[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2023-02-21

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2023-02-21

  1. Introductions/Reintroductions
  2. DID-Linked Resources
  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords
  Sandy Aggarwal, Harrison Tang, Stuart Freeman, Gregory Natran, 
  Jennie Meier, Greg Bernstein, Bryan Luisana, Paul Dietrich GS1, 
  Nis Jespersen , Kimberly Linson, Leo, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau 
  (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Alex Tweeddale, BrentZ, Kaliya Young, 
  Jeff O - HumanOS, Ankur Banerjee, Chandi Cumaranatunge, Manu 
  Sporny, Nate Otto, Geun-Hyung, Dmitri Zagidulin, Erica Connell, 
  Will, Steve Magennis, Joe Andrieu, Keith Kowal, Juan Caballero, 
  David I. Lehn, Markus Sabadello, Simone Ravaoli, Andrew 
  Whitehead, Ryan Grant, Taylor (LEF), Tayken (LEF), Julien 

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Kimberly Linson:  Recording is on.
Kimberly Linson:  Awesome great well we've been looking forward 
  to this topic for a while and we have Alex and anchor here today 
  to talk to us about did link to resources specification and the I 
  think the work item that they have in mind around that I did a 
  little bit of reading but I'm going to let them give you the 
  whole scoop just a couple of housekeeping items before I turn it 
  over Alex.
Kimberly Linson:   To you all.
Kimberly Linson:  Quick because I think we're going to have a 
  really good discussion today so first of all I just want to 
  remind everyone as we do every week and that this meeting really 
  adheres to the code of ethics and professional conduct and the 
  w3c has put out and a link to that is found in the agenda and 
  just remind reminder that everyone has the best intentions at the 
  core also we are glad to have anyone who is here.
Kimberly Linson:   Here to participate.
Kimberly Linson:  His calls however anything that is a 
  substantial contribution needs to be made by someone who is a 
  full member of the ccg which is very easy to do the links to that 
  are also in the agenda and it just requires filling out an 
  agreement there is no cost to be a member of the ccg also we do 
  keep a record of these meetings both minutes and recording the 
  jitsi chat will be.
Kimberly Linson:   Used to manage the.

Topic: Introductions/Reintroductions

Kimberly Linson:  Chin and dialogue as we continue so if you have 
  something you'd like to say please add yourself to the queue 
  using Hue plus and and with that that takes care of the little 
  formula and I wanted to do introductions and reintroductions do 
  we have anybody today who is joining us for the first time or or 
  rejoining us and would like to give us an update on what they've 
  been up to now is your opportunity.
Kimberly Linson:   ER tunity.
Kimberly Linson:  Okay how about announcements and reminders 
  there we go Manny let me have you go ahead.
<manu_sporny> Outcome of 2023 Miami Verifiable Credentials WG 
Manu Sporny:  Sure hey everyone as many of you know we had a a 
  verifiable credentials working group face-to-face meeting last 
  week in Miami and it was good we got some stuff done I'd 
  summarized tried to summarize do a fair summarization of the 
  outcome of the meeting last week and I wrote that up in an email 
  so I won't.
Manu Sporny:   I won't dwell too much.
Manu Sporny:  On that here but just be aware that you know there 
  were some decisions made last week that will hopefully help you 
  know verifiable credentials become even broader and things of 
  that nature I think the the biggest decision that was probably 
  made was that you know the core data model will you know continue 
  to be json-ld and context will continue to be mandatory but the 
Manu Sporny:  Chair for other data formats that as long as they 
  can map to the core data model can be considered a part of the 
  verifiable credentials ecosystem so this is very much you know a 
  part of this kind of big tent approach that was under discussion 
  and it looks like that's the direction that the working group is 
  going to go the other thing is I got the holder binding thing 
  totally wrong so thank you to all of our for correcting me in 
  adding a lot of detail.
Manu Sporny:   To that discussion.
Manu Sporny:  Other things that happened was the Json web 
  signature to jws 2020 specification was abandoned in favor of 
  using VC-JWT and then data set canonicalization and the DDS a 
  Cryptid sweet continues in there's also work around simplifying 
  how we refer.
Manu Sporny:   How we talk about other.
Manu Sporny:  Patients in the ecosystem so there's this desire to 
  basically without judgment just list all the specifications that 
  people are working on the stuff that you know anchor you know 
  it's talking about today potentially being just you know 
  something that we point to and just going on from there without 
  as much value judgment as we were putting in for example in like 
  the did specifications registry so again we're trying to open up 
  the aperture.
Manu Sporny:   ER two.
Manu Sporny:  Let's get work in the area and make less value 
  judgments around things that's it for that update.
Kimberly Linson:  Thanks man who I feel like that sounds like it 
  was a really productive time and I also wanted to thank you for 
  putting that that summary out into the to the group that was 
  really helpful so Kelly I think you're up next.
Kaliya Young:  Yeah I'll start out with working group updates 
  myself Dimitri and Derek who co-chair the secure data Store 
  working group are all stepping down as co-chairs partly because 
  the encrypted Data Vault work has stabilized and is people aren't 
  meeting because folks are so busy implementing which is great and 
  the decentralized webnode work it seems like it's continuing so 
  if folks are interested in.
Kaliya Young:   In co-chairing that.
Kaliya Young:  Group there are positions open I think will work 
  with deaf staff to run an election in that group although it's 
  jointly chartered with ccg so that's that update.
Kaliya Young:  There is next week I'm along with Heidi who I run 
  iiw with we're going to Thailand to run the 8-pack digital 
  identity I'm conference and it's not too late to register if you 
  want to join or you have staff in the region who wants to join us 
  in Bangkok and then two weeks after that is the thoughtful 
  Biometrics Workshop which is one day March 16th I've already Kim 
  Hamilton Duffy has registered which is great to see.
Kaliya Young:   And we have folks coming from the.
Kaliya Young:  Biometric identity management.
Kaliya Young:  Ciao say 200 million entry biometric database for 
  the United States government so they're coming it's gonna be an 
  interesting day along with like several Civil Society groups 
  who've written reports in the area and finally I had W is April.
Kaliya Young:  18 To 20th and if you want to come and you have 
  difficulty with our pricing please don't hesitate to reach out 
  we're committed to accessibility and even have some I think we 
  still have a scholarship or to open for.
Kaliya Young:  Who need them to get resources to travel.
Kaliya Young:  Anyways thank you.
Kaliya Young: https://www.apacdigitalid.org/
Kimberly Linson:  Things clear I will look forward to your update 
  on the thoughtful Biometrics conference will have to have you 
  definitely give us a rundown of that sounds very interesting Joe 
  I think you're next.
Kaliya Young: https://www.thoughtfulbiometrics.org/
Kaliya Young: https://www.thoughtfulbiometrics.org/
Kaliya Young: https://internetidentityworkshop.com/
Joe Andrieu:  Yeah thanks I just wanted to add some Nuance to the 
  big tent conversation man who mentioned there's definitely 
  interest in extending what VCS are two larger conversations 
  however all that we spoke about at the VC w g was what that 
  working group is going to be working on in terms of its it's 
  based media types and how we might structure being able to 
  interoperate or transform between a base type and.
Joe Andrieu:   Types it may be securing that and.
Joe Andrieu:  In that other groups can Define ways that you 
  secure VCS and that sort of gets us towards a bigger tent but we 
  did not specifically say hey whatever toy for diff or or the ietf 
  comes up with that we are calling those verifiable credentials so 
  there's a Nuance there that you know will come out in the wash I 
  think but I wanted to add that to the conversation.
<manu_sporny> Yes, excellent point, Joe.
Kimberly Linson:  Okay thanks anybody else have an announcement 
  reminder introduction if you if you joined us later.
Juan Caballero: +1
Kimberly Linson:  I think I do have Bumble fudge.
<bumblefudge> yeah sorry, badly timed :D
Kimberly Linson:  Do you have a oh you're just plus you're just 
  passed whining you're not you're not putting yourself on the key 
  got it okay so in that case I'm going to go ahead and turn it 
  over to Alex and anchor and Ross and let you let you get started.

Topic: DID-Linked Resources

Alex_Tweeddale: Yep I'm here Anchor Great yeah if you have any 
  questions at any point just you can just pass to me I'll also 
  keep an eye on the chat to see if anything comes through and then 
  I'll just bring it up if it does.
<manu_sporny> Shout out to Blacksburg, VA!!! (in the example) :P
<dmitri_zagidulin> wooooot! shout-out to the Render paper! 
Manu Sporny: +1 ^^^
<bumblefudge> 💪
Alex_Tweeddale: My name is said that you've been added to the 
  queue and the CG thought but I mean that you've got your hands 
Manu Sporny:  Yes yes it does I just wanted to say this is a 
  fantastic presentation anchored like really great job especially 
  love that I mean you're making the case for you know why why 
  append-only Ledger's are like a really good like solution to this 
  problem without saying blockchain blockchain blockchain of every 
  single slide like I really like that I think that helps a ton so.
Manu Sporny:   Great presentation I wanted to point.
<harrison_tang> second on the "great presentation" part.  it 
  looks really pretty, too
Manu Sporny: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1035
Manu Sporny:  Saying that you had mentioned which is like that 
  rendering thing like it would be really nice to render you know 
  link to assets that are effectively content addressed on Ledger 
  or somewhere so that it renders in the way the issuer initially 
  intended it to render we do have a new feature that we're 
  considering in the verifiable credentials working group right now 
  so I'll put the link in here it's pull 10:35 on a render property 
  in a verifiable.
Manu Sporny:   Anshel in one of the things that I imagine that 
Manu Sporny:  He could point to.
Manu Sporny:  Is a dead linked resource right so I just wanted 
  you to be aware that that decision is like imminent and if you're 
  interested in supporting that that would be a good thing same 
  thing for anyone else here like if you're interested in seeing 
  that go in or happen in some way please chime in on that thread 
  that's it.
Alex_Tweeddale: I think Marcus has his hand up.
Markus Sabadello:  I just want to say I also really like this on 
  the web and when it comes to your eyes for a long time there's 
  been this concept of persistent your eyes right or persistent 
  URLs purls and historically I think they've always been realized 
  through convention right so people are simply saying here is a 
  persistent URL a persistent way to link to a resource and it's 
  just the domain name that by convention.
Markus Sabadello:   Ian is considered to be persistent and if 
<bumblefudge> My favorite kind of behavior-- undefined behavior!
<harrison_tang> ;(
<manu_sporny> it's the spice of life, bumblefudge! :P
Markus Sabadello:  It's like that with deeds and you inherit all 
  the properties of Deeds for for this idea of of any kind of 
  resource to make them persistent and decentralized and all of 
  that not by convention but because of the technology that that's 
  really powerful and yeah great presentation and look forward to 
  the next part.
Alex_Tweeddale: Yeah I second that Marcus and Carly who Tema did 
  a really good presentation in trust over IP called pids with did 
  switch was looking at like research identifiers which are 
  traditionally identified using my persistent identifiers and we 
  both looked at how that could be augmented with using a did 
  length resource or a piston did URL so I 100% would love to sort 
  of explore that use case a bit further but yeah I'll pass it back 
  over to anchors to sort of kick off the second half here.
Alex_Tweeddale: Just going to pause that cuz I'm a man who has 
  his hand up so.
Manu Sporny:  Just a few comments in passing would you mind going 
  back to the previous slide so I think this is I think this is 
  great like the you know all the fields there you know have a 
  purpose the data modeling is a bit off like I think there are a 
  couple of things that you could change here that would bring it 
  much more aligned in line with kind of the way things are modeled 
  in boats did documents and verifiable credentials so things like 
  resource you are I should probably just be ID.
Manu Sporny:   But that's really it I mean you know everything 
Manu Sporny:  Probably you know be changed resource type is 
  really just type it seems like that's probably what it should be 
  so they're tiny little adjustments here that I think could be 
  made to bring it more in line with you know the way things are 
  modeled in did documents and verifiable credentials but largely 
  Yep looks looks good.
<bumblefudge> id array?
Alex_Tweeddale: I think just to pause that and I may be wrong 
  here anchor but if you called it just type then if you were doing 
  some sort of query syntax that could get confused with maybe 
  something like service type which is also called type so if you 
  are querying a did documents in just wanted to find just wanted 
  to clear by resource type and I think having a unique delineation 
  between resource type and other different types within the date 
  document could be a useful thing to have but I might be wrong.
Alex_Tweeddale:  I'm there.
<alex_tweeddale> Ah sorry Dmitri, I'll pause for you in a sec
Alex_Tweeddale: Yeah Dimitri had his hands up a bit earlier so I 
  think we'll pass over to Dimitri.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Thanks I do questions I one is I'm wondering 
  if if the resource ID is meant for the researcher is meant to be 
  an alternative location I wonder if it makes sense to reuse the 
  also known as term from the did spec right okay.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Okay cool alright on.
Alex_Tweeddale: We actually have done that so I think anchor 
  maeby was referring to a way we did it previously but then we had 
  we did update it to also known as because we definitely looked at 
  that same energy.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Okay got it really okay and then the other 
  question is so the main question I have had when I when I heard 
  about did linked resource is how is it different from defining a 
  service endpoint to type three Source right like could this not 
  be implemented as a service I'm service endpoint or is this a 
  more like.
Dmitri Zagidulin:   Simplification and.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yeah so the question is husband.
Alex_Tweeddale: May I see your hand if I just want to add one 
  more point that quickly I think in the service section as well 
  you're quite limited and what the fields are so you've obviously 
  got the ID and the type but what we do in the resource metadata 
  is we derive uniqueness from resource name and resource type so 
  if you were trying to lay this out in the service section you 
  might run into challenges with previous and next versions of the 
  same resource because you wouldn't be able to necessarily 
Alex_Tweeddale:  add to research to resources in the service 
  section with the.
Alex_Tweeddale: In the same type because you might face a 
  collision where the fragment in the in the ID was the same you 
  wouldn't be you wouldn't allow that to happen so you would only 
  be able to point to one specific version of a particular resource 
  in time which is where I think this is a bit stronger in terms of 
  being able to semantically point to the next and previous 
  versions man you are I'll go to you next.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah this is all fascinating stuff I think the just 
  wanted to make a couple of General points so my understanding 
  based on you know Dmitri's question your answers that you're 
  looking for a generalized form of like this this pattern can be 
  applied to all did methods and if you put them in I'm not going 
  to no value judgment on whether it goes in the link resource 
  section or service section but fundamentally you're trying to 
  propose a way that could like all did methods could.
Manu Sporny:   Use this they could choose to use do something 
  else but you know you've got some qualities here.
Manu Sporny:  That that you know are.
Manu Sporny:  Special the the points that I'm I'd like to make 
  though just going back to the previous statement Alex you were 
  like you know I don't know if I'm right about this or not I think 
  that you're going to get some pushback on the the some that the 
  way you're doing some of the data modeling but I don't think it's 
  going to lead to like a fundamental change in the way this works 
  right so I think I think in the what you're saying about there.
Manu Sporny:   Being collisions and stuff that's right.
Manu Sporny:  Like Flags in my head of like that doesn't sound 
  quite right I don't think that there could be a collision there 
  but clearly I mean you guys thought you know more through this 
  than you know most of the folks on the call so I think it's going 
  to be really interesting to see kind of how that that 
  conversation comes out but by and large this feels like a very 
  useful you know body of work let's see.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah it let me suggest that there's no one right 
  way to do this I think that's what that you that's where the 
  conversation will go I don't necessarily you know disagree with 
  the feedback that you got but I think it's missing some important 
  Nuance which is why you know the way that you've constructed it 
  right now is a fine way to do it but you can also construct it as 
  a service endpoint you can do it both ways and that's why I 
  expect where you know working group discussion is going to you.
Manu Sporny:  Bit of time is Which Way makes more sense let's.
Manu Sporny: +1 To having a common way to fetch a linked resource 
  across multiple DID Methods.
Markus Sabadello:  Yes yes we we have spoken about this I think 
  this is really useful I'm very excited about it we discussed a 
  little bit what the best way would be to fit this into the 
  resolution specification right the resolution obviously has a 
  Hooks and extension points where new query parameters a new video 
  real patterns can be can be plugged in.
Markus Sabadello:   One question that we discussed a little bit.
Markus Sabadello:  Was whether or not the actual functionality 
  the actual meaning and the de-referencing logic of these 
  parameters would be described in the resolution itself or if that 
  would be described in a separate specification but then as an 
  extension to the referencing algorithm that's more than would 
  then be more generic indeed resolution right like is this actual 
  part of the digital solution specification or if there is this 
  some separate.
Markus Sabadello:   In which extends the debt resolution or.
Markus Sabadello:  We'll be referencing algorithm I feel like 
  this is this could potentially be a very fundamental and very 
  core piece of functionality could be indeed resolution itself but 
  that's something then for a future working group probably to 
Alex_Tweeddale: When we were proposing this work item there was 
  also some like discussion around other implementations of our 
  habits was working I see Joe Andrew you on the call I was 
  wondering if you see or any like a lot of synergies between this 
  approach in your approach and maybe how you thought about this 
  going forward as well in conjunction with what you've already 
Alex_Tweeddale: I see you come off mute Joe but I can't hear you.
Joe Andrieu:  I was doubly muted with my headset yeah I think 
  it's a it's a good attempt at solving a similar problem as what 
  we did with the did Cosmos work.
Joe Andrieu:  I'm sorry are you not able to hear me hello.
Manu Sporny:  We can hear you now.
Alex_Tweeddale: Sorry it just cuts out.
Joe Andrieu:  Okay so I think there are a lot of similarities the 
  one thing that caught me as you were walking through it today.
Manu Sporny:  Cut out again.
Kimberly Linson:  Yeah right at that like at the moment where I 
  was like hanging onto here.
Joe Andrieu:  I think I'll just try and back up a little bit I 
  think the best practice with regard to sort of schemas and 
  versioning is going to be to make them and treat them as 
  immutable which is what the calm system.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  So much to say.
Joe Andrieu:  This application is it still breaking up.
Alex_Tweeddale: Yeah it is.
Joe Andrieu:  Yeah it's weird and then if any of you know just a 
  short idea is there's some things we learned from calm from 
  having immutable identifiers that uniquely defined the particular 
  interface for all time rather than having named named schemes 
  that do change or schemas at do so.
Manu Sporny: +1 To look at immutability as a mechanism to deal w/ 
<manu_sporny> having a "never changing" unique ID might create 
  problems if its mutable, is what I think Joe is saying (and I 
  agree with him at a high level).
Joe Andrieu: +1 Manu. mutability is not our friend.
<manu_sporny> Though, I'm concerned that I'm missing nuances that 
  the cheqd team hit in their design.
Manu Sporny: +1 For this being a very worthwhile discussion, and 
  a work item, and the conversation/design integrated into the DID 
  Resolution work.
Alex_Tweeddale: What's that just kind of closing thoughts as were 
  at the our I just wanted to say Manu others if you want to sort 
  of play around with did link to resources and test our theories 
  in practice it's like a Sandbox environment this is all available 
  currently use on checks may not and test now so if you want to 
  get set up and play around with it and test some hypotheses happy 
  to help there as well.
<manu_sporny> Awesome, thanks AlexT -- I'm time starved right 
  now, but very interested in the work.
<harrison_tang> Thank you, Ankur and Alex!  Love the 
<markus_sabadello> Great presentation!
Kimberly Linson:  Thank you so much anchor this was really 
  helpful and I really appreciated the presentation and the way you 
  approached it and was very accessible for me so thank you and and 
  I know so so we've left this is a proposed work item it sounds 
  like from the the chat I'm seeing a lot of support and this 
  conversation has been really good so let me circle with Harrison 
  and Mike and then we'll sort of understand.
Kimberly Linson:   What the next steps are.
Kimberly Linson:  To the next place and get get this work started 
  here in the ccg so thank you all I'm sorry we're a little bit 
  over time so I'm going to wrap us up and look forward to seeing 
  you all next week thank you.
Harrison_Tang: And some car thank you.

Received on Tuesday, 21 February 2023 19:06:44 UTC