I am talking about the certificate of the VC subject. This certificate
is used for signing the VP. VCs are signed by the issuer. Of course if
the issuer changes certificate (and the old certificate is revoked) all
issued VCs are invalidated.
There is not need verification material resolution. All verification
material is included in the x5c jwt header of the VP. Of course the
verifier has to be configured with trusted root certificates.
Στις 2023-08-31 13:02, Niels Klomp έγραψε:
> Interesting.
> Unless I miss something here, but how does that solve the rotation? Using a new cert means it invalidates the previously issued VC signature right? Or are you using something to get the previous certificate together with (qualified) timestamps?
> Also how does the resolution from subject ID to verification material work? Is that bespoke?
> Thanks
> Kind regards,
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Niels Klomp