele:   So I'm going to.
Orie Steele:  Balls of like water what is the problem that we're 
  trying to solve here and there's two ways to think about it 
  there's the sort of malicious issuer scenario and that's you know 
  where a bad issue or tries to serve malware to Alice but not too 
  Bob so you can imagine you know maybe Bob is you know trying to 
  run a threat analysis platform analysis going to consume software 
  and if Bob catches the the malware he's going to warn everyone.
Orie Steele:   One and so when the software is.
Orie Steele:  The issuer you know they want to serve the mount 
  the the package without malware in it to Alice but they but they 
  want to serve the package with malware to Bob and you can see the 
  little bug in the malware in the bottom part of the image so this 
  bad issuer is basically they're trying to create two claims for 
  the same lib Acme x86 one of them has malware in it the other.
Orie Steele:   One doesn't.
Orie Steele:  And they said.
Orie Steele:  Them both to the notary and because the notary is 
  recording both of them a an auditor can see that there are 
  duplicate claims that have been registered so the notary in this 
  case is honest but the issuer is malicious but because the issuer 
  is required to make their claims transparent and auditor can 
  review the notary and see that there's these conflicting claims 
  for lib Acme x86.
Orie Steele:  Another angle on this is to consider bad notary so 
  imagine that bad notary tries to roll back Bob's version with a 
  receipt from Fork registry so in this scenario incompatible 
  receipts and this comes from the structure of the notary itself 
  which can be implemented in different ways as was mentioned those 
  incompatible receipts means the notary endorsed inconsistent 
  Registries and so that that is also detectable because of the the 
Orie Steele:   Sure of the.
Orie Steele:  Only Ledger and so if you find that a notary is 
  doing that kind of thing you're probably never going to trust 
  them ever again.
Orie Steele:  All right so I think at this point we are 
  essentially done I've got this slide to leave up as we take 
  questions Mike are we on time on my head of time.
Mike Prorock:  I think now is probably a good time for questions 
  especially knowing that Hank responses can sometimes be 
Orie Steele:  Really bro and Hank under the bus.
Mike Prorock:  I can't help it give I see what first I think.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Hi ya thinks this is a great presentation I 
  think my my questions and her little high level so well first one 
  is this is ietf that were talking about this would be a work item 
  for right.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  A working group okay okay.
Orie Steele:  This is a working group at ietf with with several 
  documents that are intended to be worked on by that working group 
  currently the architecture document is the only formal work item 
  ITF I believe.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Okay that's helpful so yeah the first one was 
  just sort of it was my expectation that ietf needs things scope 
  down a lot more but the working group makes sense I think the 
  main thing where I'm still sort of struggling is maybe it's just 
  a terminology thing but around the notary transparency service 
  like depending on what role that might like what form that might 
  take it just really stands out as an unnecessary like it sounds.
Geun-Hyung Kim:   Like it's easy to just sort of not.
Manu Sporny: +1 To Kim... feels like unnecessary centralization? 
  Have same question as Kim -- what purpose does that role play in 
  the ecosystem?
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Too much action to that role or too much of it 
  like investment in a single kind of centralization point because 
  that looks very clearly like something that can be openly audited 
  Noah guess the governance of all of this and sort of like there's 
  probably use case specific things that I could see some form of 
  curation going into it but I'm just curious to poke into to get 
  more information on that because that just really.
Geun-Hyung Kim:   Lee maybe it's a term service maybe I don't 
  know just more.
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Part of it.
<manu_sporny> Feels like a "Trust Registry"
<bumblefudge> is there a package manager usecase to map the roles 
  to, maybe?
<manu_sporny> ooooh, much more clear now via "Mapping ietf terms 
  to W3C ones"
<mprorock> Regs mandate a central point in many cases 
Orie Steele:  Sure so one thing I'm not sure if I go ahead this 
  slide here just I prepared this in case we needed to have a 
  terminology discussion the transparency service in quotes is sort 
  of like the the concept of verifiable data registry in 
  decentralised identifiers and verifiable credentials so the log 
  part of it is like the verifiable data registry.
Orie Steele:   But the notary sort of actions.
Orie Steele:  Of it is a little bit different it's like an 
  independent role sort of like an issue or in a verifier combined.
<bumblefudge> exploding-head-emoji
Geun-Hyung Kim:  Okay that's that's helpful and all of that said 
  I think I'm really even though supply chain software Supply 
  chains one of the first focuses I do think that this pattern will 
  be really interesting beyond that so interest like it's great 
  that you're focusing on specific use cases just to get somewhere 
  but I'm also eager to follow along to see how it can inform other 
  efforts so.
<stevelasker> The notary's purpose is to verify the credentials 
  and assure the registration policy is met. For instance, what 
  types of IDs are acceptable.
Mike Prorock:  Yeah can that was really helpful and I think two 
  notes one because the centralization thing I think is something 
  that tugged a bunch of us right up front but unfortunately there 
  are certain regulations in certain countries that mandate like 
  there must be a single you know repo for XYZ right for certain 
  types of use cases so we have to be able to meet that plus more 
  flexible use cases right as you can imagine the and then 
  regarding the other use cases and applicability.
Mike Prorock:   Leti and Steve.
Mike Prorock:  Be a good one to reach out to who's on this call 
  but there is a skit community formed to look at how do we handle 
  things like reference implementations or exploring other use 
  cases with this pattern as it evolved so if you're interested in 
  that side that's definitely something worth taking a look at I 
  believe Dimitri is up next.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I was going to ask about which pieces on this 
  architecture diagram are likely to be standardized by the working 
  group and or image inserted partially in that only the 
  architecture itself apparently I was curious specifically about 
  the notary transparency service we've run into need for that use 
  case in VC edu context the notion of and it's a that transparency 
  service that audit log if you will is a roll.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   So that I think we're not talking about 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  LBC working group are old all that is to task 
  is the format and the API of the notary transparency service 
  likely to be standardized by this.
<mprorock> physical/cyber-physical supply chain needs as well for 
  a clear append only notary (at least the interface)
Orie Steele:  So the the first I'll do the easy ones the the 
  format of the claims are definitely to be standardized by this 
  get working group at ietf the format of the receipt is definitely 
  to be standardized at ietf although there's a separate document 
  that tracks the structure of receipts today there's some rest 
  sort of API interoperability components around interacting with a 
  transparency service that I think are going to be standardized 
Orie Steele:   That might answer.
<manu_sporny> What, IETF isn't going to start standardizing 
  blockchains!? :P
Orie Steele:  The question that you're asking the specifics of 
  like the internal mechanism for building an append-only log I 
  think that is probably a there's a probably a boundary somewhere 
  around that where you know ITF isn't going to get into the 
  specific you know disk layout you know format that you've used 
  for your service but generally speaking there's like a pendulum 
  Lee log or Merkel database.
Orie Steele:   Sure that's a.
<mprorock> /me lol @manu
<kerri_lemoie> @orie - do you know timelines of the IETF 
  standardization work?
Orie Steele:  Component of getting the receipt object so there is 
  work that's planned with in ietf to standardize some components 
  of that sort of similar to the certificate transparency work but 
  a little bit more generic but that's intended you know stuff that 
  hasn't fully landed yet.
Nis Jespersen :  This is Hank may I add something to this while 
  again to Cozy types of cozy envelopes the core of all the 
  specifications here and yes the the way how you create a 
  inclusion proof sometimes maybe part of that receipt on they have 
  a lot of attendees that are actually pretty new to the ietf of 
  the w3c all together they're actually coming from supplied.
Nis Jespersen :   Chain stakeholders I want to say.
Nis Jespersen :  And when they arrived at the new place they come 
  with a question and then you need to reply to the question in 
  sometimes in the form of a protocol so that's why we actually 
  doing the rest API because without at least a reference guidance 
  that is this rest I pi and the ietf is not prone to do a lot of 
  them but without it you wouldn't be able to answer simple 
  questions like can could you please give me all vulnerabilities 
  that are known to this thing.
Nis Jespersen :   NG Forex on software which is.
Nis Jespersen :  I think people want to be have an answer to but 
  but if you would just build a building blocks they will drag you 
  out you've thrown into them and they won't work by themselves so 
  there has to be a small compromise here through to provide some 
  reference API some some not a reference system because the ITF 
  does not build systems its building blocks and and then go from 
  there and that is I think why we are also here to to to to make.
Nis Jespersen :   More use of these building blocks and and find 
  out how.
Nis Jespersen :  Match them with existing work and again or if I 
  can probably more my experts on this topic that this inter 
  connected use but I think that's that's what this is about we 
  can't solve this alone the people that were the supply chain 
  stakeholders said that the people that were those and this use 
  some of this case the software creators all of them are like yeah 
  and the probably not we should give it to keep it and that's why 
  we are here.
Mike Prorock:  I saw a quick question from carry which was just 
  on timelines that ietf and then I'll call on Bumble fudge.
Mike Prorock:  So standardization timelines that ietf Hank if 
  you've got a quick comment.
<kerri_lemoie> Thanks :)
<bumblefudge> famous last words?
Nis Jespersen :  So I don't want to nitpick at the ietf but I 
  think the standard latency of hitting a milestone in the ayat if 
  across all Collective Milestones is 1.5 years late we are better 
  than that moment so at the moment we are hitting our marks pretty 
  very was only 2 months latency and actual timeline is that we 
  have a consistent.
Nis Jespersen :   Terminology at the.
Nis Jespersen :  Year terminology means that we label them in a 
  way that everybody can compromise and grudgingly my probably 
  around but the definitions are actually pretty much in order and 
  that is the important part so the labels of the definitions of 
  the things people are worrying about at the moment then again the 
  we have to kind of create some generic - to this we are coming 
  this from the skit point of view to the eye.
Nis Jespersen :   ATF and we have just one requirement on this 
  receipts for.
Nis Jespersen :  But we realize whether plenty ways to do this 
  trees of hashes in all Merkle trees parse trees level trees 
  unbalanced ones and there might be a generic part of this has to 
  go to Cozy anyways so their deadline that's very the Milestones 
  will also be some some cozy Milestones because we would add 
  essential cozy elements I think in the future but our current 
  road map that tells us that in the with the start of.
Nis Jespersen :   24 All relevant.
Nis Jespersen :  Stones are set that's an ambitious goal and we 
  can't pick our about two things too long we tend to bicker about 
  naming things but the size we also defining the structure of 
  things so I think we are paralyzing the bickering with the 
  construction of a contribution a little bits and that is the 
  Mantra of the ITF I think not to serialize better paralyzed.
Mike Prorock:  I think that was very helpful and I think about as 
  clear as we can get and ietf context and I think one note that is 
  probably a little bit different than we see in w3c sometimes that 
  we do see this in some working groups at w3c is there's very much 
  a home for certain places so like if it's a very cozy specific 
  thing maybe skit related work but it's going to take place in the 
  coast a working group as opposed to it.
Mike Prorock:   Kitt so Mr bumble.
Juan Caballero:  Okay I was actually.
Mike Prorock:  A up on the cue probably the last word.
Juan Caballero:  Actually that was a it was a it was good that 
  carry got it before me because I was going to ask something 
  related with the which was are their language wide package 
  managers that have expressed interest and like at what level of 
  sophistication for you know of like you mentioned like V1 of all 
  the building blocks built as a tight as a milestone like would it 
  be premature for people to be thinking.
Juan Caballero:   At package.
Juan Caballero:  Gale before then or are you already trying to 
  get input from those types communities that run package managers.
Nis Jespersen :  So nobody's jumping that one I think now is the 
  time to put in requirements if you are interested in having your 
  favorite or your own or your stakeholder Pax Romana system 
  addressed I think that's a that's a statement type so effectively 
  whatever the requirements About Management your statement is 
  would go into the requirements of an API will go in through the 
  requirements of the messages we actually want to Define here so 
  it might be.
Nis Jespersen :   Trickle down there.
<dmitri_zagidulin> to ask a different way, are there package 
  managers in the working group?
<bumblefudge> ^^ :D
Nis Jespersen :  With some layers coming from a explicit 
  application but there's no better than real data right so I 
  assume we hope to have audience including stakeholders from that 
  domain and best case scenario some heart requirements that are 
  bashing the current Concepts like no this won't work because and 
  then go from them.
<greg_bernstein> NPM, PyPi?
Mike Prorock:  Yeah and into that note also call out that there 
  are some pretty large players that deal with distribution of 
  software very heavily engaged in this and showing up to meetings 
  and discussing what they're doing and how it overlaps so you know 
  I think you're going to be seeing whether you may are directly 
  impacted this or otherwise right it's going to be out there as a 
  thing it just might be a little bit behind the scenes unless we 
  look at things like.
Mike Prorock:   You know education or physical Supply.
<bumblefudge> get the crates.io people in there hehe
Mike Prorock:  It might be a little more visible pipe I'm not 
  100% sure on Greg seeing your comment on there we are doing stuff 
  directly with machine learning and web crawling input for machine 
  learning stuff so there's interesting stuff going on there so.
<kerri_lemoie> Thanks for the presentation!!
<bumblefudge> amazing presentation!
Mike Prorock:  Cool well with that I just really want to thank 
  Steve and Hank and or in for their time today obviously we could 
  have a lot of fun conversations certainly those folks in the 
  working group probably recognized.
Mike Prorock:  Commentary around things like cty.
Geun-Hyung Kim: :Clap:
<orie> Thanks for the opportunity to present
<stevelasker> Happy to continue the conversation through the IETF 
  SCITT discussions and/or the SCITT Community: 
Mike Prorock:  Meeting because this is important to a lot of us 
  so and helps if expand use of verifiable credentials into other 
  serialization formats uses over time so with that Harrison would 
  probably kill recording once again thanks all really appreciate 
  the great questions today in the great presentation from the.
<stevelasker> Thanks everyone.

Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2023 18:27:03 UTC